HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1969 ;.;r Page Z Special Meeting of Council 2~ May 1969 continued: The following delegations were heard: Mr. and Mrs. Glenney re Tax arrears. Mr. Horace Best, Building Inspector and loning Administrator, re addition to existing building at Fairgrounds, no permit for summer cottage as it is a year round'dweTIing, additton to existing building at Park. It was the decision of Council to advertise th~ Financial Statement for 196e in the local papers. Thecfollowing resolution was passed~ R~solution No. q6:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council-hereby accept the tender of Larson & Grills to build "Graham Bridge" Lot 19, Con. Z & 3, at a-contract pr:i'ce of $34,235.00,' subject to the approval of Department of Highways. CarrIed. ' - Cler:e~:;~:d at 11 o'",o,k. Ree~ ~ ~;t- REGULAR MEETTNG OF-THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, :June 4, 1.969,' at 10 a.m. . . Council Chamber~ Orono~ Present: Reeve R. A. Foster, Deputy Reeve R'. E. - Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Acting Clerk H. DeWith . ~he minutes df the Regular meet~ng of Council dated May 6, 1969,' were adopted as printed ~on motion by J'. W. Stone, seconded by H. E. Walkey. Carried. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. E. Richard Lovekin, Chairman,' Committee of Adjustmat for the Township of Clarke re copies of the minutes' of Committee of Adjustment for members of 'Council.- R~ferred to the Clerk. - M~~. Thos. Fairbro~her request for reduced speed limit on Third Lrne 'zonl' west of_Hwy. 115.-Referred" to Road and Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent. M. Ulrich and residents of Brownsville re reques~ for reduced speed limit on #2 Highway' and siue roads.- Referred to the Clerk. United Counties of Northumb~rland and Durham, Cobourg, Ontario re the matter of assuming administration or welfare on a county basis.-Referred to the Welfare Officer. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secre~ary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment for The Township of Clarke, request for' sem.;l-annual payments to ~cornmit~ee members. -Referred to accounts. . Mr. Thomas Stevens, Kirby Woodlands, re road closinE between Lot 16 h 17, Con. e.-Referred to the Clerk to answer. The Corporation of the United-- Counties of lTo-rthumberland _ and Durham By-Law No.2224 to equalize the assessmerrts 'of the varidusmunicipalities within the said United Counties for the year 19?0.-Filed. H. E. McGilJ, Department of Agri~lture and Food, re notice 'to T01.-mship Clerks re grants under the Warble Fly Control Act.-Referred to the Clerk. Department of Municipal Affairs re needs for information that could be supplied by the assessment office.-Referred td the'Clerk. - 10. Hill, Kilgour, Friend & 'I'ikal re' Clarke Townsh:l:p Zoning By-law. -Referred to the Clerk. ' 11. Department of HigHways re Munlcipality.of Township of Clarke By-Law No.~631.-Filed. z. " - J. 4. 5. 6. 7. e. ~ - 9. t'IlIllI Page 3 Regular Neeting of Council June h, 1969, continued: The following By-laws were given first, second and third readingS' and finally passed: ' By-LI'lw No. ltJ1h Being a by-l a", to adopt the estimateS' of cUI suns required during the yeay and to strike the Yates crf ~axation for the year 1969. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Tovmship of Clarke has in ~ccordance Wi~h the Nvnicipal Act considered the estimates of the municioalitv and ~f the BDard and COl"1!J1issions of the municipality ~nd it is necessary that the following sums be raised by means of taxati~n for the year 1969: 'EXPENDITURES TOTAL BUDGET Executive & Legislative 6;300.00 Administrative 25,$$5.00 Zoning Administrator 6,000.00 Committee of Adjustment . , 5,000.00 Other General Government 5,300.00 Clarke Cemetery Board 1,000.00 Clarke Planning Board 9,760.00 Clarke Recreation Committee ~50.00 . Clarke Public Library 4,~00.00 other General Government By-Law No. 1592 2,500.00 ~ Fire Protection'- Shared Ope~a~ing 6,0$1.~0 - Direct Townshiv cost ~,OOO.OO Destruction of Pests-Warble Fly 900.00 Other Protection, Livestock - Doss 1,000.00 Public Works: M.W.A.P. #1 Loan M. W .'A. P. '#t :3ank M.W.A.P. #2 Loan M.W.A.-P. #2 Bank Regular Twp.No.1624 Regular O.P.V. No1624 Regular 0.P.V.No.162Ldstorm sewer) Supplementary Twp.No.lc25 Supplementary 0.P.V.No.1625 . (storm sewer) 'Non Subsidized expenditures Sanitation - Garbage EXPense Health - Insulin ' Nursing Home Care (Subsidized) Direct Welfare (Subsidized). Direct Welfare, Charge Back Nursing .Home Care (not subsidized) Direct Relief - Indigent Ambulance Recreation & Community Services (Twp.Hall)- Sundry Grant Dog Pound Debt Charges - 11,464.4$ 2,073.7h; 3,0$5.01 2,017.33 2L,O, 200.00 3,000.00 1.;7,800.00 15,000.00 97,200.00 6.000.00 4137, $lrO. 56 2,000.00 50.00 3,500.00 16,000.00 = - Principal Memoria} Hoppital - Interest Memorial Hospital Irtterest and Bank Charges " . Discount for Taxes Taxes Written Off Capital Expenditure from Revenue: Public Works - Reserve . Fire Truck & Radio - Shared Administrative C~ntral L~ke Ontario Authority Reserve - Replacement of Equipment . ,- Working Fund Miscellaneous 2,500.00 100.00 2,000.00 350.00 . 300.00 3,000.00 .3,779.10 .7,500.00 2,700.00 3,1.;50.00 6,000.00 1,$00.00' 700.00 69.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 Total 5~6,615.16 -~ Page 4 Re,;;ular Meeting of Council June Li', 1969, continued: REVENUE Provincial Subsidies Public Works-Regular TWp.No.1624 160,770.00 Public Works-Regular Twp.No.1624Z$,6$0.00 Public Works-Regular OPV.NQ1624 (storm sewers) Public Works-SupplementaryNQl625 Public Works-SupplementaryNol625 . (storm sewers) Orono Public Works Recoverable 'from Northuwberland"& Durham 'and O:P.V; Rate ' 'warb1e Fly Federal Grant Post Office Orono Licences & Permits Plumbing & Sewage Per!'1its Building Permits Dog Tax Int~rest, 'Tax'Penalties" Rents, Tw~. Hall' " Com~ittee of Adjustment' Dir~ct 'Heifare Subsidy . Nursing Home Care 'Subsidy Tax" Assistance' . Total " Expenditure Applied on Gefieral&FublicWorks '566,615.16 132,774.60 433,840.56 Deduct Re.enue applied on General&PublicWorks,S2.,20.00 ,S.?SO.OO ,16.S?0.00 214,295.16 97,024.60 117,270.56 AND WHEREAS the Assessm~nt Roll made in 196$ and upon which the 1969 taxes are to b~ levied and was fin~11y revised by the Court of Revision;. , AND WHEREAS the amount Qf Assessment entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as residential and farm, and the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as commercial and business from Uncondi,tional Grants in accordance with Section 294 and 297 of the Municipal Act, is as follows: Assessment entitlpd to Benefit (Residential and ,Farm) Assessment not entitled to Benefit $1,104,797.00 (Commercial and Business) AND WHEREAS the estimated amount of the Unconditional Grant is $23,658.90 ,,,hich is the equivalent of 6.0751 mills on the Assessment entitled to Benefit; AND WHEREAS the Assessment of each of the bodies for which it is necessary to levy rates is as follows: Residential Commercial ~"J' Farm [.,. Busj nf'.'=!.$ - Totals ". Northumberland & Durham Board cf' Education- Elementary Peterborough-Victoria Northumberland &Durham ~oman Catholic Separaw School Board Northumberland &Durham ' Board of Education- Secondary THEREFORE the Clarke enacts 49,150.00 1,800.00 9,000.00 58,320.00 58,000.00 300.00 _ 1,000.00 1,500.00 600.00 350.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 1,500.00 1,600.00 12,800.00 2,800.00 ,00.00 352,320.00 352,320.00 214,295.16 Publi", Works Gpn~T"Rl $3,894,353.00 Toto"l 3,$45,203.00 1,104,797.00 4,950,000.00 nil 49,150.00 3,894,353.00 1,104,797.00 4,999,150.00 Council of the ~orporation of the Township of as follo~/S: Page 5 Regular geeting of Council June 4, 1969, continued: 1. That the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the TownShip of Clarke the following mill rates for the year 1969: ' , - ~ " Descr; Dtion TI'l'irl'lt; Qn' Ass"Rsments Mill Rl'ltp.s 1. Township Commercial $ 40,295.96 $ 869,525.00 46.3425 2. Tovmship ResidentiaH,.l"arf"ing 1'30,374.89 3,237,72$.00 40.2671, 3. Township O.P.V.Commercial '6,318.04 235,272.00 26.851+2 4. Township O.P.V.Residential & Farming Counties RctEs Education:Northunberland & Durham County Board'of Education and Peterborough- Victoria NorthQmberland-& Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board Elementary - Commercial - Residential&Farm - Residental &Farm - Commercial - Residential&Farm Ganaraska Authority" Durham Federation Police Village of Orono - Commercial -Residential & Farm O.M.W.S.-Frontage&Connection Street Lighti~G-Newtonvil~e -Kendal Ontario Hydro Arrears Line Fence Act ' Local Improvemeftt 1369 Farm Tile Drainage-J.Barnoski -E.Barnoski Separate Secondary 13,644.0$ 77 , 621. 80 37,747.37 ll8,240.37 1,511,36. 55,052.03 171+, 653.94 2,349.60 $91. 54 4,585.05 12,796.50 9,191. 53 272.22 i21.63 ll4.31 '39.00 212.32 505.49 71.97 686,613.00 9.34 656,625.00 20.7791 4,999,150.00 15.5270 e 1,104,797.00 3,845,203.00 49,150.00 1;104,797.00 3,894,353.00 4,999;150.00 178,308.00 34.1668 30.7501 30.7501 49.83eo 44.8480 o . 4700 . O. 5000 235,272.00 19.1.,883 656,625.00 19.4883 174,1+70.00 52,200.00 1.5600 2,3300 Minimum-Tax Add Due from Township - Taxation Over Levy 8.26 Total Tax Roll 1969 686,630.(',0 2. The taxes shall become due and payanle on the 2nd day of June 1969 but may be paid in 2 equal instalments on the 2nd day of June 1969 and the 3rd'day'of November 1969 provided that upon failurp. to make payment of one or all instalments, the whole shall become due and payable forthwith.. 3. There shall be imposed a penalty'for non-payment of taxes on due date or any instalment therp.of, the amount of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the'first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in \.,hich default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied. 4. There shall be allowed a 'discount of 2~% on the second instalment only if paid on or before June 2, 1969. ~ 5. The collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or Pace of business of the persotrto whom such not~ce is required to be given. 6. All current taxes shall be paid into the branch "offices of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Orono and Newcastle. (All tax arrears shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer at Orono.) 7. Where a tenant of lands ownetl by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employer ~ha~l pay over to the 'colLect~ on demand out of any wages, salary; or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-la~ and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount oaid. 8. The ~ollector and treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payments from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. . . e .C.,_",.,,_ Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council June Lf, 1969, continued: ~ 1+ By~L"w.N",. 110'1'\ A By-Law to appoint a Clerk for the municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke Whereas Section 215 of The Municipal Act; R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a municipality to app@iRt a Clerk, Therefore the Munici~al C@uncil of the ~orporatiori of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: ., 1. That Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointed Clerk for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke as of June 3, 1969. That the said Henry DeWith shall perform all the duties to be performed by a Clerk under statutory authority, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by Council. That the said Henry DeWith shall be paid a sum per annum, payable bi-weekly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. 4. That By-Law No. 1629 be and is hereby repealed. Bv-I."w No. 16'16 A By-Law.to appoint a Deputy'Clerk for the municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke Whereas Section 215 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a mttnicipality to appoint a Deputy Clerk, and Whereas this Municipal Council deems it desirable to appoint one person to hold this office, Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That Dorothy E. Stark be and is hereby appointed Deputy Clerk for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke as of June 3, 1969~ - That the said Dorothy E. Stark shall perform all the duties to be performed by a Clerk under statutory authority, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to her from'time to time by Council. That the said Dorothy E. Stark shall be paid a sum per annum, payable bi-weekly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. Rp.so11ltion No. 104:Moved by J.W.Stone,' seconded by H.E.V81.key: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again July $ or at the cal of the keeve. -Carried. ~o..:-4 . 2. 3. 2. 3. Clerk. ~tf',~~ Reeve. SPECIAL I~ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Monday, June 30, 1969, at $:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councj,llor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster ~o consider the following business: A Road Board meeting was called for July 3, 1969 at $ p.m. A reaolution was requested from the Orono Police Trustees with regard to By-Law No. 1637. A file of Applications for Rezoning was handed to Council by Mr. Art Low for their consideration. Council decided to forward conies of all the material in the said file to Mr. Derek Little, Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd.