HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/01/1969
Tuesday, April I, 1969, at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A.Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
,Clerk T. E. Monahan
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by J. W. Stone, that
in the absence of the Reeve that the Deputy Reeve, B. E. Walkey,
preside over the meeting this date. Carried.
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by J. W. Stone~
that minutes of the Council Meetings of Rarch 4th, 7th, 19th,
~4th, 1969, be-adopted ~s printed. Carried.
, W. R~ ~arveth, Chairman of the Road Commi~tee, presented to
Council the recommendation that road department increases in
wages become effective January 1st, 1969.
It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded ~y F. A. Gray, that
delegations be heard. 'Carried. '
Mr. Maurice O'Neill re rezoning of piece of land (10 acres)
that is not good for agriculture and rezoned'as Residential.
Council'advised Mr. O'Neill that a hearing had not been set as
yet for By-law No. 1592 ana Council does not wish to pass any
amending By-laws until the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing has
been completed but 'recommended that Mr; 'O'Nei1:'l- 'make' an 'application
with the Planning Board. '
V~. Sheppard re Land Use Permit and Building Permit referred
to under Correspondence ~. Item 6. Council instructed the Clerk
to send photostatic copy of letter to'Mr. Little, Planning
Con:;ultant} and' aJso to Mr. Horace' Best, Z.oning Administrator,
and for Mr. Little to stuuy situation in preparation for meeting
April lOth, 1969. Mr. Sheppard to be advised as to decision
of meeting with consultants. ..
Mr. Tom Martin re Land Use Permit and'Building Permit on lot
for Building. Mr. Martin wished a declsion of CounciL this date,
in writing, and was advised to present'hisapplication to the
Zpning Administrator, who would advise Mr. Martin if 'the said
lot was in conformity to By-law No. 1592.
On motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Garv~th', Cbunc'Ll
adjourned from 12:20 LO 1:30' for lunch. Carried.' '
l,t was }T\o.ved by F'. A. Gray, seconded by J.. W. Stone that
Mr. Cra~o b~ heard re road blosing. Mr. BrooRs'representedMr.
Crago. Carried.
Proposed Road Closing By~law was tabled until a later date
whe;n the Reeve would be ,in attendanc'e. " . "
M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent; explainea'to' Council the
new rulings on Municipal'Roaq and Bri~e Construction from the
Department of Highways. . U '
Mr: Walte'r Pope, C.A., Munic'{pal Auditor met with Council
to 'e.xplain in detail the 1968 Auditor's Report., Mr. Pope
finalized by the reading of his reporeto Council with comments
and findings.' ' "
Mr. Roy Forrester and Mr. R:. Dickson,' representing the
Chamber of Commerce, met wi~h Council ~o fnquire ,if Council had
done anythj.ng to 'encourage 'new industry';
The following correspondence was read out by the Deputy
Reeve: .' . .
1. Department of Municipal Affairs re Residential Property'
Tax Reduction system in 1969.- Referred to the Clerk and
2. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re
Provincial Grants.-Filed.
3. Ganaraska R gion Conservation Authority re levy.-Filed.
4. Department 6f Highways of Ontario re Circular No.
69-020.-Referred to the Road Superintendent.
5. Horace R. Best, Trench Inspector, Annual Report.-Filed.
6. Mr. John K. Shephard re Land Use and Building Permit.-
Referred to the Clerk and copy to be referred to Mr.
Best and Mr. D. Little. .
7. The Great Pine Ridge Reporter for Mareh 1969.-Filed.
8. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re increased interest
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 1 April 1969 continued:
9. Letters from M.,MacDougall & Co. Limited and Grenadier,
Securities Limited re change in brokerage busi~ess.-Filed.
10. Municipal Housing Workshop, Ap~i~'30th, i969.~Filed.,
11. Minutes 'of Meetings of Committ~e of, Adjustment da~ed
March 11, 12, 18, 1969.-Filed.
12. Letters from Mr: M. A. Pankhurst to Medical Offi~er of
He~h and"from Dr. Horner to Mr. Pankhurst re house in
the~hamlet of Newtonville.-Piled. .
13. Honey, Brooks & Harrison re proposed Road Clo~ing between
Lots 34 and 35 in the Township of Clarke.-Tabled.
14. Requests for raise in wages from Dorothy Stark and H.
DeWith.-Referred to finance. ,
15. Fire Department Budget for 1969.-Referred tofina~ce.
16. Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs re assessment
under Provincial contral.-Filed.
17. Department of Municipal Affairs.re Admtnistrationof
18~ Note from T. E._Monahan re Ontario Municipal Bo~rd. ,
scheduling It days' for the Hearing c:f By-laws No. 1592
and No. 1613.-Filed.
f ~. ~ ~. t.. . . . >:."
19. Railway Transpo~t Commlttee re File No. 9437.854 re crossing
of CNR and Twp. Road in Twp. of Clarke, Onto at mile
"287.26 Kingston Subd.-Piled.
20. International Business Machines Company Limited re Durham
Northumberland'; Tax Billing - Datacentre Meeting.~Filed.
21. Copy letter from Peter Caspari, Sunnydene Estates Limited
to Mr. Donald Hamm, Secretary-Treasurer,_Orono Cemetery
Board re.acquisition of land necessary.to'construct a rc:ad
to connect the proposed subdivision with the road network
to the Village"of Orono.-Filed.
22. Lake Ontario Regional Development Cou~cil re water
23. Lette; from ~~rks arid McNeeiy'to Mr. A. G. Low, Secretary.
Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, re account for services.-
_ Referred.to finance.
24. Northumberland-Durham Health'Unit Report for February
6 ,\
19 9.-Piled. .
25. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re billing to
Clarke Township for 1969.-Filed.
26. Department of Highways re approval of Supplementary
Expenditure By-law.-Piled. . .
27. Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study.-Ftleq. :
28. The Corporation of the Towri of Whitby re work~ho~ o~
Social and P~ily Services.-Referred to resol~ti9n ~nd Filed.
29. The CO~P9ration of the Town,of Whitby re,Pla~ing Study.-
Piled. ' ,
30. Community Planning Branch re Notice - Minister's Order re
Township of Cavan.-Piled.
31. Community Planning Branch re Notice - Minister's Order re
Township of South Monaghan:-Piled.
32. Railway Transport Committee re Pile No. 26711.2523 and
Board Order No. R-4800.-Piled. .
33. Department of Agriculture and Food re Warble Ply Control
34. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Township gravel
pit.:-Filed., ,
35. The.G~eat Pine Ridg~ Holida~ ~and Report~r f?r March.-Piled.
36. Request from Building Maintenance Co. to paint main
entranc~ and.stairs.-Referred to finance.
37. Ontario,Safety Lea~ue.re a ~t~dy on Fire~ork~.-Filed.
38. Municipal Planning Consultants re The UnitedCduntieS",f
Northumberland and Durham, File No. PN 3420.-Referred to
- 39. Munic~p~l Planning Consultants re Zoning, By-law,' Township
of Clarke, Pile No. PN 3530'.-Filed. . '., .
: 40. Munic ipal Planning Consultants re Zoning By-law, Township
of Clarke, File No. PN 3530.-Piled.
41. Copy letter from Department of Highways, Ontario, to
Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Ltd., re Police Village
of Orono, Township of Clarke, Contract No. 66W14~'. -Filed.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council 1 April 1969 continued:
42. Department of Highways"re Township of Clarke purchase of
Steam Cleaner.-Piled.
43. Regionar.Ilevelopment Co-ordinator for November/December"
1968.-Referred to Clerk.
44. Department of Highways re Township of-Clarke transfer from
Road Construction to Road Maintenanee.-Piled.
45. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Township of Clarke
Police Village of Orono Water Works.-Referred to Police
46. Special Legislative'Bulletin published by The Ontario
MHnicipal Associatien re excerpts from the Budget Statement
of the Honourable Charles MaeNaughton.-Referreo.to Pinance.
47. A. G. Low,Secretary,-Glarke Planning Board, recommendation
and related correspondence re Sunnydene Estates Ltd.
proposed subdivision as business brought forward from
4 February 1969.-Filed.
4$. Department of Municipal Affairs re Parts Lots 27 and 28,
Con. V. Township of Clarke, File No. T-19245.-Referred to
the Planning Eoard.
49. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Scheibl as business
brought forward'from 13 December 196$.-Tab1ed.
50. Railway Transport Committee re Piles 26111.252$ & 2701.131
re proposed closing ~Township Roads level crossing at mile
152.45 and 2$1.13 Kingston Subdivision.CP.-Referred to
51. Department of Treasury and Economics re Tile Drainage'
52. Department of Highways re proposal by the Twp. to aSSQme
Kaspar Hollen Road into the Twp. System.-Referred to the
Road and Bridge Committee. -
The following resolutions were passed:
R"'Rolution No. 76:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded-by'F.A.Gray:
- That this Council appoint the following Committee to prepare
"eouncil's defense for the.Ontario Municipal Board Hearing of
Township of Clarke By-laws No. 1592 and No. 1613 (Zoning By-
laws), the time and place of the said hearing has not been set
at this date: -
Mr. Derek Little, Municipal Planning Consultants Company
Limited, Toronto, Ontario.
Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor
Mr. Roy A. Poster, Reeve
Mr. R. C. Simpson, Cr.airman, Clarke Planning Board
"M.r.H. R. Best, Zoning Administrator
Mr. T. E. Monahan, Clerk - Carried.
Rie1'lollJtion No. 77:Moved by P.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carvethl
Re: 1 q9q Warb] e Fl v Camnl'! ie:n
1. The Inspector is nereby authorized to advertise all the.
facts of the 1969 campaign.
2. The Inspector is nereby authorized to hire someone to spray
all cattle SO requested at-:20i per head on small herds not
over 10 in number and 2 for .35i on'all herds over 10 in
number.- -
3. The Inspector is hereby empowered to be responsible for-the
collections mentioned in Item 2 above. -,
4. All spraying is to be done under the direction and
supervision of the Warble Fly Inspector. Carried:"
Resolution No. 7$:Moved by.W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.GraYl
Resolve that the Township of Clarke change to Daylight -
Saving Time~to be" effective on April 26, 1969. Cart2ed.
ResQJ0tion ~o. 7Q:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That the Clerk and Treasurer be hereby authorized to attend
any workshops.. or work ml'!etings that pertain to their appointed
positions. Carried.
~eso'ution'No. RO:Moved by J.W.Stone,socondedby W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the following Pay' Vouchers. be and are hereby
authorized'forpayment by the Signing Dfficers of this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #3" for March in the amount, of $22$5.91
General Voucher #4' for April in the amount of $2185.25. -
General Welfare Voucher #4 for April in the amount of $2619.$$
Rbad Voucber #3 for March in the amount of $25,763.98
Police Village of Orono Voucher #3 for March in the amount of
$1203.02 Carried.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council 1 April 1969 continued:
It was moved byJ.W.Stone, seconded by W.R.Carveth, that the
fOllowing By-laws be read a first time. Carried.'
It was moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded-bY'P.A.Gray that the
following By-laws be read a second time. -Carried.
Being a By-law for prohibiting the obstruction of any- drain
Or watercourse within the Township of Clarke. -
Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 1580 of-the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke ',/
Being a By-law to regulate the rental of the Township Hall./
A By-law to authorize the payment of an annual allowance, and
an allowance for expenses for members of Council.
It was moved by J.W.Stone, seconded by W.R.Carveth, that the'
following By.laws be read a first time. Carried.
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray that the
following By-laws be read a second time. Carried.
It was moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray, that the
following By-laws be read a third time and finally passed. Carried.
Bv-L;,.w. No 6 1627 '
Being a By-Law to appoint a By-Law Enforcement Officer for the
Corpora~ionof.the Township of Clarke.'
WHEREAS the Council may appoint law enforcement officers,
who shall be peace officers for the'purpose of enforcing the
by-laws of the 'municipality, pursuant to the'Police Act, R.S.O.
1960, Chapter'Z98 and as amended 1967, Chapter 76, Section 13,
and the Council deem it expedient so to do;
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of thaTownshipof
1. That Horace R. Best, be and he is hereby appointed By-Law
Enforcement Officer for'the'Township of Clarke.
Z. That the said Horace R. Best shall hold office during the
pleasure and subject-to the By-Laws of the CounCil, and shall
with respect to the Corporation of the Township of Clarke and
the enforcement of its By-Laws, exercise all the authority,'
powers and rights, and shall perform all the duties and
obligations which by statute or by-laws are or may be conferred
or imposed upon the By-Law Enforcement Officer.
3. That the salary of the said Horace R. Best as By-Law
Enforcement Officer of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
be payment in full for all services required of him, and all
fees or emoluments of any kind accrUing to hlm by virtue of an
Act, Statute or By-Law shall be paid to the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke ancl be credited to the General Funds of the
Township'of Clarke.
4. That the said Horace R. Best shall be paid a sum per ~nnum,
payable monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council.
Bv-L,qw N06 ]h2R
Being a By-law to appoint a Building Inspector for the
Corporation-' of the Township of Clarke.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke deems it expedient to appoint a Building Inspector,
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke-
hereby enacts-as follows:
1. That-Horace'R. Best be and is hereby appointed Building
Inspector for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke.
Z. That the said Horace R. Best shall be paid a sum per annum,
payable monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council.
3. That this by-law shall come into effect from the passing
thereof. -
4. That resolution No. 99 dated Augu'st 10, 1961, be and is
hereby repealed.
Resollltion No. $]:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May
6, 1969, ~-lOa.m. in~egular meeting in theCounc~ Chamber
at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of th~
~m. ~
Acting Clerk
Reev1t& ;Qf-