HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/1969 Present: Reeve. R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. WaJkey Councillor F. A.' Gray Councilloe- W.' R. C'arveth - 10 a.m. to 12.2.0 p.m. Counc~.llor ,J. 'N. Stohe - 1':30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Clerk B:. DeWith .' The minutes of the regular meeting of Council dated ,June Ib and the special meeting 01' CtlUllci'l dated ,June' :70, 1969, were adopted as p:r-).nted on m'ot)_on bv H. E.'.!la'lkey, seconded by' F. A. Gray. Carried. - . It waS moved by H. E. Walkey,' seconded by F. A._ G!'ay that delecations be_heard. Cae-ried. 'Mr. 8i1.1 Johnston, Murphy Oil Co., met with Council to discuss cas and diesel fuel delivery to the Road Department.~ This business waS concluded by resolution. Mr. Gary Hancock met with Councii to discuss the water dr2inage frOm the',J. Ochonski pro~erty. Road Superintendent to' investigate this matter. The folloWihg correspondence, reports and-petitions were read out by'the Reeve: Mr,. R. Moreland re buildint permit on L_ot 30, Con'" 2.- Referred to the Clerk to answer. Action Line, The Telegram, re R. Moreland.-Referr'ed to the Clerk to answer. - Copy letter from Mr. Horace R. Best to Messrs. Wayne Bailey, Laverne Patterson & Donaltl Stephens. -Referred to' By-law E~Yorccment Officer. Peope who own dogs are ~esponsible for' damages tb lawn and shrubs. Petition of Barbara A. Carman and 29 otner signed resident - m'hlers' of lot-'s in t-he Villae;e of Orono request fo:r- rezoning. -Referred to ~.,1unicipal Planning Consultants. Mr. Frank E. Westheuser re damae:e to automobile.-Referred tb H-.' E. Millson, Insurance- Age;:;t. Mr. A. G. tow, Secretary-Treasurer, CJarke Planning Board request that board members receive $JO.Oo per meeting.- Rererred to r~solution. R'epbrt fro", BU).ldin,c Inspector for the month of ,June 1969.- Piled. Canadian Association of' Fire Ch iefs re meetings on AUGust 25 and 26 at Hamilton.-Ref"erred -eo Ross: Mercer. '9. 'Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Notice of _ Apportionment' of Levies, Hebe,.. Doc'm- 'Conservation Araa- Lynbrook Acq\1isit ion .'-Referred to Clerk to answer. la. Cl~rke Planning Board recommendation for rezoning.- Referred to 11unicipal Pl'IDlning Consultants and resolution.' 11. Clarke Planning Board r"eco1'!\Ire-:"1dation re Sunnydene $ubdi vision Lots 27-2$, Concession 5.-Referred to resolution. 12. Department of Highways re Audit Report on Road Expenditures for the year 1965. -Filed. - J3. P'hilfip S. Rosen, B.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. (c) re Sir WiJliam Osler 'cairn at Bond Head as -business brought forward from 6 May 1969.-Piled. lI.,. Sunnydene ES:ates Li",ited confirmation of r"equ8st- -to meet with Council on ,Ju,ly 8. -Filed. It was moved be' p. Jr. Gray; seconded by Council recess at '12:20 for Junch and resume Carried. ~lr. Robert "Robinson met with Coune):l with regard t'o !"'ezoning_ ]11'. Peter Caspari, Sunnydene Estates Ltd.; met with CounciJ to discuss His Plan of Subdivision. Mr. M. L. Ross met with Counc;.l to discuss gravel pit and '...el1s drying 'up at Lot 16, Con. 2; <tlso a By-Jaw I'or pr'ohibitin-g the obstruction of any drain or watercourse. 15. C. R. West:gate' request for a building permit and Mr. H. R. Best's reply.-Pfled. 16. Minutes of meetings of Committee of Adjusbment dated May 5, June 2, ,June 18, 1969.-FiJed. r" ". L - .~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL : OF THE 'rOWNSHIP' OF CLARKE Tuesday, -Ju1c' S, 1969, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. 1. 2. 3. Ll_ . 5. 6. 7. 8. w. R: Carveth that session at 1:30 p..,.". Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council JU~y 8, 1969 continued: 17. Denartment of Higpways re T~~ship of Clarke Contract No. W60). -Filed. 18. Depart~ent of Highways re reduction in speed'limit on Highway No.2 at Bro~msville.-FileQ. ' 19. Municipal Planning Consult~nts Co. Ltd: re Sunnydene Estates Subd1v'isiorl" Townshi'p of .Clarke, F'ile: 'pN 3531."'Filed. 20. C. R: Wilmot~ Municipal Ehgineer~ Operations Bianch~ Ontario Department of Highways re Supplementary Road' Expenditure . By-Law No. 1625, 'Amount $112,200.00.-Filed. _ 21. Richard H. Donald, B.A., re Lot 3'06 B2, Part of Lot 30 - ,., Conc.6, Twp. of Clarke-Leskard Road.-Piled. 22. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re increased' interest' rates. -Piled:. 23. Department of Highways re Township of' Clarke Contract No. 128. -Filed.' ,,' , ' 2~,. Page and KaJ'lin re Cantrack Motor Racing Corporation Limited.- Refer to Clak to answer. 25. Address by The Honourable W. ~arcy McKeough, Minister' of Municipal Affairs to The Institute of Mun1cipal Assessors.-Filed. 26. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re File No. T-19578 - proposed Subdivision TWp. of ClarkB - Lot 10, Concession 1, Owner - Marianna Developments.-Filed. 27. The'Peterbol:-ough-Victoria-Northumberlan,d and Durham County' . Roman Catholic Separate School Board re'school mill rates.-Filed. 28. Department of Agriculture and Food, Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Branch re agricultural drainage assistance in Ontario.-Referred to the Clerk. ' . , 29. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Report for May 1969.-Filed. 30. Department of Highways re Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke.-Filed. ' 3~. . Department of Highways re Supplementary By-Law No. 1625 - D.H.O. Approval Letter dated June 13, 1969.-Filed. _ 32. Department of Municipal Affairs re The Municipal Unconditional Grants A'ct per Capita Grant - 1969 Interim payment.-F"iled. . 33. Central Lake' Ontario C'onservatism Authority re Conservation Week in Ontario.-Filed. ' ". . 34. Ontario Division; Community Planning Association of Canada and Ontario Federation of Agricul~ure Joint Conference.-Received. 35: Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to Colville Evans re Antoicn School, Ownership of Abutting Road Allowance - O\~ership assumed by Surveys Act.-Filed. & . 36. Whitby Public Utilities COIrnrd.ssion re meeting on June 18,1969, regional governmen~.-Filed. " . 37. Lake Ontario Regional Development ~ouncil News for June.-Filed. 38. The Great Pine Ridge 'Holiday'Land ~eporter for June.-Filed. 39., Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Subsidies Branch re payments in lieu of taxes.-Filed. 40. Oshawa ,Area Planning and DeveLopment Study .~e mj,nutes of E"xecutive Committee meetings of the Oshawa Area Pl~nnlng & Development Study.-Filed. 41. McGibbon Co' Bastedo re Township 'of Clar'ke Zoning By-Law, Union Rod and Gun Club of 'Osbawa:-'Re'fer't>'ecf to' Planni"ng Consultarits~ 42.\,!uinn Containers Limited re voting compartme_nt or election screen.-Filed. ' , 43. Department of Municipal Affairs J'ress Release re major changes in'Ontario's assessment laws.-FiYed. . 4h. Report on t-lunicipal Data Processing. -Filed. 45: Durham Central Agricultural Societyre'Friday, September 5,' 1969 - Student's Day.-Referred to Resolution. 46. E. Richard Lovekin re Robert H. Robinson, part of Lot' 30 Concession 4 Clarke To~mship,(Part of George A. Laing pr~perty)as bJiiness brought forward from May 29, 1969.-Filed. ~ The following resolutions 'were passed: ,..r Resolllt1on No. 107:Moyed by F.A.Gray,seconded by J.W.St:one: This Council hereby accept 'the budget of the Clarke Planning Board dated March 19, '1969 in the amount of $3,800.00 and approve that boa;d members receive the sum of $lO.ClQ per meeting. ,', , , Resolution No. 102 dated June 31 '1969 be and is hereby repealed. Carried. Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council .;Tuly $, )969 continued: . ,R.'i'solptj';ln No. lOSdc1ove1 by F.A.Gray,seconcleclb.y','J:!.,~.W:alkey,: ThisC,?uncil her'(by accept the> Plan of ,SubdiQ":ision for Lots 27-2$,.Concessio~ 5, D~awing No. 6$2$-1 as revisOd :April.2J,.th, 1969 inclucting the accompanyinl;': .l~ttar .f'!,Qffi Duncan Hopper & Associates Ltd, dated June 17th, 1969.Carried. R~$ol~tion ~o. 10q:Moved,by J.W. Stone, seconded by F.A.Gray: This Council authorize the Clerk and Road Superint~ftdent t9 tend",:!;, for Gasoline, Dtesel. Oil Co' Fuel" :Car];'ieci~ , ~eso 1 uti on No. 110 :Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded .by H .IL Walkey: This Council hereby authorize thecTrousurer to strike off the following dog tax arrears in accordance with Schedule uA~ attached, and also tQ strik~ off $4.71'penalti$s on Tax Arrears Account No. 464 due to a Bank error in 196$. .Carried. Schprlulp ttAII to RAROllJtion No. ]10 4t Arrears Fon 0 24 2h 24 37a 102 no 162 195 151 21Ba 205, 221 22$ 245 246 2$0 375a_ 427a 434 455 467 412 31 451 c ~ .1965. 1966 1967 196$ 196$ 196$ 196$ ,196$ 196$ 1966 196$ .196$ 196$ 196$ 196$ 1966 __1906 1966 1967 196$ 1965 196$ 196$ 196$ 464 196$ l:!aIlJ..e. "TaCk White Jack White Jack White Gordon McMaster Reginald Gibson John Langenburg John Anthony DeWitt Lowell Gat chell' Norman A. Scott Sam Buffam Charles Grant Cooper Nelson'Zoschke Andrew Flynn Ronald Blake Patricia Mountain Wil1ia,m J. Adams R. Kirmnerley T. Reitsma. S. Couch Harry Hartoon Jack Ferren Charles Bruce S.J.R.Powell. Amy Denn~s Do" Tax $ 2.15 2.15 4.15 5.00 5.0G 5.00 5.00 5.00 5~00 4.;~5 10.00 10 ~OO 10.00 10.00 5.00 2.15 . $..30 4.15 2.00 10.00 4.15 5.00 2.75 s.oo $13l.io h.7] $135.$1 , ,. Re90]ution No.l11:Moved by H.E.Wa~key,seconded by J.W.Stone: In accordance with Section 207 of th~ Assessment Act this Council hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer of thi.'l municipality to reduce the 1969 taxation of the Community Telephone Company Limited and 9Y the.li~itation of taxation of a Telephone Company under Se<;tion 13 of the said Act authorizes the said C~.erl:::-Treasurer to <;hargeback a. . proportionate share to every body fQr whiC~ it is reqtlired by law to levy rates or raise money. Carried. . Rp.so1utionNo.112:Moved,by H.E.WalkeYiseconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby declare Friday afternoon, September 5, 1969, Orono Fair Day, a Civic Holiday to pr,ovide a legal public school holiday in the Township. of Clarke. The Clerk is hereby j.nstructed to refer certified copies of this resolution ~o.the Northumberland & Durham County-Board of Education and the Durham Central l>gricultural -?ociety and finally to publicize Councilts decision once only in the Orono Weekly Tim<;ls. Carried. . . Resolution Nod1,:Moved by H.E.Walkey,,<;8conded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby approve the recommendation of the, Clarke Planning Board to re-;:;one the area bounded by.Station Street on tho North and East, Highway #115 on the West and Concession 5 on the South to Residential Rl. Carried. - Melville Wilson ~age I;. Regular Meeting of Council July 8, 1969 continued: ReClol ution. No. llh:Moved by J.W,Stone, seconded,by H.E..Wal.key: This COl.Ulcil declare Civic Holiday, August "., 1969 as a legal holiday in the. Towuship of Clarke. Carried.' Re801'Jtion Eo. 11 ":Moved by H.E.Walkey, seconded by J .W.Stone: This Council authorize the Clerk and Road Superintendent to tender for $00 rods of Fence.wire, 1000'posts and 6 fence gates. Carried. Resolution No.116:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by H.E.Walkey: ThQ.t,Henry DeWith be paid the. salary of .$8~50.00 as. Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Clarke from June 3, 1969. Carried. . Resolution No. 11?:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by.J.W.Stone: . Reso1ve that the following Pay Vouchells be and are hereby authorized for pament .by the. Signing Officers of this Council: General Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $15,414.20 General Welfare Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $890.96 Road Voucher #6 for June in the amount of $198,217.72 Polioe Vtllage of Orono Voucher #6 for June in the amount of. $1,71h.30 . Addition.to C~neral Voucher #6 for June in the amount of $2,891.9Q. Carried. The ,following By-law was given first and second reading only: , Bei~g a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 15$0 of the Corporation of the Tqwnship of Clarke. . Resolution No. ]]$:!.loved by J.W.Stone,seconded by F.A.Gray: Thi~ Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 5~ 1969 at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber qt Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the R~,eJiL c;.;!d. ~ . '#2J~~,. Clerk ;#~Reeve : SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Thursday, July 21;., 1969, at $ r.m. Council Ch~ber; Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone. Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Conncil was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by John Stone that delegations be heard. Carried. E. R. Woodyard, D. Simpson and ~. A. Nicholson representing the Police Trustees,. and J. Reid representing the Chamber of Commerce, and Llew Hallowell and Roy Forrester representing the Clarke Pto.hlic Library Board met . "'ith Council; to <iiscuss the proposed purehase of the Waddell property for Lih~ary and DarkinQDUrnoses. . The"foilowing correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study re financing and cost-sharing arrangements for the study. -Referred to resolution. 2. Copy of a letter and resolution from Township of Pickering to R. F. Richardson, Executive Secreta~y, Oshawa Area Planning and Development STu;;ly re" proposed ,c.ost sJ:1.ari.ng arrane;err.ents of the 10 IT.un3.cipalities in the basic study area. -Referred to resolution.." _. ~ 4t., ^'f