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Council Mi nutes
Ma rch 11 1 98l
Council meeting was reconvened at 1:30 p.m.
on March 11 1981.
Present were:
Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
Councillor Ann Cowman
Councillor Diane Hamre
Councillor Marie Hubbard
Councillor Maurice Prout
Councillor Bruce Taylor
Councillor Edward R. Woodyard
Town Clerk, Joseph M. McIlroy
Also present:
David J. D. Sims, Q.C., Town Solicitor
Jack Dunham, Director of Public Works
T. A. Fanning, Director of Community Services
Klaas Degroot, Treasurer
Don Smith, Director of Planning
Mayor Rickard said that he believed that Council should
deal with Resolution #C-298-8l,which was tabled, at this
Councillor Cowman challenged this ruling and on being put
to a vote the challenge was lost.
Mr. Sims advised that subject to his negotiations with the
garbage disposal operators, they had offered an amount of
$100 per truck,permit non-refundable, or a bond or a letter
of credit in the amount of $25,000.
Resolution #C-30l-8l
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT Resolution #C-298-81 be lifted from the table.
On being put to a vote, Resolution #C-298-8l was lost.
Resolution #C-302-81
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the staff be requested to submit a by-law to give relief
under By-Law 80-41 by authorizing the issuance of a permit
at a fee of $100 per garbage collection or garbage transportation
vehicle from March 1 1981 to May 21 1981.
Recorded Vote:
Councillor Cowman......Nay
Councillor Hamre.......Nay
Councillor Hubbard.....Yea
Councillor Prout.......Nay
Councillor Taylor......Yea
Councillor Woodyard....Yea
Mayor Ri ckard.. ........ Yea "CARRIED"
Council Minutes
March 11 1981
Resolution #C-303-81
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the Communications to be received for information
be approved.
1-1 Town of Newcastle Museum Board letter
addressed to Mr. S. Cureatz
1-2 Town of Newcastle Clarke Museum & Archives
Minutes of meeting of February 3 1981
1-3 Region of Durham re Application to the
O.M.B. for the 1981 Interim Expenditure Quota and
Debenture Requirement
1-4 Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs re
Restriction of the Qualifications for Municipal
Elected Office to Resident Property Owners
1-5 Letter to the Mayor of St. Albert, Alberta from
Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
1-6 Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Board of
Management of the Village of Orono Central Business
District Improvement Area, February 17 1981
1-7 Region of Durham re Planning information and Services
available to Area Municipalities
1-8 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
minutes of meeting held February 17 1981
1-9 Weir and Foulds re Ridge Pine Park Inc.
1-10 Letter to Mr. James A. Bird, Northumberland and Newcastle
Board of Education from Garnet B. Rickard
1-11 Region of Durham re Interim Levy for the Regional
Municipality of Durham
Resolution #C-304-81
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Council endorse the recommendation of the Ontario Humane
Society as per their letter dated February 16 1981 regarding
keeping of wild life in captivity.
Resolution #C-305-81
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT permission be granted to the County Orange Lodge of West
Durham to hold their parade in Bowmanville on July 18 1981 as
per their letter dated February 24 1981 and that the police
be advised.
Council Minutes
Draw -
Mr. David T.
March 11 1 981
Resolution #C-306-81
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the letter dated February 22 1981 from W. Thaxter,
President of the Oshawa Competition Motorcycle Club
regarding motorcycle race on June 21 1981 be referred to
the Management Committee to report back to Council.
Resolution #C-307-8l
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT permission be granted to the Bowmanville Business Centre
to hold a sidewalk sale on July 16, 17 and 18 1981 as per their
letter dated March 2 1981.
Resolution #C-308-8l
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT permission be granted to the Royal Canadian Legion,
Branch 178, to hold a car draw as per their letter dated
March 2 1981.
Resolution #C-309-81
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the letter dated March 4 1981 from Mr. David T. Gray
advising of his resignation from L.A.C.A.C. be accepted and
a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Gray for his services
to the community.
Resolution #C-3l0-81
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the letter from the Board of Management Orono Business
Improvement Area regarding sidewalks etc. be referred to
the Management Committee with power to act.
Council Minutes
Deve 1 opment
Vi ewers
of the
March 11 1981
Resolution #C-311-81
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to refer the letter
to the Finance and Administration Committee to include
in budget discussions with a report from the Treasurer.
On being put to a vote Resolution #C-310-81 was carried.
Resolution #C-312-81
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee's
report of meeting held March 2 1981 be approved.
Resolution #C-313-81
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Finance and Administration Committee Chairman's
report of meeting held March 3 1981 be approved except for
Item 1 a) .
Resolution #C-314-81
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor WOOdyard
THAT Item la) of the foregoing report be adopted.
Resolution #C-315-81
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Town Clerk's report dated March 3 1981 be approved.
Resolution #C-316-81
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Town Clerk's report dated March 3 1981 re Ministry of
the Environment be received for information.
Council Minutes
Li a i son
Dewa te red
Mr. Ken
March 11 1981
Resolution #C-3l7-8l
Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the Minutes of the Hydro Liaison Committee meeting
held February 19 1981 be received for information.
Resolution #C-3l8-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the Town Clerk's report dated March 5 1981 re
application for amendment to zoning by-laws be received
for information.
Resolution #C-3l9-8l
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the Building Progress report for the month of
February 1981 be approved.
Resolution #C-320-8l
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT Report #8 of the Director of Public Works
be received for information.
Resolution #C-32l-8l
Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the Town Clerk's report re Mr. Ken Hooper's letter
be approved.
Resolution #C-322-8l
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT the attached report #10 be adopted by Council. (Bell
Canada increase).
Council Minutes
By- Law
March 11 1981
Councillor Hamre declared a possible conflict of interest
and took no part in the discussion or voting.
Resolution #C-323-81
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard
THAT Mr. David Reid's verbal report during delegations
with regard to Frank Cowman Insurance coverage be received
for information.
Resolution #C-324-81
Moved by Councillor Prout,seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws:
By-Law 81-30 being a by-law to adopt a policy in respect of
Generalized Fire Protection Standards for Estate Lot and
Rural Residential Developments,
By-Law 81-31 being a bylaw to establish a Community Recreation
Centre known as the Town of Newcastle Fitness Centre
Activities Area,
and that the said by-laws be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-325-81
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the second reading of By-Laws 81-30 and 81-31 be
Resolution #C-326-81
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the third and final reading of By-Laws 81-30 and 81-31
be approved.
Council Minutes
March 11 1981
Resolution #C-327-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law 81-32 being a
by-law to grant exemptions for garbage collection and
garbage transportation vehicles from the weight restrictions
provided by The Highway Traffic Act, and By-Law No. 80-41.
Resolution #C-328-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the second reading of By-Law 81-32 be approved.
Recorded Vote:
Counci 11 or Cowman......... Nay
Councillor Hamre......... .Nay
Councillor Hubbard........yea
Councillor Prout......... .Nay
Councillor Taylor.........Yea
Councillor Woodyard.......Yea
Mayor Ri ckard. ......... ... Yea
Resolution #C-329-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law 81-32 be approved.
Resolution #C-330-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law 81-33 being a by-law
to amend By-Law 79-1, being a by-law to provide for the
regulating of parking, standing, and stopping on highways under
the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle,
and that the said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-33l-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the second reading of By-Law 81-33 be approved.
Council Minutes
Go-Trans it
March 11 1981
Resolution #C-332-81
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Prout
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law 81-33 be approved.
Resolution #C-333-81
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Cowman
THAT this Council go on record as being in favour of the Go-
Transit study considering extension of the services into the
Town of Newcastle and that the Town's position be advised to
the appropriate parties.
Resolution #C-334-81
Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT Whereas it can be anticipated that there will be a
10% increase (approximately) in educational costs, and
Whereas we are now aware of an approximate 17% increase of
expenditure in Regional Tax expenditure, and
Whereas it is most desirable to keep the overall increase
in taxes below a ceiling of 11.5% ($84.00 to the average
property residential taxpayers) with the intention of
striving for no more than a 10% increase", and
Whereas the 1981 municipal budget proposal never been completed
and indicate an approximate 30% (13.1 mills) increase ln the
mill rate and these proposals have been a serious debate with
considerable deletions, and
Whereas considerable difference in revenues and assessment
growth have been now calculated:
THEREFORE be it resolved that a ceiling be established of 8.5%
increase in (6.5 mills) the mill rate, to be used as the new
limit of guidance for any further budget discussions which is
approximately $18.00 to the average residence for the
municipal position of the tax bill.
Resolution #C-335-81
Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard
THAT the foregoing resolution be referred to the Finance
and Administration Committee.
Council Minutes
Confi rming
March 11 1981
Resolution #C-336-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law 81-34 being
a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the
Town of Newcastle at this meeting held on the 9th day
and the 11th day of March 1981.
Resolution #C-337-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the second reading of By-Law 81-34 be approved.
Resolution #C-338-8l
Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre
THAT the third and final reading of By-Law 81-34 be approved.
Resolution #C-339-8l
Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Taylor
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
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