HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1969 (Special) SP&CIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE S~turda~,. April 19, 1969, at 7:30 p.m. ,Council Chamber, Orono. ,a ~....C~ Pres~nt: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve ~.. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A., Gray Councillor J. Vi.- ,Stone . Treasurer H. DeWith Spe.cial meeting of the Council was- .called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: -}!r.T. E. Monahan, Clerk, resigned. from the Township, of Clarke as of ,Apr;il..ltl,. 19E:,.9., <", ' The following correspondence-- ",as reaQ out by th€ Reeve: 1. Township of Manvers re1969 School Tax.-Filed. ~e following By-law was given first, second And. third reading and f;inally passed: " Bv-La'W'. .No .' 16~9 '- . A By-Law to appoint an Acting Clerk ,for the municipa~ity ,.ofthe Corporation of the Township of Clarke. , Whereas Se.ction ~15 of The Municipal Act,R.S.0.196~ ~hapter 249, authorizes the Council o~ a municipality to appoint an Acting Clerk, .' , ~heref~re the Municipal Council of ~he Corporation of the Township of Clarke enact~ as follows:, 1. -'i'hat Mr. Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointed Acting Clerk for the C.orporation of the Township of ~arke as of April 21, 1969. 2. That the said Mr. Henry DeWith ~hall be paid a sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution . of the said Council. " 3. That By~Law No. 1620 be and the same is hereby repeal~~. .The following- resolution was Passed: RAsollltiol1 No. .q":Moved by W.R.Carv,eth,seconded byJ.W.Stone: That the Township of Clarke does not disagree with the , budget brought ,down by"the Northumbe.rla.nd-.Durham Board of Education but w~h the.meth~d of dividing the budget among the participating Municipalities. It is decided ~that the. method used by the Boar~ of E~cation as dir~cted by ~ill 44 and the equalization factor prescribed by the,Departmeqt of Municipal Affairs is unfair.. We~.ecommend that the County equalization factor be continued in use until such time as County reassesament is complete. Carried. _ ,Meeting tt:;L A~tj,ng Cl:C , ~ ~ Z-*-. Reeve REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL , ... t. OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, May 6,1969, at 10 a:m. -,Council Chamber, Orono. ...-e Present: - .Reeve R. A.', Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey CouncillQr W. R, Carveth .Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor.:!. Vi. St-o,ne Acting Clerk H. DeWith Deputy Reeve Walkey presided over the mee.ting llc&cU:e ~.y., R. A. Foster was detained until 11 a,m..- . The minutes of the Regular meeting of Council dated April'landthe Speciar.meet~ngs of Council dated apri19; 14 and 19,1969, were adopted '-as ,printed on motion by J. W. ~~one, seconded by F. A.,Gray. Carri~d. The following ~or~espondence w~s read o~t by t~e Deputy ReeV'e:. 1. Ontario Welfare Officer's Association Newsletter dated' April 1969. ~ Filed. 2~ Minutes of Committee of Ad~ustmeRt ~eeting d~te~ April 14, 1969. - Mr. W. R. Carveth Su,g~~>that a copy .of minutes be given to each member of Council. Filed.