HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/1969 (Special)
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Special Meeting of Council 19 March 1969 continued:
'Rev~ew o'n wage proposals for Road Department, wages of
some of the staff and certain department heads, was made.
No decisions were reached pending fu~ther committee meetings
of Counqil as a whole.'
Ree~e brought before Council a complaint he h~d received
from a ~esident at Cursonville where water was reported
backed up causing the ditch to be filled with water. 'Compaint
to be i~vestigated. '
The "if'ollowing correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Cla~ke Planning"Board re'budget for 1969.-Accepted and
ioefEjrred t6 Budget. ' '"
2.' Woo~land Products quotation on 1 Modular Desk.
The !following re!301utioh was passed:
Resolut;ilon HI;>: Tl:Moved by H.E.Walkey, secohded by J'oW~Stone:
Tha~ Horace R. Best be paid the salary of $5,200.00 as
Zoning ~dministrator, Building Inspector and By-law
EnforceIijent Officer for the Township of Clarke and an additional
$eoo~oo Ifor travelling expenses incurred in the performing
of the ~aidduties. Carried.
'It ~as moved by W. R. Carveth, second~d by F.A.Gray, that
t~n::e.. :;ourned at 11 :30 p.m. ~ ~ ~f
-elerk ,.e ~Re~ve
Monday, March 24, 1969, at e:oo p.m.
"Council Chamber) Orono.
Present:! Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
CounciLlor J. W. Stone
Clerk T. E. Monahan
The !following cor~espondence was read out by Reeve Foster:
1. T. B. Monahan re r~signation as Clerk of the Township of
Cla~ke.-Referred' to resolution.-
The follow'ing resolutions were pa'ssed:. .
Reso]lltilon No.' ?h':Moved by F'.A.Gi"'ay,se'Com:ied by J.W.Stone:
, Thi,$ Council hereby' acce"pt the resignation of T.E. '
M9nahan,i Clerk of the Municipality, with regret., effective
April 2~th, 1969. Carried. -
Resolu:l;ilon No. ?'i:Moved b'y J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey:
ThiEl Council hereby ins'truct the Clerk to ad<vertise f'Or
applicatJions for the 'position of Clerk of this Municipality
to be r~ceived on or before 12:00 Noon, ~pril eth, 1969.
Success~ul applicant to qommence duti~s ~s ~oon as,ossxble.
The saiq aavertlsement to be advertised twice, if possible,
Orono W~ekly Times, 'Canadian Statesman, Oshawa Times and
Peterbonough Examiner. Carried.
It 1rfas moved by H. E.Walke'y,
that/ meeting be adjourned at
'seconded by F. A. Gray,
9:40 p.m.-Carried.