HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1969 . Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk ..T. E. Monahan The minutes of the Regular meetin~of Council dated January 7th and the Special meeting pf Council pate~January 13th"1969, were ad~.d as printed on motion by J.W. Stone, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. , It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by J. ~. ~ope thAt , ' delegations be heard. Carried. Mr. Arthur Low, Zoning Adminis'trator for .the .:rownship of Clarke~met with Council to outline the case in regard ~o tpe Sunnydene subdivision. _ Mr. Caspari, Sunnydene Estates,'presented bis case in regard to proposed Subdivision, Part Lots 27 and 28, Coneession 5. Co.l,i~cil recommended that lolr. Caspari attendaPl{lnning Board meeting in.. order to discuss this matter and to. come to a fi~agre~ment to be presented to Council forapproval~ M~. Foster to call a'meeting oYthe~Planning Board aha Mr.'Caspari to be notified of said meeting. _ . l ".' ''-''. (, . ,. . ,. A delegation from the'Agricultural Society, re purohase of land and old garage ~o extend the race track. met With Council. Mr. Ross" Road Superintendent, explai..nedprogrjilss on',o;Ld garage and property in reference to above Society's propoaed purchase. Mr. Ross st.ated that he'would require storage for salt and calcium and the Delegation agreed to present th~s st~pulation to ~heir_Societr for approval and report back to Council. Mr. Ross presented Council With a proposed 1969 Road Expenditure Budget for study. It was moved by W._ R. Carveth, _ !,econded by F. A. Gray that- ~he t1;ig!1-war 'Ex'penditur~ Budget, as presented be accepted.' Carried. Mr. E. R.Woodyard pr!l's!l'nted, a,re~olution and .eorr~sP9ndence to Ci:luncil in regard to sti-eet construction. This matter was referred to_By-Law. 'Mr. Woodyard requested that a letter be, sent to J: A. Kennedy, Chairman, Ontario Municipal Bo~r~. It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R.-Carveth that Council recess at 12 noon for luncnand resume'session at 1:40 p.m. Carried._ ' , ' Mr. Hancock' presented a complaint to Council re water, drainage from Oschonski subdivision. Cou~cilr.e9.uestsithat a letter be sent to Mr. Best, Building Inspector, informing him that before issuing a building permit the applicant must obtain an entrance culvert permit fro~ the R?ad Superint~ndent. It was-moyed byH. E. Wdkey seconded by J. W; Stone ~hat the t~~'3rS for .the barn ~t tfte gravel pit be opene9. C~rried. Tenders were received from: 1. Ewart Rob~nson , : 2. Don Henry On:moti9~ by H. E. Walkey,SeQ9nd~d by W. R.:Caryeth, the tender of'$7$.00 from Don Henry'be accepted for 'the Ba.rn. Carried. Mr. Ross discussed the Newtonville overpass and the request of tl;le contrac~or to take fill from the 7 acres of' ;Townsh~p,property. Council agree9 to this r~que~t provided the remova+ 9f fill be Under the supervision of the Road.. Superintendent. " , : . Mr., E. R. Woodyard pI'e.en~e\i the 1969 ~ibr!lry Board Budget estimates to Council for consideration. 'Th.1sbus.iness was, referr,ed t;othe Finance Comrnitt~e. It~a, moved by H. E. Wal~e~ seconded by F. A. Gray that tenders for the piano and stove be open~d. 'CarrIed(; .. Tenders .ferthe piano were re'ceived from: 1 # Mr.s. A.., J akeman \ 2,. .Mrs. Il.Gustar 3. Mr. William Abray 4. H. j)eWith Tender for the stove was received from Edward R..~oodyard. It was m~ved by H. E. Walke7, seconded by F. A~ Gray that the tender of H. DeWith in the amount of $51.00 be accepted for the piano and the tender of Edward R. Woodyard in the amoWlt of $16.50 be accepted for the four burner electric stove. Carried. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday. February 4, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. C9uncil C~am~er.. Orono. ..e " Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 4 February 1969 continued; Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Chairman of the Committee of Adjustment, met with Council to discuss and clarify many issued of the Zoning By-Law. The following correspondence 'arm reports were 'read out by Reeve Foster:- 1. Roy C. Forrester, Chairman, Cla~k~ Public Library, re Clarke !d.blic Library Budget for the year 1969.-Referred to Finance Commi-ttee. . 2. A. G. Low, Secretary~ Clarke Planning Board, recommendation and.re~atedcorrespondence reSunnydene Estates Ltd.' proposed subdivision.-Tabled. 3. Mr. E. C. Copping re two aetters dated January 16, 1969, re information about Committee of' Adjustment and Planning Board.-Referred to Solicitor and Finance Committee. 4. Committee of Adjustment minutes of mee:tings held January' 13th and 21st.-Filed. 5. The Ontario Municipal' Board re appointment for Ee~ring in ~he matter of an appeal'by Sunnydene Estates Limited against a decision of tne'Committee of Adjustment.-~iletl. 6. Police Village of Orono Resolution No 69-6 dated January 27,1969, regarding the Road Contract No.66-w-142.- &lferred to the Clerk to answer. 7. A. G. Low, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, re recommendation of said Planning Board in regard to J.' S. Ochonski Subdivision proposal.-Tabled. 8. Mr. John R. Frost, Chairman:. Implementation Sub Committee Corporation ofT the Town of Whitby, re meeting of the Implementation Committee on February 5, 1969.-Referred'to the Clerk. 9. 'rhe Ontario Municipal Board re Invoice No. 1181 - $80.00 "Construction and equipment of an' addition to Orono Public Schooi.-Referred to Accounts. 10. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Statement of Account.- Referred to Accounts. . 11. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Transfer of Land, Clarke Township and Stapleton.-Filed. 12. Ontario Good Roads Association re'Convention.-Filed. 13. Canadian Pacific Railway Company're Interim Billing No. 3017~.-Referred to Treasurer. 14. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority notice of Annual Meeting, February 12, 1969.-Filed. ., 15. C~aftway Equipment Limited re Fulcon Weather Protection Material. -Filed. 16. Ontario Department of Labour"re new Ontario Employment Standards Act as business brought forward from 7 January 1969.-Filed. 17. Department of Municipal Affairs're.File No. T-19244, Jan S. Ochonski Subdivision, Pt. of Lot 29, Con. V.- Filed. . The follOWing resolutions were Passed: Resolutirm No. "I8:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconel.ed.by F.A.Gray: Resolve that the Road Superintendent is hereby authorized to accept prices and purchase one steamer subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Carried. Rp.A01ution No. 1Q:Moved by J. W.Stone, seconded by H.E.Walkey: The Orono Horticultural Society be granted $25.00 for the year 1969. Carried. Resolution No. ~O:Moved by H.E.Walkey, seconded.by"J.W.Stone: Resolve that The Salvation Army be and is hereby given a grant in the amount of $50.00 for the year 1969. Carried. Rp.solution'No~ hl:Moved by F.A.Gray) seconded by H.E.Walkey: That Counci110r'J. W. Stone be and i$ hereby empowered to order the necessary supply of Warbicide Powder for the year 1969 from the Durham Farmers' County Co-operative~ Carried. Resolution No. 42:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconel.ed.by F.A~Gray: Resolve that the Road Superintendent is hereby authorized to advertise for tenders on the following items: . Crushing and Hauling Gravel, Prime, Snow Fence, Fencing Materials>. one 30000 G.V.W. Truck complete with" Box. Carr~ed. . - r I Page 3 Regular ~eeting of Council 4 February 1969 continued: . Resolllt.ion No. !.:'l:Moved by J. W. Stone. seconded by W.R.Ca:t'-veth: This Council hereby.resolve that they will accept that portion of the new road being built by the Department of HighWays connecting the 6th line road to the newly constructed intersection of Highways 115 and 35, County Road No. 1 when and after construdtion has been completed to the satisfaction of the Council of the Township of Clarke. Carried: Resoli.1Jjon No. 44:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by H.E.Walkey: The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise in the Orono 'Weekly .Times and the' Canadian Statesman for applications for Warble Fly 'Inspecto'r foI""the year 1969. . Ap~icationsto be received on or before February 21, 1969. Applicants to state remuneration expected. . The Property and Finance Committee be and .are hereby empowered to consider and act upon the applications and finally report their recommendation to Council for the necessary action by resolution at the next regular meeting of Council. Carried. ResQlutjop No. 4S:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby becomes a ~ember of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves for the year 1969 and the membership fee of $30.00 be paid. The Reeve be and is hereby authorized to attend the meetings or the said As~ociation With reasonable expenses allOWed or to delegate someone to attend in his stead. Carried. Resol~tjop No. 46:Moved by J.W.Stone, seconded by W.R~Ca~yeth: That the following accounts be_ approved: . Welfare Assistance Voucher #2 - $1ge2.73 . General. Department Voucher #2 $13,607.27 . Payroll Account . $2.ell.65 Road Account $11,431.05. Carried. Resollltion~o. h?:~oved by H.E.Walkey.seconded by F~A.Gray: < This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal an "Offer To Sell" between the Cor~oration of the Township of Clarke and Ulrich and Ruth Ruegge.r dated December 23rd, 196e. Carried. First reading of all By-Laws on motion by F.A.Gray, . seconded by J.W.Stone. Second reading of all Jly-Laws on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by H.E.Walkey. . Third reading of all By-Laws on motion by W.R.Carveth, seconded byJ.W.Stone. By~L~~ N06P1622 r To declare Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as amended by The Lord's Day (Ontario) Amendment Act 196e (No.2) to be in force in certain parts of the Township of Clarke. . The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. (1) 'Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as amended by The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) Amendment Act 196e, Chapter 6e. Section 2, is~erebydeclared to be in force from May 1. 1969. to October 31. 1969. to include in this period four (4) major International races and five (5) club events only. in the follOWing parts of the Township of Clarke. namely: Area No. 1 - Mosport Park (~) The application of the said section of the said Act shall be limited to the respectfve public games or sports in thefor~going respective parts of the Township of Clarke as follows: ' Area No. 1 - Motor ~acing 2. The public games and sports named in this By-Law shall be. subject to the folloWing regulations and control: (a) every such game or sport shall be conducted in an orderly and seemly manner; . . (b) no such game or sport shall be commenced before half past one o'clock in the afternoon. . 3. That By-Law No. 1596 be and is her~by repeal~d. - Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 4 February 1969 continued: Bv-I.;It" NOa ]62'-' Being a By-Law to authorize the construction, reconstruction, extension of certain capital works in the Police Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke as a Local Improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Clarke proposes to either construct, 'reconstruct, extend or.improve the following capital -works in the Police Village of Orono in 'the Township of Clarke in accordance with S~ction 7, Subsection (1) (d), Section $ and Section 67, Subsections (1); (3), and (4) of the Local Improvement Act, R.~.O. 1960 and amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS for that purpose the Corporation proposes to make application for assistance in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act; AND WHEREAS the projects are in ~e opinion of the Council ' of the Corporation municipal projects t:j.ualified for assistance under The Highway Improvement Act; AND WHEREAS the Trustees of the saier Police Village of Or'ono haVe" ll1ade applicat'ion to "the Council oT th'is Corporation for the passing of this By-Law and for the levying by an annual special rate upon the rateable property in the said Police Village of Orono for the sums' required ~or the payment of the debt incurred for such construction, reconstruction, extension or improvement of certain public works; 'NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS, HEREBY ENACTED as a By-La~ o~ the Corporation of the Township of Clarke by the Council thereof as' follows:- 1. The Police Village of Orono as described in By-Law No. 60 of tAe Corporationo~ the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham is hereby tlefihed as a local improvement area for purposes of eonstructihg the said works. 2. ' The' fbllowing storm" sewers' ahd roads shall be constructed, reconstructed, extended or improved in the following locations in the Police Vi'llage of Orono as local improvements under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act and qualified assistance under The Highway Improvement Act in accortlance with the plans prepared by Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited, Whitby, Ontario at a total estimated cost of $154,196.00' and expenditures not to exc~ed.the aforesaid amount:- - Stor-m SAWP-'rS STREET Main Street Church,Street r&QR :m Centre Street App~ox. 370 ft~ South of Park"Street Main Street Headwall Church Street Approx. 570 ft. East of Church Street Church Street Approx. 620 ft. East of Churcb Street Approx..190 ft.North'Headwall, Approx. 350 ft. of Dickson Street South of Park Street Easements Park Street Centre Street CUl"h. GllttP-l"". PAVAmp.nL STREET .f:XQH , I.Q. Church Street North Churchill Avenue 150 ft.South of Allin's Lane Centre Street Main Street $00 ft.East of Church Street Park Street Main Street 550 ft.East of Church Street Duchess Street Ma~n Street Church Street Dickson Street Mill Street' Church Street 3. The Engineering Consultant for yhe Corporation of the Township of Clarke in this matter shall be To€ten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited, Whitby, Ontario, and they sh,all forthwith make such plans, profiles, and specifications and furn1sh~uch information as shall be necessarY.for the making of a contract for'the execution .e,.. . of the. work. Such plans and specifications to clarify in detail . the works already outlined in their preliminary report referred to under item 2. above. 4. The work shall be carried on and executed under the super- intendence and according to the dire~tion and orders of' such Engineerin~ Consultants. ".-" Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 4 February 1969 continued: - 5. The Reeve and Clerk are authorized to cause ,a contract for the construction of each and every wo~k or any combinat~on thereof to be made and entered into with some person or persons, firm or corporation, subject to the approval of this Council to be declared by resolution. 6. F.or the purposes af'oresaid th.e,. Corporation of the Township of Clark~ shall bovrow,upon the genenal credit of the Corporation a sum sufficient to fInance their portion of the said-works which sam shall not ex~ed $3$,0$0.00 and may issue debentures, therefore, when duly authorized and approved. 7. :-!'he treasurerllIay (subject tcr-the approval of the Council) agree with any bank or,person fOIl temporary advances.of money to meet the cost of the work pending the completion of ~t )at a rate of interest not to exceed seven percent (7%) per annum. $. Aqy debentures to be issued for the loan t<;> be effected to pay for the cost of the work when completed shall be~r interest at a rate not to exceed seven percent (7%) per annum and 'be made.payable within 5 years on the instalment plan. 9. The principal of the said debt repayable in annual; instalments during the period of five years after the date of the completion of the said work shall be in such amounts respectively so that with th~ interest in respect of the debt th~ aggr~g~teamount pay~ble for,p~incipal an4 in~erest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the same. 10. 'In each year of the currency of the debt there shall be . .. t. <:. ~eviedanq raised by special rate sufficient therefore, over and above all other rates, on all the taxable property of the ratepayers of the Police Village of Orono at the same time and in the same manner as other rates, the sum shown in item 6, and ref'errec! to in' item 9. af'orementioned. but it shaJ.l hot be necessary to levy in any year a greater amount than is required to pay the inst~l~~t after taking into account receipts under The Highway Improvement Act or from any other~source in connection with.the propQsed work. .11. That By-Law No. 1574 be and is hereby repealed. By-Law No_ ln2h . ~ A By-Law to provide for the 1969 eJtpenditures on roads in the Township of' Clarke in the Count~ of Durham. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act X:Elquirefl that the total expenditure on roads be provided.fox: annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the.Minister of' Highways f'or approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (l) The sum of $291,000.00 is hereby e.stimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of'the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1969 as follows: , . Roads Bridges & Culverts New Machinery Superintendence & Overhead 1~6000_00 l~rOPO~OO ~Q~OO_OO Totals $176,000.00 $115.000.00 $29l.000~OO (4) The said mo~ies shall be expended under the supervision of' the duly apPQinted township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The HighwaI' Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Trip icate copies of' this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the 9ntario Municipal Boar~ shall be obtained before any expendit\J.reis authorized or work cOll\lllenced which will be f'inanced.by the issue of' debentures or monies raised in a subs~quent year. Sunol ~manta.pv Bv-L;1W. {:fa _ ] 62t'} ; A By-Law to provide for the 1969 expenditures on roads in the Township of' Clarke in.tpe.Co~ty.of Durh~. '.. - ,WHEREAS the Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually, by by-law. and. that the by-law be submitt~d to the Minister of Highways for approval. \. COn.!\lt'....ut!t:i on $70.200.00, 7$.$00.00. .12,000.00 Maint~nJlnc:p- , $96.000.00 4,000.00 nil ",Total $166,200.00 $2.600.00 -12,000.00 " Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 4 February 1969 continued: THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of $112,200.00 is hereby estimated as the .expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1969 as follows: Roads Bridges & Culverts New Machinery Superintendence & Overhead -- -- .- Totals $Q7.200.QO !l~.OOO_QO $112.2ftO.OO (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision o~ the duly appointed townsmip road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. RAsolution No. ll8:Moved by W.R.Carveth;seconded by J.W.Stone: This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on Tuesday, March 4, 1969, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or. otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. /~~ ~lerk . ConRt,.~ti an $97,200.00 MRint~na.nCA $15,000.00 TotAl $112,200.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- e ~'fI# Reever SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNeIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Thursday, February 13, 1969, at 8 p.m. . Council Chamber, Orono. " Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk T. E. Monahan Special meeting of Council was called.by Reeve Foster to hear the following delegations: Durham Central Agricultural Society delegation re purchase of property owned by the Township.bei~g land and old ga~age located next to the Fairground. This matter was referred to resolution. Mr. D. R. Moran of Parkhill and Yanch, Barristers, Qshawa, met with Council to represent their c;Liel1t, Mr. John Boumeester, re parcel of land in Lot 30, Concession 3. Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Township Solicitor, and Mr. A. Low, Zoning Administrator, were in attendance on behalf of Council. .Mr. Moran's case was di~cussed by Council and they decided that nothing would be don~ until after the aear~ and final Ontario MuniciPal Board approval of By-Law No. 1592.ana amen.nts. Deputy Reeve Walkey reported'to ~uncil on a meeting of the Planning Board in reference to the Sunnydene Subdivision~ Discussion included street exit at the Cemetery, 5~ of the land for the Corporationetc, and the Road Committee'were to discuss certain road items with the Road Superintendent. The Reeve presented to Council the 1969 Ganaraska mill rate and Council' recommended that the Reeve attend meeting of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority. The Reeve presented to Council advice from the Plumbing Inspector that there are a number of Plumbing Permits not being issued by the Township Office. The Clerk was requested to check the By-Law and procedure used-for. i8suin~ Plumhing ~erm.its. The following Correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster: 1. M. D. Brown,'B.S.A., B.A$c. D.L.S. report ~e old Township of Clarke Works Department Yard and Orono Fair Grounds.-Filed. 2. DUrham Central Agricultural Society re purchase of land - south end of Fair Grounds, Orono.-Referred 'to Resolution. .'