HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1969 (Special) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL Of THE TOWNSHIP OF' CLARKE ~ay, February 4, 1969 at Council 10 a.m. Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. ~.Walkey Councillor-W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Acting Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business:. - . The following: By-Laws were read a.first and second time on motion by J. Stone"secondea by R. Carveth: . The following By-Laws were read a third time and passed on motien by E.Walkey, seeonded by F. Gray: ~y-Law No. 1620 A Ey~Law to appoint a Clerk.for the municipality of.the Corporation of the-Township of Clarke. Whereas S~ction Z15 of~The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, authorizes the,Council of a municipality to appoint a l:lerk,- . Therefor~ the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Tewnship o~ Clarke enacts as ~oilows: 1. That Thomas E. Monahan be and is hereby appo:I1l.ted Clerk for taeCorporation of , the Townahip of Clarke as of January Z7, 1969. That the said Thomas E. Monahan shall perform all the duties to be performed by a Clerk ~nder statutory authority, and shall perform such other dutes as may be assigned to him from time to time by Council. 3. ' That the ,said Thomas E. Monahan shall be paid a sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed gy resolution of the said Council. 4. That By.Law No. 1611 be and is hereby repealed. Bv-LAW )lOA 1 h~' A By-Law to, appoint a Treasurer for the municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Whereas Section Zl$ of The Mun~cipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter Z49, authorizes the Council of a municipality to appoint a Treasurer, Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That Mr. Henry DeWith be and is he~eby appointed Treasurer for the Corporation of:the Township of Clarke as of January Z7, 1969. That the said Treasurer shall perform the duties of Tax Collector. That the said Mr. Henry DeWith shall, be paid a sum per annum, payable monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. That By-Law No. l61Z be and the same is hereby repealed. The Oath of. Office was taken by T.. E. Monahan as Clerk. andH. DeWith as-Treasurer. The Reeve and Council welcomed Mrs. Adele McGill and Mr. T. B. Monahan to' the office staff and congratulated Mr. Monahan on his appointment as Clerk and Mr. DeWith on h4.s appointment as Treasurer, at the same time extending a vote of thanks to Mr. DeWith for acting as {:lerk and Treasurer. in a time of need. ~ Meeting adjourned at 10:30 on motion by H. E. Walkey, secon~d by We R. Carveth. 'r&~ Acting Clerk. - ~'C Z. Z. 3. 4. , oc 4;; Reeve. ~ .