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SP&CIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE S~turda~,. April 19, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. ,Council Chamber, Orono. ,a ~....C~ Pres~nt: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve ~.. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A., Gray Councillor J. Vi.- ,Stone . Treasurer H. DeWith Spe.cial meeting of the Council was- .called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: -}!r.T. E. Monahan, Clerk, resigned. from the Township, of Clarke as of ,Apr;il..ltl,. 19E:,.9., <", ' The following correspondence-- ",as reaQ out by th€ Reeve: 1. Township of Manvers re1969 School Tax.-Filed. ~e following By-law was given first, second And. third reading and f;inally passed: " Bv-La'W'. .No .' 16~9 '- . A By-Law to appoint an Acting Clerk ,for the municipa~ity ,.ofthe Corporation of the Township of Clarke. , Whereas Se.ction ~15 of The Municipal Act,R.S.0.196~ ~hapter 249, authorizes the Council o~ a municipality to appoint an Acting Clerk, .' , ~heref~re the Municipal Council of ~he Corporation of the Township of Clarke enact~ as follows:, 1. -'i'hat Mr. Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointed Acting Clerk for the C.orporation of the Township of ~arke as of April 21, 1969. 2. That the said Mr. Henry DeWith ~hall be paid a sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution . of the said Council. " 3. That By~Law No. 1620 be and the same is hereby repeal~~. .The following- resolution was Passed: RAsollltiol1 No. .q":Moved by W.R.Carv,eth,seconded byJ.W.Stone: That the Township of Clarke does not disagree with the , budget brought ,down by"the Northumbe.rla.nd-.Durham Board of Education but w~h the.meth~d of dividing the budget among the participating Municipalities. It is decided ~that the. method used by the Boar~ of E~cation as dir~cted by ~ill 44 and the equalization factor prescribed by the,Departmeqt of Municipal Affairs is unfair.. We~.ecommend that the County equalization factor be continued in use until such time as County reassesament is complete. Carried. _ ,Meeting tt:;L A~tj,ng Cl:C , ~ ~ Z-*-. Reeve REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL , ... t. OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, May 6,1969, at 10 a:m. -,Council Chamber, Orono. ...-e Present: - .Reeve R. A.', Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey CouncillQr W. R, Carveth .Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor.:!. Vi. St-o,ne Acting Clerk H. DeWith Deputy Reeve Walkey presided over the mee.ting llc&cU:e ~.y., R. A. Foster was detained until 11 a,m..- . The minutes of the Regular meeting of Council dated April'landthe Speciar.meet~ngs of Council dated apri19; 14 and 19,1969, were adopted '-as ,printed on motion by J. W. ~~one, seconded by F. A.,Gray. Carri~d. The following ~or~espondence w~s read o~t by t~e Deputy ReeV'e:. 1. Ontario Welfare Officer's Association Newsletter dated' April 1969. ~ Filed. 2~ Minutes of Committee of Ad~ustmeRt ~eeting d~te~ April 14, 1969. - Mr. W. R. Carveth Su,g~~>that a copy .of minutes be given to each member of Council. Filed. Page 2 Regular Meeting af Cauncil.6 May 196$ cantinue~: 3. Repart to. Cauncil from Bui.lding ..Inspectar ..-Filed. 4. Ontario. Water RasaurcesCammissian re Camplaints af Well Interference.-Referred to. the Raad and Bridge Cammittee. 5. Becas Develapments Limited re parts of Lots 27 and 28, Cancessian 5, Tawnship af Clarke.~Referred to. the Planning Baard. ~ . 6. Department af Municipal Affairs,. M~nicipal Sub&idies Branch, re Centennial Grants Pregramme.-Ref~rred to. Cl~k. 7. Sunnydene Estates Limited re parts Lots 27& 2$, Can. 5, Tawnship ef. Clarke. -Referred t.o the Planning Beard. ' The fellewing cbrrespandence was read eut by Reeve Fast€r: 8. T. E. Manahan request far emp:layment, to. be te.rminated. -Filed. 9. Phillip S. Resen, B.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.(c) re Sir Wil~iam : Osler cairn at Band Head. - Referred to the Cl.erk...te refer to. Clerk. af t~Village af Newcastle. 10. Rebert G. Rabinsen rezening change df' parts af 1:ts 27 and 28, Can. 5.- Referred to. the P1anning Beard. 11. Clarke Public Library request far an advance e~ $2,00~.00. -Referred to. the Clerk. 12. Mr. Angus Rankin r€ water prablem en Lat 16, CanGessien 2. ("' Refe~red. to., the Raad and Bridge Cem.mittee. 13. Capy letter fram B. Richard,~evekin to. Mr. Peter Caspar~, re W. C. Evans, prepesed Fence View6r& Award, Netice ef Date af Inspectien, Becas Develepments Limited.~Filed. 14. Letter fram Mrs.: Elizabeth A. Rupert an~ six ether signed ratepayers re request fer a ditch to. drain aff. water.- . Referred to. the Clerk to. answer~ 15. Clarke Public Library request fer an extensian phene~-Referred to. the Clerk to. answer. . Ceuncil adjaurned fer lunc~ at 12:15 and resumed sessian at 1:45. IE.. Assaciatien af Ontario. Mayars and Reeve. re th~ Bell Canada hearing befere th~ Transpart Cammissien.-Referredte ,Clerk to- a-nswer - no. act.ion. ' .' . . 17. Becas Develepments Limited re Line..Fepce between the preperty af Mr.- 'fl. C. Evans, Lat 25, Cane. 4, Clarke and eur praperty in Lat 24, Canc. 4, Clarke.-Filed. 18. United Caunties ef Narthumberland and Durham re event fer Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Frost.-Filed. 19. Durham Caunty Ca-aperative Medical Services re increase in premium payments.-Filed. 20. Tawnship af Saltfleet re excessive cast af educatian due to. ama~gamation of Scheal Baards.-Referred to. Clerk to. endarse. 21. G. Hughes, Clerk-Treasurer, Village af Newcastle, repart an Oshawa Area Planning and Develapment Study Seminar.-Filed. 22. Lake Ontario. Regienal Develapment Cauncil'Zene.Me~ting.-Filed. 23. Ontario. Department ef Educatian re Grants fer Municipal Recreatian Cammittee.-Filed. 24. W. K. Lycett re Raad ATIowance between Lets 34 and 35, Cancessien 10, Clarke, - Geerge Armstrang and Armstrang Trees Limited. -Tabled, 25. Memarandum from.Department af ~ighways Ontario. re Standards Fer Rural Ontario. Reads.-Referred to. Read Superintendent. 26. Lake Ontario. Regienal Develapment Council News.-P.iled. 27. Department af Trade and Develepment re Jaint Venture Bulletin No.. 36 far April 19~9.-Filed. 28. Sunnydene Estates Limited re Part .Lat 1$, Cane. 5, Tewnship ef Clarke, Fermer Harness Praperty.-Filed. . 29. Narthumberland-Durham Health Unit repart far March 1969.-Filed. 30~ Munrcripal Planning Cansultants re Tawnship af ~larke, File PN 3530.-Filed, 31. Assaciatian'af Municipal Clerks and Treasurers afOntaria , re asseciate membership far 1969.-Referred to. the Clerk. 32. Bepartment af Public Warks,Sfecial Praject~ Branqh re Administratien ef Justiae, Previncial Court space, Tewnship Hall, Orane , Ontario., File L-1781. -~eferred teresalut ien. 33. Department af Health re Air Pellutien Central Act.,Referred to. the Pel ice Trustees ef tne Village af Oreno. , 34. Department ef Municipal Affairs.re Twpy Qf Clarke, Let'iO~.. Cen. 1, File No.. T-1957$, prepased. plan,af subdivisian~~ Referred to. th~Planning Baard. -. ..- .' ~.,'" ., ;~ ..... d" ,~ ~; ';'<, " '~'" r~~_'''''';:r.,'' r-,_ _', '--'-',-" , f ~,- -- - - -- _>- - ", -0' . ;-_/-'::;i....-'~'-.--,,--_.-. ,..,."......, ~,__ r ~-'y-:i~~~~~'-.-_..-~:'~.>.--'-- __<~<'_, ._,._~,_~~f;~~~>::<,___,_ _', ',_ "_,' ," .' _,~.___,:,;-"-::t-',, _ ___,._-...:--_-,-'_:~,',~~~. . ~e,~~ of'CouncU~{t".1Jlay 1969 ~1;JiU~'" 35. .. . w:~C;t..~ Lya~t:~' .1f~'A3t~i~~k.G_~% - ..~~ :,:1t!.~7,,", Ccmcesi$.i.on- '1i,..,.uiQ. R,.1.:', . ~eaJ'}~~~~~ ~,::~1t~. ..~~. . orliQg.~...c~ '. ~'b:rf-=: "' ",;"p,~~\~g tied.Jlp, .AFil .1-" :O~. .; , , '7;,<1}..p,;1;':Mhae...~~ -'t! ' <"_Of':iJb~ . . ~J.~-,.t~~tfl . ~-,~ e;:u :<~~;:j~e._lifhe~~~':" ',~,,::<..~"':t.. 'II_ ~ftirtfr deJ..awer.e- h~A~ '. J Mr.':l;;U. ~:ine't: "'''..l,';~rtifli1itl: . :;~~ti.~ "t.h:tiITow:n-shi:P 'I;fi~::-~'e J;l~1{~;tQ~"'" , ',.~~~av:a~~}~r~~~_, ""~:L' .~~~<~~~. ' _ .__,., --_~ ,--a,.".~~.:::,~~:ar;w;"",..._ _ ,:_~...: ~w: D:S-,. . 'k _.' t.Q~:..f"4,~e.~e~CfrlD1g".~1::-M' )ftIst'aid'ii::t>'t. ~ p.a1-.k~ ~'<it 'l;lf .th.~' s~Q.ut1i,~M.'b'i: :th~ P4J.ft!e ~ . . '',:':.;.:;,. tt:'YK~JlirQ,~ ~~;M::'~~')fc;~ ' the''d..,e.d.:i.'Jig ,.rtihll.' cilcts€f4.:NW 'aJ.:l:w4,ti\f~,J:l.i . Bui-J.~ \~d . 9r~i:ib' F\I.\':L&:-L81u': bet .t.;;r'ig l~ne' .4f.'~~rUe'LeQn~.c~:--~:.:< ,::.;' .- ';".; '~..:.~~>Blo~k appeared at,COUtlcl..t2. ", ,"':" . r~iil'imrg 1]if' part Lot, 31. ~.'J'" '. ...~.~'~~';::.c7. "'.;~.:/.':-;_. ,,~::{' . ",.,c.' .M1:,,.,,,J4-Ck K.inlbW ~:W1.t.B~uncU~t9-~e'l~,.'{'}i(~'~", ',; .... ,. . . 1.'~ '-eml..~ a:'t.nm" ::ot"n'ooo~Gt:!.iil--:.,d "~S"':QJ'-8..~ " 't. .: .' "..-"-:-.,,...'~__!"...'..'. ~9 f.;..,tO,." _.;re :w.a.$ mavec:CJii;:' "'*~~, ..' '.:if." .. '. ., "",..;,,- 'h"u'b--' [""""""",,,",,'" ~.....----. . .-...... ..,'"...":",,. '.: _~ ,-.- ,t~.:--~ i4 -Q re -wr;~c', _ ->-;-.-.:u~:-,~O:av.';;" ;~~~-. ;,-~,;:.;.-.;.:;;.~4=-~~':;")~~. -:'. {~~~'!' 4Jld: Road S\l.p"ri~etI.Qel).t... C~r:i~r:"~"'!;~'~,__:~.?-':';~: ~_::~'>>he1i.~d- ~pe~:l.:Pt~n~.t.. ,v . "r~~~ ' '-~--~~~ at.: ~~~P'iII' to -:<!;Laccus,s ~Qur~. < Wi" ..r.~>,~~lll., -w c-aQ.viae. ColoUtc:ll,Qf a .rO~"' .rot:tm:;Uj:':l1t, ,. ~:~~ .~. t~~~~i~r~~i~~;~::' ~~~ ~:;j~~r;i~'-: ,:'~~~;:?~~i: ......... ...... . ~~,Qhi-.9-nV., B~:Moved' by , ~m.".'. _ '. ~.t~j;;, . ,. . ..' . .~: Clil\l.tlCil hereby AU 2:<i'''be DeV'''''.:. . ',' 't~.... . I!'~ .ae.~' an '~%~~X:'~.,-.$~~~ betwe.et}_~~:; . .' .. .......) k .~r-l,~~~:a~~~Q~e~.:~v~..~~~~,,~~!~"~.:: ~.,~p1,~r.-'l ..,~_ .B<;.:.Mov:ed~(t.ank;Qr!~i~Q.d~ttL '.' '') w,a.,a~1:ie,t.:Aat :tne.A:~ . ~!'gR$~t::'tQr""tJi' .. ~ j:iE.:Q:';e.rit:id:-;b" ~~.. ~~~9pe J- 'Cb,~t'lilr'~4 .0,1. Y . 'iA.~'h~>>~J:lf.~e:"'p<t'd::atid ':W.a.~~e'f'bEL~,~ - 'to', . ::to 'tb1,.Audit 0:' t.,a "'~<ie9:tiencti~!o.njJ:..t~_ o;fi., h ,9 i>fjlu.iziu.Bud~G~~_a-Y~'w.;:':'qll~!t:~F':' :g"I1-1f1--..d:.i~" ~t1<>. 1F1~OV~ b:g ,3.....$'t;Clnlii., aey.Qngll :~-AS e6ltt.p1airtt~_~af~, ~11z:i~cf~!ed.;J:: .i:Jle-~Iis:h' . QLCla:r:ke, ..~J.'S tn-ib:(Q'XI: 'ot,tJflt~_ .m ,;Qime;-Co,;,m~~i 4U'.:h4v:ej)1i~;t:rt~ : i .':;~' e ',seasen ..tor ::~Ii"$-t'1tlliitfti~.;:r1li " , . 9;shalLberr~.~b.~$l:ler4 'vn'e:U . ,~. .'~~e:::" ::~;~~~~r:~:t;t~n::~:t!J " .:." ;~';:) :: ~lit,ea~,i#b\1.se; shalr;,..ti:::Gin:he~~;:- < ,., ,j":':i~~ h.ow.a_dl:l.f.ihg wliic)$: ,q~I~~i.lii',~ ~'-:"'c:~-:r ;~.2; '-~,.. ~f:_A:;it1. ::'t<f~ '-5_~~P;,M-;:'~'~'<,~:~'.~ "--"._':.~ ~: . _,"__~1~, :'::' ~;'~~:;~ ;''' " :nJR!;~jphe ':Muhlcrp-a:r':CQU1leU~'!i>f '.~~" '. " " ~~if 1l-1idjjrses~'tiie,a15"'.li"rel;:9' . ': ,-;-;;:G",..i:.he . pntario~~pa.:l'till:~f; _,,-UlitIs ': ,- ''''''k' ..l,l!....tl'-QJ;ls ~a.s:: stit:et.~~1.~aiJ.. ' ,C : .' "'0;'-- ..Me~ed;~Qy'l>i'a..l(':':~,.. '. . _' ,"" 'uxilHL,her~lJtl~Q~Hj.:a L~'" va"tin 'rx<OiIf':f.ia':S' "C+~:", ,'" ' .. ,,, .- ::~t.. ~,~t~; Yba~S- t't.e~ ~~~'k!~WtrtQ"~,.,-:l ''''~~l......,,_ ", 'J~n~>>K e a.. nOL'...,.""...>- 0: """eou ' :' ~ :~~~-~~"~~~:~'i.~,::~t~V9~~Z,y ;~~~~~_k.~Y~;~,__,;~ _"': " ,.' . f,. "i8' CeuJfCil a."h~~e::'th"':~-':~" '. , a , .u"I'ea.ie~'wfth'ile1:' .~ffst.y~,'ti:~.~n,;\ ..:~~~ft~aJ.tf,"~;;C:~~H.~~~~t~~~ j~... ~<..:~,. ':":t:~::;'~7iiY~ ~~.'~ ." ~..,'.~"~ .,,, f~:< , ", " ~ ~ - - ~ ~> '''''F' - r t ~. f~ " i<. - ~f_'-. > i l~":,'''< ~~:" "", " r:" t< i"' ~, ~ " "'. ti" ~, '''"' i:, ' t~' f:~.' . ~. ~~ - - ',~ " .~., , :,: .,jA;i:::,"'"" -". ," :'0".1 ,:,,; ':" ,'" ') < ..; ,," ~ p ",,', " , ",' RegUJ.az.~ M~1;:~~.:e..Un'Cil} .~-=~:1969: "'JW<t;;'ll1~,t;.Jl;i:~::::; c",,_...'~, :.~ ;:~'::-~~i?:~~uinf~t'~' ~tt~~isii~ri::'qia'~;:: c_ ';'.' ,. .;. .~ ~:: 19 ;;::~t.~:f~!e~:;if:'~ . phe :s.;'~tll"and,r~~-..; "'~ "~.~' , . 'Wi~:lll the"'~ald TownSKip." .... "'''.f'; ',,'," ":', ,",,', ,. . ....' .NW ~rei'~e.t'he:..M~~~:Ctii~l;;;lii(,1 tbe~~~ ' t~L~;:-~;~:=:~~~~:f~~~~~~~~~~;~ wii~ ' . t~4.J'~P;. oj' .G1a.rke .in"t~ , . ,}"~.f';~_ ..~.l,,~>>e~nt$.~ .. ." fc>r~ pli.r:pb.a",' ~be8n ."t4~ .ip;ld:~.l4~~~1i~b8:;:in ." '.; addi't{D1l;,~Qc:.anY9th'3r,dit:e~~ p~tlM~"~eQlfbed;;*~J~:;.'.f 'l:.ite. ..... "'e..-....~l .......~p.--<-;e~.. ..,(y..v~......._i,- . . '. "'- .., ....- ',,""4" .. . J;'_ 'k.4,~-'_' '<'!'"-~'JI" ,__~_-JllI"'}Y-~ 4-~", ~'__ ~.~~-, ~-:~.:::-__;_.~-",~-_"''';:.:;;t ....__' ~~_~:~~+'?-""';":;:~;";,!"';' ; _' " . {2) The'Clerk of the Township W' Cll&rk~Qr-' ~..~~~ll.;..r persQf'l~;&P~e~ frpm.; time: W:. -t.:;i.me. by -t;~ ~e~l ~ sfo'!I!~~' j,.s~ . allii;..sell.."~,.'.f'9Jd.Dwing~ ~.~ ,~'..);r-": :: ;" ..:;.. : ~:::):::.-.~;,:>y' ;>;:;:c;:~-.,:>~' ~'.' .. '. . (a' A U<:ence fer n~"1;lJ&t~~a.1):fd~l1G(}J:O~' . ~.~ke~ i:t "V~D~lfPi<ien-ts o-f-''.,~).c,:f,Q J:.l.~'t:~~,. tt.p-.!.~', ....~. j y.altd f'Qxes at a :fee of'. $3.:30 perseall;:Qn. . .~:~;~ ~ :' \b,,:.A -1.ice3;lc'e :for. res..:l.lU,tlw:D:f j;.l:ie;,f0'4~: . . '.: '): i.pheasants, ~ab'bcj.:ts and f~Jl a~,.. "(C)A.'licence f<n-.. f10Jl.'ir,e~unts o:f th,,::t ~ Cl..a~ke'.: -. ',,;~ ~ . . lilr nc>n-.res~~~t.~~f~~Xl~:tl.c~;.~htl.ntrabb.1;:1i Jot. fojceli; ...:: ,.:...~:;.:r}~~'l;..Q.e dos~:ic~_ ~ ,~th~ pheasanl:-::;~~l::~~~~~Q,f;~~;30~:':? f3t.. l'ft.lf'Te~ prescribed fcrea<:h licence sh~J.....tte.~~~~1-~;'~:;,.'" ~ .. ',Wbj;n:,'~.ame__ :i;S~-i~ed., T,T_~,..,:",:~,,__. -'-':':_::'-_"_ ,,:_,~_~ _ '::. ;_>::> '- "<~~:::~""~'f~~";~T_::::)~;:~;'-X'_::_:~;,_", <:'~~ :;:.t.~) '1'\te :U'l;t:~ce 1Ssue.Ifsl\..alI; 1'~c'61.e 30 :ce."'L..,' "'~ ~ '. ~i4.e '~3l.tCe and lOC't,mts f<ir each rea,ill..b-'.' ..~, , . the 1 . ~~. .eissu..,~._'lUtL'Qr,_t.~~ye ii.~f'e; '~.:~: , ,~ TlIat rQr> t-he purpose. o:f'5li'--,u y' " " . ~. '.;iZssued w~. th<;1 CountY t;f'DVrham- are nOJl.""ree -. . . t$e phea~t;. 'ElEluon, but,~e.:reCi.prl)C&l ior rabb!'t's"~" upon closing a:f the pheasant seU<in.. ..i.' -.'~ .. ". '-:-- .,.....;.,' " .'Eil In tld;s.By-.Law, the )lfprds .R.esi-deAt.:'~~. '::-.: ..any persoa,1l1h'Q is a :fa.rmer. ianciowaer or teia. ' :. .t~ ~;t.~ :B,y-Law the. 'Wttrd.a .HQn-R~sidElJlt ef, , " ~ . meat. di pe'r'sol1 who dQes. ~t- own p~ .' n:,~e .. .j.Uriaaicti~. 01' the TQWtis.h1:p <it Clarke '. ..' ':3~~."~<T':;:::'':'~:''t '. ...'.ten " A m~~~ of 200 HCJilnc~ JllU.llt,.be '.. 6ilab1~~~~~~';~f~~~~>, ": -" n~_~r,e_si~~:'~,-_ _ ._" :~. :" ~_~-~W':'~ ~ '~. ._ _ ,,-' , - . _':~.~ :- '<'--f-';'_~}~~.--:-~~,r~~;;~~"--.Y~:~--~0:::;~~~_-~-~::,:-, i.9'l-:.,.~t'~..'1'~be:r, o:f ~i;l,;;..~m'~1$~~ annu~ 4'Iil!'.~ "_'~,,~.". rept'i1!~'t:i;:t~(::Q'f:J,'he said. Gam~ ~QmmillsiO'C:".i""":.,,,~,,,{'i"': ,,,",,, :::-;..,,;:~:. : "'.U,'b) TJiat~."'!'Law No, 124:3.1.s now and het'epy I'epe~~..... ..i:..!:;..:::;:;:::t!:.. :-~~hiawJjft:-:,~_,~q~l, ~~ .___ '_ _-' _ ..'_,-:~-- "t"l;~~?":">" -:."';"",;~,, c",._ :". .c';;: ;"A.il~.t.o appoilft .a:llud. Superin-teJJ.Until:( of' ~~rk~;...:t~ CountY..:!'i:D\.lrham ...... ::.~~_. :. .,' ~fUs~ is des~rA-lil:e that the laitag '. .... of all wOJf)t,,,and elltpendit.Ur>e upon: imprlilTUte1\t.: and, . r~d..s w1i.t.W'\-he excldsi.ve"jurilldict-ionof t.his': ", .... be un4i~r: Mae supervision ~f' a koag..$,)!peT:!!>~!l~1i .-a:~~unGier, its d.i.rel:t;ien.. C,-<_: :..: ':;"'..;;,.~,.' " ~;:2:' ..',....~~. ..;".";;::.."":""0r"";;'>:;: h<<: Whereas it is the. aelii'i'i o:f 'l;.h ,"L.' . ...C." ad.v~t"~ ;(J'f The Highw4'y 'IlIIpfo'Vement Act(~:i!~l;,~' ~b!:". . . ^Ro.'lter1ll!\11t!l~ ..grant all,prov:i.ded .;in the sald Aet. . . >, . .' "'''':-:''':~;.~~el'i:rGre:-Eds:e'ted,-ir.iftt.IW{:C~V:-.rr~; '-:"c':~. .1 . . . cQr-p'<jij;;a.i:..~:tl(~~. .the. fla.icl..T.~n~i.l?Al;1d '].~:"?:1lJ I,i~ i~jff:-~.: ". .-.;:;'0.. .~, .1.. :-"~fWt.'lt~):I"ttl J<e'ca~,,~,..tlrq~1.:i..'lirt:;;.~t~.'$~4J~ .~{:. ( " 'J(Qai~~1icl€i'IJt.. "in th't! _.~~,~slii~ .to '~.e ~ -. '~~,,;: . ~. .c~).tl;"&~~ce ."t:J;~if.~th~:'p~~~~~ Of'~':.liid< - .. '.- J. .. 'l"fi?it. a:~r:9-'t?f"'iJ.&~ l::969'~~fRg~lut;p'i -:~ . ~ ~,,'-c&unci1-._,: '-;-';::"'r'-. ", ~. '-.'' ~_:__-'(<,: .:~~- f-?~,~'--":':' _~~~~",;;O~~~~:~'; -, '~~~~(;~;,::>-~'. z . ""~ \;S€' R: ~ a au ~:Hne(i~~!rt -id'lhi ~~' '1~;"",.:,t.i~~ . 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