HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 , ~ . ''--~~~es. 1 ,;. -,...,.. / ...:.....~~ Res. 2 Res. J 'lies. 4 . Res. S Res. 6 Res. 7 Res. 8 f..- "'--- / .~ MIIflJTES OF UGULAR OOOGIL MEETIHG - JANUARY 12, 1970 Meeting was held in Oouncil Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Ounninghaa, Oouncillors A. Gray, F. COQ4'A, F. Hoar and Margaret Brereton. The Rev. T. H. Smith said a prayer of dedication at the opening of the Meeting and was thaDked by the Reeve. Moved by Oouncillor Coueh, Seconded by Councillor Gray t~t minutes of the meeting held December 8, 1969 be adopted as printed. Carried. Mr. Frank Mace addressed Council requesting permission to an addition of five patients to the South Haven Nursing Home, stating that he had complied with all the requirements of the Health Department, etc. This matter to be dealt with by Council at a later date. Mrs. Doreen Nesbitt, representing the Hoc.ey Mothers Association addressed Council with regard t. the meeting which was to ie called by Council between the Recreation Committee and the Hockey Mothers Assooiation, also inquiring onoe more as to spaoe for storage of hookey equipment suppliell by the Hockey Mothers Association. Councillor Gray suggested the booth at the Arena as a possible place for storage of this equipment in the off- season. Mrs. Nesbitt to be contacted in this regard after in- surance coverage for the Arena is looked into. Mr. Dyriw addressed Council requesting that the hydro be oonnected. to the house he built on Baldwin Street. Couneil to meet with the Building Inspeotor before aaking a decision. Mr. Willi.. Lake requested permission to separate two lots in part of Let 25, Concession 1. Mr. Lake was advised by theReeve to send in a sltetch of the property in question together with a letter requesting permission to separate, at which time Counoil would deal with his request. Moved by D. J. Cunningham (who vaoated tht\ caair to malte this motioD), Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Ilames submi ttecl for appointments to Boards be held in abeyance until a speoial meeting was called. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seeonded by Counoillor Gray that the resignation ef heel Glanville as Fire Chief be acoepted with regret. Carried. Moved by Counciller GraT, Seconded by Counoillor Couoh that a donation of $10.00 be given to St. Johns Ambulance Association. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seoonded bT Councillor Gray that membership fee of $10.00 be paid to the Great Pine Ridge ~ourist Counoil. Carried. Moved bT Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Counoillor Couoh that . membership fee of $15.00 be paid to Ontario Good hads Associaticm and anyone wishing to attend the CODvention be allowed to do 80. Carried. Moved by Counciller Gray, Secondecl by Counoillor Hoar that membership fee of $20.00 be paid to the Association of Mayors and Reeves. Carried. Moved by CA>uncillor Hoar, Seoonded by Councillor Couch that the Reeve attend the farewell dinner for R. J. CallighaD and contribute $5.00 towards a gift. Carried. A letter was reoeived od red from Mrs. Helen Hollbs requesting Cau:aeil 's permission tG operate a Nursery School in her home in Westview Heights SubdivisioD. The Clerk was instruoted to oheu the By-Law pertaining to the SUBdivision with the lawyer before making a deeieion. -- -J Res. 9 Res. 10 Res. 11 _,ReS. 12 Res. 1) Res. 14 Res. 15 _. Res. 16 Res. 17 Res. 18 Res. 19 MIlfUTES OF REGULAR COUliCIL MEETDfG - JANUARY 12, 1970 Cont fd A letter was read from Charles Crowther requesting the re.oval of a dead maple tree in front of his property on Mill Street South. C.ouneillor C.ouch will look into this. The Clerk was instructed to file the following letters: O.W.R.C., Parry Sound Munioipal Association, Northuaberlauel-Dllrhaa Board of Education, Dllrhaa Central Agriclul tural Society, Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Municipal Association, Ontario Association of Rural Munioipalities, Assooiation of Municipal Clerks &: Treasurers and Muscular Dystrophy. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Counoiller Hoar that the Clerk write Kilborn ~ineering Lai ted with respect to their billing of $211.51 for engineering services for October and Nov- ember in connection with the Water Project. Carried. Moved by Counoillor Gray, Seoonded by Councillor Couch that accounts 8IIounting to ~,'iI-".'ij.'1. bA' approved for payment. Carried. ,t 5,4%1-. P YPU0 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Counoillor Gray that the Building Report, Health Unit Report and Fire Department Report be accepted. Carried. Moved by Counoillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Hurray Paterson be appointed to the Memorial Hospital Board for the year 1970, and that D. J. Cunningh811 be appointed as Council's representative to the Ganaraeka Region for the year 1970. Carried. Moved by Counciller Gray, Seoonded be Councillor Brereton that the DecesliIary By-Law be Il'awn up to hire Mrs. Jeu HeCullo\lgh as Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Village of Newcaliltle. Carried.. Noveel by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk be instructed to write to Gulf Oil Company with regard to the se1lTieing of oil to the Co_unity Hall, Fire Hall aDd AreDa in 1970 at last year's quotation price. Carried. fhe Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Hookey Mothers' Assooiation. Moved by Counoillor Hoar, Seconded b7 CoUDcillor Gray that the following be appoint.d to the Recreation Co.m.ttee: KartiJI. Coolahan, Sam Brereton, Robert Shearer, Edward Dw7er, Fred Couch, Margaret Brereton, ETelyD Northrup as freasurer and Kat~ HIP_an as Seoretary. Carried. Moved DY COUDcillor Couch, Se80nded 07 COUDcillor Brereton that the following lie appointed to the Co_unity Hall Board: F. B. Pidgeon, Douglas Wright, Pauline Storks, Margaret Brereton, D. J. CUJlJlingham and Mrs. A. C. S. Williams as Secretary. Carried.. The Reeve vacateli the ohair to lI&ke the following motioD: Moved. b7 D. J. CunniJI.gham, SeGonded 17 Counoillor Couch that the follow- ing be appointed to the Library Board: C. R. Carnth, Chairman, J. DeJong, Mrs. Miklos and Jaok Nesbitt. Carried. Moved by Counoiller Brereton, Seoondeel by COUDcillor Hoar that the following lie appointed. to the Arena Management Board: Alf Gray, John Rickard, William Call, Charles Crowther as Secretary and Margaret Brereton as Treasurer. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. J/JI/'~~/~ C LI!A,li J0c ~.// / /~ ~ DECEMBER ACCOUllTS PAID ACCOUllTS . Chqs. 1175,1237,1845,1247,1258 - Welfare Chqs. 1176,1230,1242,1250,1259 - Welfare Chqs. 1177,1232,1244,1248,1260 - Welfare Chqa. 1178,1231,1243 - Welfare Receiver-General - Bal. of box rent Ganaraska Region Cons. Auth. 1969 levy North-Durh Board of Ed. Bal.of 1969 levy North-Durh Board of Ed. Sec. 53's United Counties - share of 53's North-Durh County Board of Ed. Mrs. Jean McCullough - Salary Merril Henry - Caretaker's Salary Gertrude Gray - Office Salary Receiver-General - U.E.I. oontrib. Reoeiver-General - Tax deductions H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Evert Vierhout - Building Permits O.W.R.C. - Project 6-00)8-59 G.W.R.C. - Project 6-0120-63 .' UBPAID ACCOUllTS , ' Offioe James Publishing Co. Ltd. Bell Canada Cook's Office Equipment Ltd. LEGAl & ReRistrar Registrar Eleotions Grono Weekly Times Fire Department Rickards Fuels Bell Canada Newoastle Garage Roads Newoastle Garage Bernard's Garage Corp. City of Osbawa D. J. CuiBingham - truok lio. Harold Couoh William Couoh $ 23.95 22.58 1.58 21. 28 37.59 5.101t 42.12 37.25 40.18 2.00 242.25 166.25 . Gartac. iUiam Couch Welfare - Direot Dr. J. Hudson Toms & Sons Ltd. Johnsons Drugs Welfare - Institutional Sunset Lodge Nursing Home The Lodge Nursing Home Miscellaneous Town of Bowaanville -animal P.U.C. - street lights ~ Van Belle Gardens Ltd. 20.00 16.48 2.10 339.00 395.90 oont. 180.00 352.61 12.60 . TOTAL ACCOUllTS 1969 $ 75.00 182.50 200.40 105.00 5.00 763.00 , 24,054.00-~~?7~ 250.00 CJ,Ur-, .~~- 475.80 259.49 323.74 316.61 143.48 8.24 154.24 200.00 12.00 ,,-/.J' ;:lJ~ 3,045. OO-~:~~.:.. 363.00- N " $~q,9).6.5& ~ All.'42.4'Q ~ 3/f7~'S"" 48.11 1.00 42.69 63.97 530.05 5.40 38.58 734.90 545.21 _$ 2.009.91 _$:3'2.'91+6.1+1 S'P'I- 't '1.'1-/ ~ .. .^. - MINUTES O]!' SPECIAL COUllCIL HEmING - JpU&r1 1', 1970. MeetiDg was held iD the HuDicipal Office at 8 p.m. Present were: ReeTe D. J. CUDDiDghaII, COlmoillors hed COUCh, ]!'rank Hoar and Mrs. Margaret Brereton. A letter was read from the Ontario Water Reso\Utoes with regard to the proposed extensions to the existiDg water supply system. !he ReeTe aDd COlmoil to arrange for an appointment with O.W.R.C. iD !oronto. The Clerk was instruc*ea to write a letter to the Department of Health iD CODOurg requestiDg an up-to-date report on the South HaTen NursiDg Home before approTal will be giTen for the addition. of more patients to the Nursing Home. Mr. Vierhout, buildiDg inspeotor, met with COlmoil with regard tel the new house on Baldwin Street owned by Mr. Nick D,yriw. Mr. Vier- hout gaTe COlmoil his reasons for refusiDg hydro to be oonnected to this house. COUDoil agreed with Mr. Vierhout's decision aDd left the matter iD his hands. Noved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couoh that the Clerk write Oshawa Area PlanniDg and Development Study iDformiDg them that all members of COlmoil were gaiDhlly employed and therefore oould not attend their meetiDgt,but iD order to keep abreast of developments would appreciate it if a oopy of the miDutes from the various meetiDgs oould be sent to eaoh lIIember. Carried. ....21 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Secondei by Councillor Brereton that Mrs. Gray's salary be on an annual basis of $2,600.00 a year. Carried. Res.20 . Res.22 Moved by COlmcillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that ByALaw 70-1 being a By-Law to appoiDt Mrs. Jean McCullough. as Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Colleotor be reael a first time. Carried. Res.2) Noved by COlmcillor Couoh, Seoonded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law 70-1 be read a seoond time. Carried. Res.24 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seoonded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 70-1 be read a third time and fiDally passed. Carried. Res.2S .. Res.26 NOTed by Counoillor COUCh, Seoonded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law 70-2 bliDg a By-Law to authorize borrowiDg for 1970 be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 70-2 be read a se.ond time. Carried. Res.27 Novell. by Counoillor Hoar, Seeonded by Counoillor Brereton that By-Law 70-2 be read a third time, Carried. and finally passed. Res.28 Res.29 e.)8 Res.)l The Clerk was instruoted. to check with the Department of Municipal Affairl and the TownShip of Clarke regareling pre-levy By-Laws for the oollection of taxes. Moved by Oounoillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that William Lake Sr. be granted approval for separation of two lots, 1 acre .aoh illl part of lot 2S, Concession 1 in the Village of Xeweastle. Carried. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seoonied by COUBcillor Hoar that the Clerk write to Mr. Alex Carruthers requesting that action be taken to speed up the sewage system for the Village of :Newcastle as the delay is holding up deTelopment. Carried. Moved by Counoillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that letter dated January 14th with enclosures from Northumberland-Durham Board of Education be referred to the Auditor. Carried. Noved by Counoillor Brereton, Seoonded by Councillor Hoar that the meet- iDg 'ldjourn. Carried. ^ // ~;;? //' It~~7~. ;' MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 29, 1970. ft- Meeting was held in Municipal Office at 7.)0 p.m. Present were: D. J. Cunningham, Reeve, Councillors A. Gray, F. Couch, F. Hoar and M. Brereton. Res.)2 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law No. 70-) being a By-Law to provide that in the year 1970 and in each succeeding year, a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year, be read a first time. Carried. Res.)) Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law No. 70-) be read a second time. Carried. Res.)4 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law No. 70-) be read a third time and finally passed.CRRA/ED. Res.)5 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. a- o//M~r Q',#;('A/A//A-U/~ Cler~ . JANUARY ACCOUNTS 1970 PAID ACCOUNTS . The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council '~, Ontario Good Roads Association St. John Ambulance Assoc. Assoc. of Onto Mayors & Reeves Hugh A. Hawthorne - re Ca11ighan Chq. 1262 - Welfare Chqs. 1)17, 1)05 - Welfare Chts. 1264,1298,1)02, 1)19 -Welfare Chqs. 1J1J,1292 - Welfare Chqs. 126J,1299,lJOJ,lJ12 - Welfare Chqs. 1261,l)00,lJ06,1)18 - Welare Chqs. 1)07,1)01 - Welfare Chqs. 1)14,1)04 - Welfare H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Herri1 Henry - Caretaker's Salary Jean McCullough - Clerk's Salary Gertrude Gray - Salary Receiver-General of Can. U.E.I. Receiver-General of Can. DeductiGns Newcastle Fire Department Harvey Partner - plumging refund '. UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office JM Company - Rickaby's Limited Bell Canada Fire Department Rickard's Fuels n " Bell Canada Newcastle Garage Roads Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill Newcastle Garage D. W. Bothwell Leland Payne Harold Couch . Welfare Sunset Lodge Nursing Home 'l:1 · · n Dr. J. Hud~on Rea:istrar TOTAL ACCOUNTS . i10.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 75.00 )60.00 146.00 166.00 )0.00 70.00 200.00 )16.61 )2).74 19).17 8.24 100.55 10.00 19.00 $2,19).)1 $90.49, 4.5)- 17.27 $112.29 26.97 22.94- )9.17 2.00 91.08 15.75' 95.)1- 4).50' 240.00' )45.00 \ 7J9. 56 1J6.69- 210.65- 20.00' )67.)4 1.60' _$1,311.87 -'3.505.18 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -- February 9th, 1970. . Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors Alfred Gray, Frank Hoar, Fred Couch and Mrs. Margaret Brereton. Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the minutes of meetings held January 12th, 19th and 29th be adopted as printed, with Resolution No.2 in the minutes of the meeting held January 12th struck from these minutes. Carried. Mr. Vohsemer approached Council requesting that the ditch near his home be cleaned out to allow the water to drain properly. The Reeve will look into this problem immediately. Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the balance of $10.00 membership fee in the Pine Ridge Tourist Council be paid. A twenty word listing for publication in the Pine Ridge Tourist Guide to be prepared and sent in along with the cheque. Carried. Res. )8 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that an advance of $500.00 on the 1970 budget be given to the Community Hall Board. Cl!rried. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Solicitor, Mr. McNeely with ... respect to D. J. Murray's 1969 business tax. The plans and questionnaire regarding Mrs. Reida Allison's proposed subdivision plan were to be completed and returned to the Department of Municipal Affairs by the Clerk. Res. )6 Res. )7 Res.)9 Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Council support The Ontario Public School Trustees Association's brief to Premi~ Robarts regarding separate and public school systems in Ontario. Carried. Res. 40 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk reply to The Minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs that Council concur with the licencing of lotteries by the muniCipalities. Carried. Res. 41 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by CounCillor Couch that the 1970 o. W. R. C. Operating Budget be approved. Carried. Res. 42 Moved by CounCillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that $10.00 be donated to the Sal..tion Army. Carried. .1ls. 4) Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by CounCillor Couch that the Clerk write The Lake Ontario Development Association advising that Council have deoided not to join their organization. Carried. Res. 44 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that Mr. F. Mace be given approval for the addition of five patients to the Southaven Nursing Home, subject to the approval of Chronic Care, Ontario Depart- ment of Health. Carried. Res. 45 Moved by CounCillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law 70-) being a By-Law to provide for the 1970 Road Estimates, be read a first time. Carried. Res. 46 Res. 47 Res. 48 'ltes. 49 Moved by CounCillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-Law 70-) be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by CounCillor Hoar that By-Law 70-) be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the petition for subsidy on 1969 Road Expenditures be authorized. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that D. J. Cunningham be appointed "Welfare Administratir for the year 1970." Carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -- February 9th, 1970, Cont'd Res. 50 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that Fred Glanville be re-appointed as Fire Chief for 1970. Carried. . - Res. 51 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that accounts amounting to 83,505.18 be approved for payment. Carried. . Res. 52 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the report of the Fire Department be accepted. Ca~~i$J. Res. 53 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that Mrs. Kathy Ruttan's resignation as Secretary of the Recreation Committee be accepted with regret. Carried. Res. 54 Moved be Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that Mr. James Beam be ap~nted to the Recreation Committee for 1970. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to file the following letters: Board of Education, E. R. Lovekin. The water problem at the Copper Kettle Antique Store on King Street East was discussed by Council. Mrs. Madelaine Williams spoke to Council expressing concern with regard to the poor visibility of motorists when attempting to approach King Street from Church Street due partly to angle parking in front of Goodes Hardware store. Res. 55 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by CounCillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. 'Ii,) Ii/W-7L,u/ (lbJ(2~///h,-,/L . C~rk . . ~INUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEE~ING MARCH 9. 1970 ~ Meeting held in Council Chamber on March 9, 19$0 at 8 p.m. ~ Present were Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors M. Brereton, Fred Couch, Alfred Gray and Frank Hoar. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that Mrs. Jean McCullough be appointed Welfare Administrator, Carried. and Resolution 49 hereby rescinded. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch that tenders be called in July, for Oil supply to the Arena, Community Hall and Fire Station, and that the lowest tender be accepted. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar Seconded by Con. Gray that a proposed by-law draft be obtained from the Department of Financial & Commercial Affairs - re lottery licenses. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Hoar that application for building permit for tool shed from T. Boyce be turned down until the regulations are met to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Brereton that membership fee of $10.00 for the Northumberland-Durham Firefighters Association be paid. Carried. Res. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch 63 that the Municipal levy for 1970 of $730.00 be paid to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Carried. Res. 56 Res. 57 Res. 58 Res. 59 Res. 61 Res. 62 Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Hoar that the minutes of meeting held Feb. 9, be adopted as printed. Carried. 9;r.d,. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by ~~~qp~~P,~~LA~~s} that approval be asked from the ~~.~, Planning Branch for the registration of a correcting deed for land registered on August 2, 1968, as N37784, for the Village of Newcastle. Carried. s.- o Res. Moved by Con. Hvereton, seconded by Con. Hoar 64 that Mr. M. Coo1ahan's resignation from the Recreation Committee be accepted with regnet. Carried. ,-~ / Moved by Con. Brereton seconded by Con. Hoar that Charles Aquilina be appointed and notified as a member of the Recreation Committee. Carried. Res. Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Brereton 66 that Fred Couch look after Mr. Irwin Co1wi11s request for a street light on Arthur Street. Carried. Clerk was instructed to file letter from the following: Assoc. of Ontario Mayors & Reeves; Mrs. 1. Keeling; Dept. of Highways; O.W.R.C.- re Water Project; O.W.R.C. - re Sewage Project; Wm. H. Abthony; E. G. McNeely, re Murray Tax; Lloyd Realty Ltd; Diamond Triangle Planning Committee; Ontario Dept. of Education; North- Durham Board of Education; Ontario Welfare Council. Res. Moved by Con. Couch seconded by Gray that accounts amounting to 67 $12,807.83 be approved for payment. Carried. . ~ -~ - ""~~,, MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNWIL MEETING - MARCH 9. 1970 page 2. . Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Gray that Scott Fennell's offer to purchase land known as Jubilee Fark, dated February 23, 1970, be accepted and the Reeve and the Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. Carried. Res. Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Couch 69 that the reports of the Fire Department and the Health Department and Building Inspector be accepted. Carried. Res. Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Gray 70 that J. Anderson Smith Co. be given permission, in principle, to connect an automatic fire alarm system into the Village alarm system, at their own expense. Carried. Res. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray 71 that Fred Couch be granted permission to spend up to $200.00 for trees to plant on Village property. Carried. Res. /----12 . Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ,,1_1,.~ ~4~1 ) - . . . . . . . ..0. >>J.(-6~~ --;-- - -! . .. Cl:rk f-F. "Y/U. ,e, .. ~EBRUARY ACCOUNTS 1970 ~ . PAID ACCOUNTS P.U.C. - Streets, traffic, fire hall Bernard's Garage - Roads Community Hall Board - advance Salvation Army - donation Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council ReSistrar Deeds - tax redemppion Newcastle Fire Department Wm. Couch - Ganbage Wm. Couch - Roads Welfare - Chqs. 1)64, " "1)44, " II I) 2) , II II 1)21, II. II 1)20, II II 1)66, II "1)22 " II 1)51 Gertrude Gray - Office salary Jean McCullough - Salary & Allowance Merril Henry, Caretaker's Salary Receiver-~eneral - U.E.I. Deductions It " _ Employees deductions Village of Newcastle - non-chequing acct (Lloyd Realty deposit) J. McCullough - Petty Cash Receiver-General - stamps on tax bills H. S. Britton - P.D.C. Pension . 1)46 1)56,1)69. 1)45,1)54,1)65 1)50 1)52,1)55,1)67 1)58 I UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Rickaby's Ltd. Bell Canada Orono Weekly Times - tax bills )M - repairing photocopier Fire Department R. B. Rickard Fuels Newcastle Garage Bell Canada Bernards Garage Roads William Couch Harold Couch Bernard's Garage W. B. Bennett Paving & Materials Walks William Couch Harold Couch Property William Couch Harold Couch '. Garbage Harold Couch - supplying dump We:JlB.re Dtrect - Toms & Sons Ltd. Alex McGregor Drugs Dr. J. Hudson - dental Lorne Johnson Drugs NursiIJI: Homes ~U1set Lodge Nursing Home The Lodge Nursing Home Miscellaneous Registry {West Durham Riding) John F. DeWith Real Est. - appraisal W. Frank Real Est. Ltd. - appraisal P.U.C, - street lights O.W.R.C. - Project 6-00)8-59 OjW.R.C. - Project 6-~0-6) Kilborn Engineering Ltd. TOTAL ACCOUNTS - 12.807.83 )84.68 37.10 500.00 10.00 10.00 ).00 15.00 6.60 122.50 360.00 105.00 146.00 40.00 166.00 40.00 35.00 27.00 19).17 323.74 316.61 8.24 100.55 4550.00 20.00 36.00 200.00 $7,756.19 10.50 19.69 17.64 33.81 $ 81.64 11.83 5.80 37.43 4.50 27.50 80.00 8.80 68.40 17.50 28.00 22.60 28.00 200.00 45.00 9.25 10.00 14.65 282.18 372. 48 59.56 184.70 45.50 50.60 200.00 78.90 654.66 1.80 50.00 50.00 )52.61 2726.)4 )0).82 211. 51 )696.08 '~~ 5,051.64 . MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL - March 26th, 1970. Meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 12.05 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningha, Ccuncillors F. Couch and M. Brereton. Res. TJ Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 70-4, being a By-Law to authorized the sale of land to Windsweep Farms (1965) Limited, be read a first time. Carried. Res. 74 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 70-4 be read a second time. Carried. Res. 75 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 70-4 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Res. 76 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Sedonded by Councillor Couch that the meeting ~djourn. Carried. . t~ft~H~~~~...... / . O.~r.~~~.A!!..",.. Cfuk 7"Y' , .- .-- MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - April 13th, 1970 Meeting held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, F. Hoar, A. Gray and M. Brereton. Res.77 Moved by Councillor Couc~, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that minutes of meeting held March 9th and 26th be adopted as printed. Res.78 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the Clerk be instructed to ~rite a letter to P.U.C. requesting a street light to be installed on the east side of Arthur Street opposite the new home of Irwin Colwill. Carried. Res. Res. 80 ...... Mr. E. Barchard approached Council regarding the condition of the sidewalk on Beaver Street South. This matter was left with Con. Gray to look into, in the near future. 79 Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the Clerk be instructed to write to the owner of the old factory site on Toronto Street gi~ing him 30 days to clean up this property. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Brereton that the Clerk notify the Building Inspector to check if the garage on Mr. DeMooy's property on Toronto street encroaches on the road allowance. Carried. Res. 81 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Brereton that the Canadian Cancer Society be granted permission to CRnvass the Village on April 20, 21, and 22nd. Carried. Res. 82 Res. 83 .- Res. 84 Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Couch that the distribution of commission on insurance coverage for the Village of Newcastle be as follows: 35% to Mr. H. C. Bonathan, 35% to Mr. Keith Barr and 30% to Mr. Nelson Osborne. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Brereton "'L-i; 1. that the lands known as Jubilee Park and described in By-law 70-4 are Dew and were at the time of the passing of By-law 7G-4 surplus to the requirements of the Municipality and this was a fact well known to all members of Council, and the reason that such a recital was not contained in the Deed or in a Resolution was that the fact that the lands were so surplus was so apparent that a formal recital regarding the same was overlooked. 2. Council have previously considered the sale of these lands but were concerned regarding a land use to which they would be put and the reason they were disposed of at this time is because they were satisfied that the land use to which they were to be put is one benefici@al to the development of the area. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Gray that request be made of the D.H.O. for spring clean-up. Carried. Clerk was instructed to write to the Department of Energy and Resources and tell them that the Village has no by-laws governing waste disposal. Res. 85 Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Couch that an advance of $500. be made to the Community Hall Board on their 1970 Budget. Carried. Res. 86 .- Moved by Con. noud; seconded by Con. Brereton that Marks and McNeely be advised to proceed with the next step re Business tax for D. J. Murray & Associates Ltd. Carried. Clerk was instructed to write the Dept. of Ftanci~l and Commercial Affairs to inquire if it is necessary for the Village to control the licensing of lotteries. I' Res.87 Res.88 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING April 13. 1970 Page 2 Clerk was instructed to write to the O.A.P.D.S. requesting them to discontinue sending the minutes to each COlmcillor due to the excessive amount of literature being received by them. Letter from Dept. of Municipal affairs re election procedures was filed till the next meeting. Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Hoar that By-law 70-5 being a by-law to provide for the inspection of plumbing and the enforcement of the regulations respecting plumbing (Plumbing Code) made under the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, fficonded by Con. Brereton that the by-law be read a second time. Carried. Res. 89 Jl10ved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Gray that the by-law be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Res. 90 Moved by Con. Couch, seconded by Con. Hoar that the Reeve and Clerk fill out the questiOlmire form re separation of land for Wm. Lake. Carried. Clerk was instructed to file the following letters: Northumberland Durham Board of Eduction -re 1970 levies; Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council; Ontario Municipal Association - re con~erence; Resolution from Township of Pickering. Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Couch that a<<ounts amounting to $5J,500.94 be approved for payment. Carried. Res. 92 Moved by Con. Hoar, seconded by Con. Gray that the reports of the Health Unit, Building Inspector and Fire Department be accepted. Carried. . lilies. 91 Res. 9J Res. 94 Res. 95 ",e ~ Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch Mr. D. J. Cunningham be granted permission to separate a lot/eO' x 125' from part of ~~, lot 29, Con. 1, Village of Newcastle, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Hoar that notice re Daylllight Saving Time be published in the local newspaper. Carried. Moved by Con. COUCh, seconded by Con. Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ;f.rJ/~~ .. .0, l?;1t'P ~ ~~k MARCH ACCOUNTS 1970 PAID ACCOUNTS . Welfare cheque 1372 " " 1406 2 " 1414,1431 " " 1405,1412,1418,1433 " " 1409,1421,1435 " "1434,1397,1407,1410,1416 " "1371,14041411,1417,1432 " " 1413,1415 M9rri1 Henry, Caretaker's Salary Jean McCullough, Clerk's Salary & All. Gertrude Gray, Office Salary Village of New. Coupon & Deb. 733 H. S. Britton, Pension Evert Vierhout, Bldg. oermits G.I.B.C. repay loan . North-Durham Bd. of Ed. levy Receiver-General U.E.lnsuranc Receiver-General Deductions Ganaraska Region Conservation Auth. Fire Department -practise,license etc. Jack Gray - Property Frank Hoar - travel D. J. Cunningham - travel North-Durham Firefighters Assoc fee . UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Bell Canada Friden - machine rental Cook's Office Equipment Ltd. James Publishing Co. Newcastle Reporter . Gen-Govt. Misc. - Municipal World Le~al - Marks & McNeel~, Barristers Fire Department Newcastle P.U.C. Bernard's Garage Rickard's Fuels Bell Canada Safety Supply Roads Bernard's Garage - sander Harold Couch William Couch Bennett Paving & Constr. Property Bernard's Garage - tree removal Jack Gray - trees Harold Couch - hauling brush William Couch - brush GarRage - William Couch Welfare - Direct - Toms & Sons Ltd. Northcutt Elliott Institutional Lodge Nursing Home Sunset Lodge N.Home .~ Prop. Acquired for taxes Municipal World E. R. Loveking - legal Miscellaneous P.U.C. - traffic lights Street lights March plus adjustments Jan. & Feb. Co1oured bulbs - xmas lights Total Accounts $20.00 180.00 20.00 260.00 30.00 100.00 182.50 60.00 316.61 323.74 193.17 1900.00 200.00 70.00 20000.00 25146.00 8.24 100.55 730.00 63.77 240.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 22.00 21. 00 16.00 49.50 20.00 7.04 9.23 46.29 38.43 158.35 7.25 65.00 45.00 38.63 41.00 546.00 282.00 125.50 165.00 300.00 2.31.49 332.55 11.62 23.70 6.82 566.06 65.77 128.50 45.00 95.50 259.34 155.88 994.50 5.40 465.00 564.04 35.32 638.65 $50,179.58 :u. S t. $ 3.38.'iZ.b3 ~'9r $53 . 5l\~. ~ . . . . Res. 96 Res. 97 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL -- April 20th, 1970 Meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 8.p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, A. Gray and M. Brereton. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Proposal No.1 with respect to estimate charges for Water Project 6-0212-70 be accepted and sent to O.W.R.C. for approval. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Iray that approval be granted to Mr. J. Henry Jose for separation of a parcel of land 200' x 700' comprising ).21 acres, from lot 25, Concession 1 King Street East in the Village of Newcastle. Carried. Res. 98 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. fl;.l4tUrv:: . . Q.~/.~c~ df;rk MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL - Mayb, 1970 Meeting WaS held in the Municipel Office at 8 p.m. Res. 99 Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors Hoar, M. Brereton, A. Gray and F. Couch. Moved b~r Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that leave be lJ'ant4td to introduce By-Law 70-6 setting out the estimates and mill rates for 1970, Rnd it be read a first time. Carried. . Res. 100 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded bv C01mcillor Brereton that By-Law 70-6 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-Law 70-6 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 70-7 regarding Councillors Annual Allowance be read a first time. Carried. Res. 101 Res. 102 Res. 103 . Moved by Councillor Hour, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-Law 70-7 be read a second time. Carried. Res. 104 Moved by Cov~cillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 70-7 be read a third time and fivally passed. Carried. Res. 105 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ffo/.'l~/M~7L."L . J J/J/,~'/'///!"'j/1'/> C k MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - May 11. 1970 . Meeting was held in the Cou-ncil Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, A. Gray, F. Hoar and M. Brereton. Res. 106 Moved by Councillor minutes of meetings adopted as printed. Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that held April 13th and 20th and May 6th be Carried. Res. 107 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Co.mcillor Couch that $75.00 be donated to the Lions Club for the fireworks display on Victoria Day. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that permission be asked of the Department of Highways to run a ditch on the west side of Beaver Street South to the ditch on the north side of highway 401. Carried. Mr. Sutton of Beaver Street South requested a street light be installed south of Robert on Beaver. He was instructed to write a letter to Council in this regard, which would be referred to the P.U.C. Carried. Miss Cora Butler approached Council regarding her cottage at Jubilee Park. The Reeve advised Miss Butler that if and when the sale of this land by the Village to Windsweep Farms was completed, she would be informed by the new owner of any arrange- ments regarding her cottage. Res. 108 . Res. 109 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that ani "Ad" be placed in both local papers pertainine to dogs running at large and the penalty for contravening the By-Law. Carried. Mr. Sam Brereton approached Council requesting that the Westview Heights park be developed. Res. 110 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Department of Agriculture be contacted to come to investigate the proposed park in Westview Heights and provide suggestions as to how it should be developed. Carried. . Res. III Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Mr. Blumberg be granted a licence to operate a taxi, on a 24 hour basis, providing he meets all requirements of By-Law 713 and the amendment to this by-law No. 817. Carried. Res. 112 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that in accordance with the Power Commission Act, Chapter 300, R.S.O. 1960, Section 98, this the Council of the Municipality of Newcastle request the assent of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario to the issuance of $50,000 in debentures to be used by the Newcastle Public Utilities Commission for financing expenditures as outlined by them and with which we are in agreement. Carried. Res. 113 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk ask the Building Inspector, Mr. Vierhout, to suggest that Mr. DeMooy have his property surveyed. Carried. Res. 114 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the Clerk write to Mrs. Verburgh advising her that complaints have been received regarding the parking of the school bus on Wilmot Street and re1uesting that she no longer park it in this location. Carried. Res. 115 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the decision of the Building Inspector be final regarding the application for a building permit from Mr. Nick Dyriw. Carried. Res. 116 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that accounts amounting to $14,297.40 be approved for payment. Carried. . Council Meeting May 11, 1970 . - 2 - Res. 117 Moved oy Councillor Gray, Seoonded oy Councillor Hoar that the reports of the Fire Department, Health Depart- ment and Building be accepted. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Armstrong Electric Ltd. requesting that the property owned by them in Westview Heights subdivision be cleaned up as it is de- preoiating the value of adjacent properties. The Clerk was instructed to file the following letters: Alex Carruthers, C. P. Rail, Frank Cowan Company, Marks & McNeely, Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves and K. Barr. The letter from Dr. Horner regarding the Southaven Nursing Home will be held for reply until Council survey the drainage problem. e Res. ~18 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. tfiyf !~A~~MA///;dA' ~ Q ~(' 4dY~r/ Cle~ . e-- APRIL ACCOUNTS . PAID ACCOUNTS Newcastle Fire Department Counon & Debenture Acft. Registrar of Deeds - tax reg. Community Hall Board Evert Vierhout - Bldg. permits D. Cranfield Bailiff K. Gorman, sheriff - tax arrears Onto Education Capital Aid Cor~. Registrar - }~rch doc. & reg. Montague Trust Fund - trasBfer Merrill Henry - Salary Jean McCullough - Salary & Allow. Gertrude Gray - Office Salary Welfare cheques 1491,1481,1471,1439 It II 1490,1480,1470,1436 It II 1472,1438 It II 1484,1442 II II 1482.1473,1440 II II 1483;1441 II II 1494 H. S. Britton, P.D.C. Pension Receiver-General - tax deductions Receiver-General - U. E. Insurance ~ UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Municipal Viorld Ltd. Bell Canada Grand &; Toy Fire Department Bernard ' s Garage Newcastle Garage Bell Canada Roads 'II. B. Bennett Harold Couch William Couch Property - Harold Couch ~ Garbage - William Couch Welfare - Direct - Lorne Johnson Drugs Nuring Homes The Lodge Nursing Home Sunset Lodge Nursing Home P.U.C, - street Lights Total Umpaid Accounts $: 15.00 5400.00 2.50 500.00 )6.00 38.00 .75 5200.00 .70 60.00 316.61 323.74 193.17 146.00 40.00 40.00 87.00 195.00 20.00 20.00 200.00 100.55 8.24 $ 4.35 31.08 9.85 $ 45.28 $ 20.60 6.42 37.17 $: 64.19 47.63 225.25 92.50 $J65.38 8.00 5.70 2.25 3220.99 218.59 $4}9.58 423. 76 TOTAl, ACCOUNTS . $12,943.26 $ 1.354.14 $14.297.40 . MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - MaY 26. 1970 Present were Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, F. Couch, A. Gray and M. Brereton. The licensing of lotteries was discussed, the Clerk informed Council that on checking with other Clerks of surrounding municipalities, their Councils had not, as yet, decided to pass the Lottery Licensing By-law. Council decided to wait to see what neighbouring municipalities are going to do. Res. Moved by Con. Gray, Seoonded by Con. Couch 119 that Proposal No. ~ with respect to estimate charges re Water Project 60212-70 be accepted and sent to O.W.R.C. for approval. Carried. Res. 120 . Moved by Con. Brereton, Seconded by Con. Couch that the cheque from Scott Fennell, re sale of Jubilee Park to Windsweep Farms (1965) Ltd. be returned with a letter stating that the cheque was not certified and should be made out to the Village of Newcastle and until such time as the Agreement is signed, and approval is received from the Department of Municipal Affairs, this sale cannot be finalized. Carried. Clerk was instructed to write to Dr. Horner advising her that the Village has no intention of ditching Mill and James Streets as requested in her letter and after an inspection by Council they feel the surface water she referred to is 90% sewage water. Res. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar 121 that the Clerk write the Building Inspector telling him not to issue any more permits in Orchard Heights, plan 660, until drainage and road problems are corrected. Carried. Res. 122 . . Moved by Con. Brereton, Seconded by Con. Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. II?, f~~~1o-/ Ree",'!'" 7...... .. .f7..?ll.<'.-&d//A--"~ ~.... Cl~k ~-7~""'" MAY ACCOUNTS - 1970 PAID ACCOUNTS . Newcastle Liens Club Ronald Pearce - Roads E. Vierhout - Bldg. permits J. McCullough (Due to Treas.) Registrar of Deeds - Tax Reg. J. McCulleugh (Petty Cash) Reoeiver-General - Postage Mrs. M. Garrod (tax refund) D. Cranfield Bailiff Welfare oheques Merril Henry - Caretaker's Salary J. MoCulleugh - Clerk's Salary Gertrude Gray - Offioe Salary Reoeiver-General - U.E.I. Receiver-General - Deduotions H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension John Darrach - Roads Newoastle Fire Department UNPAID ACCOUNTS . Offioe Bell Canada E. Vierhout - Bldg. permits Reeve & Counoillor's salaries Canada Law Book Ltd. - citator Grand & Toy Orono Weekly Times - tax bills Friden - machine rental Newcastle Reporter Fire Department Bell Canada Bernards Garage Gulf Oil Goode's Hardware Newcastle P.U.C. Roads Harold Couch William Couch . Propert, Daveyree Expert Co. William Couch - William Couch - Garbage Welfare Direct - Toms & Sons ltd. N. Homes - Sunset Lodge Miscellaneous Workmen's Compensation Board -Arena Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. - tax prop. O.W.R.C. - 6-00)8-59 O.W.R.C. - 6-0120-6) P.U.C. - Traffic lights P.U.C. - Street lights $ 75.00 5.00 21. 00 17.00 ).00 15.45 )6.00 5.45 )8.00 580.50 316.61 32).74 19).17 8.24 100.55 200.00 9.00 15.00 $ 23.99 12.00 1800.00 )5.00 8.22 40.57 89.25 9.00 $2,018.0) )8.12 8.46 12.)7 6.35 4.48 $ 69.78 $182.00 65.20 $ 247.20 c$~pJ 2).50 6.90 $ 295.40 $267.00 125.61 $ )92.6) 13.45 25.00 )111.00 )6).00 6.82 421.76 TOTAL UNPAID ACCOUNTS TOTAL ACCOUNTS . $3.943.0) $1,962.71 $6.966.07 $8.928.78 d~:;;'OO $~i"j.l~ / ~ ~. . '. - Res.123 MINU'lES 01 REGULAR OOUlTon MEETING - Jlae 8, 1970 Meeting was helt in the OOlac1l Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. owminghaa, Oeunoillers, 1. Oouoh, A. Gray, 1. Hoar and. M. Breretea. Movel by Oelaoiller Oouch, Secended. by Oeunoillor Hear that minutes o~ aeetings held. May 11th and May 26th be adepted as printed.. Oarried. A delecation from the Pine Ridee 1estival of the Arts, Mr. D. Jladdeoks froa the Youth and RecreatieD Branoh of the Ontario Department e~ Muoatie. and. Mr. S. Brerete., Ohairaan of the Reoreation Oe..ittee, who acted as spoke"aD, approached Oouncil to present a proposal whereby the Pine Ridge 1estival of the Arts ooullil. have their expenses put through the Recreation books in orier to receive a crant. Mr. Brereton explained that the Recreation wouli have ne jurisdiction over the Pine Ridee Festival but the bookeepine systea would have to be approved by Oouncil and the Village Auditor. !rhe Olerk was instruoted to send this book- keeping systea to the Auditor for approval. Res.124 Moved by Oounoillor Hoar, Seoonded by Oounciller Brereton that the Olerk write to the Auditor outlining the beokkeeping systea to be used in connection with the Recreation Oommittee and the . Pine Ridee :Pestival of the Arts, for approval. Oarriei. ~__.l.' ~.~a____ll~_~.a~_'JI.____._~.~I.a"'-+~T8YY"".~~v. ~.I_l~___~l_.._'.a____'~ Mr. Maddecks addressed council informing tho that the RecreatioD Oommittee were losing crants that could be available it the Arena and Oommunity Hall expenditures were put through Recreation. Mr. R. B. Baxter, Ohairaan of the Board of the Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts spoke to Oouncil regarding the lease subllittel to thea by the O.aauni ty Hall Board for the rent of the Hall for the Festival. Mr. Baxter propos.ll several changes be made in the lease. Oouncil, not wishing to overule the Hall Board, made the ~ollew1ng motion: Res.125 Moved by Oouncillor Gray, Seconded. by Oouncillor Oouoh that a joint a.eting of Oouacil and the Oemmunity Hall Boart be called for Wednesday at 8.p.m. if pOSSible. Carriei. Res.126 . Moved by Oouncillor Gray, Seconded by Oounciller Brereton that the Hortioultural Sooiety be given a grant of $50.00. Carried. !rhe Clerk was instruoted to reply to the letter from Mavety :Pilm Delivery Lt4 stating that the proprietors of the local garage. weuld have to give consent for the services they require for their truoks, and that this was not a deoisioD for Council. !rhe request for two street lights froa residents south of the Public School on Beaver Streets was discussed. Oouncillor Oouch will look into this. Res.127 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seoonded by Oouncillor Brereton that Oouncil concur with the aotion of the Public Utilities Oomllission that 8the P.U.O. come to aD agreement with the Newcastle Oouncil to exchange the Oaroline St. Property for the Wilaot St. property with the town to acoept the legal expenses involve4", providing the P.U.C. do not perllit the installation of any sewage systea on the property on Wilmot St.&arried. . !rhe Olerk was instructed to send a Betch of the property in Westview Heights proposed for a park area to the Department o~ Agrioulture and Food. . Res. 128 Res. 129 .,. 1)0 Res. 1)1 Res. 1)2 Res. 1)) Res. 1)4 .- e- -2- Regular Council Meeting -JUne 8, 1970 A letter from Mr. Paul Dallaire requesting permission to install a gas pump in Wal tona Park for the purpose of selling gas to campers and for his own use was read. No decision was made by Council in this matter. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that an advance of $500.00 be given to the Recreation Committee. Carried. fhe Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from Frank Cowan Company Limited with regard to the break-in at the Community Hall that Council have decided to wait until Mr. McClellan meets with Council to discuss this claim. Council decided to meet at a special meeting to discuss their views regarding the municipal elections committee's provisions and recommendations. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Co~Gb that accounts amounting to '~,66).78 be approved for payment, the account for $265.00 from Davey Tree Experts to be held until work is completed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that reports of the Fire Department, Building and Health Depart- ments be accepted. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to file the following letters: Department of Highways, Dagmar Construction. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-law No. 70-8 being a by-law to provide for the licensing and registration of dogs and for regulating the running at large of animals, be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-law 70-8 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that By-law No. 70-8 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the meeting adjourn. Carried. i~/~~" . .().Jl/.7f. / ~~ //.., H ~.... er~rk. ~~ .~ . Ree.l)5 Refl)6 MINlnES OF MEETING OF JOIN! COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL .uT.D COMMUNITY HALL BOARD - June 11. 1970 Present were: Reevell. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, A. Gray M. Brereton and F. Couch. Hall Board MeJIlbers: F. B. Pidgeon, Chairman, Pauline Storks, D. Wright, Madeleine Williams, Secretary. Moved by P. Storks, Seconded by F. Hoar that Reeve D. J. Cunningham be appointed Chairman for this meeting. Carried. The lease, submitted to the Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts by the Community Hall Board was the subject of discussion for which this meeting was called. The Hall Board passed two motions for minor changes in the lease. Meeting was adjourned. .~;. . C . , , .O//7l~ ~rk. MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - June 11. 1970. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, A. Gray M. Brereton and F. Couch. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the Clerk write to the P.U.C. giving them authority to install one light on the west side of Beaver Street south of Robert. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the Clerk invit6i tenders to supply oil for the Community Hall, Fire Hall and Areaa for a period of one year from Gulf Oil, Texaco and Imperial 011. Carried. Mr. Bryants application for a building permit to make an addition to his house was left to the discretion of the building Inspector. Res.l)? Moved by Con. Brereton, Seconded by Con. Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. .- tJ,.f. , ..O..lll(~. C~k . Res. 138 Res. 139 Res. 140 Res. 141 Res.. 142 Res. 14) ~. 144 . . MDfUTES OF SPECIAL MEETIlfG OF COtmCIL - June 23. 1910 Present were t. Reeve D. J;. CwmiDghaa, Counoillors M. Brereton, F. Hoar and F. Couoh. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Brereton that By-law 10-9, to execute an agreement with O.W.R.C. for preliminary work on water project, be read a first time. Carried. Meved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that By-law 7'" be read a second time. Carriei. Moved by Con. Brereton, Seconded by Con. Couoh that By-law 10-9 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Brereton that Supplementary By-law 10-10 for road expenditures be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Oon. Hoar, Seconded by Oon. Couch that By-law 10-10 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Oon. Brereton, Seconded by Oonl Hoar that By-law 10-10 be read a third time and finally passed. Oarrie". Moved by Con. Oouch, Seconded by Oon. Brereton that the meeting adjourn. Oarried. tJ~~~" ..em~~.. Oi'e;k -~ ..,f' MDlUTES OF SPECliL COUllCIL lOE'.I!ING - .Tune 30th, 1970 Meeting was held in the Mwaicipal Office at 12.15 p.m. - Present were: ReeTe D. J. CwminghaJl, Councillors F. Hoar, F. Couch and M. Brereton. Res. 145 MoTed by Counoillor F. Couch, Seoonded by Counoillor F. Hoar that the Council approTes of the borrowing of $50,000 upon the issue of ten year serial Debentures as recauested by the Bewcastle Public Utilities Co..ission and approTed by the Hydro-Eleotrio Power Commission of Ontario for the following purposes: . $25,000 20,000 1,500 2,500 1.000 $50,000 the expenditure to be financed from the prooeeds of a $50,000 elebenture issue. Substation Diet. System - oTerhead. Dist. System - under- ground Transformers Street Lights anll that applioation be maie to the Ontario Municipal Board for approTal as required by Sec. 64 of the Ontario Munioipal Boarel Aot. Carried. Res. 146 MoTed by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting a4journ. Carried. itJ.'f~/AA~~J'~A~~ . ~~L////__/~ er " .- . Res. 141 . Res. 148 -- .- MIliUTES OF SPECIAL COT1lfCIL MEETING - July 7. 1970 Meeting was kald in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch and J.. Gray. Mr. R. McLellan of the Frank Cowan Insurance Company met with Council to review the renewal of insurance coverage for the Village. Mr. McLellan submitted copies of the Insurance Review for 1970-1971 to each member present and the various policies were discussed in detail, after which the following motion was passed: Keved by Councillor Gray, seconded by Councillor Couch that: (1) the Bodily Injury and Property Damage on the Non-Owned Automobile policy be increased from $1,000,000. to $2,000,000. at an increase in premium of .',4.00. (2) the Bodily Injury and Property DaJu.ge on the Village-Owned Automobile policy be increased from $500,000. to $1,000,000. at an increase in premium of $19.00. (3) the Bodily Injury and Property Damage on the Municipal Liability Policy be increased from $500,000. to $1,000,000. at an increase in premium of $49.81. (4) the tractor at the Arena be added to the Municipal Equipment Floater policy at a value of $1,250.00. Carried. Council requested that Mr. McLellan check the rates for increasing the insurance on the 1965 Fire truck and report to the Clerk. Keved by Councillor Couch, seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. t~f~~ ..Qd;,,~";- .~ C~;k ~.--. . . . . Welfare Toms & Sons Ltd. - Direct 142.50 The Lodge NursAing Home - Institutional 452.28 ".ce11aneous Registry Office - April, May, June P.U.C. - Street lights Town of Bowmanvi11e - Dog control Boyter Adalls & Co. - audit JUKE AOCOUB!S - 1970 ~ Direct Welfare cheques M. Henry - Caretaker's Salary J. McCu110ugh- 01erk' s Sallry & All. G. Gra)'" - Office Salary E. Vierhout - Bldg. Inspector H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Receiver-General - Deductions Receiver-General - U.E.Ins. Can. Imp. Bnk of Comm.- re loan u " """ "" Newcastle Kort. Society Newcastle Recreation Committee Workmen's Compensation Safety Supply Co. - lire Dept. Newcastle Garage - Fire Dept. Newoast1e Fire Dept. - praotise Orono Weekly Times - Office J. DeJong - tax rebate North-Durh Bd. of Ed. - requisition UBPAID Office Bell Canada James Publishing Newcastle Reporter Cook's Office Equipment Fire Department Goode's Hardware Newcastle Garage Bell Canada Roads Harnden <9: King W. B. Bennett Harold Couoh William Couch Property Kerri1 Henry Harold Couch William Couch - TOTAL UlIPAID $ 5)0.90 )16.61 )2).74 19).17 58.00 200.00 100.55 8.24 5,000.00 2,000.00 50.00 500.00 191.)9 11.60 70.60 15.00 24.22 46.74 25.146.00 $)4,786.76 S 20.48 2).08 4.00 19.58 S 67.14 10.99 4.64 61.04 76.67 11,160.50 122.6) 226.50 45.00 11,554.6) 9.00 )8.00 12.20 59.20 594.78 10.80 42).76 180.00 2.100.00 2.714.56 $1~,066.98 TOTAL ACCOUNTS .l.:l,J. 066. 9S $49. 85}. 7~ MIlWfES OF REGULAR OOUIrOIL Jl:SftIllG - Jul7 IJth, 1910 Meeting was heli in the Oounoil Ohambers at a p.a. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cumli'l\gJ'>em, Oouncillors F. Hoar, F. Oouch, M. Brereton and A. Gray. ~es.148 Moved by Oounoillor Oouch, Second.. by Oouncillor Gray that minutes o~ aeetings held June 8th, 11th, 2Jrd ad JOth and July 7th 'be adopted as printed. Oarried. Res.l49 Moved by Oounoiller Oouch, Seeonded 'by CounoUlor Brereton that Council oppose the acrease in rates proposed by Bell Oanada and advise the Oanadian fransport OoMmission o~ their deoision. Oarried. fhe Olerk was instructed to fUe the following letters: Department o~ Municipal Affairs, O.W.R.a., Dunwoody & Ooapany and the Planning Act AIIIelulaent. The Resolution o~ the Port Hope Planning Board will 'be dealt with at a later date. Mr. H. L. Bonner o~ the Department o~ Highways of Ontario spoke with CouncU regarding the purchase of 7' by JJO. o~ the Park land on the north side of Highway lio. 2. Oounoil requested that Mr. Bonner ask the Department o~ H1ghways for approval to construct a sidewalk along the )JO' fronta,;e of the park before a decision is made as to the purchase price for this land. ,. Res.1SO Moved 'by Oouncillor Gray, Seeonded by Oouncillor Oouch that accounts amounting to $49,8SJ.74 be approved for payment. Oarried. Moved by Oouncillor Hoar, Seconded by Oouncillor Oouch that reports of the Fire Department, Health Unit, Building and Welfare be accepted. Oarried. The Ol.erk was instructed to oontaot the Planning Bruch of the Department of MuniCipal Affairs to inquire as to the legali t7 of properties that were registered in June by Banksia Investments Lid. Res.1S2 Moved by Oouncillor Gray, Seconded by Oouncillor Oouch that Gulf Oil's tender to supply oU to the OouUD1ty Hall, Fire Hall and Arena from August 1st, 1910 to August 1st, 1911 be acoepted. Oarried. Res.1Sl Res.1SJ Moved by Oounc1llor Gray, Seconded by OOUDcillor Oouch that the Olerk advertise the changes in the new By-Law for Dog Oontrol, including the nuisance clause. Oarried. _~es.1S4 Moved by Oounc11lor Oouch, Seconded by OOUDcl110r Gray that the ~ aeeting adjourn. Oarrled. 1/J.IN~1/-"-' ~ ~1'4'{#;A u J/ k .::' ~. JULY ACCOUNTS . PAID ACCOUNTS Welfare cheques Evert Vierhout - Bldg.permits Merril Henry - Caretaker's salary Jean McCullough - Clerk's " Gertrude Gray - Office salary Receiver-General - U.E.I. Receiver-General - deductions Jean McCullough - expenses J. McCullough - Petty cash H. S. Britton - Pension Deb. & Coupon account - Bylaw 682 North-Durh. Bi. of Ed. - " " " " << Newcastle Community Hall Bd. Memorial Library Bd. Frank Cowan Insurance Frank Cowan Insurance P. G. Newell - Property C. Darrach - Property Bathe & McLellan - Roads J. Darrach - Roads Toms & Sons Ltd. - Dire Dept. R. B. Rickard Plumbing - Fire Dept Fire Department - Praotice . S 542.70 21.00 48).27 )2).74 19).17 8.24 100.55 7.80 15.55 200.00 3560.00 12000.00 1)136.00 5.76 75).70 99.)1 )9)1.77 6.)0 7.20 1)8.60 77 .00 126.00 21.55 15.00 UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Goodes Hardware Municipal World Ltd. Newcastle Reporter Bell Canada $ 4.62 10.22 67.00 22.26 $ 104.10 $ )8.85 1.70 6.00 8.)0 ).00 15.00 )8.50 $ 111.)5 1.)7 268.50 28.00 )07.27 2.00 /'a.J., 20.00 $ 627.14 18.00 38.40 56.40 27.00 231.49 $ 258.49 7.84 4)2.28 42.47 3.80 $ 486.39 TOTAL ACCOuns Fire De{lartment Bell Canada Bernards Garage P.U.C. Good's Hardware Newcastle Garage Newcastle Fire Dept. Lake's Electrioal .- Roads Goode's Hardware Harold Couch William Couoh Pealar People Ltd. Bernard's Garage Greg Gray Property Harold Couoh William Couoh Welfare Toms & Sons Ltd. - Direot The Lodge Nursing Home - Misoellaneo1is P.U.C. Traffio lights P.U.C. Street lights Frank Cowan Ltd. Registrar West Durham . $)5.784.21 S 1.643.87 $37.428.08 MINUTES OP REGULAR COUNCIL MEEfING - August loth, 1970 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8.p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors P. Couch, A. Gray, P. Hoar and M. Brereton. "'Res.155 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that minutes of meeting held July l)th be adopted as read. Carried. Mr. Douglas Walton approached Council with regard to his driveway on Mill street North. New construction now underway had altered his driveway, during hi. holidays, from a private driveway to a mutual driveway with the adjacent property owner. The Reeve will look into this problem. Res.156 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk be instructed to have a solicitor draw up the necessary By-Law for part-lot control. Carried. Res.157 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seoonded by Councillor Brereton that the Clerk send bills to the various Boards for their share of the Audit fee. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from E. R. Lovekin regarding a proposed home for senior citizens, thanking him for bringing this to the attention of the Council and requesting more information. . Res.158 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that any member of Council interested in attending the Regional Development Conference in Toronto on August )1 and September 1st and 2nd be allowed to do .0 and their expenses be paid for by the Village. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write to Central Ontario Joint Planning Board informing them that three or four representatives of Council will attend the meeting on August 20th in the Council Chambers of the Oshawa Civic Administration Building. The Clerk was instructed to reply to the Port Hope Planning Board advising them that Council are not prepared at this time to go ahead with the formation of a Joint Planning Area. Res.159 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that Friday,poM.) September 11th be proclaimed a Civic half-holiaiy for Public School children to attend the Durham Central Pair in Orono. Carried. eRes.160 Moved by Councillor COUCh, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Mrs. Madeleine Williams' resignation as Secretary-Treasurer Community Hall Board be accepted with regret. Carried. Res.161 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk write the Public Utilities Commission recommending that a new medern-t.Jpe light be installed in front of the residence of Tom Lennard on Mill Street South. Carried. of the Res.162 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Accounts amounting to $)7,428.08 be approved for payment. Carried. Res.16) Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the reports of the Fire Department, Building and Welfare be accepted. Carried. Councillor Gray advised Council that the Arena had been painted. Res.164 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. . ttf~n-T- Q,~L-~~/b Cler~ . Res.165 Res.166 . -- Res.167 Res.168 Res.169 . Res.170 MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - August 25th, 1970 Meeting was held in Municipal Office at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, F. Hoar and M. Brereton. Mr. Stan Gujda met with Council to discuss plans for the building of semi-detached houses on lots 5, 6 and 13 in Orchard Heights subdivision. No decision as to approval was given by Council pending inquiries to the Department of Health and existing by-laws etc. The matter of roads, ditches and drainage in Orchard Heights subdivision was discussed by Council. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Loyd Bolahood requesting a meeting with Council to discuss this matter, as well as the need for an additional fire hydrant in this area. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 70-11, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of debentures for P.U.C., be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seoonded by CounCillor Hoar that By-Law 70-11 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 70-11 be read a third time and finally pasaed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 70-12, being a By-Law to authorize construction of capital works, substation, improvements and extension to the system of distribution of eleotricity and for street lights in the amount of $50,000. be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seoonded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law 70-12 be read a seoond time. Carried. This by-law will not reoeive the third and final reading until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. Carri The Clerk was instructed to write the Planning Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs for information regarding land use by-laws. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. 1I.;Jlry~..". .... O.l2l.c:~~.... Cled . MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - September 1st, 1970 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, A. Gray, M. Brereton and F. Hoar. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the roads, ditches and drainage in Plan 660, Orchard Heights subdivisionwith Mr. Bolahood of Lloyd Realty Ltd. Mr. Bolahood, tog~ther with Mr. Kahn, who was hired by Mr. Bolahood to construct the roads, and Mr. John Houston of Totten, Sims & Hubicki, Con- sulting Engineers, were present. With respect to the need for an additional hydrant in the subdivision, Mr. Houston was to check the requirements in this connection and report to Mr. Bolahood, who in turn would report to Council. Other requirements to be met were as follows: 1. The two courts were to be sodded. 2. Repair and round-off the entrance to the south ditch. . Res.In ). More crushed gravel to be put on streets. 4.. Mr. Bolahood to contact Mr. Stan Gujda and suggest that he run a ditch behind lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 sloping westerly to connect with the drainage ditch so that surface water would not run south to property owners on King Street East. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the Clerk write the P.U.C. for information as to the cost of removing one old light and installing two new lights on the west side of Mill Street North between King and Wilmot Streets. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Res. 171 . t.Jr~.. .... q. a!,t;~~~. Cler".... . . . . AUGUST ACCOUNTS 1970 PAID ACCOUNTS Welfare cheques - Direct Merril Henry - Caretaker Gertrude Gray - Office Jean McCullough - Clerk's Salary John Henry - Caretaker H. S. Britton, PUC Pension Receiver-General - Deductions Receiver-General U.E.Ins. Evert Vierhout - Bldg. Permits Robert Scott - Property Davey Tree Expert Co. - Property South Haven Nursing Home - Welfare Community Hall Board - Ins. claim UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Bell Canada Municipal World Newcastle Hydro Fire Department Bell Canada Newcastle Garage Roads Pedlar People Ltd. Harold Couch William Couch W. B. Bennett Mechanical Advertising Ltd. Leland Payne PrOllerty Harold Couch Leland Payne William Couch William Couch - Garbage Welfare - Institutional The Lodge Nursing Home South Haven Nursing Home Miscellaneous P.U.C. - street lighting O.W.R.C. - Project 6-0038-59 O.W.R.C. - Project 6-0120-63 Registrar - Aug. documents UNPAID ACCOUNTS TOTAL ACCOUNTS $1,029.80 149.95 193.17 323.74 139.41 200.00 100.55 8.24 27.00 17.50 265.00 130.50 60.00 22.05 3.08 16J.05 $ 188.18 41.37 22.77 64.14 183.09 275.50 70.00 55.1J 333.43 216.00 1,133.15 45.00 54.00 10.00 109.00 10.50 231.49 235. 50 466.99 432.28 3,111.00 363.00 1.00 3.907.28 $2,644.86 J5.879.24 $8.524.1,0 . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - September 14th. 1970 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, A. Gray, F. Hoar and M. Brereton. Res. 172 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that minutes of meetings held August lOth, 25th and September 1st be adopted as printed. Carried. Mr. W. R. Taber, Datacentre Manager of I.B.M. Canada Ltd., Kingston, met with Council to explain the tax billing system. The Collector's Roll will no longer be supplied to Municipalities by the Assessment Dept. This will necessitate a change to data processing of the Collector's Roll. The cost of processing the tax bills under this system was reviewed as well as the cost for editing the Voters list. Before a decision is made to proceed with tax billing and Voters lists under this system, the Clerk was to contact Mr. Parnell, Assessment Commissioner. . The Clerk was instructed to reply to Walter Hale's letter regarding garbage collection and advise that due to Government policies there may be &hanges in the near future in garbage collection, but no changes will be made at the present time, in this regard. Res. 173 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that $9.22 be sent to the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re the Bell Canada 1970 issue on increase in rates. Carried. Res. 174 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that $50.00 be granted to the Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund. Carried. . Res. 177 The Clerk was instructed to write to Frank Cowan Company regarding the cost of repairs to the Cross Walk Sign. Res. 175 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that accounts amounting to $8,524.10 be approved for payment. Carried. Res. 176 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Fire Department be granted permission to erect a banner over the entrance to the Community Hall to advertise their dance in aid of Muscular Dystrophy. Carried. Moved by Oouncillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the reports of the Fire Department, Building, Health and Welfare be accepted. Carried. Res. 178 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the P.U.C. be advised to proceed with the installation of the two lights on Mill Street North as discussed previously with Councillor Couch. Carried. Res. 179 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. i;;J~.. . . ...O,lM Clfu-Treasurer. MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - September 15, 1970 . Meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 12.15 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar and M. Brereton. Res. 180 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that Norman Rudman be given permission to separate lots 18 and 19 in Block Q, Concession 2, Township of Clarke now in the Village of Newcastle, according to the Hanning Plan lodged in the Registry Office for the West Riding of the County of Durham. Carried. Res. 181 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. /1 J ifJ';'" n_'T · . ei //;7~An//~ -/h Cl . SEPTEMBER ACCOUNTS ~ Welfare Merril Henry - Salary Jean MvCullough - Clerk's salary Gertrude Gray - Office Salary H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Receiver-General - U.E.Insurance Receiver-General - Deductions Newcastle Recreation - Grant Assoc. Mayors & Reeves (Bell Issue) Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund Bathe & McLellan - Roads R. B. Rickard Plumbing * Fire Dept. Safety Supply Co. - Fire Dept. Fire Dept. - Practice Jack Gray - Property . . UNPAID Office Bell Canada EVert Vierhout - Bldg. permits Municipal World Ltd. Lorne Johnson Drugs Newcastle Reporter Le~al & Re~istrar McComiskey & PezzaX - Re P.U.C. McComiskey & Pezzack - Re Village Registrar Fire Department Bell Canada P.D.C. Bernard I s Garage Safety Supply Co. . Roads Harold Couch William Couch W. B. Bennett Treasurer of ant. re D.H.O. Property Harold Couch - Weeds Harold Couch - Property William Couch William Couch - Garbage Welfare Lorne Johnson - Direct Welfare Lodge Nursing Home South Haven Nursing Home Miscellaneous Perrin-Turner - Re Arena P.U.C. - Traffic lights P.U.C. - Street Lights ':;3.1. $~.95 316.61 323.74 193.17 200.00 8.24 130.35 1105.00 9.22 50.00 103.95 17.22 59.05 15.00 95.00 :$ 20.16 50.00 12.41 1.88 3.00 $ 87.45 28.50 29.00 1.80 :$ 59.30 39.17 7.92 23.77 276.69 $347.55 89.00 32.50 65.6) 37.11 $224.24 73.50 63.00 30.00 8.40 $174.90 1.89 218.59 225.00 $445.48 5009.00 7.84 432.28 5449.12 Total Ullpaid TOTAL ACCOUNTS . .~ .~J?t~ ~~ "'4. $3,1~.50 $6.788.04 .. 5~. 4 ...9.9~.5 /, i. (70 00 //.5S.:; 5'1 ) . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - October 13th. 1970 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, F. Couch, A. Gray and M. Brereton. Res. 18) Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that minutes of the meetings held September 14th and 15th be adopted as printed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that a By-Law be drafted to close Andrew Street between Manvers and Mill Streets and sent to the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham for approval. Carried. Res. 184 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that permission be granted to Mrs. Grace Biersteker for separation of )9' x 1)2.)7' in part of Lot 25, Concession 2, Highway No.2, Village of Newcastle. Carried. Res. 182 Res. 185 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that Murray Walton be granted permission to erect a building on his property on Mill Street North according to the plan submitted to Council, the said building to be used as a store for Fish and Chip Take-0ut Service. Carried. . Res. 186 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Gordon Garrod Jr. be granted permission to erect a garage on Beaver Street according to the plan submitted to Council. Carried. Mrs. Velma Parker approached Council requesting a street light be installed on Mill Street North between property owned by Mrs. Pearl Huchison and Mr. Brink. Mr. Couch will investigate this location and report to Council. . Res. 187 A joint meeting of Council with the Recreation Committee and the Lions Club was set for October 19th at 8 p.m. for the purpose of discussing plans for the proposed .estview Heights Park. A letter was received and read from Mr. Munro, Principal of the Newcastle Public School requesting that the cross walk lines be painted on Mill and the corner of Beaver and King Streets. Reeve Cunningham will make arrangements for this work to be done. The Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr. Munro's letter in this regard. Moved by Councillor Couoh, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that approval be given to Bowmanville District Council of the Boy Scouts of Canada to hold their annual Apple Day in the Village of Newcastle on October 17th. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from Dr. V. J. Jindra who requested consultation with Council regarding the 155 lots registered on the former Frew Farm. Council will arrange to meet with Dr. Jindra at a later date. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. E. R. Lovekin requesting him to obtain information for Council regarding the lots registered by Banksia Investments Limited. Res. 188 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton the Clerk petition the Department of Highways for interim on road expenditures to September 30, 1970 of $17.057.86. that subsidy Carried. . A letter from O.W.R.C. regarding the proposed Sewage Project was read, aSking if Council had given acceptance to the Financial Proposal. Council will arrange for a special meeting to review this proposal and the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Alex Carruthers for accurate information as to the Province's oontribution to the cost of this Project. Mr. E. R. Lovekin spoke to Council regarding the Part-Lot Control By-Law and explained the recent new legislation oontrolling same. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - October 13th - Continued Res. 189 Moved by Oouncillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Council support the Resolution of the Bowmanville Council with regard to "Rock Festivals" made to the Honourable Arthur AI. Wishart, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, and a copy of their approval be sent to Honourable Wishart. Carried. . Res.190 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that accounts amounting to $11,552.54 be approved for payment. Carried. Res. 191 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded b~ Councillor Gray that the reports of the Fire Department, Building and Welfare be accepted. Carried. Res. 192 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the offer of purchase received rrom the Department of Highways of Ontario for land on the north side of Highway No. 2 East is not accepted by Council. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Department of Highways of Council's decision. Res. 193 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the meeting adjourn. Carried. . {f;l,p~~ Q >>7/'A////~-:?~ ClerkV' t . . .~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEr@ER 4, 1970 Meeting held in MuniCipal Office at 8 p.m. . Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, A. Gray, F. Couch and M. Brereton. Letters of protest to the fish and chip store which Mr. Murray Walton proposes to build on Mill St. North were read from three property owners on the said street, Miss Irene Rinch was present at this meeting. Res. 194 Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Brereton that the Clerk write Mr. Walton notifying him of the objections received to the Fish and Chip store. Carried. Res. 195 Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Brereton that the Clerk contact Mr. A. Carruthe~s to arrange for an evening meeting with Mr. Pitura of the O.W.R.C. in the Council Chambers of the Community Hall on the lOth, 12, 16, 17 or 18th of November. Carried. Res. 196 Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Council will assist the Bowlin~ Committee to install automatic pin setters to the amount of ~l,JOO. if necessary. Carried. . Res. 197 Moved by Con. Brereton, Seconded by Con. Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. i1:J~r.. ..... Q kt;'~~/~. ../ Cler~T;easurer. ~A-/ . OC~O&ER ACCOUNTS 1970 PAID ----Welfare cheques Gertrude Gray - Office Salary Merril Henry - Caretakers Salary ~ Jean McCullough - Clerk's Salary ~ Receiver-General - U.E.I. Receiver-General - Deductions H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension J. McCullough - Petty Cash K. Gorman, Sheriff - re Reg. 70-4 Registrar of Deeds " " " " " " <<It II Onto Ed. Capital Aid Corp. 67-27 Newcastle Fire Department Perrin-Turner Limited UNPAID Office Evert Vierhout - Bldg. Permits Bell Canada . Fire Department Bell Canada Goode's Hardware Newcastle Garage City of Oshawa Elections - Curtis Letter Supply Welfare Toms & Sons Limited South Haven Nursing Home Roads - Harold Couch $ 579.50 193.17 316.61 323.74 8.24 100.55 200.00 20.00 .75 3.00 3.00 10,200.00 15.00 5.009.00 $16,972.56 60.00 12.59 $ 72.59 40.32 4.36 35.33 18.00 $ 98.01 $ 90.02 73.11 235. 50 $ 308.61 $ 719.00 Garbage - William Couch $ 10.50 Street Lights - Newcastle P.U.C. $ 432.28 TOTAL UNPAID ACCOUNTS $ 1.731.01 TOTAL ACCOUNTS $18.703.57 tf~ //, -- -0 /6. /7 / /~ ,:;7 , JF,7/9F/- . . Res. 198 Res. 199 Res. 199 . Res. 200 Res. 201 Res. 202 . Res. 203 Res. 204 Res. 205 . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -- NOVEMBER 9th. 1970 Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, F. Hoar, t: tftIft and M. Brereton Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that minutes of meetings held October 13th and November 4th be adopted as printed. Carried. Mr. Frank Gray approached Council on behalf of the Township of Clarke Council requesting a meeting with Council to discuss Garbage Disposal Sites. The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. DeWith, Clerk in Orono to set a date for this meeting. Mr. J. R. Kahn representing Lloyd Bolahood approached Council with respect to Plan 660 Orchard Heights subdivision requesting the release of the 15 remaining lots for building permits. Before approval is granted, Council will meet with Mr. Kahn to survey the work that has been done on the roads and ditches on Tuesday, November loth. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Department of Highways be advised that the Village will accept the amount of $1,255.00 and would appreciate payment of this amount before December 31st, 1970. Also, Council have decided not to go ahead with the construction of a sidewalk adjacent to the Ball Park on No. 2 highway at this time. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to cQmplete the questionnaire received from the O.W.R.C. regarding Municipal Development. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the Public Utilities Commission be advised that Council approve the increase in the annual remuneration to Public Utilities Commissioners from $200.00 to $350.00 effective January 1, 1971. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk take the necessary steps to write off the 1969 business assessment re Donald J. Murray & Associates Limited. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Counoillor Gray that permission be granted to the Partioipation House Building Fund to make lottery tickets available for sale in the Village of Newcastle. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to~ite a letter to Mr. Parnell, the Assessment Commissioner regarding A.V.P.Extrusions Limited, advis- ing that Counoil applied to O.W.R.C. in February 1969 for permission to extend water south of 401. O.W.R.C. refused permission to extend water south of 401 until such time as a second well was developed to supplement the existing water supply system, and advise that this project is being processed at the present time, a copy of this letter to be sent to A.V.P. Extrusions Limited. Moved by Councillor GraYt Seconded by Councillor Brereton that accounts amounting to $1~,7l9.74 be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the reports of the Fire Department, Health Department, Building and Welfare be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couc~, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that By-Law 70-12 being a By-Law to authorize construction of capital works, substation, improvements and extension to the system of distribution of electricity and for street lights in the amount of $50,000. be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. .";,,.','i, MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - November 9th, 1970 Continued . Res. 206 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the Clerk answer the letter from H. J. Couch, Solicitor for the City of Oshawa regarding Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study Agr~ements advising that Council do not wish to pass a By-Law authorizing the signing of Agreements with the City of Oshawa for the O.A.P.A.D.S. study. Carried. Res. 207 Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Mr. Vierhoutts estimate for insulating the cupboards in the municipal office be accepted. Carried. Res. 208 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the meeting adjourn. Carried. . VJ//~/~ Q /7;1' -?n/h -/-~ Clerk / . . -,_....... -- j~ - ,- - -- SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16th, 1970 . Meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Hoar, F. Couch, A. Gray and M. Brereton, also E. Jenkins, P.U.C. Manager. Also present were: Mr. L. F. Pitura and Mr. Michael Latta of Ontario Water Resources Commission, and I1r. Alex Carruthers, M. P. P. Res.209 The meeting was called to discuss in detail the proposed Sewage Project Mr. Pitura and Mr. Latta provided Council with answers to many of the questions concerning the cost of this project. A future meeting of Council was set for Thursday, November 19th. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Council agree in principle to Mr. Edward Barchard's request to allow the boundary of lot 47 in Block 32 fronting on Church Street in the Hanning Plan for the Village of Newcastle to be altered to straighten certain boundary lines. Carried. Res.210 A letter was read to Council from Paul LeBlanc on behalf of the Newcastle Drop In's requesting Council's help in their effort to establish a Drop In centre in a barn located on the LeBlanc property. The Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter advising that Council are unable to assist this project financially because this building is on pr~vate property, and also that Council would suggest they have the building inspected as to structural safety as well as fire safety. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. t. '\ If~fi/ /~~~l~/- .' )~<:~,../~., ~. Cler~ . ,/ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 19th, 1970 Res. 211 Meeting was held in the Mun~cipalOfrice at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Councillors F. Couch, F. Hoar, A. Gray and M. Brereton. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that this meeting be closed in the public interest, according to Section 193, R.S.O. 1960. '. Res. 212 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the minutes of meeting held November 16th be adopted as printed. Carried. Res. 213 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that a recorded vote be taken on the following motion. Carried. Res. 214 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that Council proceed with the Proposed Sewage Project as presented by O.W.R.C. This motion was lost. .- Recording of vote on above motion: M. B~ereton A. Gray F. Hoar F. Couch Reeve Cunningham Nay Yea Tea Nay Refrained Res. 216 Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that a mcorded vote be taken of the following motion: Carried. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seoonded by Councillor Couch that the Proposed Sewage Project be put to a vote of the people as soon ~ possible. Carried. Res. 215 Res. 217 Reoording of vote on above motion: M. Brereton Yea A. Gray Nay F. Hoar Nay F. Couch Yea Reeve Cunningham Yea Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Clerk be instructed to proceed with the necessary steps to facilitate the carrying out of the above motion. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. .es. 218 II.J~~"-r/ Q J/;('4n//~- ~ Clerk#,' t7' . NOVEMBER ACCOUNTS.~ 1970 PAID ACCOUNTS . Welfare Jean McCullough - Salary Gertrude Gray - Office Salary Merril Henry - Caretaker's Salary " " - By-law Officer Receiver-General - Deductions " If _ U.E.I. H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Evert Vierhout - Bldg. permits Receiver-General - Box rent Elections - D.R.O. 's, Poll Clerks & Returning Officer Ray Goode - Tax refuni re Bus. tax Gulf Oil - Tax refund re Assess. D. J. Cunningham - Roads Peter McCullough - Roads " " - Roads Firemen's Salaries Robing Rickard - Property Royal Canadian Legion - Wreath P.D.C. - re 1968 audit United Counties - Rate for 1970 Coupon & Debenture Acct. - 775 Coupon & Debenture Acct. - 818 Memorial Library Rd. - Bal grant Community Hall Board - Bal grant O.W.R.C. - 6-0038-59 O.W.R.C. - 6-0120-63 Newcastle Fire Department Newcastle Fire De~t. Policing Marks & McNeely - Re Murray Taxes . UNPAID ACCOUNTS Office Bell Canada :E.'vert Vierhout ]vlunicipallforld Elections Geoffrey Bonnycastle Newcastle Reporter Advertising - Reporter ..Fire Department P.U.C. Bell Canada Rickards J'uels Glanville's Variety Goode's Hardware Rickard's Plumbing & Heating Newcastle Fire Dept. - Mise Roads Vanstone Flour & Feed Goode's Hardware Newcastle Garage Newton Selby 'd. B. Bennett William Couch Harold Couch Pedlar People Ltd. Property John A. McLean - Property P. G. Newell - Sidewalks .., William Couch - Garbage Welfare - Institutional The Lodge Nursing Home South Haven Nursin~ Home Provo Treasurer - Insulin Miscellaneous Registrar P.u.C. Traffic L ghts Councillor's Sala~ies North-Durh Bd. of Bd. :3 483.50 323.74 193.17 316.61 288.50 168.35 8.24 200.00 71.00 10.00 128.00 Q2.0l , 5.48 3.70 50.00 26.90 2998.36 54.00 15.45 80.80 23563.72 6277.50 2130.00 753.69 2220.15 3111. 00 363.00 15.00 75.00 35.70 ~~ ~~. ~.lh<~~~ . ;~ ~.e-L _ -141>0. co /~~~.~/;z;....- .:zoo. "0 -::h.~....l.d':;- .;;t~. ;;1'~. 15.81 35.21 10.16 3.00 35.62 4.00 9.82 37.17 13.94 6.90 3.13 5.00 16.64 304.50 5.35 308.)9 )0.00 25.13 117.50 273.00 196. 81 144.40 1.68 8.40 347.4) 225.00 2.94 3.40 7.84 1800.00 $ 61.18 :$ 38.62 4.00 ;$ 92.60 :$ 1260.68 $ 154.48 :1) 575.)7 $a7005.98 ) ~."oo ,4c t./.sc~C. 73. 2SS. '19 .u 7.3S70.LJ.& --- $44,062.57 . Res.219 MINUTES OF REGULAR com~CIL MEETING -- DECEMBER 14th. 19~0 The meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve D. J. Cunningh~, Councillors F. Hoar, F. Couch, A. Gray and M. Brereton. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the minutes of meetings held November 9th and 19th be adopted as printed. Carried. ~w. Kahn, representing Lloyd Bolahood Realty Limited again approached Council for release of the 15 remaining lots in Orchard Heights Subdivision for building permits. Res.225 Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the 15 remaining lots in Orchard Heights subdivision be released for building permits subject to a retainer of $2,000 being held by the Village until roads are satisfactory to the Road Committee. Carried. Res.221 Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that the amount of $2,550 of the $4,550 retainer held by the Village re the Orchard Heights subdivision be refunded to Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited. Carried. . Res.222 Res.223 . Res.224 Res.225 Res.226 Res.227 Res.228 . Res.229 Res.230 Mr. John Scott approached Council for permission to separate three lots into two lots on Baldwin Street South. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that John Scott be granted permission to separate, making two lots from three lots in Part of Township Lot 29, Concession I, Baldwin street South, each lot to measure 99' by 132', subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Carried. A letter was read from Dr. Horner of the Health Unit regarding the approval of the Health Department to building lots before permits are issued. The Clerk was instructed to draft a By-Law to this effect, which would be given Council's attention at the next meeting of Council and advise Dr. Horner of their decision. A letter was re~ived and read from Mr. Merril Henry submitting his resignation as Weed Inspector and By-Law Officer for the Village. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that ~[r. Henry's resignation as Weed Inspector and By-Law Officer be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that ap~roval be granted to Ruby and J. W. Murray for separation of a lot 56.50 ft by 257.36 ft being parts of lots 12, 13, 83 and 84 in Block 42, Beaver Street. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor brereton that By-Law No. 70-13 being a By-Law to appoint the time and place for the taking of the votes of the electors of the Village of Newcastle on the Question of Sewage be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that By-Law 70-13 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Brereton, Seconded by Councillor Couch that By-Law 70-13 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Councillor Couch that the Notice regarding the Election for Sewers be&vertised in both the Canadian Statesman and the Reporter and that copies of this notice be placed in the Post Office and outside the Community Hall. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Brereton that accounts amounting to $73,870.48 be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Counciller Hoar that the reports of the Fire Department, Building, Welfare and Health Departments be approved. Carried. .,s. 231 Res. 232 Res.233 . . . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING -- DECEMBER LifH, 1970-Continued Moved by Councillor Gray, Seconded by Councillor Hoar that the amount of $1,129.68 in tax arrears for 1969 and prior be written off as recommended by R. Budge, Member of the Court of Revision. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray that the Clerk receive the sum of $250.00, increase in salary for 1970, as budgeted for in the 1970 estimates. Carried. Moved by Councillor Couch, Seconded by Councillor 3rereton that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ~).I<'<'7/U ~ K'~/"~~'~/A -/L/ Cler'V ~AC~,ER ACCQUNTS 1970 .PAIR W.ltare H.rril Henry - Oar.tak.r's Salary J.an McCullough - Salary G.rtrude Gr&7 - Ottioe Salary aeo.iver-General - D.duotion. R.o.iv.r - Gen.ral - U.E.I. EY.rt V1erhout - Bldi. p.rmits H. S. Britton - P.U.C. Pension Lloli a.alt, (Oshawa) Ltd. N.woastl. Bowling Oommitt.e Unit.d Counti.. of North-Durh. North-Durham Count, Bd. of Ed. Newoastle Comaun1t, Hall Bo4rd aeg18:trar ot D....s ( R.g. 70-1) Peter MoCullough - aoads .. VNPAID AOCOUNf~ 2ft!Pcanada Riokaby. ~ lU.o1;1ons Orono \leekly Times Munioipal lfor14 ~ lr.WOasUe Garag. Harold Couoh Wallao. Couoh WiUi&ll Couoh Pedlar P.ople Limit.d L.land Payne Lake's Eleot~1oal Contraotors W!lfare Tom. & Sona - Dir.ot Glannll.'s - " South Haven Nursing Home - Instit. .. ~/ !\fOel~an.~a okarda .1. - J'1r. Dept. P.U.C. - Stre.t lights William Couoh - Garbag. $ 524.50 )16.61 5U.10 19).17 167.6) 8.24 45.00 200.00 2,550.00 800.00 2,493.42 U,794.61 50.00 3.00 25.00 $19,682.28 $ l8.U 8.40 3 26 . 51 . 31.05 ~ 18.49 $ 49.54 $ 99.27 20).50 25.00 121.25 49.25 700.00 150.0q $1,)48.27 25.00 1.55 262.05 235. 5q $ 22.41 4)2.28 8.40 ~. 463.09 TOTAL UNPAID ACCOUNTS TOTAL ACCOUNTS J z.149.4C! -!21.8~1. 714 .--.