HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/02/1969 Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council~August 5, 1969,'-continued: Charles E. Taylor Mrs. lone Forrester ~f~ RAOVC. . ..- - ~'"' '-' REGUI:AR. MEETING OF JfHIC{)UHCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF. CLARKB Tuesday, September 2, 1969, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, {)rono. Presentt Reeve Roy~. Foster Deputy Ree"Ye H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gra.y Councillor J. W. Stone - 1:30-7 p.m. Clerk H. DeWith The minutes of the regular meeting of Council dated ~st 5, 1969 were adopted a8 printed on motion .N,Frank Gray seconded by H..Z; Walkey. Carried. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded QY W.R. Carveth that delegations be hearcl. Carried. .Mr. Vaughn R: Steeves met .with Council to discuss rezoning of property in Lot 25, Conee..ion 4 to allow a Mobile Park. This'matter was dealt with under Correspondence Item 1. , <"""'~>;;,,',p,'~'~ e ~ e '~, Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council September 2, 1969, continued: The following'correspondenee and reports were read out by Reeve Poster: . 3:. )4r. Vaughn R. Steevesre .&I?P],ication foz:ru!o?niDgproptJrty on"part Lot 25, Concession 4.-Referred to Plan~;ag Board. ' 2. Oshawa Area Planning and Development ~tudy Information Bulletin No. 4 dated March 1969 and bulletin No. 5 dated July'1969.-Pl1ed. ' .3. Minutes of the Eleventh Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Oshawa Area Pl~1ng and Development' StudY.-filed. 4. Clarke Public Li'brary Board request for balance ~f 1969 requisition.-Referred to Treasurer. 5. Copy letter from E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., to Mrs. Alice Chater,Seoretary, The CeJIletery Board...of " Clarke TOWDship"re Newtonville Presbyterian CeJIletery Proposed Take Over.-Tabled. 6. Northuaberland and Durham County Board of Education .re meeting to discuss equitable plans for r~quis~:tiOn1ng "Board "levies for the iear :l970.-Piled. . , 7 . Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re'1uest for 1969 levy requisitiori.-Piled. $. Northumberland 'and Durham County Board of Education re requisition - Education ~vy.-Referred to the Clerk to pay 1100,000.00 on account. 9. Central.l.ake Ontario Conservation Authority Minutes dated August 5, 1969.-Pl1ed. ' v Id.Ross and Cohen re Wayne Jones and Mrs. Patricia Jones; Lot .32, Concession III, Twp. of Clarke.-Tabled. 11.Ontario Water Resources Commission re claims for compensation - Messrs. Rankin and Dempsey as business : broug;ht. forward from 5 A~st; 1969.-Pii~d. , 12.Robert L. Byron, A.M.C.T., Corporation of the,To'wn of Bo~ville re Animal Control Service aa business b~ught forward from 5 AUgust 19C9.-Filed. l.3.Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Lot Inspection.-tiled. 14~Department of Agriculture and Pood, Bxtension Branch, re Tile Drainage Day.-Piled. Council recessed for lunch at 12:20 and resumed session at 1:.30 p..m. , . Mr. Bernard J. Kamin and a representat;ive fromc:antrack Motor Racing Corporation Limited met with Council to discuss the folloWing items: Roads, Sunday By-Law, Liquor Permit. I-fr. G. Clover representing Gordon Young Limited, met with Council to discuss their MDrop-offM operation in Lot _ 15, Concession 2. This matter_was concluded under eorrespondence , Itelll 15. 15.Copy: ietter:f':.rom H. R. Best, Zoning Administrator, to GordqnYounc Limited re -Drop-offN operation in an abandoned gravel pit in Lot 15, Con. Z, Township of , Clarke .and By-Law No. 159Z and llJI1endments thereto.-Piled. 16.l)epart~nt of Highways of Ontario re S~ppltimenta.ry'Road . hpen4it\U'eBy-law No. l6Z5,Amount -l1Z~200.-Fi1ed. 17.Railw!lY Transport COIlllllUtee re Pile 42.307 re.'lownshipR.oad level crossing mile 152.90 Belleville Subd., :CP. and mile 2$l.qo Kingston Subd., CH; Clarke Townsl:l:ip, Ont.~R.ef.rred. to tq.e C1er~ to answer. , . l$.Mr\ R. J. Welsh, Welfare Administrator re lIursing Home' ~ge.backs.-Piled. 19.folice Trustee Board of the Village of Orono request for a meeting and Resolution No. 69-56.-Filed. ZOo The l'eterborough-Victoria-liorthumberland. ancLlIurham COunty R.oman Cat~olic Separate SeAool Boardre9u..tror payment' of part or 1969 levy.-Referred to Clerk to ~er. 21.Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re Orono Public SchOOl Addition Project No. 6710.-Piled. 2Z.Copy of our letter to Durham Central Agricultural Society re purchase of property.-Piled. Z.3.Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd.. reproposed. Subdivision Agreement, Sunnydene E~tates, Township of Clarke, File: PN .35.31.-Clerk to arrange meeting. 24.R.eport to Council from Building Inspector for August.-Pi~ed. '~ , Page .3 Regular Meeting or Council September 2~ 1969~ continued: The following resolutions were passed: RAaolution >>0. 12Q:Moved by W.R.Carveth~seconded by F.A;Gra1: , This Council hereby receive the applications ror Tile Drain Loan of William Harold Gibson~ who is assessed as owner and being bhe actual owner or 50 acres in part 'Lot No. .31 in the Second Concession, 50 acres in part Lot No's 34 and 35 in the Second Concession, 80 acres in part Lot No. .34 in the Third Concession in the Township or Clarke, and authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to apply to the Treasurer of OntaI'io ror the A approval ror purchase of debentures on these applications for ,.., loan. Upon receipt 'or 'approval or the Treasurer of Ontario; the Clerk-Treasurer is hereby'authorized'to notiry the'said . applicant to proceed with the work and upon completion or' the said work the Tile Drain Inspector ~shall make report on the prescribed form. Carried. hAOh'1;io.. NlL l"lO:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by J;W.Stone: This Council hereby receive the applications ror Tile Drain Loan or Fred Obrist, who is assessed as owner and being the actual owner of 17 acres in part Lot No. 28 in the Fourth Concession and 34 acres in part 'Lot No. 34 in the Third Concession in the Township'or Clarke, and authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to apply to the Treasurer of Ontario for the approval ror purchase or debentures on these applications'ror loan. Upon receipt or approval of tne Treasurer of Ontario, the Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized to notify the said applicant to proceed with~the work and upon completion or the said work the Tile Drain Inspector shall make report on the prescribed rorm. Carried. RII'lt'llllt.it'l.. No. l~l:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that the rollowing Pay'Youchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers..or-this Council: - Addition -to General Voucher 18 for August in the amount or .$3140.15. General Voucher 19 ror September in the amount of $107,003..32 General Welfare Voucher 19 ror 'September in the amount of 1690.90 ; . Road Voucher 18 for August in the amount of $57,870.83 Police Village of Orono Voucher 18 for August; in the amount of $1280.27. Carried. , The following 'By-Law was read a third time and finally passed: B~-LAW No. '611.2 A By-law to authorize the payment of an 'annual allowance, and an allowance ror expenses for members or Council. . WHEREAS it is necessary to prov~de'by By-law authority to pay an annual allowance ror all members of Council~ NOW THEREFORE~ 'pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act R.S~O. 1960~ Chapter 249 and'amendments f..hereto~ the Council of the Township of Clarke hereby enacts as rollows: 1. In accordance with the provisions of se"ction 212 of The MU11icipal Act, the Head of Council may be paid an annual remuneration of'$l~OOO.OO. 2. In accordance w~th the provisions of Section406~ .suesection 1 (i) and as amended Chapter 76, Section 25 (1) (1']68) the Deputy Reeve may be paid an annual allowance o:f $SOO.OOs and Councillors may be paid an annual allowance 0$ $650.00. 3. The remuneration and allowances set out in paragraphs.l and 2 shall be paid annualIy. . 4. Any deductions from amounts -set out In paragraphs 1 and, 2 shall be gj;l~r_"by'j;he provisions of subsection" 4 or Section 406. - 5. In paying these sums it has been assumed that for the. _... ' purpose o:f allocating the total amo~ received ror tax '~ purposes between remuneration or allowances and payments,' ., that the members of Council'intend.to claim one third o:f the total consideration' received as an expense allowance in accordance with the provisions of Section 408 o:f the Municipal Act. 6. "That this By-law shall and hereby come,; intoo effect :from the passing thereo:f. 7. By-law lio. 15${) is hereby repealed. e .. . . '.o;;~ Page 4' '" Regular 1Ieeting of' 'Council ~_ber '2. 1969. eontinued: The following By-Law was read. a f~r"t. . .ee... '&nd. ' third time and t~lly passed: Bv-Law"'Iijl.. '~.]AlL':i Being a By-Law tc) repeal By-Law No. 1557 reapectihg the adoption of Biennial Election,s in the Township of Clarke WHBaEAS the Council of the c.rporation of the ~ownship . of ,<;;1.,' ark.. after due deliberation. have de~d it expedient toft-peal By-Law No. 1557; , '. NOW TRE1U:FORB BE IT E.ACTED by the Couneil of the Corpcilration of the Township of Clarke: ,,' TtiAT BT-Law No.- 1557 be and the same is herebyrepeallld. 'Ra.~lut;DD Ne_ J~2.koved by W.R.Carveth, seeonded by F.A.Gray. This Council hereby adjourn'to meet again on October 7. 1969. at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherWise in special meeting at the callot the Reeve. Carl"ied 0 :C'"". ~ . Clerk. _ ~ %J~. ~Re.v.. SPECIAL KEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TewNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday. September 17,,196~ at a p.m. Council'Chamber. Orono. Eresent: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Solicitor E~ R. Lovekin Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by Reev. Foster to consider the following business: E. R. Lovekin, Township Solicitor. ' met with Council to discuss the amendments to By-Law No. 1592. The following correspondence was read out b7 the Reeve: M. L. Ross re John Koropatwa's request re ha7 on Township garage property.-Filed. Meeting adjourned at 11.30 p.m. Clerk. tf;J::!.~/ L ~~~ Jf~ Reeve. : . ....