HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1969
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, OF Tat'TOW>>SHIP 'OF cr:.4ns
Tu.aday, J&a'll&%'Y 7, ~969. ..tll....
'C4>~C:l:i. ~.r. 'OronC;;.
lte.Y. !toy A. FOllt.er
DePuty Reeve H. E. Wilkey
,CoUDcillorW. R. Carveth
COUncil.lor F. A. Gray
Counei~lor J. W.stone
A~t:l~ ..clerk a. DeWith'
Reverend: :s: I ~ tong
R.verenli T. ,Snelgrove
The Reev., !loy A. roster; w'elc'omed'th;se p;reaent. called the
meeting to order ~d asked Rev. Long and Rev. Sne~GVeto adeireas
the Council. . '.,'..
Rev.,~ c;,J)ngratulated the members .of Cotmcil foOl' ,the time
and effort .xpended on Township duties during 196$&Ddwish.d
them every..uccess for 1969. ' ,
, Rev. . Snelgrove quoted Scripture frH Romans 12 and closed
the religious service w:ith'an appropri'ate prayer. , '
Reeve Foster personally thanked Rev. Long and. Rev: snelgrove
for their kind wo'rds., Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey;CoW'lCillor '
W. R. Ca.rnth, CouncillorF. A~ Gray andCounciUor J.W. Stone
added their thanks to the Rev. ,Gentlemen. . '
R".pl yt-iOn )I,o ~ 1 :Moved by F. A. Gray, eeconde.li 01' W.R.Carveth:'
This Council, hereby expr... their appreciation to Rev. B.I.
Long and Rev. T. Snelgrove for their appropriate serviee. 'and '
prayers at this the inaugural meeting of the, Cowicll. flf the
Township of Clarke for the year 1969,.-Carr:led. .
The minute's of CoUncil meetings 'held DeCMlber . 5., 1.3. 23. 196/lt,
were adopted as read on motion by J. w. St..ne., seco:acledby F: A'.
t....' .' . " '.' .' ,.'
Gray. Carried. ' " " , ' "
T1pon perusal of a..J.etter recordeli und.r ltell\ l.ot ,
correspoll.clence. CouncU' discuasedand decia.ed to'..n' tupiano:'
t aad electric stove 'in the baa.ent of the "Townsbip' I{&1.l....~t:he
Acting Clerk was 'authorizea t.....lTertise tne same. 01l.~ oJU7 in
the arollo Weekiy Times. . . .. ,..' ...... ".'
It wa. mond. by,W. R. Carveth. secOllcled bYl"r"","'GJoqtbat
Counc:;il. r,!e~SliI a.t 12 'noon l~~1",..~t!'z:and. rel!~"'."!.Il..tJ.='E)
p.m. Carried.' .... '. .... " ...., ""',',""""
An inYitaUon ns extead.ecl by the Re....e to't.~~~.o'"
Council, Re!. 'Long. Rev. Snelgrove. Mr. X. L. RQ..lO'ld......J{~ .
lleW.1th whoe:ajoyeli an ex~.ll..nt. dinner sernd.. .at .t...~1hlt.. Ov\lQl'"
I.eata_ant . Rev: Long and Mr. W. R. CU.eth.xte:ad.d.'.. "t..~
thanks to Mr. Foster~or his kind. generoait)r.
Mr. X.'L. Ross appeared cat Council ...thtg to <ii.cua.
"certain bwd.z..e.s mattera. .. .
Mr. D.Sl.mpson &ad. 'Mr.-,Wood.yard, ..l; Wit.A CO\Ul.cU to
disclas thepropc.ed construction '. of .to1"lll s.....d. ete.' in 'the'
Police Village of OrOD.9. They .~..hd t.h..t 'th"~~'f.J t_d
Superintendent. Mr. W. R. c.rieth. Chairu::aot' theJ.cJ.ld a.a.rd. . .
Bridg.,:C_i~t..; Mr. E. WOodyard, Trust...r. th.P'~+"V;l.l}....
of Orono. ..et with Mr. Callighan. llepart.et of' )1~ch'W&Y.~P.~
Hope. ,., t~nt:ativedate Wall set. _.' . " '
, Th.tollowing appGiD.tm~nts to collllllittk..s of" Ov_...a__
reco_e~_b1 I.e.eve Roy A.Foster for t:h.i1.ar'I.969~:-
ProPerty anciF;:a..nce.Co_ittee - ...88r....7';;;.... __.5!W
./ H. B. Walke,,' , . . ',. ,,'
Road and. Briqe Collllllittee - Measre. W. R. carvetliaDd F.'4.Gray
Plawg.a(J Comdttee - Messrs. H. J. Walkey anli R. 'A. . Fost6r
FireP.:retHltctie", CeDRittee - Me.sr.. F. A. 'Gray and.;}. W. . Stone
';.11... a~da:ppoiat_nts were ad.9pted"by resolutio_Qf this
~UDC:U. ". , ,
,fte,f'!1+OWing correaJX?II.d.ence. ~4 reports tere read.' oat bi'
Reeve .I'o.t~:.., . . .' " , - '''' ' ....".
1. Mr......~uc.Gu.tar re 'piano in the buement of\;heT.,...ah1t:!
H&ll.~"'f'erred. to hnd.erafor eJ:ectric_t.ov. ...~o.:.,
2. The ontario .Municipal BoaN re~ToWDi4;j.>> o'fCJ.&rke ... J.
l.estricted Ar... By-Law 1613. -ter.rr..."'te .t.h. Cl,Wk to ~.
J. Mr. Paul Speara.. D.partment of,aJunieipa+,Af'f'4;r_ r.'1t"~~r
10.0'. b..... hel.d i1l; t.he 1l'0rth\iQe. rl.~,' an. P.'hr~..' ~'~..' t. '1'. ,..,B\l.i. 1M.". ,M.,...,.'.'.:.;~.":."
. o"").~"&y.. January, ].6 .a.t. 1..15p.m.-Thll Cl,!i'k '...:.~t.f1.~d:.
h go to the .aidaeminar. . , ;,,' :.:': :".y"
. !:ii~
-~. . ,;o.,
,Page 2
Regul~Meeting of' eouncil 7 January 1969 continued:
4. K. S~ns. Clerk-Treasurer. United Counties of' Northumber-
land aDd Dttrham.re meeting With Municipal Planning
Consultants Company Limited on Janu.ary 14. 1969. in the
Council Chambers of' the Counties' Council at l:!obow:<g.-
Planning Committee to attend.
5. Ontario Municipal Board re Bor~owing in~~cess ~f'
Seventy Percent.-Filed.
6. Clarke Planning Board re appJ.;:i:eat"ioll from H. B. "Horstman
for re-zoning property in Lot 10. 'Con. l;-Referred to
the Clerk.
7. Clarke Planning Board re proposed dev.lopment' plan,
part of Lots 33-34, Con. 3, Clarke. Ru.ral Property
Devel'Opers. -Referred to the Clerk to "answer.'
8. )boo Cecil Albi'n, Mr. Charles' Albin and )boo Douglas
Ibbotsonre toad allowance at Brownsville and Mr.
Cecil Albin request for a building permit.-Referr-a
to the Road and Bridge Committee;
9. Railway Transport Committee re Tile 26727.1353 - Level
crossing Boundary Rd., mileage 149.83 Belleville SuM .-
10. Rickard S. Roberts, Bowes & Cocks Limited. re proposed
Development Road, 'Lot's 34 and 35, Cone-ession 3, Township
of' Clarke.-Referred to the Road' Superintendent to repljT.
11. Ontario Department' of Labour"re new Ontario Employment
Standacrds Act.-Tabled; " : '"
~2. ~. E. Monahanre date of employment as Clerk of the
Township of Clarke.-Filed.
13. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re membership
fee for the ,.ear 1969.'-Referred to Accounts. '
14; De'partment of' the Attorney General re'statement by the
Henou.rable C}fa.rles MacNaughton, Treasurer of Ontario,
on Apportionment of Fines under the Program -to assume'
costs df Administration of' Justiee.-Referred to Aceounts.
15. Ontario Good Roads Association reO.G.R.A~ Seminar
for CouncillOrs.-All of Council to attend.
The Council approved the appointment of Mrs. Adele'
McGill as BOOkkeeper at an annual salary 'of $4200.00.
, The following resoJ.;utions were'passed:
R.uiolution No. 2:Moved by H....~.seconded by F.A.Gray:
In accordance With By-Law ,No.' l~ this Council hereby'
make the following appointments for the year 1969: '
a. T~t W. R. Carvet:h l:ie and. is herebt appcsinteQ. 'as
Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee.
b. That J. W. Stone be and il!l htlreby appointed as '
Chairman of tHe Property and Finanee Committe~.
c. That H. E. Walkey be and is hereby appointed 'as'
Chairman of the Planning Committe~.
d. Tha.t F. A. Gray be and is he1"eb1 appointed 1lS'
Ch4irman of the Fire Protection Committee.
The said appointments shall be eff~etiye on the passing
of this resolution up to and including"December 31,1969,
or until their successors shall be appo~nted by order-in-
council. Carried.
11....011lti"'.. No. "i:Moved by J .W.Stone, secoDded by F.A.Gray: '
AsaJ,"ecommendation by the ReeTe, this Council hereby
sanction tlle apeointment of the following penonsto the
Property and "Finance'C'oJflmittee for the year 1969:
1. J. W. Stone
'Z.' H. E. Walkey'
3. Reeve'Roy A. Foster' .
The fi.rst named t6be Chairman of the' said Committee.
The Reeve to be ex-officiO member of all Co.mittees of
Council. Carried.
R,"OllltiQn No. L.:Moved by H.E.WaJ.key,seconded by J.W.Stene:
As a recommendation by the Reeve, this Council hereby
sanction the appointment of the. follOWing personS to t~e
Roaa and Bridge Committee for the year 1969:
1. W. It. Carveth
2. F. A. Gray
3. Reeve Roy A. Foster
The first !lamed ~o be Chairman of the said Committee. The
Reeve to be ex-offiCiO' member' of all 'Committees of"COlUlcil.
- . .
, ".',
" ........
'. . .'
". -
Page 3
Regular Meetiag o~ Council 7 Janu&Z7'1969continuedt
~. ..'
~. '., .
R"ll\QlutioD .01, "aMoved. by ij.B.WalkeY,s.conded:byW.....~8.2'''''etAt..
Ruolve.tlui.t F. A. Gray and J. W. Stan. be and,ar. hereby
aPP'lillted 4'" a_bers o~ the .TGWllship of' Clarke.Fire. Protection
COIIIIIIittee to work :l,.n conjuaetion with. the person sblilarly
aPP'liJ1.ted in the year 1969 ,by the . 'l'r~stees o~ th~Po11ce Vilbl.glJ
of' Orono. ,
A, copy .~ this resolution be. referred to the :ilecretay.:
o~ the Police Village o~ Orono.
TheReeve.to be ex-o~~ici.. member of all Committees o~
Council. Carried.
ReaGlution No. 6:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconqed by J.W,5tone:
: '1:hat .M3:'. Roy. A. Fost~r be aJl.d :l,s here!:)y ailPoiq.t.ed. ,to_the "
Gan&1"aska Region,-Consez:ovatio!} Authopity for the yeCU' 1999 and
the said AuthGrity be notified Of this appaintlllElnt. Carried.
Reaolut.ioJl){o. ?:Mov~d by F.A.Gr.ay,secQmiec:i by,W.R..CCU'vet>h:
In accordance with BY-.aw -No, 1342 thil!' CGuncil 'hereby
resolvEl that Messrs. F. A.Gray aJ1.d W. R. CArveth.be anqare
hereby 4Ppointed to the Bo4rd,efManagement,ot,th4il OrOnl?
Community Hall for the year 1969 together with thEl~oll~wing
Oddfellow. for the year 1969 and-1970: .
W. G. Watson R. G. Chater L. Pl;laz:S
and the ~ollowing Heather .Reb.ekahs for the year 1969:
Hattie Wilson and Gladys GpsQ.y , .
It is und.erstooQ that three repreeentativesot the Orono
Oddfel1ows shall be appointed in ~heodq years,anq two .
representativea of the Orono Rebekahs be. appointed in the
even years to this Board ot Management., .Carried., ,
R,"'Y'l~iGnli... B:Moved by J. W. Stone, .econdeci.bYF.A.Gray:
Resolve in accordance with By-Law Ko. 1403 the tol1o~ing
persone be.and are hereby ~ppointeq as ~~erl! of ,The Ceaetery
Board of .the . Township of C1arlc.e: , . .. - -- .'- -' .-
Mr. Siliney Rutherford R. 'R: .~~. Orono
Mr.Russe~l Savery R,R.. 1. Kewto12viHe
Mr. Charles Coop~r QrOJ1.Q__
Mr . Arnold Wade NewtonTi1~.
Mr. Artbur Th_peon , R.~. l"KeUdal
The. said llI._bers shall h.1d'otfice unt.iltheirsucc_sOl'S
are appointed by order-in-council. .,.... -.-
The follow:tngperaol'1S ar~ he:\"eby. appointed. , te: the . said . Board
as representation from COW1C:U for the year 1969: . . - .., _.
1. H. E. Walkey
2. J. W. Stone Carried. _
Resalut.fo~ lio. q:Moved by F,A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carv~th:
In accordance with By-Law Ifo. 1530 this CouncU hereby:
appoint the to11owing persons to the Board. ot the ''1'OWDsliip,
of Clarke Public Library who shall tah ottice lila.the firat
day of January, 1969, and who shall hold office for'the'year
1969 or until their euccessora shall ~ave b.en 9ulr app~inted:
1. Mr. W. K. Lyeett, Orono,
2. Mr._ B. R. Woodyard, 0r0:n9 ,
3. Mr. R. C. Forreate~) Orono
4. Mr. L. M. Hal1owel1,Jl. R. 1, Orono
5. Mr. Roy A. Foster, Kendal Car~ied.
R...o]ut.i~Q 'G. lO:Moved by J.W,Stone,seeorid.,_d \>,. ~.E,WlI.+key:
In accordance with By-~&w No, 1352 the fol~ow~g pe~sons
be and are hereby appointed to the Orono ~t1 Memorial '
Park Board for the year 1969:
1. Mr. A. B. West
2. Mr. H. M. Mercer
3. Mr~S. B. Ruther~ord.
4. Mr... H. Samuel
5.. Mi..."UIlI.& Cuttel1
6. Mr.. J~ \Ii. Stone
';/. . Mr. W. R. Carnth Carried.
~..~1"t1..... Iio. 11 tMoved py H.E..w~ey, sec.onde!i by J . \i. Stone :
''l'hat "sara. W. R. ,Caryeth and J. W. .Stcilnebe',.d are - ,
hereby appointed all. representatives 'of t.MB Connc.;U' ~Qth~ ~
ToWRsh.ip ~fClarke ~e CG!IIrdsa1pn. for th~' yefU' 1969. ':rhe.
COlilmis.sioJl to be ~ot;i1'i.ed ~C(lO.rdin~lY by ~he CUf'k~ 'Carriltllb ....
. .
. -.
.''':'-- _.Y
Page Jj.
Regular Meeting of Council 7 January 1969 continuedc
R...o1ution.NQ. 12:Moved by,W.R.Ca:rveth,seconclec1 hy. F..JL..~ayt
In accordance with Section 3& 4 of.BYTLaw No. 1533, a
By~Law toastablisR a Municipal Recreation Committee, this
Council hereby appoint Mr. Laverne Boyd, Mrs. Helen
. Hen,serson, )hos. Dorothy Stark, Mrs.. Josephine Barlow, Mrs.'
Sharon Brown, Mr. John Murphy, Mr. Jack Neal together with
Me ssrs. Roy A. Foster and W. R. Carveth for the year 1969..
The Clerk be and is hereby.instructed to notify the
Community Programmes Branch of the Department of Education
by referring a copy of this Resolution to the.said
Depaptment, .Car.ried. .'
R......ll1t.i on No. 1'1 :Mov.ed by J. W. Stone ,s&eonded by W.R.CarTeth:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1561, a by-law regarding
the appoilltment of the Clarke Planning Board being a Board with
jw"isdicticJn .over the Clarke PlaJUliag Area, this. CelU1Cil. ,
hereby appoint the'following personal-
1. Mr. Roy A. Foster (Couneil) for the year 1969.
2. Mr. H. E. Walkey (Council) for the year 1969.
3. Mr. Leslie G. McGee
who shall hold:offiee until the 1st day of January 1970.
Mr. Wayae Bailey
:who shall hold office until the 1st day of January 1970.
Mr. Robert C. Simpson
who shall hold office until the 1st day of January 1971.
~ 6. Mr. Robert G. Chatel'
.;- who snall hold office unt.il the 1st day Of January 1971.
~ 7. Mr. .Sidney' J. .Lancaster
. .who shall hold ,office .until the 1st : day ofJIIJjp,.'1'Y 1972.
Carried. .
~ReRoluti..n No.lh:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by F.A.Gray:
~. That Messrs. D.M.simpson,:E.R.Woodyard and F.A.Nicholson
~ be and they' are heMey appointed as a Board of Management for the
J'qCOllllllunity Recreation.CeDtre under By~Law No. 1341,. and. this Council
. hereby appoint Messrs. Rey A. Foster and W. R.,Carveth.to represent
J this Council as m.abers of the Board of Management of the said
~Co_unity Recreation:Celltre.The above appoi:n.tlllentsare .to hold
~office for the year 1969 or until their successors shall be
appointed.. Carried. . c. '-
Re&OlutionNo. J~:Moved by W.R.Carveth,aeconded by J~W.Stone:
In accordance with By~aw No. 1'+93, the following persons be
and are hereby appointed to the Newtonville Community Hall
Board for the year 1969:
1. . Wallace Boughen
2. Hiigh Stapleton
3. Mrs. Gladys Brown
4. Clinton farrow
5. George Stapleton
6. H. E. Walkey
7. F. A. Gray Carried. .
R....olntian lio. 16.Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.CarTeth:
ResolTe that the following persons be and. are hereby
appointed to the Local Advisory Committe. of the Orono Municipal
Wa.ter System for the year 1969:
1. 'Mr. E. R. Woodyard
2. Mr~ D. M. Simpson
3. Mr. F. A. ~icholson
4. Mr. M. W. Downs
5. Mr. Roy A. Foster . .
Certified copies of this resolution be refeTre~ to the
Ontario Water Resources Co_islIion and the af'oreNBt;l.elled.
appointed members. Carried. . .'. .
R-aolntion No. 17:Moved by J.W.Stone,secoRded by W.R.earv~th:
This Council hereby appoint Mr. Henry DeWit):l.u Welfare
Administrator for the Township of :Clarke fo~ the yea:- 1969. Carried.
Res~l~iOtl No. .18:MoTed by. W.R.Cu...eth, secondec1, bl' J. W'c~t9.t!.:...
This Council hereby appoint Mr. Henry DeW;lth as Pu.blie
School Attendance 'Officer for the year 1909. Carried. .
RARolli\tion-lIo.1Q:Moved by J.W.Stone,aeconcied by V.R.Carveth:
. Resolve that Mr. Roy A.Foster, It. It 1, Kenaal, ~tario,
be and is hereby appointed as a Welfare emBmittee to be giTen tne
necessary authority to discuss all matters in connection with
welfare assistance during the year 1969. Carried.
. , .
., .',:,
Regular Mee~ing of Council 7 January 1969 continued:
R.....ol..tioD }{~. 2O:)iJoved by J.W.Sr.one,secou.ded byW.a.Carveth:
That DJ.'. A. F . McKenzie be apPointeq Indigent ~ical
Officer for the Township of Clarke for the year 1969.~ried..
R......~lut.i~J' No. 21 :Moved by W..a.Carveth,secou.ded by','.:t..tray:u,
That ~. Ca,rlos Tamblyn be and is hereby appointed a
representati ve for: the year 1969 to the Board. of the Memorial
Hospital, BOwmaDville, for the Corpor~tion ~fthe Town.hip of
Clarke. Carried.
Resolution ~o. 22:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R:Carveth:
In coD:f'ormity with the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry
Protection Act this Council appoint Mr. L. M. Hallowell as
Live Stock Valuer for the Corporation of the T0WR8hip of
Clarke for the year 1969 and that the fee for eacK trip shall
be $4.00. Carried. .
aA.olut.ion No: 2~:Moved by W.R.Carveth,secondedJ.W.Stone:
That Robert ~. Chater lie and is hereby appp:i.nted as the
Clarke Township representative to the Central.Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority for the year 1969. carri... .
R,,,"oll1t.ioD No. 2l.t.:Moved by H.:&.Walkey,seconded Jay F.A.Gray:
That J. W.Stone be and is hereby appeinted as the representative
from this Council on the Durham Cou.ty Federation of Agriculture
for the year 1969.. Carried.
RA.okution )[0_ 25:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
aesolve that The Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario
Division, be and is hereby granted $15.00. Carried.
Ra~01,tionHq. iP:Moved by W.a.Carveth, seconded byJ.W.Stone:
This Council hereby grant the Durham County Janior Farmers
the amount of $35.00 for the year 1969. Carrie..
R@solut.ion Ho. 27:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byJ~W.StODe:
The Road,SuperintendentJ Road and Bridge Committe.. and Clerk
be authorized to attend the Ontario Good a.ads Conve.D.tiQIl with
expenses paid andt:qe membership fee of $1:5.00 be. paid. Carried.
R.....l'~i.... NQ_ ::>R:Moved by J.W.Stone,secoAcled by W.I..Carveth:
RlItAiolve that the Treasurer and the R.eeveor Deputy Reeve
of the TQwnship of Clarke be given the necess~y authorization
with the Canadian Imperial Bank. of C_erce, Orono, te do
business in,accordance with the said Bank ferm 141-61 Ontario.
R.....o]ution Ho.2Q.Moved by W.a.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stone:
This Co~cil hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to
request all departments, school boards, local bOardS, and
bodies where functions fall under the legal authority of this
muniCipality, to submit in'writing their budgets or requirements
for the year 1969 to the Clerk of this Council en or before
January 31, 1969. Carried.
R......l..ti..n Iilo. ~O:Moved. by., W.R.Carveth,secQnded by F.A.Gray:
The Road SuperinteJld.entbe and is.hereby authorized to
complete. the neee..ary fol'llUl applying for the liigbway Subsidy on
road expellditures ill the year 1968 on or bef~re Jaallary 31, _
1969. Carri,d. _ ,,'
R.....lutio.. II... ~l:Moyed.by.F.~.Gray, W'~'farveth seconded this motiQa
Resolve that the follOWing change be and is hereby made in
the 1968 8udget under. Supplementary By-Lav Ho. 15e~:-
1. That any 1Il0nies calculated' in' excess of the .E;ltpenditure
and Revenue provisions. for the purchase f>f a GHoilvel Pit
be transferred to the ~losest multiple of $60.00 to Road
Construct~on on t~e road. allowance between,Lot 7 and $,
. Concession 6 and 7. Carried.
Re...lnti.... )[...~2:Moved by r.A.Gray, seconded by W.a.Carveth:
Rea.lve tbat, the foll_ing change be and is hereby made in
the 1968 Budget under Supplementary By-Law HQ. 1578:-
1. Thatt22,OQO.00 of the,$4$,300.00 provided for the
construction of storm Hwers, curb, gutter andpay.ment
on Church Street, Police Village of Orono, be .tr...aferred
to the purchaae of n~w machinery. Carried.
Raf/liIJI1nt:l9nIiG. ~"l:Moved by F.A.Gray,.econded by W..~;'Carveth:
Resolve that the fol.l_ing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for paYlllent by the Signing Officers otthis Council:
General Voucher #1 for January 1969 in the amouat of $1554.54
Addition to General Voucher #12 for December in the amount of
$6099.76 .
ROaa Voucher #12 for December in the &mOunt of $41,013.55
Police Tillage ot OronQ Voucher #12 for December in the amouat of.
~~1II32~:ij5age of Orono
General Welfare Voucher
(.. '.:
!'c...-' .,-
Voucher I12A fOr December
11 for January 1909inth.
in the amount
amQunt of$2376.SJ;'
Carri .'
Page 6
ReguJ.ar Meetiing of Council 7 January 1969 continued:
The following By-Laws ",were I'ead a first, :seeOllMi and, third
time and finally passed:
By"'Law l{o.;;. .] h' n
: The-Corporation of the Townsh~p of Clarke
A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $300,000.00
Whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke (hereinafter
called the RMunicipalityU) deems it necessary to borrow the sum
of $300,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the
current expenditures of the "Munioipality for ~he year;
And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues
of the Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for
the year 1969, not including revenues derivable or derived
from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of debentures
or ~ a surplus, including arrears of taxes'and proceeds"
from the sale 'of assets, 'is $450,-000.00 :-
Therefore the Council of the Township of-ClaI'ke hereby
enacts as follows:
1. The Head and -the Treasurer are hez>eby authorized on
-behalf of the MunicipaJ:iby to borrow from time to
time by way of promissory note from Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce a sum or sums not
exceeding in the aggregate $300,OOO~OO to meet
~ttl the taxes are collected the current expend-
itures of the Municipality for the year, including
the amounts'required for the purposes mentioned in
'subsection (1) 'of Section 329 of the Mun.j,.eipal Act,
and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the
Bank-a promissory note or notes sealed with the
Corporate Seal 'and signed by the Head,_d Treasurer
for the'moneys so borrowed, with interest, which
may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not
exceeding-ct per centum per annum.
2. . All sums borrowed pursuant' to the alitAiNoJ.tyof..t.his
by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this
year and in previOUS years from the said Bank for
ant or all of the'purposes mentioned in the'said
Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a
charge upon the whole of the revenues of the -
Municipality for the current year and, for all
preceding'years as and when sueh revenues are
The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
apply in payment of all sums borrowed as.aforesaid,
together with' interest thereen, all of the moneys
hereafter collected or received either on account or
"realized in respect of tax.s levied: for-the current
year and preceding years or fr&a any otaer source
which may lawfuJ.ly be ,appliedf"OI' ..ch purpose.
Bv-L~w.No_ 1617 .
Being a By-Law to provide for the minimum tax, pu.rsu8.llt
to the Assessment Act','Chapter 23,.R.S. o. 1960.. -
Whereas the necessary authority i. 'provided in The
Assessment"Act, Chapter 23, R. S. 0.1960; ,
Now Therefore, The Co~cilof the Corporation of The
Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: '
1. Where the sum of the taxes for which any person is
. chargeable in any year for municipal, school, local
improvement and other pu.rposes, upon any real property
assessed in one parcel'to the-same owner:wo~a,accordiDg-
to the assessment thereon be less than $6. the SUBI.- of
such t~es shall be"deemed te be $6 and shall be so
entered on the collector's roll, and the diff~nce
between the sum that wouJ.d have been entered but for,
this section' and the sum of $6 shall r~mpartof ~he
general funns of the municipality.
, This BY-1.aw shall come' into-f'Orce and take ,eCfe.ct
j,mmediately upon the final passing thereof'. '
: '.: " ."
Page 7
Regular Meeting of Council 7 January 1969 continuea:
;f.',.':':" :,
o .- '. .
.,. ~'.-. .
Bv-T~;aw:-lia';, .1hlR ~
A by-law to constitute and,appoint a eolllll1ittee of
Whereas tt is deemea expedient to constitute and
appoint a eo_ittee of aajustJll.ent as provided by The
PlannincAet R.S.O. 1960, Chapter ?96, Section 32 (a),
Now Theref'ore, the Council ef the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts ail f's.llows:
1. That the followinc persons whq, not being members
of the Council or employees of-the municipality
or of' a local board.thereof',.shall constitute and
are. hereby. appoint ed as members of the 'Collllllittee
of' Adjustment:.. ,
(1)'E.F..R.Osborne,R.R.2,Newcastle, to hold office ,u_til
January 1, 1970. . .
(2) B.R.Lovekin, Newcastle, to hold office until January 1,.1971.
(3) K. Schoenmaker, Orono, to h~ld office until January 1, 1972.
2. That By-Law No. 1579 be and 1S hereby repealed.
R@Rolu~ionNo~~~klMoved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray:
This-Council hereby adjo~n to meet again on Tuesaay,
February 4, 1969, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.
/Jcr,;Y6-Clerk. 7" Reeve. A,/J ~
Monday, January 13, 1969 at Bp.m.,
Council Chamber, rono.
c~" '.
Present: a.eveR. A. Foster
Deputy-Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F..A. Gray
Councillor J. W. Stone
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the follOWing business:
Mr..ArthUr Low met with Council to diseuss By-Law No. 1592
and By-Law No. 1613. .
The follOWing correspondenoe was read out by Reeve Foster:
1. Ontario Hydro, Bowmanville ,areaoffioe, re Street Lighting -
Newtonville as business brought forward from 5 November
2. Mr. M. Wladyka, Chairman, Diamond. Tl'ianc};. Planning COl/llllittee
re membership in said Planning Committee as business brought
forward from 13 December 196a.-Filed. .
3. Mr. William. Bunting re copy of' staudard by-law to issue
~ aud charge fees for licences to hunt etc. as business ~rought
forward from December. 23, 1966."Referred.to the Clerk.
4. Department of Municipal Affairs re local bodies operat:j.ng their
own.bank accounts for which there is no statutory authority
as business brought f'orward from 7 February 19Q7.-File~.
5. Department~of Social and Family ~ervices re Orono
Co~operatiTe K~ndergarten as business broughtfor~rd from
13 December 196B.-Filed.
6. Reservation Confirmation from Delawana Inn re ~icipal
Clerks ana ~reasurers Convention.-Tabled. .
7. Statement by the Honourable John-Robarts and Statement by
the HC>J1ourable W. Darcy McKeough re Design fer DeTelopment.
-Filed. . .
B. Ontario Department of Edacation re maps of SQhool Jurisdictions
of the Province of Ontario.-Filed. .
9. Department of'" Municipal Affairs re return of Blected and
Appointed Officers of a Local Municipality for the year
1969.-Referred to the Clerk.