HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/1969 Page Z Spec5~al Me;etins of the Coun,cil July ZI+, 1969 continued: ,-e ThG follo"Vling resolution was ,passed: . . Rp.so)uj:;ion No. llq:Moved by J.W.5;ton.e,seconded by H.E.Walkey: 1. That the TO\'llship of Clarke or any part thereof is to be considered ~art of an Oshawa Centred Regional Government unit only when such fact has been conf~rmed by the appropriate legislati,on given 3 readings and passed by the Legislature of Ontario; and ; Z. That payment of any study costs by the Township of Clarke or part thereof aftsr inclu'sion by ,legislation in an Oshawa Centred Regional Govern~ent unit Wl~ be subject to the n?rma~ ~pprovals of ,the Township Council then sittinG- Carried. Meeting adjourned" at 11 o,'clock.' . ~L~~~ Clerk V ~' . 'i;z:k Reeve ~ ~ ~ ~ .. " REGULAR MEETING OF THE CQ!JNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE , 5 1" 1 Tuesda:r., August , 909, -at 0 a.m., Council Chamber, Orono.. Present: ~eputy Reeve H. E.Walkey Councillor W. R, Carveth Counci)lor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk' H. peWith It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded.by W. R. Carveth that H. E. Walkey preside over the meetin~ as Acting Reeve due ,to the absenco or Reeve Roy A. Foster. Carried. The minutes of the regular meetin~ of Council dated July 8, 1969 "'ere adopted as printed on niotion by F. A. Gray; seconded bv W. R. Carveth. Carried. }~r. E.oR. Woodyard met' with Council to dia:uss the acceptance of H. R. Best in t~e Inve~tors Syn~fcate Pension Plan.. Council ae::reed too this ulan retroactive to Earch 1, . <~.. t -.... ~ v ~ .. 1969. Mr. Woodyard also di<;cusseci .the parlo:.ing problem in Orono but it vias the o;~inion of Council that this matter was the concern 0:: the Orono Chamber of Commerce. It 1o!as moved by W. R. 'Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray that delegati.ons be he.ard. .Carried. Mr. and Mrs. G1enney met with Council to discuss their property under Tax Registratisn. T~y also presented an Indenture in triplicate to C;ouncil. E. R. Woodvard rsnresentinG Orono Po~ice Trus~s, Roy Forrester ~e~'rcse~ting the Cla;kc Pubiic Library Boar? and B. Carm.an j J. :Iiddleton, Bill ArTIstrong and J. Reid represent:ing the Cl;amQ8r .of CO'l'Jnel'ce met 'with Counci1 to d~scuss the proposed purchase of the Waddell pr?perty fot:' the Cla_rke Fl)bl:Lc Libra~y. This business was concluded .bv rcscl'l.lt5_on~., . " '" 0 ( ~ 0 Counc5_J:t'2cssRed f'or lunch 'at 12 o'clock and resu!:led session at 1;30--;,..",~ Rf;,;olution No. '20:"ovcd Resolve that t~rders openod: 1. by F.A.Gray, seconded by for the following be and W.R.Carveth: are heY>8b"O:r - - 'i Z. Gasol:tne, Fencing - and 6-16' D~_csel Fuel a~d Furnace Oil 600 rods of Fence wire, 1000 posts ,2;ates e Carried. The followinC tenders were o~ened: T0-n02T~ Fo~ F~~18 1 ~!3.. ,-,TohnsO!l" ~1ur:Jhy Oil Z.A.H.Sturrock, Im.;J8rial Oil 3.B,Skelding, Texaco !+.D.Tennant, Petr9fina Cpnada Tpnrl0~s fo~' F~ncin- 1.. Durham Farms!"s' Coupty Co_-?pe~ati ve Z.Hugh W. Stapleton . . Page 2 :tegt'lar 11eeting of Council August 5,) 1-969, cont:Lnuec:: r-~r. J .8choESki IT.et: 'fljt.h COEn:::il to di.SC"llSS his proposed slibdivisi.o!1o in. Lot 29, Co.n. 5. ~ He \"!as advised by. --Coll.neil-t-o contact his Engineer to have a ~lan of subdivision :bawn u-p and to presBnt it to the ~lan~ng Board and Derek Little for a~pro7al. The following correspondence was read out by the Acting Reeve: 1. ",age and Kanin re Pt. Lots 33 & 35, al!ld Lot 34, 9th Concession, Clarke, Durham-Cantrack Motor Racing CorpOTation Limited.-Filed. . 2. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. re proposed Zoning By-Law, Township of Clarke, File-:. PN 3530.-Referred to the Planning Board. 3. W. E. Rundle, Clerk-A~~inistrator, Township of Darlington, re a position paper on Regional C~verr~ent.-Referred to nembers of Co~cil and the Planning Board and filed. 4. Robert L. Byron, A.~'.C.T., Corporatjon of ths Town of Bo~tranville re Animal Control Service.-Tabled. 5. Canadian Inperial Bank of Co~~erce re Current Loans - To~~ship of Clarke.-Filed. 6. Honey, Brooks & Harriso~, 3a!"risters, Solicitors, Notaries re Lillian C.. Glenney - 'arrears of taxes. -Referred to 5y-La\'1." 7. Canadial:. ::!:rr_perial Bank of COIT'J:'.8PCe .re construction Df storm sC'llers, c'u.rb, gutter ar:.d pavement .in .the Villaze- of Orono.- Referred to Orono Po1ic2 Trustees .ancl- filed. $. Indigent Notification fro!!1~ l1e!:lo!'ial Hospital, :So~.^.rw_anvillc !'"'3 Miss Heather Berry'. -?"'sfe!'"'red to Clerk. . 9. The Pet8rborouGh-Victoria-Northu~~8r~and and D~rham Cour.ty ROT"an CathoJ5o Separate Sohool Boa~d - req.ue&t for 50% of ~h2 total .1969 le,~' for Separate School Support.- R8Ierre~ to Clerk. ~O. Oshro.'Ja -charnb,::;r of Co~erc'8 :"'SqU8st fo!' c.escriptive I-j_terat-ure :for a tour~_st infor1Tlati:'o-n cer:.tre."-Piled. 11. Prcceedi!l';s, Sev9!1ticth Annual Convent ::Lon,The - Onta~io ~.1unicipal Association. -Filed. 12. Z. T. SalMers, Q.C. re part Lot 29, Con. 3, Clarke, Lillian Glsnney - Turner.-Piled. 13.. Departrr'ent of High\~.Tays re ~matter of Dry Wells accou!"lt operation "of To~mship Gravel Pit.-Filed. 11:-. Ontario Development Corporation':",e equali zation of !!'ldust?"ial Opportunity ~p!"ograJ""!-P~led. l5. Report fro,.,., Bl'.ildinr- Inspector dated August 1, 1969. for the ~onthof July.-Filed. 16. !-~oody's !nvestors Service, Inc. re edition of Moody's Ml-1.nic:tpal ~-~anu.al.-Filed. . 17. Copy letter fro'"!'. Canadian Natio~al Rai11.,-,ays, Law Depart'"!'.ent to ~'r. C: W. Runp, Railway TransportCOlrJllittee dated .July 10, 1969, and copy letter fro'"!'. Mr. C. W. Rump, Railway Transport COm!".ittee to Canadian National Railways re File 91,37.56$ re closing of Twp. Rd. level crossing mile 283.76 Kingston Subd., Clarke ~Np.,Ont., C.N.R.-Referred to Clerk. 1$. Ontario Wate!" !<~esouY'~es CO!"'2:l1.ssion re claims for compensation - Messrs. Rankin and De~~sey.- Referred to Cler~ to investi~ate an~ Tabled. 1 S. Trustees of the Poli~e Vj_lla:::8 of Orono, co:;?y or Resolut ion No. 69-39 and copy letter to United Counties of Northu~berland and DV.rhaJ1'1 requesting ths said Counties to arlend or rescil1d their By-law pcrnitti!lE angle-parking on--thc t..fain Street of Orono.-Filed. . 20. Balib;.lY'ton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District ':!ealth Unit, Cobour,~"j' !"e T"erQ"infY 0: ~!orthu~be!"lani-Dl1rham and Victoria- Halibu;ton Heaith~Units.-Referred to Clerk. 21. W. <::ay Ly~ett, B.A., re 0chonski and parts. of Lot 22, Concsssion 1, Clarks.-RefeY'red to the Planning Board. 22. Depart~_e!lt 0-: ~>.!~'_nicj__pal Ai':fairs re Re-sidential Property 'Ta~ Reduction S\rsterl for 1969.-Filsd. 23. ~,!imltes of COI"I"lttee of Adjustnent neetings dated June .25, July l!~. and July 18, 1969....Piled. ' ~ e r' I ~'Y' - . ~,e -0,:,>->, ] Pege 3 Reeular 1-.~e9tj_ng oi" COlJ_!!ciI August 5, 1969 ~ c:ontinued: 'Il 'It 2L~& Canadian IY!:pe!"'ial Bank of CO!"1!:1.G:,:""ce, Oron.o J Ont.. rs increase in l'"I1jni!f1um lendin,~~ rate..-Fi~ed. 25. Depart~ent of Agriculture and Food re Cowmunit~ Centres Act.-Refer~ed to the Clerk. 26. The Ontario Municipal Board A;opointl"ent f?r Heari_ng - GeorC8 Lll_'T_ley - Coro_rrd_ttee of' Adjustment..- Fi] sd. 27. MeTorial Hospital 1968 Annual Rcport.-Filsd. 28. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Drainage By-Law Municipal Act, Ssction 377 17 !a) and J7 (b).- ReIerred to By-Laws. 29. Copy of resoluti.on 1\)0. 69-!c9 of: the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono.-Filed. 30. Mrs. Beaucha"';" Acting Secretarv, Clark" Public ~ ~ .. . , Libra~y request for support of their offer to purchase the Waddell rroperty -for library pu!"'poses.- Referred to resolution. , The following res.ol1J.tions ""ere passed: Re80lution No, l?J,..:Moved by ,J.W.Stone, seconded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby authorize Mr. H. E. Walkey to be Acting Reeve in the absence of the Reeve. Carried. RR801ution No, 122:Moved by J.W.Stone, seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby authorize the Acting Reeve and Clerk to sign an Agreement between Mrs. Lillian Glenney and the Corporation of the TOl=ship of Clarke. ,Carried. ~lution N~:Moved by ,LW.Stone, seconded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby agrees with the motion passed by the 91arke Public Library Board dated July 21, 1969, that an offer be made for the Waddell property. Carried. ~Rso]y.tion No. J~:Moved by J. W. StO'l~, !"eyonded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby accept the tender of Texaco -BilJ. Skelding for t,h8 su;)ply of Gasoline, Diesel FU81 and Furnace Oil as per tender. Carrieq. Resolution No. 12":Movsd by W.R.Carvsth, ssconded by F.A.Gray: This council herebv accept the tend8r of DurhaI'l Farmers' County Co-operat ive fo~ t.he' supply of 800 rods of fence wire, 1000 posts and & 16' eat~s as per tender.. Carried. Resolution No. l26:MQved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray: That Dorothy E. Stark be paid the salary of $4,700.00 as Dep"ty Clerk for the Township 'of Clarke from June 3, 1969. Carried. RSSo]lltion No. J27:Moved by J.W.St<;>ne, seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for paY"'ent by the,Signing Officers of this Council: General Voucher #8 for August, in the amount of $2,955,40. General Welfare Voucher #8 for August in the amount of $703.96 Road Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $l.j.2,429,85 Police Village of Orono Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $812.23 General Voucher #7 addtti"n in the amount of $2,132.13. Carried. It was moved by F. A. Gray, se~nded by W. R. Carveth that the following By-Law$ be read a first, second and third time and finally passed: By-Law No_ 1608 , A By.law to authorize execution of Tax Arrears Agreement pursuant to the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, Sec. 56 (1) R.S.O. 1960. . The ,Council' of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Head o.f t:ounciJ. and Clerk are hereby authorized to 'sign an agreement to p,,"ovide for a compromise of t(l~ jlrrears with Lillian C. Glenney of the Said Township of Clarke, which agreement is set out as Schedule "A" hereto annexed and is declared to be part of this By-l~w. 2. Subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs being obtained this by-lil,w shall become effective as of the date of the final signing hereof. " Page h Re~War Meeting of Council August 5, 1969, continued: Schedule "A" THIS INDENTURE made in triplicate the 5th day of Au~~st, A.D. 1969. BET WEE N : THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP'OF CLARKE hereinafter called the Corpora~ion of -the FirsD Part ~... - and - LILLIAN,C. GLENNEY hereinafter called the Ratepayer of the Second"Part WHEREAS under the Depa~tment-~f Municipal Affairs Act, Section 56(1), R.S.0.'1960, the DepartJ-nent of Munici]3al Affai~s m~y authorize a compromise of tax arrears to be entered into between the Corporation an9 any Ratepayer; AND WHEREAS the Ratepayer is i~ arrears of taxes to the Corporation in the:amount of SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVEN'l'EEN DOLLARS AND SEVENTY eENTS ($7,617'.7-0 land.a Certificate of Tax Arrears was registered in the Registry Office of.the Regis~ry Division-of the West Riding of the County ef Durham on the 13th.day of Auguse,A.D,-196$; AND WHEREAS the Corporation ~nd the Ratepayer agree to these presents; NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT in pursuance of the ilaid agreement and the' forebearance ofthe..Cor'l"oration to pursue its re!'!edies for tax arrears under any Act of the Province<of Ontario, the Ratepayer coven~nts as follows, THAT he will pay to the Corporation the su!'! of ~WO HUNBRED DOLL~~S ($200.00) payable on the 14th4ay of August, 1969, arid on the l!+th days of Septe!'!ber and October 1969 and the balance of the said arrears shall be oaid in full on th2 ll,th day of November, 1969. . . IN-the event the Ratepayer clefaults in:any payment this extension of the time of paYl'lent, upon notice being given~~ to the Ratepayer by the Corporation, shall be terminated ' and the Ratepayer sRall be placed in a position he was befere this compromise was eRtered into. : , Authorization of the Department of Municipal Affairs . shall be obtained before this compromise becomes effective. IN 'W'ITNESS WHEREOF the said parties hereto have h",reunto set tl<>.eir hands and seals. '.' =-'_. SIG~ffiD, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of ) R. C. Honey ) Lillian Glenney Ratepayer THE CORPORATION OFTRE '. TOWNSHIP. OF CLARKE H. E. Walkey Act inE' Reeve H. DeWith Clerk Bv-Law No. 10'10 - . _. Being a By-law for prohibiting the obstruction or any drain or watercourse within the Township of Clarke WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of. the To~mship. of Clarke is authorized pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. Chapter 249, Section 377 as amended particularly by the. Dossessions of the Statut8s of {)ntario 1968, Chapter 76, Section 20 (1), which amendment creates sections 17 (a) and 17 (b)'which enables the Township to prohibit the obstruction of drains and to regulate the size and Mode of construction of culverts. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: .. 1. No one within the' boundaries of the Township of Clarke shall obstruot or cause to be obstructed, any drain or watercourse, and anyone so doing shall remove the said obstruction at the request of Council and failure to do so shall constitute an of:lB:1ce. SEAL e r>p~, -\ ! . '"",!!l Page 5 Regular l:1e~ng of CQ1.lncil August 5, 1969, continued: . 2. No culverts or bridges shall be installed or constructed across any drain or watercourse si,tuated on a highway under the jurisdiction of the Council, of the Townshtp of Clarke without folloWing the requirements set out by Council which requirements may be obtained from the Road Superintendent. 3. Every person who contravenes this By-Law shall be subject toil. fine of not more than $300.00 exclusive of costs. By-I.Ai" No. 16L.0 . , Being a By-Law to constitute, authorize and establish th~ necessary organization to facilitate th~ prope~ and due election of municipal officials in the Township and more particularly to appoint the time and place"of' Iheeting for the nom;iniJ,t;ton o,f Candidates for the Office of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Three Councillors for the Township of Clarke in accordance with the provisions of Jhe Municipal Act, RSO 1960, Chapter 249 and amendments thereto and also appoint anq, establish the Po;Lling Places, Dep;'ty Ret,urning " Officers and Poll Clerks in and for the several Polling Subdivisions of the Township for the ensuing Municipal Elections. .. . . . The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town- shin of Clarke enacts as follows: . That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Township of Clarke for tpe nomination~ of Candidates for the Office of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Three Councillors for the Township of Clarke shall be held in'the TownshlpHall, Orono, On~ari?,'on the Twenty-first day of November, 1969, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, '-4t - That the polling in the respective divisions herein named fOr tpe M~nicipal Elections shall take place (if required) on the First day of December, 1969l and the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, also Polling Places foreach division shall be and are hereby appoi~ted as follows: Polls shall open at 10 a.m. and close at e olcloc~ ~. p.m" , Sub-Di v.is,ion #1 Community Hall, Newtonville ,Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #Z Schaal House #5 Deputy Returning Officer Poll,Clerk sub-Division #3 -, School House #9 ' Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Sub-DiVision #4 Orang~ Hall, Kendal, Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #5 Township Hall, Orono Deputy Return"nc ~Office.r Poll Clerk' , - Sub-Division #6 Lcskard Church Kitchen Deputy Returning Officer ,Poll Clerk . Sub-Division #7 Residence of Fran'k Harris, 'Lot 23, Deputy Returning Offic~r Poll Clerk Sub-Divisio,,- #e Residence of Ja~es Stark, Lot 8, Con. Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk James Imlach Mrs. Leta Samis Ross Adams Mrs. Margaret G. Boyd Mrs. Charles Fisk Mrs. Fred Lowery Mrs. Helen Cour.oux Mis. Dorothy Mercer Mrs. Mary Berry Mrs. Gwen Power Roy M. Thompson Raymond MacDonald Con. e, Clarke LaYn"'ence Harris Mrs.. Neta RansbeJ:'ry 5, Clarko Mrs. Bernice Stark Mrs. Ada L. Carson Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council~August 5, 1969,'-continued: Charles E. Taylor Mrs. lone Forrester ~f~ RAOVC. . ..- - ~'"' '-' REGUI:AR. MEETING OF JfHIC{)UHCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF. CLARKB Tuesday, September 2, 1969, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, {)rono. Presentt Reeve Roy~. Foster Deputy Ree"Ye H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gra.y Councillor J. W. Stone - 1:30-7 p.m. Clerk H. DeWith The minutes of the regular meeting of Council dated ~st 5, 1969 were adopted a8 printed on motion .N,Frank Gray seconded by H..Z; Walkey. Carried. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded QY W.R. Carveth that delegations be hearcl. Carried. .Mr. Vaughn R: Steeves met .with Council to discuss rezoning of property in Lot 25, Conee..ion 4 to allow a Mobile Park. This'matter was dealt with under Correspondence Item 1. , <"""'~>;;,,',p,'~'~ e ~ e