HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/1964 (Special) it? ~ h.~ ~I//~~rz/ ic1'trV/l7-<-- ~ ~ ~~..~ :~f/-f~/~h?-C7~ n4L ~ /..-7/. i~~~~~ . ....fi I~ ~R.e._ 7-<-" .1?/ ~ P ~~..~ VV ~.".~~~. -:L-r~.~ ?>;7'~ -4 ~ ~ : ~ .P'.. ...c.......".., , ~ ~ ~ I .. . --c--;. . '. . .. . '. .. ;~~~-/~. , , }1f~.--1'~. ~~<<.,. e-L--'Y ~r~:::c~~ .L7 ~... ....... '. m.. .~~ ~7 1..?c.-~, Z~. i i /~~~ ,.fvt .~ ~ (Jrvl //. /c-R- ~ /,r ~~~~~ iJ-l-~~ ~ ~ ~# 0'/'t'CJ.J~ i~~A;~~/f~~~. i')J;l~.4~. .~~..", _C- --ey.~., i~~~ 7/~.k- f'.~' !fi..;t:.k.~. /~ . ! i'IP/~-f3;.~. ~.~-ez.~ ~ ~..x~.~.".~ f i-6~h/o //t1~.q~. ~~.~..~" ~~,,7i~~~ p~~~ ,>t;k~.~j??r. .~ _ . ~~ A.-~~~.-/--"-*S".r.P60 .~~~~~'~~':':" . #---rj...~, ~ . 'h1A.:::r:~ ~~~~~.~/~~ '~/~~' fl1~ ..er~, W~~. J2.; ~, '~~?7t1./cR..f~~ ~ vJ.~~A.~--=--~ i.~,/~, 'JUl, /~, ~~~<'. ~.~ ~-e-_~ ;..- .' ~./.-/ZJ~~~~ '?rI~4~. ~r-e-<=.. _~ ~e.. ~ ~, vJ~~~~~7~ ~ ~ '. --j~~~~.~<- ~ I~~ ~/?Ch- /~...-1.:A//I~ ~~~'/~" . (~-~71/-/~'- 7A- &y.~~ ~ ! -<r;1-" ~ _. - '~/;;;L" r ::.;---~/<.~ - >- ~ .~~ ... . 7 .' . . . '. . '. ~ ~ f~ /l.P' ~4? 7'..d:) , .';J"~.ft~ )#~.-ey ~, .J1/~ ~-o/~, .-t:'~ ~~ h1~-4~,~ ~-7~'..t~~ '~j?~ '7'H~ -I!y ~_,~~ p.---r-. -~ J -e, ,~-. "'~f;?':-."':-"~' RESOLUTION Moved by Councillor H. R. Dickinson Seconded by Councillor H. C. Bonathan WHEREAS the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario asks that in order to transfer the Service Road south of Highway 401 to the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle a resolution by Council is required, therefore, be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of The Village of Newcastle approves the transfer. V,', I Passed this 29th day of September 1964 '" I/J-I<"d~rRm. ~ ~~---1 i \ Clerk- Treasurer I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle. -~ JJ: ~~ RESOLUTION Moved by C Ol!JN C' IF-J--O Ifi. fI, c.1fo/Y A- r-IIA-'" Seconded by Co 01'1 /!1F-J--olI. fI, R, DfC'f<.I.NJ orJ WHEREAS the Durham County District High School Board has applied to the Department of Education for tentative approval of a Vocational addition to Courtice High School and WHEREAS tentatlve approval has been received under date of July 30. 1964, therefore, be it resolved that the Corporation of the Village, Qf Newcastle give tentative approval to the proJect and that the High School Board may engage an architect, prepare plans and advertise for tenders for the proJecto 1':." Passed this :J.? .~ of S If" f '/ J3=/'"Y' /J (5 " 1964 I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution of the Corpo::oatlon of the Village of Newcastle . ~ r If. ~r Clerlc;;- r~l5if-;S ( seal) RESOLUTION Moved by t:H/'tt:f~O fI.. fl. C. BI>NI> -rJJ A-,....., Seconded by CO VI'l C [I--I-- rJfl.. If t. eft u c H WHEREAS. the Corporation ot the V/J-J..A I! P oE jV(.v(,4.-"> Tf--ff has approved ot the request of the Durham County District High School Board tor permission to build a Vocational Addition to Courtice High School, and WHEREAS. A DECISION IS NEEDED as to the term ot l;.h., debentures for .the Courtice Vocat1onal Adliition. be it resol'!ftd that the Corporation of the !/II-J..A tf6 f.I~wf ^..> r~ f: desires that the term ot t1le'7 Clebentures be 10 .x years. (Cross OUl? one) r:JI Passed this :<9 :-'dayot s~e~~ 13 ~ (( 1964 .. , ()E , . .1 hereby certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution o~ the Corporation ot '/# ~ v II-J-AC t: dF ft c* C 11-5 ...,-1- t-- . ;::I':' ~ CZ Rf~ Cleric;; -r~C^ ... v I\. 151- . (seal) i-','-'>, ~-''-' ,"- ;).;-;' ':~;\~f:' ,.'; '" _' < i -~ . <~;',i.;'- "'t ":>:~; -" ;,.; .',,' RESOLUTION Whereas the Durh~m County Dlstrlct Hlgh School . Board has appl1ed to the Munlcipal Counclls having Jurl\i1dictlon '\.. in the said Distrlct for the lssue of debentures in the amount.. . est.1mated to be $365,000, to provlde for the cost of construct1q,n" of a vocational addltlon to the CoW'tlce Hl!1;h School, and the furnishing and equipping thereof. Be lt resolved that the Councll of the Corporatlon of the Village of Newcastle being.a municlpal1ty included in the sald Dlstrlct, hereby approves the Bald . application and agrees to assUllle lts proper proportlon of the amounts requlred to pey the said debentures, the lnterest there- on and the expenses connected therewlth, as prescrlbed bv 1be Secondary Schools and Boards ot Educatlon Act. Be it further resolved that the Council of the C.orporat1on of the VillaE;.e of Newcastle hereby.. requests tneCouncll of the Corporation of: the UnUed. Qount1;ef of No~thWl)ber land and Dw-ham'to .raUe the a.. est1-.tea to/ l>tt:'. .$365,0<10 requlred for tn. PurpO.e1 &toreaa1dbitbit.1a...Qt'; de]:lentures of the Corporation ot' the United Countlesot... . Northumberland and Durham. . Paued th1B :J.1e day or - ',', '2):_',' '"-',,,"-\ '-:""" ,->,,",'-/,.',-, '<'>i,i' of a I hereby cert1tv tnat the above is a true copy . . resolution or the Corporation of the Village C(f j'Jewcastle 1964. . YJJ:~~Clerk. .~ ~. I i ',h1~ Ij ~ PV~ ~ ~. ,.i?-< L ~ ~( I ..~zc/-.r~~~~~ 7kf~..~~~Z~ &l:AL - /v. 6t-.t -~ ~ cL-;~/ i?~r~~~~~ !~ - ,//~~~ ~- i ;?71,~ -tJ ~- ~~ ~ ~, ;rE-~~~ ~---r//_r~ I /("~~ /?~I/fj~~;Y/5:~J ~