HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1969 (Special)
Thursday, May 29, 1969, at $ p.m.
Council Chamber, Ora no.
Present: Reeve R. A; Fost';r
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor J. W. Stone
Councillor F. A. Gray
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
Special meeting of 'Council was called by Reeve Foster
to consider the following business: ,
The foil owing correspondence 'and petitions were read
out by the Reeve: '
1. Mr. Tom Monahan, Townsh1pof Playfair. Ramore. Ontario,
re vacation pay.-Referred to the ClerK.. ~
2. Jessie Walmsley request re,Pedlar Bi-law.-Refer~ed to
the Clerk to prepare 'by-law. '
3. Department of Highways re Township of Clarke contract-
Hau~ing and Crushing Gravel and Sand.-Piled.
4. ~epartment of Highways re Township of Clarke purchase
30,000 G.V.W. Truck, 1969 Model, Ford Fe50 & Dump Box,
equipped as per tender.-Filed.
5. Department of High~s re Township of Clarke contract -
supply and apply prime, approx. 100,000 Gals. and
1,500 cu. yds.'Sand Cov~r.-Filed.
6. Departmeht of ffighways re 1969 Road Expenditur~ By-law
Number 1624 - Amount $291~000.00.~Filed. 0
7. Department of Highways re Blasting Operations Affecting
Utility Lines.-Referred to the Road Superin~endent.
$. Department of Municipal Affafrs're Ontario Education
Capital Aid Program-Offer to. Sell a Debenture in the
amount of $$O.OOO.-Referred to the Clerk to answer.
9. Mr. Merrill Van Camp, Secretary Treasurer, Wardens
o association of our United Counties of Durh~ and'
Northumberland.-Filed: ".
10. Northumberland and Durham County Board 01 Educatjon
requisitions.-Piled. '
11: Ontario Department o~ Tourism and Information re
_ South Central Ontario Advertising and Promotion Seminar.
.. -Read.'--
12. Department of Highways re advance payment of subsidy.-Piled.
13. Telecommunications from F. H. Hogle, Secretary-Treasurer,
The ~eterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Durham
County Roman Catholic Separate School Board re School
Levy.-Filed. . 0
14. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re membership
for the year 1969-70.-Filed".
15. Osha~a Area Planning and Development Study re semina~
and Final Appraisal SUffiIDary.-Filed.
16. Department of Correctional Services re c'harges for
Lock-up Prisoners.-P51ed. "
17: Central Lake Ontario Conservation Au'thority ntlnutes tlated
May 1>-1969'.-File'd.
1$. Committee of Adjustment - 196$ ~uestiorinaire~-Filed.
19. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re education
costs, regional gov~rnment pol~cy, and assess~ent.-Piled.
20. Northumberland - Durnam ~ealth Unit ~eport for April
21. Department of Highways re Township~of Clarke contract-
Construction 'of Newtonville ~oad C.P.R. Overpass.-Filed.
22. Petition of Beatrice Yimoll and 101 other signed
,petitioners: We, the undersigned residents of ffrownsville,
dO hereby petition the Township of Clarke, ~aking into
consideration the number of children 'whO t~avel #2 Highway
daily that the speed Ifm;t be reduced to 35 miles per
hour and further that a radar unit be installedalorlg
this route.-Referred to Clerk:
23. E. Richard Lovekin ore Robert H. Robinson;opart'of Lot 30
Concession 4 Clarke Township, (Part 'of George A. Larng
propertyl.-Tabled to 17th June. ~ .0 -
24. Photostatic copy of l~tter from W.K~Lycett to Horace
Best re Mr. and "Mrs. Siegfried Block and part of Lot
31, Concession 4, Clarke.-Referred to Planning Board.
25. Elmore Wagg re rezoning Lot 30 Con. 4 from Development
to Residential.-Referred to the Clerk to answer.
Page Z
Special Meeting of Council 2~ May 1969 continued:
The following delegations were heard:
Mr. and Mrs. Glenney re Tax arrears.
Mr. Horace Best, Building Inspector and loning Administrator,
re addition to existing building at Fairgrounds, no permit for
summer cottage as it is a year round'dweTIing, additton to
existing building at Park.
It was the decision of Council to advertise th~ Financial
Statement for 196e in the local papers.
Thecfollowing resolution was passed~
R~solution No. q6:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council-hereby accept the tender of Larson & Grills
to build "Graham Bridge" Lot 19, Con. Z & 3, at a-contract
pr:i'ce of $34,235.00,' subject to the approval of Department
of Highways. CarrIed. ' -
Cler:e~:;~:d at 11 o'",o,k. Ree~ ~ ~;t-
Tuesday, :June 4, 1.969,' at 10 a.m.
. . Council Chamber~ Orono~
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster,
Deputy Reeve R'. E. - Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
. ~he minutes df the Regular meet~ng of Council dated
May 6, 1969,' were adopted as printed ~on motion by J'. W.
Stone, seconded by H. E. Walkey. Carried.
The following correspondence was read out by the
1. E. Richard Lovekin, Chairman,' Committee of Adjustmat
for the Township of Clarke re copies of the minutes'
of Committee of Adjustment for members of 'Council.-
R~ferred to the Clerk. -
M~~. Thos. Fairbro~her request for reduced speed
limit on Third Lrne 'zonl' west of_Hwy. 115.-Referred"
to Road and Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent.
M. Ulrich and residents of Brownsville re reques~
for reduced speed limit on #2 Highway' and siue roads.-
Referred to the Clerk.
United Counties of Northumb~rland and Durham, Cobourg,
Ontario re the matter of assuming administration or
welfare on a county basis.-Referred to the Welfare
Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secre~ary-Treasurer, Committee of
Adjustment for The Township of Clarke, request for'
sem.;l-annual payments to ~cornmit~ee members. -Referred
to accounts. .
Mr. Thomas Stevens, Kirby Woodlands, re road closinE
between Lot 16 h 17, Con. e.-Referred to the Clerk
to answer.
The Corporation of the United-- Counties of lTo-rthumberland
_ and Durham By-Law No.2224 to equalize the assessmerrts
'of the varidusmunicipalities within the said United
Counties for the year 19?0.-Filed.
H. E. McGilJ, Department of Agri~lture and Food, re
notice 'to T01.-mship Clerks re grants under the
Warble Fly Control Act.-Referred to the Clerk.
Department of Municipal Affairs re needs for
information that could be supplied by the assessment
office.-Referred td the'Clerk. -
10. Hill, Kilgour, Friend & 'I'ikal re' Clarke Townsh:l:p
Zoning By-law. -Referred to the Clerk. '
11. Department of HigHways re Munlcipality.of Township
of Clarke By-Law No.~631.-Filed.
" -