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Regular Meeting of Council 7 January 1969 continuea:
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A by-law to constitute and,appoint a eolllll1ittee of
Whereas tt is deemea expedient to constitute and
appoint a eo_ittee of aajustJll.ent as provided by The
PlannincAet R.S.O. 1960, Chapter ?96, Section 32 (a),
Now Theref'ore, the Council ef the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts ail f's.llows:
1. That the followinc persons whq, not being members
of the Council or employees of-the municipality
or of' a local board.thereof',.shall constitute and
are. hereby. appoint ed as members of the 'Collllllittee
of' Adjustment:.. ,
(1)'E.F..R.Osborne,R.R.2,Newcastle, to hold office ,u_til
January 1, 1970. . .
(2) B.R.Lovekin, Newcastle, to hold office until January 1,.1971.
(3) K. Schoenmaker, Orono, to h~ld office until January 1, 1972.
2. That By-Law No. 1579 be and 1S hereby repealed.
R@Rolu~ionNo~~~klMoved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray:
This-Council hereby adjo~n to meet again on Tuesaay,
February 4, 1969, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.
/Jcr,;Y6-Clerk. 7" Reeve. A,/J ~
Monday, January 13, 1969 at Bp.m.,
Council Chamber, rono.
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Present: a.eveR. A. Foster
Deputy-Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F..A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the follOWing business:
Mr..ArthUr Low met with Council to diseuss By-Law No. 1592
and By-Law No. 1613. .
The follOWing correspondenoe was read out by Reeve Foster:
1. Ontario Hydro, Bowmanville ,areaoffioe, re Street Lighting -
Newtonville as business brought forward from 5 November
2. Mr. M. Wladyka, Chairman, Diamond. Tl'ianc};. Planning COl/llllittee
re membership in said Planning Committee as business brought
forward from 13 December 196a.-Filed. .
3. Mr. William. Bunting re copy of' staudard by-law to issue
~ aud charge fees for licences to hunt etc. as business ~rought
forward from December. 23, 1966."Referred.to the Clerk.
4. Department of Municipal Affairs re local bodies operat:j.ng their
own.bank accounts for which there is no statutory authority
as business brought f'orward from 7 February 19Q7.-File~.
5. Department~of Social and Family ~ervices re Orono
Co~operatiTe K~ndergarten as business broughtfor~rd from
13 December 196B.-Filed.
6. Reservation Confirmation from Delawana Inn re ~icipal
Clerks ana ~reasurers Convention.-Tabled. .
7. Statement by the Honourable John-Robarts and Statement by
the HC>J1ourable W. Darcy McKeough re Design fer DeTelopment.
-Filed. . .
B. Ontario Department of Edacation re maps of SQhool Jurisdictions
of the Province of Ontario.-Filed. .
9. Department of'" Municipal Affairs re return of Blected and
Appointed Officers of a Local Municipality for the year
1969.-Referred to the Clerk.
Page 2
Special Meeting of Council 13 January 1969. continued:
10. A. O. Dalrymple, P. Ag., Agricultural Representative,
re This business of Farming, 2 one-hour T.V.
programs.-Filed. .
11. Department of Energy and Resources Management,
Conservation Authorities Branch, re The Conservation
Au~hoTities Act, 196$~ as busaness brought forward
e' fro~ 13 December 196$.-Filed.
12. The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada request
for a contribution, as business brought forward from
13 December 196$.-Filed.
13. Copy letter from Mr. . Allan B. Moore to Mr. Arthur
Low re property under Deed No. N37420.-Filed.
14. Cosmos Chemlac Limited, Port Hope,.Ontariore sites
for relocation of bUSiness as business.brought.forward
from 5 November 196$.-Filed.
15.. Letter dated 31 December 196$.and letter.dated 2. .
January 1969 from The Ro~ Tr~st Company re new
lQ. Service andStark.re Heyes purchase frOm Hooey,
part of Lot 2$, Concession 9, Township of Clarke~-
Referred to the Clerk.
17. .Department of Municipal Affairs re Notice required
under Section 12, The Department of Municipal Affairs
Act.-Referred to the Clerk and Treasurer.
1$. Department of Agriculture and Food, Live Stock Branch,
re .revised copy of The Dog Tax and .Live .Sto.ck .and
Poultry Protection Act.-Filed.
19. Ontario Department of Trade and Development re
Manufacturing. Opportunities Show 1969~-Filed.
20. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes
dated December 11, 196$.-Filed.
21. The Great Pine Ridge Holiday Land Reporter for
- December 196e.-Filed.
22. The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities re
their Thirty-Seventh Annual Convention.-Filed. ;
23. Mr. George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, re 1969
appropriations of the Legislature.for Municipal
road and bridge subsidies.-Filed"
24. The Ontario Municipal Board re.Financial Information.
-Referred to the Treasurer.
25. Canadian Mental Health Association request for
contribution as business:brought forward from 13
December 196$.-Referred to resolution and filed..
26. Ontario Council St. John Ambulance Association
request for a contribution. -Filed.
27. Department of.Trade and Development re information
on the establishment of new manufacturing industries
during 196$.-Filed.
2$. Amalgamate4 Game Commission re Clarke attendalilce.
at meetings.-Filed..
29. DeJilartment of Trade &. Development re Industrial
Contact for 1969.-Referred to the Clerk.
30. Department. of Municipal Affairs re uniform Building
St-andards for Ontar1.o.-Tabled.
31. Page and Kamin re Cant rack Motor Racing Corporation
Limited.-Referred to the Cle* to prepare By-Law.
32. Department of Highwa.ys re Police Village of Orono,
Township of Clarke, Contract No. 66Wl42.-Filed.
33. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to Mr. Ja.ck Ricar<< ,
Real Estate re granting of buildi~ permits on
15,000 square foot lots.-Filed.
34. Department. of Correctional Services re Charges for.
Lock-Up Prisoners - County, City and District
Jails.-A copy to be referred to the Finance Committee.
35." E. Richard Lovekin re Statement of Account reDeed-
to' Rooney part Lot 15, B.F. Concession.-Tabled.
36. The Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves report
of The Ontario Committee on Taxation.-Filed.
37. Letters from Ethel Lycett and Edward and Olive
Millson re change of ownership from the F~d ~ycett
Limited Insurance Agency to the Nillson Insurance
f~'<< .
Page 3 ,
Special Meeting o~ Council 13 January 1969 ~ontin~ed:
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3? Tru~te~s of the Police Village o~ Oro~~reResolution
No. '68-70 dated October 31, 1968, as.bu5iness brought
~orward ~rom 5 November 196e.~fi~ed. <.
39. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono.r8 ReSl:)lution
No. 68-71 dated October 31, 196$, as business brought
~orward ~rom 5 November 1968.-File~.
40. Mrs. Robert Carlaw, Clerk-Treasurer, Township o~
Brighton re protection o~ the Bee Industry ~rom'
damage by bears.-~abled.;
The ~ollowing resolutions were passed:
RlI"solution No. ~c;:Moved 1;ly W.R.Carveth,~ec(:mde~ by F.A.Gray:
This Council resolve that the Co-ordinating Committee
having completed ~he ne.ds study ~er the Townsbipo~ Clarke
is hereby dissolved. Carried. . ,
RasQlution No. ~6:Moved by H.B.Walkey,seconded by l"..A.Gray:
Whereas the Counci~ shall appoint a ~oning4dministrater
in.accor~a~c. With By-Law No. 159Z, being a by-law to regulate
the use of land'and the character, lOCation and use of
buildings and structures in the Township o~ Clarke, who shall
have the authority of administering the said By-Law;
Therefore the C9uncil of the Township of Clarke Resolves
as follows:- ..
1. That Mr. Arthur Low, R. R. 1, Kendal, Ontario, be and he
is hereby appointed Zoning Adminis~rator,of By-Law No.
l59Z of the Corporation. , ..
That the said Mr. Arthur Low shall hold o~fice during the
period ending on 31st December 1969.
3. .That the salary of the said Mr. Arthur Low as Zoning
Administrator of the Corporation of the Township o~ Cl~rke
shall be $75.00 per mont~, payable monthly.
That in addition to his monthly salary he shall be
reimbursed for travelling expenses at .10, ~r mile on,
duties relating to the said Zoning Administrat9r.
That Resolution No. 134 dated October 1, 1968, be and is
hereby rescinded. Carried. ,
R..~ol11tion No. ,?:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone:
Resolve that Cheque No. Z6Z7 in the amount of $736.13
which was omitted ~rom the total of General Voucher IIZ for
December 1968 be and is hereby authorized ~or payment by the
Signing O~~icers of this Council. Carried.,
The following By-Law was read a ~irst, secopd and thir~
time and finally passed:
By-Law No_ 1610 .
A By-Law to appoint Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers in.
the Township of Clarke.
The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Townsh~p
of Clarke enacts as ~ollowSI
The follOWing persons be and are hereby appointed Pound
1. aoss Brown ? > Nil 3.
4. Warren Carson 5. Wm. HaJ.e, Sr. 6.
7. Lawrence Harris .$. Nil 9.
10. Sam Powell 11. Nil lZ.
13. Charles Reid. 14. Donald Staples 15.
16. Roy Berry 17. E.R.Bryson 18.
19. Lawrence Hooey -ZO. Stanley Ball .
That the du~s of the abovenamed Offic,rs shall be
performed aJS. p;rovided by statuteI'! in that behal~ and the by-laws
of this municipality. " .
That the ~ollowing persons be appointed Fence Viewers:
Harold Dean Z. Donald Stapleton 3. Arthur Thompson
Tha.t~~~duttesof the abovenamed O~ficers shall be
per~ormed as are prpvided by statutes in that behalf 'arid the
by-laws of this municipality. . .
That By-Law No. 1593 be and is hereby repealed.
Meeti djO~. ne at 11:15.
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Morley Robi.iulon
Wm. Curtis
Douglas' Cathcart
Roy 90chrane
Harold Ran.berry
Reeve. 4;;~'