HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1969 (Special) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Friday, March 7, 1969, at 12:30;~.m~ Council Chamber, Orono. Prese~t: Reeve R. A. Foster Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray CouncillO,r J. W. Stone. Clerk T. E. Monahan Special mee~i~gof Council Was called by Reeve Foster to discu~s the following business: - ' It was moved by W. R. Carv~t~, seconded by J. W. Stone that Council concur with the app.l~cation of Mr. Fred Obrist for tile draJ_nage loan. Carried., . The following resolution was passed: Res91ut~on No.72:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that the application of Mr.J. Lyall Lowery for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1969 a~ $1.50 per hour pl~s lO~ per mile travelling expenses be and is hereby accepted as per application upon the recommendation of the Property and Finance Committee. Carried. First and Second reading of By-law on motion of J. W. Stone, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. '. The following By-law was read a Third time and finally passed on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by.W. R. .Carve~h: Carried. Bv-Law No_ 1626 The Corporation of the Township of Clarke Being a By-law to appoint ~ ~oning Administrator for the Corporation of the Township .o~ Clarke. Whereas pursuant to Section 15.1 of By-law No. 1592 the Council of the Township of Cl~ke shall appoint a Zoning Administrator. ,. Now Therefore the Council of .the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as iollo~s: . 1. That Mr. Horace Best, R. R.._;;, Orono, OntariQ, be and is hereby appointed .Zqning Administrator of By-law No. 1592 and amendments thereto of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. 2. That the said Mr. Horace B~s~ shall hold office during the period ending on 31st Day December 1969. 3. That the said Mr. Horace B~s~ shall be paid a sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. 4. That Resolution No. 36 dated Janua~y .13th,1969, be and is hereby repealed., .. 5. That this By-law shall corne into eff~ct from the passing thereof. On motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth, meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Carried. //:~ h.-, "./~ #-E: %J",,# ~lerk. ~~Reeve. _ ' SPECIAL MEETING OF ~HE CO~CI~ OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE - Wednesday, Ma~ch 19, '1969, at $'p.~. Council Chamber, Orono. . Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray ~ouncillor J. W. Stone Clerk T. E. Monahan Special meeting of Council was ca~led by Re~ve.Foster to discuss the. following business; , " , , It was su~gested by Council to discontinue mailing regular meeting notices to Council but to continue mailing notices, such as to the news media, for posting etc. It was agreed by Council that a new stenographer desk be purchased from Woodland Products, Newcastle, at the quoted price of $165.00. ' ' "~ ....:,;fo..:.