HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/24/1969
~age I;.
Regular Meeting of Council July 8, 1969 continued:
ReClol ution. No. llh:Moved by J.W,Stone, seconded,by H.E..Wal.key:
This COl.Ulcil declare Civic Holiday, August "., 1969 as a
legal holiday in the. Towuship of Clarke. Carried.'
Re801'Jtion Eo. 11 ":Moved by H.E.Walkey, seconded by J .W.Stone:
This Council authorize the Clerk and Road Superintendent
to tender for $00 rods of Fence.wire, 1000'posts and 6 fence
gates. Carried.
Resolution No.116:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by H.E.Walkey:
ThQ.t,Henry DeWith be paid the. salary of .$8~50.00 as. Clerk,
Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Clarke from
June 3, 1969. Carried. .
Resolution No. 11?:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by.J.W.Stone:
. Reso1ve that the following Pay Vouchells be and are hereby
authorized for pament .by the. Signing Officers of this Council:
General Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $15,414.20
General Welfare Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $890.96
Road Voucher #6 for June in the amount of $198,217.72
Polioe Vtllage of Orono Voucher #6 for June in the amount of.
$1,71h.30 .
Addition.to C~neral Voucher #6 for June in the amount of
$2,891.9Q. Carried.
The ,following By-law was given first and second reading
only: ,
Bei~g a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 15$0 of the Corporation
of the Tqwnship of Clarke. .
Resolution No. ]]$:!.loved by J.W.Stone,seconded by F.A.Gray:
Thi~ Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
August 5~ 1969 at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council
Chamber qt Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call
of the R~,eJiL c;.;!d.
~ . '#2J~~,.
Clerk ;#~Reeve :
Thursday, July 21;., 1969, at $ r.m.
Council Ch~ber; Orono.
Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone.
Clerk H. DeWith
Special meeting of Conncil was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the following business:
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by John Stone that
delegations be heard. Carried.
E. R. Woodyard, D. Simpson and ~. A. Nicholson representing
the Police Trustees,. and J. Reid representing the Chamber of
Commerce, and Llew Hallowell and Roy Forrester representing the
Clarke Pto.hlic Library Board met . "'ith Council; to <iiscuss the
proposed purehase of the Waddell property for Lih~ary and
. The"foilowing correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study re financing
and cost-sharing arrangements for the study. -Referred to
2. Copy of a letter and resolution from Township of Pickering
to R. F. Richardson, Executive Secreta~y, Oshawa Area
Planning and Development STu;;ly re" proposed ,c.ost sJ:1.ari.ng
arrane;err.ents of the 10 IT.un3.cipalities in the basic study
area. -Referred to resolution.."
Page Z
Spec5~al Me;etins of the Coun,cil July ZI+, 1969 continued:
ThG follo"Vling resolution was ,passed: . .
Rp.so)uj:;ion No. llq:Moved by J.W.5;ton.e,seconded by H.E.Walkey:
1. That the TO\'llship of Clarke or any part thereof is
to be considered ~art of an Oshawa Centred Regional
Government unit only when such fact has been conf~rmed
by the appropriate legislati,on given 3 readings and
passed by the Legislature of Ontario; and ;
Z. That payment of any study costs by the Township of
Clarke or part thereof aftsr inclu'sion by ,legislation in
an Oshawa Centred Regional Govern~ent unit Wl~ be
subject to the n?rma~ ~pprovals of ,the Township Council
then sittinG- Carried.
Meeting adjourned" at 11 o,'clock.'
. ~L~~~
Clerk V
~' .
~ ~ ~ ~ ..
, 5 1" 1
Tuesda:r., August , 909, -at 0 a.m.,
Council Chamber, Orono..
Present: ~eputy Reeve H. E.Walkey
Councillor W. R, Carveth
Counci)lor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk' H. peWith
It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded.by W. R. Carveth
that H. E. Walkey preside over the meetin~ as Acting Reeve
due ,to the absenco or Reeve Roy A. Foster. Carried.
The minutes of the regular meetin~ of Council dated
July 8, 1969 "'ere adopted as printed on niotion by F. A. Gray;
seconded bv W. R. Carveth. Carried.
}~r. E.oR. Woodyard met' with Council to dia:uss the
acceptance of H. R. Best in t~e Inve~tors Syn~fcate Pension
Plan.. Council ae::reed too this ulan retroactive to Earch 1,
. <~.. t -.... ~ v ~ ..
1969. Mr. Woodyard also di<;cusseci .the parlo:.ing problem in
Orono but it vias the o;~inion of Council that this matter
was the concern 0:: the Orono Chamber of Commerce.
It 1o!as moved by W. R. 'Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray
that delegati.ons be he.ard. .Carried.
Mr. and Mrs. G1enney met with Council to discuss their
property under Tax Registratisn. T~y also presented an
Indenture in triplicate to C;ouncil.
E. R. Woodvard rsnresentinG Orono Po~ice Trus~s,
Roy Forrester ~e~'rcse~ting the Cla;kc Pubiic Library Boar?
and B. Carm.an j J. :Iiddleton, Bill ArTIstrong and J. Reid
represent:ing the Cl;amQ8r .of CO'l'Jnel'ce met 'with Counci1 to
d~scuss the proposed purchase of the Waddell pr?perty
fot:' the Cla_rke Fl)bl:Lc Libra~y. This business was concluded
.bv rcscl'l.lt5_on~., .
" '" 0 ( ~ 0
Counc5_J:t'2cssRed f'or lunch 'at 12 o'clock and resu!:led
session at 1;30--;,..",~
Rf;,;olution No. '20:"ovcd
Resolve that t~rders
by F.A.Gray, seconded by
for the following be and
- - 'i
Fencing -
and 6-16'
D~_csel Fuel a~d Furnace Oil
600 rods of Fence wire, 1000
The followinC tenders were o~ened:
T0-n02T~ Fo~ F~~18
1 ~!3.. ,-,TohnsO!l" ~1ur:Jhy Oil
Z.A.H.Sturrock, Im.;J8rial Oil
3.B,Skelding, Texaco
!+.D.Tennant, Petr9fina Cpnada
Tpnrl0~s fo~' F~ncin-
1.. Durham Farms!"s' Coupty Co_-?pe~ati ve
Z.Hugh W. Stapleton
. .