HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1969
Tuesday, March 4, 1969, at 10 a.m.
t, .. '".. ,
, ' Council Chamber, Orono.
Pres~nt: Reeve R. A.Foster
DepJty Reeve-H. E. Walkey
dCouncillor W. R. Carveth
Councillqr F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
. Clerk T. E. Mo~ahan . . .'
The minutes of th~ Regular ~eeting of Council dated
t . -. .
February 4th and the Special meetings of Council dated
February 13th, 21st and ia7th, 1969, were' adopted as . "'
printed on motion,by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R.
Carveth. Carried.
; Mr.~,~. Best met with Co~nqil at their, re,quest re
Zoning Administrator appointment. C~uncil had a discussion
on salary for the Zoning AchiI>inistrator and Building Inspector.
I~ was m~v~d by W. R. Carveth, seconded by J. W. Stone,
that all tenders be opened. Carried. This business was '
. .. t'" . . .
concluded by resolutions. ' "
On motion byW. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A.' Gray,
this meeting be adjourned for lunch from 12:]0 to 1:45 p.m.
Carried. .'
; D~legation of Mr. Harold Skinner, 'County Weed InspectOr,
and Mr. A. H. Sturrock, 'representing the Presbyterr of '
Presbyterian Church and cemetery at Newtonvillere weeds
on said property. ' .
, It.wCj.s moved by'F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Walkey",
that Council adjourn to committee of the whole.' Carri:ed.'"
It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W.R. Carveth,
that Committee rise and Council be and'ishereby resUmed.
Cal?r:led. . ,
. . (.. . . ~ .' .
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
Ontario Good ~oads Association re 1969 "T. J.Mahony"
Ro~d School- May 11-14, 1969.-Refe~red to Road
SUj,)e~intendent. . .
Copy letter from Canadian Transport ConunissioIl re
File No. 26727.1016 re Crossing of the CPR at'mile
160.65 Belleville Subdivision and Town Line Road in
Newca~t~e, Ontario.-R~ferred to the Road and Bridge
Committee. .' . , ," . . ,
Copy letter from Canadian Transport Commission re
File No. 26727.1353 re Boundary Road level crossing,
mile 14$.$3 Belleville Subd., Newtonville Ont., CPR.-
Referred to the ROad Super~n~endent. " .
Ontario Good Roads'Association re 1969 nC~S~Andersonn
Road School-May 11-15,1969.-Refereed to the Road
t ::
Superintendent. (
Mr. Angus Ranki~ letter addressed to Mr~ Roy Foster '
re water problem on ,Lot 16, Concession 2. -Referred to
Clerk to write O".W.R.C~ and answer Mr. Rankin.
Lake" O~tario ~egional Development Coun~U 1fews.-PUed.
Millson Insurance Agency re General Acciaent Liability
,Policy M9?-OF67" Corporation of the Towns~if of
Mr.. A~ D. Morton re~uest f9r entrance c?lvert.-Referred
to the Road and Bridge Committee. -.... . , .
OIlt~rio Motor League report for February 1961.-FiTed.
The Ontario Municipal B~ard re Construction of storm
sew.er~ on Main Street, etc~ Order No. ~ 1885-67.-Filed.
~ ,. . . .
Request of' Harold Ball re undersized lots.-Filed. . ~
Department of' Trade .& ~evelopmentre Employment
,Standards Act .of Ontario.-Filed.
13. The Royal Trust Company re short term investment
rates.-F:iled. "
14. Department of Municipal Aff'airs re meeting, March 17,
1969, at County Buildings, Cobou~g re budgets.-Refer~ed
to the Clerk and Treasurer.
15. The Corporation of the Borough of Scarborough re
Educational Course for Ontario Building Of'f'icials.-
Referred to Bui~ding Inspector.
Frazerville Elevators re Warble Fly Control.-Fi1ed.
Central Lake, Ontario Conservation Authority Minutes
f'or February'.12, 1969.-Filed.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 4 March 1969 continued:
1$. Copy letber from E. ,Richard Lovekin, Chairman, Committee
of Adjusbment for the Township of Clarke to W. Kay
Lycett, B.A., re proposed purchase by Mr. and Mrs.
Erich Kelter from Merrill Ross - part of Lot IS,
Concession 7.-Referred to Zoning Administrat~r and Filed.
The following resolutions were 'passed:
Resolution No. S7:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H;E.Walkey:
That the tender of E. F. Marston Construction'Limited
for Contract 27$,~being the construction of the Newtonville
Road, C.P.R. Overpass, in the amount of $149,222.00 be
accepted subject to the approval of ~he Ontario 'Department
of Highways and subject to cheeking'by,the Consulting
Engineers. Carried.
Rp.solution No.S$:Moved by F.A.Gray,secondedby W.R;Carv&th:
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute a
'contract with E. F. Marston Const~uction Limited for Contract
27$, after receipt of the necessary'approvals. Carried.
Rp.so]ution No.Sg:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byF.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept the lowest tender being that
of Seaway Motors, Whitby, Ontario for Ford Truck at tendered
price of $97S2.0S'subject to the approval of the Ontario
Department of Highways. Carried.
Resolution No.60:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept the lowest tender being that
of Miller Paving for Priming, subject to the approval of the
Ontario Department of Highways. Carried.
Rp.s6]ution Ko. '6l:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone:
'This Council hereby accept the lowest tender being'
that of'CAnadian Salt Company for Salt; subject to the
approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. CarrieS..
R~solution No.62:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey:
, That this Council hereby accept the lowest tender
being that of Allied Chemical Company for Chloride, sub~ect.
to the approval of the Ontario De~artment of-Highways. Carried.
Rp.solution No.6,:Moved by W.R.Carveth,secended by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept the lowest tender being,that
of Harnden and King for Crushing'and Hauling Gravel, subject
to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways. Carried.
Resolution No.64:Moved by F.A.Gray,seeonded by.W.R.Carveth:
This Council accept the lowest tender beiJllg that fb!"
Snow fence and posts from The Pedlar People Limited, Oshaw~,
Ont~rio, subject to the approval of the O~tario Department
of Hlghway~. Carried. "
ResQlution No.6S:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
That this'~ouncil endorse the resolution of the Town
of Cobourg dated January 20,-1969,.re-Amend the Municipal
Act, Section 240, Chapter 249, and that copies of this
resolution be forwarded to the Town of Cobourg and the
"Ontario Municip-:;'l' Association.' Carried.
Resolution'Not 6q:Moved by F.A.Grayjseconded by H.E.Walkey:
, That'this Counci~ hereby appoint the Clerk as cheque
signer in the absence of the Treasurer as authorized by
Section 220 (1) of The Municipal Act, ~.S.O. Chapter 249.
Rp.so] uti 0;" No.67:Moved by J.W.Stone,- seconded b~ H,.E.Walkey.:
Thifi. Council autho-rize the ~oad Superintendent to
advertise Tor tenders on a concrete structure Bridge,
Lot 19L rOl\.d allowance tletween Concession 2 and 3. Carried.
R"eso]uti'on Np.6R:Mo'Ved by H.E'.Walkey,seconded by J .W.Stone:
Th'is Council authorize the Road Superintendent to
advertise for tenders on 9'6ft x 6'Sftsteel arch culvert far.
boundary between Darlington ToWnship and Clarke Township,
Concession 3. 'Carried.
r ~',"<~"
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council 4 March 1969 continued:
ResQlution No. 6Q:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by F.A.Gray:
. This Council ,hereby resolve in accordance with Section
10: of The Ontario Municipal Board Rules of. Procedure (The
Planning Act, Section 30) dated Deoember 20, 196$, as follows:
Oh;A~t:i ons and Re(l}H~stg to
Zon;n~ By-~w No_ 161~ nf ~hp- CO~Dorat{on
o~ the Town~hipoF Cl~~~e
Accented 01" RAip-~tAci hv t-hig CounciJ
I;J1di vi dual Ohjp~tors Cansu]e Comnu::o.nt O~ ClasRi-Pic:ation
Rejected URUMMOND A.A. Vali~ NC use, No ,problem
Rejected EVANS W.C. Agricultural zoning recommended
Rejected YOE A.B. Farmer objects to R2 Zone next
door will reduce water supply.
Industria~ zone will pollute lake.
Existing lot
Richard H. Changes
Leslie Rudkin)
Gene No better
Rejected CARSON
Rejected ' CIi,APMAN
Rejected SUTCH
Rejected ADAMS
Rejected KARKLIS
Rejected ALLDRED
Rejected BULL
Rejected REID
Rejected LOWERY
Rejected ,COPPING
Rejected GILBANK
Mr.&Mrs. WIll.
Mr.&Mx<s. J.H.
(for B.S.Collins)
(for P. E. Jones)
(for W. Jones)
permitted uses df land.
planning than 1592
.Poor zoning
Gene~al objection
Recommend residential zoning
Recommend residential zoning
No allowance for alterations
of buildings
General - retirement land
General objection
General objection
Disapproves of map
Rejected wishes of electors
Development area will
affect water supply
Residential areas far,from schools
Not ~n best interest of ~ownship
Not in best interest of Township
Not ~n best interest of ~ownship
Agricultural zoning recommended
Existing lots
Existing lots
Too.restrictive in residential
Rejected PEDWELL MaurioeH.Existing lots
While Council have rejected all Objections and Requests
received they wish to make it perfectly clear that should the
Board order a hearing they are of the opinion that, some
Objections and Requests are based on an honest difference of
opinion that could be constructively argued before the Ontario
Municipal Board. 'Carried.
Resolution No.70:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve.that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
autherized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #2 for February in the amount of
General Voucher #3 for March in the amount of $2993.73
General Welfare Voucher #3 for March-in the amount of $2977.72
Road Voucher #2 for February in the amourtof $18,833.43
Police Village of Orono Voucher #Z for.FeQruary in the amount
of $2013.53. Carried. '
Resollltion No.7l :Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by J.'W.Stone:
That this meeting be adjourned at 5:30 p.m. until 10:00 a.m.
April st or as otherwise called by the Reeve. Carried.
/h?: '2J<< <9'
)P~ Reeve. . -