HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/1969 ;.;r Page Z Special Meeting of Council 2~ May 1969 continued: The following delegations were heard: Mr. and Mrs. Glenney re Tax arrears. Mr. Horace Best, Building Inspector and loning Administrator, re addition to existing building at Fairgrounds, no permit for summer cottage as it is a year round'dweTIing, additton to existing building at Park. It was the decision of Council to advertise th~ Financial Statement for 196e in the local papers. Thecfollowing resolution was passed~ R~solution No. q6:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council-hereby accept the tender of Larson & Grills to build "Graham Bridge" Lot 19, Con. Z & 3, at a-contract pr:i'ce of $34,235.00,' subject to the approval of Department of Highways. CarrIed. ' - Cler:e~:;~:d at 11 o'",o,k. Ree~ ~ ~;t- REGULAR MEETTNG OF-THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, :June 4, 1.969,' at 10 a.m. . . Council Chamber~ Orono~ Present: Reeve R. A. Foster, Deputy Reeve R'. E. - Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Acting Clerk H. DeWith . ~he minutes df the Regular meet~ng of Council dated May 6, 1969,' were adopted as printed ~on motion by J'. W. Stone, seconded by H. E. Walkey. Carried. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. E. Richard Lovekin, Chairman,' Committee of Adjustmat for the Township of Clarke re copies of the minutes' of Committee of Adjustment for members of 'Council.- R~ferred to the Clerk. - M~~. Thos. Fairbro~her request for reduced speed limit on Third Lrne 'zonl' west of_Hwy. 115.-Referred" to Road and Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent. M. Ulrich and residents of Brownsville re reques~ for reduced speed limit on #2 Highway' and siue roads.- Referred to the Clerk. United Counties of Northumb~rland and Durham, Cobourg, Ontario re the matter of assuming administration or welfare on a county basis.-Referred to the Welfare Officer. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secre~ary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment for The Township of Clarke, request for' sem.;l-annual payments to ~cornmit~ee members. -Referred to accounts. . Mr. Thomas Stevens, Kirby Woodlands, re road closinE between Lot 16 h 17, Con. e.-Referred to the Clerk to answer. The Corporation of the United-- Counties of lTo-rthumberland _ and Durham By-Law No.2224 to equalize the assessmerrts 'of the varidusmunicipalities within the said United Counties for the year 19?0.-Filed. H. E. McGilJ, Department of Agri~lture and Food, re notice 'to T01.-mship Clerks re grants under the Warble Fly Control Act.-Referred to the Clerk. Department of Municipal Affairs re needs for information that could be supplied by the assessment office.-Referred td the'Clerk. - 10. Hill, Kilgour, Friend & 'I'ikal re' Clarke Townsh:l:p Zoning By-law. -Referred to the Clerk. ' 11. Department of HigHways re Munlcipality.of Township of Clarke By-Law No.~631.-Filed. z. " - J. 4. 5. 6. 7. e. ~ - 9. The following resolutions were passed: Rpsolvtion No. 10,:Moved by H.B.Walkey,seconded by ,J.W.Stone: This Council hereby authorize, the Clerk-Treasurer to purchasp an Addressogr~ph Machine from the Town of Port Hope Clerk's Office at the cost of $500.00, for the General Department: . Carried. . Rpsolution No. lo6:Moved by J.W.Stone, secQndedby F.A.Gray: That Derek J.. W. Little, P.. Eng. of Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. of 64 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario be, formally retained as a Planni.ng Consultant to undertake and complete such planning studies and other matters as may be placed before him from ti~e to time by the Reeve or Deputy Reeve and that any or all work already comp+eted by Mr. Little during the year 1969 at the request or upon the diroction of individual members of councilor li-dminis trati ve pers?nnel of the Township is hereby duly authorized and ratified and not so as to limit the foregoing authority but, for purposes of clarification Mr. Little is hereby instructed to prepare any material necessary to pr?vide T~e Ontario Municipal Board vlith any and all maps and infoI'lllation to enable them to give due consideration to the problems raised by thE; p:::'oposal that they approve By-Law No. 1592 and By-Law No. 1613 and that he recomrnend any amendments to the said By-~aws that will in his opinion adequately and properly answer the comments raised by the Board at"the hearing on the said By-Laws at Orono on the 16th day of June 1969 and to implement any amendments passed by council and such authorization shali continue until the 31st day of December 1969 unless previously cancelled by resolution of this council. Carried. The following By-Law was read a first, second and third time and finally passed: Bv-Law No. 11)17 Being a By-law to amend BY:law N?, 1623 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke Whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke deems it . expedient to amend By-law No. 1623 (a By-law to authorize the cons~ruction, reconstruction, extension of certain capital works in the Police Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke as a Local Improvement under the provisions of The Local Im~rovement Act),' ' Now Therefore the Council of the'Corporation of the Township of' Clarke enacts as foliows: . . - . 1. That paragraph 7. and 8. of By-law No. 1623 are now and hereby repealed and the follOWing substituted therefor: 7. The treasurer may (subject to the approval of the Council) agree with any bank or person for temporary advances of money to meet the co'st of the viorkpertding the completion of it at such rate of interest as may be agreed ~pon,with the said Bank. Any debenturest? be issued for the loan to be effected to pay for the cost of the work when completed shall bear.interept at such rate as may be agreed upon with "the said Bank and be made payable within 5 years on the instalment plan. . . . . . 2. That this By-law shall come into effect from the passing . . , thereof. Mee~ed' Clerk. . e. , 1~i9~. "' . . Reeve.' - ,e