HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/27/1969 (Special)
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Special Meeting of Council 13 February 1969 continued:
The following resolution was passed:
Resollltion ,~o. L.q:Moved by i'l.R.Carveth,seconded by J'.W.Stone:
That this Council accept the offer of The Durham Central
Agricultural Sbciety to purchase property at the Old Garage
Site as per Plan 669009, Dated 4th February1969~ M. D. Brown,
O.L.S., Bowmanville, for $4,000.00; $2,000.00 payab'le in
1969 and $2,000.00 payable in 1970, and that the' said Society
pay all Legal fees and the Township of Clarke pay al'l survey
costs. Carried. . -
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. k. Gray;
that the meeting be' adjOUrned at 11:05 p.m. Carried.'
~~ 4~'zk
~rk. ' Reeve.'
Priday, PebruaPy'21, 1969, at $ p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey'
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Clerk T. E. Monahan'
Spec!al m~eting of Council was c~led~y Reeve Foster
to consider'the business herein recorded.
1. Mr. Arthur G. Low resignation as Administrator of
the 'Zoning By-Law of Clarke Township and as Secretary'
of Clarke'Pl<<nning Board.-Referred to Resolution.
The following resolution was passed:
R....olution No. 'iO:Moved by J.W.Sbone,Seconded by Frank Gray:
That this Council hereby accept with regret the
resignation of Mr. Arthur G. Low as Zoning Administrator
effective February 21st, 1969. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.
~~ Pv...1- /~
" 4- <f ;4J!:-
Reeve. .
Thursday, February 27, 1969, at 5 p.m.
" Counc~l Chamber,- Orono.
Present: Reeve R. A. Poster
. Councillor W. R. Cllrvetl'h'
, , Councillor J. W.' Stone
Clerk T. E. Monahan
Kr. Der~k Little and Mr. Drew ThorburnoI .
~uniciPal Planning Consultants Co. ,Ltd.,To'ronto, Onto
Special meeting was called by Reeve Foster to discuss
with Mr. Little and Mr.' Thorburn the Zoning By-laws. .
A complete review of By-laws No. 1592, 159$,1602,
1607, and 1613 was made by the consultants to familiarize
themselves with' the above-mentioned Zonirtg By""Ia~s.Reeve
Foster explained some of the difficulties ~eing experienced
with By-law No. 1592 and amendment's thereto. '
On ~he subject of certain undersized lots, Mr. Little
agreed to prepare an amending By-law to By-law No. 1592 and
a meeting to be arranged with the Planning Board upon completion
~of By~law for discussion of same.
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Special Meeting of Council 27 February 1969 continued:
Mr. Little recommeaded to Council that a Solicitor be
, engaged' to represent the Municipality for the up-coming"
Ontario Municipal Board Hearing re By-laws No. 1592 and
1613 an~ that a meeting of the Solicitor, Planning Board
Chairman, Clerk and Consultants be arranged in preparation
for Hearing. ." ."" .' . "'
Mr. Little requested" copies of aforementioned Zoning
By-laws and certain communications which was agreed upon by
Council. . ,
" Council Meeting adj.ourned at '7:on p.m.
tli2t~ .' " f!!;.1;U;-
~erk. . Reeve....... "., - . . . .
~hursday, F~bruary 27, 1969, ~t 8 p.m.
", , Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeue H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor J. W. Stone '
Clerk T. E. Monahan
Special meeting of Council was cailed by Reeve Foster to
discuss t he following business: . ." '
The objections submitted to Z~ning'By~law No~ 1613 were
read by the Reeve to the meeting for Council's Consideration.
Resolution to be prepared for March 4th regular meeting of
Council recording all objections as being'rejected. . .
qouncil recommended tha~ SolicitorE. R. Lovekin be
approached in regar;d to the Hearing and that Deputy Reeve
;Walkey contact Mr. Lovekin. '
Mr. Horace Best, Building 'Inspector, 'to oe'request"ed to
attend the March 4th reguiar Council meeting re Zoning
Administration. Councillor Stone to approach Mr. Best ort same.
It was moved by J. Stone; seconded by H. E. Walkey that
H. E. Millson be requested'to attend regular meeting of Council
March 4th, at 3:00 p.m. Carried.
It was requested by Council that the Vault Combination be
changed by a bonded lock-smith.
Council requ~sted that a telephone be installed on the
Treasurer r s desk.
Councillor Stone reported to Council that no applications
had been received for a Warble Fly Inspector. Councillor Stone
~as requested by Council to approach Mr. Lowery, last year's
inspector, to undertake duties again for the year 1969.
The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Ontario
Water Resources Commissio:rl.'re wells at Lot'16, Con.: 2 drying up.
It 'was moved by H. E.Walkey,' .seconded by W; R. Carveth
that the 5% as recommended by the Planning Board be accepted
re J. S.Ochonski subdivision - File No'. T'-19244.'
Councillor Stone reported to Council re electrical changes
to Municipal Building. It was recommended by Council that
work proceed as soon as possible.
. Councillor Stone presented to Council quotations on
Gest~tner printi?gmachines for cons1deration for tbe 1969 Budget.
The following correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster:
1. Farm Credit Corporation re Mr. and Mrs. F.red Obri'St, Loan
No: 22188-528.-Tabled.
2. Office of the ~ueen's Printer re copies of the Planning
Act.-Refery,"ed to the Clerk to order 10 'c"opies.- "
3. Lake OntariD RegionaL Development Council remembership.-
Referred to the Clerk to answer.
4. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed additional and
reduction capital expenditure - final a.pproval. ':',-:. .
Construction of storm sewers on Main St. etc. - Filed.
Clarke Planning Board re rezoning fTOm Development
to R.2 that part of Lots 31-32-33, Concession 5.-
Referred. to Mr. Little with a covering letter.))D~D9
The Corporation of the Town o~ Whitb~re a one.day
workshop involving Welfare Services.-Referred to Mr.
DeW'ith. ,
Department of Municipal Affairs re tax registration
procedures.-Referred to the Clerk to investigate,
Department of Agriculture. and Food, Soils and Crops
Branch, re W'eed Inspectors for 1969.-Filed.
Mrs. Stella A. Kaleny re building permit.-Piled.,
Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated February
10, 1969.-Filed. -. '
Decision, Committee of Adjustment, February IS, 1969,-Filed.
Sunnydene Estates Limited re Appeals against decisions
of the Committe'e of Aqju.stment and Ontario Municipal.
Board 'fIearing,-Fiied..3 n,..,
13. Department of Highways re purchase ~f 30,000 G.V.W. .
Truck.-Copy to be referred to the Road.Super~ntendent
and Filed.
14. Department of ~ghways re adjustment of
Programme supporting 1968 Suppl'ementary
By-Law No. 1578.-Copy to be referred to
Superintendent and Filed.
15. Department of Highways re Adjustment of
Programme supporting 1968 Supplementary
By-Law No. 1582.-Copy to be referred to
. Superintendent and Filed. .
Department of Highways re 1968 Final Return.-Filed.
Ontario Department of Lands and Forests re proposed
. by-law repealing by-law No. 1243.-Filed.
18.' Page and Kamin re Cant rack, Motor Racing Corporation
19. Minutes of a meeting of the sub-committee OR
Implementation of the Oshawa Area Planning &
Development Study.-Filed.
20. E. R. Lovekin, Chairman,. Committee of, Adjustment for
The Township of Clarke re enquiry as to proceedings
of Commie tee of Adjustment and Planning Board and
. . Financial Statement.-Fiaed~
21.' Mr'. C. D. Woods re property being composed of
Lot 9, Concession 5.-Referred to the Reeve to
22.' Mr. Jan Sweep ~e By-Law No. l6l3.-Referred to
~l~nning Board. . .
23. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves confirming with
thanks receipt of cheque forrrembership renewal.-Piled.
24. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority re Annual
Meet'ing. -Filed..
25. 'A.' G. Low, Se'cretary-Tre.aSourer, Clarke PLanning Board,
re recommendation of said Planning Board in.regard to
J. S. Ochonski Subdivision proposal as business brought
forward from 4 February 1969.-Filed.
26. The Corpora~ion of the Town .of Cobourg re their resolution
re pensions for employees.-Referred to resolution.
27. Township of Clarke Recreation Committee budget for the
year 1969.-Referred to Budget for 1969. .
2$.' Committee of Adjustment budget for .1969.-Referred to
]:969 Budgeb. .
29. Millson Insurance Agency re General Accident Liability
Policy M99-0267, Corporation of the Township of Clarke.
-Filed .-
30. Millson InsuraRce Agency re General Accident LiaQility
Policy M99-0267, Township of Clarke.-Filed.
31. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re rate of interest.
32. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to M. L. Ross, Road
Superintendent, re proposed Development Road, Lots 34
and 35, Concession 3, Clarke Township, Town Line Road
and C.P.R.Tracks.-Filed.
33. The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society request
for grant.-Received.
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Special Meeting of Council 27 FebrUary 1969 continued:
the Road
Road Expenditure
the Road
the Road
Road Expenditure
the Road
part of
Page 3
Special Meeting of Council 27 Pebruary 1969 amtinued: ~
Th~ ~unicipal ~nit;r dated December 196$.-Re~eived.
Mrs. R0bert Carlaw, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of
Brighton re prptection of the Bee Industry from
damage by bears, as business brought forwarQ. from 13
January 1969.-Piled.
36. E, Richard Lovekin reo Statement of Acc~~nt re Deed to
Roopey, part Lot 15, B.P. Concession as business brought
forward. from 1) January 1969.-Piled.
37. Department of Municipal Affairs re upiforrn Building .
Standards for Ontario as business brought forward frpm
13 January 1969.-Referred to the B~ilding,Inspector.
3$, Amalgamated Game, Commission re minutes .of, meeting held
January 21, 1969.-Piled.
39. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re the
Phenomenal Snewrnobile,-and L.9.R.D.~, News.-Piled.
40. . Nprthurnber1and-Durharn Health Unit Repert fer January.
1969.-Piled. , .
41. Department of Trade and Development Joint Venture
Bulletin No. 35 for February 1969.-Piled. .
42. National Building Code of Canada re Canadian Building
Officials Conference. -PileQ.. '. .
43. Ontario Department of Trage and Development, Trade and
Industry Division re Manufacturing Opportunities
dated January 1969 and Pebruary Special 1969'.-Piled.
The follewing resolutions were pas~ed: .
Resolution No. Sl:Meved by J. W. Stone, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
.That~his Ceuncil authorize the payment of $20.00,
1969 membership fees, for the Treasurer, to the Associati9n
or Municipal Clerks an~ Trea~urers ~f Ontario. Car~ed.
REsolution No., S2:Moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by J .W.ptone:
That the Clerk and Treasurer be aut~orizea. to attend
the annual Clerks and Treasurers Convention at Delawana Inn,
Honey Harbour, from June 22-26th, 1969, and all reasonabl~
expenses paid. Carried. . .
Resolution No. S~:Moved by H.E.Walkey,secpnded by ~. ~. S~one:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1600 this Council hereby
repeal Resolution No. 14 dated' ,January 7, 1969. Ca..rried.
Resolution No. 'i4:Moved by W.. R. ee.,rveth, seconded by J.W.Stone:
That this Council authorize the transfer pf ~11~635.?2
from Road Construction to Road Mai~tenance as~et. out in
Road Expenditure Suppl.ementa.;t'y By-Law Ne. 157$. C;l.r,ried.,.
Rp.solution No. SS:Moved by W.R.Carveth,s.econded by J.W.Stone:
This Council hereby accept the quotation .of W.R.Chapman
Auto Electric, Oshawa, Ontario, for the purchase of a steam
generator in the amount of $2,94$.40 subject to the appro.val
of the Department of Highways of Ontariq. Ca~.ied.
RP.solution No. S6:Moved py H.E.Wabkey, secon~ed by' J..W.Stpne;
This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to acknowledge
all objections and request received by the Clerk quri.ng the
period of Pebruary.5 to ~bruary 20,1969, inclusive with
regard to Zoning By-Law No. 1613. Carried. . ,
.It was suggested by th~.Clerk and approved by Council that
a Township of Clarke Sign be installed abqve the office .
On motion ,by W. R. Carveth, seconded by'j.W. St9ne~
that this meeting be adjourned at 11:55 p.~. Carried.
. ;WJ~~~.
C~k. .
. ."