HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-057-06 Cl~-ilJgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: Monday, May 8, 2006 Report #: PSD-057 -06 File #: RE 16.15 By-law #: (9 l"') C' (-,- I 0 ,I 6PA - :9-.' (,,' (', ~,..., Subject: SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY AND ROAD ALLOWANCE ON BRADSHAW STREET, BOWMANVILLE TO DEVON DOWNS DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (THE FOLEY GROUP) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-057-06 be received; 2. THAT a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and the Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to execute the agreement for the sale of the portions identified on Attachment 1 to Devon Downs Development Limited (the Foley Group) for $67,000; 3. THAT the proceeds from the sale of the surplus property be deposited into the Municipal Acquisition of Real Property Reserve Account; and 4. THAT staff and the Municipal solicitor be authorized to take all necessary actions to complete the transactions. Submitted by: O ~f!~-I r-1 Reviewed by:' , lA...J ~/ avi . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Franklin Wu, Director of Planning" ces Chief Administrative Officer / Tony Cannella, C.E.T. Director of Engineering Services FLlDJC/df 28 April 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-057-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 By-law 95-022, being a by-law to establish procedures governing the sale of real property, states that from time to time the Director of Planning Services may: . identify real property that should be declared surplus; . report to Council recommending that Council declare the particular real property to be surplus property and set out the reason why it should be declared to be surplus property; and . advise that at least one appraisal of the fair market value of the real property should be obtained before Council decides to sell or exchange or transfer the real property, unless an appraisal is not required under the Municipal Act. 1.2 The property is identified on Attachment 1 is a 3.92 metre wide strip of land adjacent to 62 Bradshaw Street in Bowmanville. The parcel was owned by Schickedanz Bros. Limited and was donated to the Municipality in 2004 in exchange for a receipt for tax purposes. The donation was accepted through Council's approval of Planning Services Report PSD-107-04. Immediately north of the site was an unopened road allowance known as Winnstanley Street. The western portion of the road allowance was closed and conveyed to Schickedanz. Bros. Limited through By-law 89-67 so that they could complete the subdivision development of 10M-829 on the east side of Mann Street. The eastern portion of the road allowance remained in Municipal ownership. 1.3 In order for the Municipality to accept a donation of a gift of land in exchange for a charitable receipt the value placed on the land must be justified by a property appraisal unless an appraisal is not required under the Municipal Act. This property is 3.92 metres wide by 50.9 metres deep. As indicated through Report PSD-111-04, the estimated value of this site was $5,985. The value of this property as a small strip is limited as it can only be developed in conjunction with the unopened road allowance to the north. 1.4 The Engineering Services Department have closed the Winnstanley Street road allowance and declared it surplus, By-Laws 2006-017 (attachment 2) and 2006-018. They requested that the strip of land acquired from Schickedanz Bros. Limited be declared surplus so that it can be purchased in conjunction with the road allowance. The strip has been added to the road allowance resulting in a lot with a frontage of 16.11 metres. Municipal services are already in place along Bradshaw Street to accommodate the strip and the road allowance to develop in sequence. 1.5 The lands are designated residential in the Clarington Official Plan and zoned (H)R2-17 in the Municipality's Zoning By-law. In June 2005, Council by approving Report PSD- 091-05 and By-law 2005-131 (Attachment 3) declared the Schickedanz donated lands properties as surplus. 1.6 The Municipality has two options to sell lands declared surplus, by tender or to the adjacent owner. In this case, the adjacent owner has assisted in the rezoning, planning and construction of servicing for this lot. In addition, there is a significant grade change REPORT NO.: PSD-057-06 PAGE 3 across the property that can be addressed in a more suitable manner if one owner has control of the entire frontage; otherwise a retaining wall would be required. 1.7 An appraisal for the Municipality was conducted for the 16.11 metre lot as a building lot in April, 2006. The estimated fair market value of the lot is $88,000 subject to the front ending charges that are to be paid, totaling $19,087.33. 1.8 Staff have been in discussion with Mark Foley of Devon Downs Development Limited the owner of the remainder of the Bradshaw Street frontage that will be developed in the near future. Staff are recommending that Council accept the offer to purchase from Devon Downs Development Limited, the adjacent owner for $67,000 (Attachment 4). The proceeds of the sale would be deposited in the Municipal Acquisition Reserve Account to be utilized for future purchases. 1.9 The Director of Engineering Services concurs with the sale of the road allowance and donated lands to the adjacent land owner, Devon Downs Development Limited. 1.10 The public notice of the sale of this property was advertised in The Canadian Statesman on May 3rd, 2006 (Attachment 5) and will be again on May 10th, 2006. As of the writing of this report no objections have been received. 2.0 CONCLUSION 2.1 The lands recommended for sale have been declared surplus and are not required for Municipal purposes. 2.2 The purchaser has agreed to the terms and conditions of the sale and are willing to pay $67,000 deemed to be the fair market value after reductions for front-ending charges and all additional expenses. Staff recommend that the property be sold to Devon Downs Development Limited, the abutting owner who is developing the majority of the frontage of Bradshaw Street. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Part 3, 40R-19115, Part 23 and 40R-23873 on Bradshaw Street Attachment 2 - Surplus Property By-law 2006-017 Attachment 3 - Surplus Property By-law 2005-131 Attachment 4 - Letter of agreement from purchaser Attachment 5 - Notice of declaration and sale of surplus property Attachment 6 - Sale of Surplus Property By-law List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Mark Foley Devon Downs Development Limited Attachment 1 To Report PSD-057-06 v.r ~ CXJ CXJICXJ CXJI I 2) l~ ~T~l~tE1= '-1' I I I APPLE f?1~:S~O~ BL BOULEVARD 89 91 ~ 8179 ,- f"') L{)\ L{) ?"- m ~,-,-NNrr1 8082 m ,- f"') ,- m m f--- 0 0 0 0 0 ~~~ r-O ,- ,- ,- 88 C) 8587 ,- ,- 7775 76 78 119 76 ~ 77 8684 rr1 83 if) 75 --=-::::0 8 1 ~ 7371 72 74 ~ 74 73 ro~ roO "6 77 7 115 6967 68 70 111 72 \ \ 71 \ 11>10 -z.. @ )t 107 70 \ \ 69 r- \ 68 \ \ 67 73\! 6563 6466 103 1 ,\'J W \ 66 \ \ 65 \1~1'2- D ) '\\ W 94 99 \ 6159 0::: 60 62 \ 64 ^.O ~ -c; I,. 9 63 r- 93 62 ~ CD U 5 7 5755 if) 56 58 60 61 CDCD N CD CD I,. ~ 59 ~ 52 54 87 58 <( ~ N CD 0 ~n 56 55 f"') f"') ~ 487 ",- ~ I i 0 ~ CXJ '" 54 (f) f"') f"') f"') ~5 0 N ~ CD 0::: N ~ CD CXJ ,- ,- ,- ,- ROAD /4 46 52 7\ 50 w EDGERTON I ~ m f"') ~~) 4042 W##'~ 48 N f"') f"')f"') ,- f"') L{) ?"- m ,- f"') L{) ,- L{) . 615 46 ,- ,- ,- f"') f"') / ~6 38 62 r- 47 L-- 3533 ( (f) ~1 44 32,\4 58 43 Ip7 42 54 41 3129 / N CD 0 "- 53 40 CXJ ,- .- N ~ (39 N CD 0 ~ CXJ 100...... 49 38 .- .- ,- 315 2725 46 ~ 45 36 FLAXMAN Z 41 34 11 2321 Z 20 22 <( f 31 33 L{) m f"') I"- <( I 37 3230 I"- .- .- .- 30 .- L{) m 7 1917 ~ 16 18 (f) 2729 .- .- 0 33 2826 3 15 12 14 26 <( 29 2325 13 0::: 25 2422 - 10 22 m 2018 1921 STREET 8 21 ~ ?"- m .- 16 17 1614 CHANCE CRT. N N f"') 6 15 1210 9 11 --I'- '-... N 11 86 5 7 "-... .- OJ 0 N to OJ OJ 0 to 42 1 3 l") ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L.O L.O - CONCESSION STREET EP I "'" I,,, I r-J II m <( m <( I m ~ r- I"- ,- (<( lml<( ml<(Tm <( ml <( I L{) <(1m <( _ Lands Donated by Schickedanz Developments Ltd. ~ Winnstanley Street Road Allowance RE 16.15 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-057-06 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2006-017 being a by-law to declare Parts 22 and 23 on Reference Plan 40R-23873 situated in Lot 9, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville to be surplus. Whereas the Council of the Municipality of CIa ring ton at its meeting of June 20, 2005 approved the recommendations in Report EGD-19-05; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of CIa ring ton hereby enacts as follows: 1. That a portion of Winnstanley Street identified as Parts 22 and 23 on Reference Plan 40R-23873 situated in Lot 9, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville is hereby declared surplus. By-law read a first and second time this 30th day of January 2006 By-Jaw read a third time and finally passed this 30th day of January 2006 Attachment 3 To Report PSD-057-06 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2005- 131 being a by-law to declare the lands more particularly described as Part 3 on Plan 40R- 19115, Part Lots 23 and 24, Ph~n H-50077, Part Lot 9, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, to be surplus THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The lands more particularly described as Part 3 on Plan 40R-19115, Part Lots 23 and 24, Plan H-50077, Part Lot 9, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, as identified on Schedule 1, are hereby declared surplus; 2. Schedule 1 attached hereto forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first time this 27lh day of June 2005 BY-LAW read a second time this 27th day of June 2005 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 2ih day of June 2005 -" .:-'\: - -- ,} . liJ)icipal Cle,rk -.: .Z) 0 o\? ol~I.-.-'-1 I I \' I I \1 T -APPCE BLOSSOM ..-- tI") ,r.\. ~ I' en'- tI") 91 O'l en ~ L__ .- l") 11) I"- en ..-- ..--"- N N r1 89 u. r-- 0 0 0 0 0 ,- ..- ..-'- .- 0 ..-- ..- ,.-'- .- 88 G) 85 87 76 ~ 77 86 (T1 74 (f) 75 1 Bi iO 81 83 72 \ \ 73 \ CO ~ COO .....\0 \ 7 \ 71 77 \ 70\ \ 69 \ 1C010 Z. \ ~~o "\ 68"\ 67 ~ \ 66 65 '\ 1~1~' 0 64 63 \ I\C) ~ .q- --c; 62 61 !.OlD N<O 60 ~' 59 !.O to 58 <{ 56 I 55 I 54 (j) 0 N '<t <0 52 Ct: N ~ <0 co.... .- ..- ..- ~~ ~ EDGERTON 4 6 (..- tI") lC) I" OJ .- 1'0 lC) .- .- .- 44 47 42 43 40 41 N <0 0 co ...- .- N 38 (39 N lD ~ :: ~ 36 34 3230 2826 2422 2018 1614 1210 86 42 2 r "-.COlCOO:ljOClT \-;.\ BOUlE\JP\RD /' l~\o; \:j 8179 80 82 7775 7678 7371 7274 6967 68 70 6563 ~ 64 66 W 6159 a: 60 62 ~ 57 ~5 CJ) 5658 N CD 0 52 54 ) gt<1 1,t<1 ~.q- 487~ ROAD ~ 46 ~ ~ I"- en) /40 42 /, .- If)1''')f''') ~ ~5 7 /56 38 33 13~ 3129 ~ - 315 27 25 11 23 21 19 17 15 13..1 STREET ~ ~ ~ ~" \ \ h ~':> ~ '\.... ~ 9 ~ r 7 ~ 5 7 z ~ 20 22 ~ 16 18 12 14 8 10 3 6 L ro I"') CD ..;:j- o N '<:T '<;j- I ~ ex) '<;j- SCHEDULE 1 94 119 115 111 107 103 99 93 0/"\ 87 ~ '~5 7\ ,,//. 62 r: 6~ 58 (f) ~1 54 Ip7 /53 ?Jl.. 49 45 41 37 33 29 25 21 17 46 3: <{ 30 I (f) o 26 <( lY: 22 OJ 16 .N "-... ..-- co '<;j- o t.O ~____L,_=-l I. I -, I r-- If\,:-.: 1<( 1 rn 1<( I m 1 _ Lands to be Declared Surplus ~ Winnstanley Street Road Allowance 8L: FLAXMAN 33 lC) OJ l") I"- 3 1 1"-............-- .- ll) Q) 29 ..- .- 27 2325 1921 - 15 CHANCE CRT. 11 :"or--.. 9 :--.. 5 7 1 3 . 11 lO If) "- CONCESSION STREET E.A .-- ( <( I ro 1 <(1 en \ <( I cq\ <( I enL~ 1l~ L::c.lr&.~l- RE 16.15 04/11/2005 13:39 9055715437 FOLEY Attachment 4 To Report PSD-057-06 HEAD OFFICE 319 COLLEGE AVENUE P.O. BOX 11 OSHA W A, ONTARIO LIB: 7K8 TEL: (905)723.1191 Ed. 4 FAX (905) 571-5437 APRTL 11,2006 FAXED TO 905-623-0830 (2 PAGES) MANAGER. DEVELOP:MENT REVIEW BRANCH, PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, 40 TEMPEHANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. LIC 3A6. A TTENTION: CARLO PELLARIN RE.- DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT & PURCHASE OF LANDS OWNED BY THE MUNICJPALITF OF CL,ARINGTON (12. OM PARCEL); 80 &: 94 BRADSHAW STREET, BOWMANVILLE FILE 1'./0.: ZBA-2005-0lJ Further to our letter of March 29,2006 and OUr conversation of April 10, 2006 with Isabelle Little, we bave been advised the subject lands have been appraised at $88,000 minus the outstanding development costs applicable to the subject lands for a net value of $69,000. APPR.AISED VALUE $88,000.00 Recommelldc;:d deductions frol11 the appraised value: I. 2, 3. Municipality of Cia ring ton Front Ending Agreement Regkm of Durham Sewer & Water Pees Veriidian Hydro Charges $ 8,071.33 $ 8,016.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 19,987.33 ($19.087.33) $68,912.67 $69..000. on NET MA RKET VALUE ROUNDED TO Isabelle Littlj~ has confirmed the Municipality will pay the cost oftlie current appraisal and there will be no cash ill lieu paymEmt. required for the subject lands. She is also to verifY there is t\. boulevard tree planting required. Based On the foregoing, it is our submission tnere should be a.n additional reduction to the net value in the amount of$2,OOO.OO for costs we have incurred for rezoning, planning and engineering services provided On the Municipa.lity's behaJffor the subject lands. In this re~arc\, we hereby recommend a purchase and sale value Of $67,000 to finalize this matter. 04/11/2005 13:39 9055715437 FOLEV PAGE 02 Please provide your comments or conCLtrrcncc at your earliest opportunity. rfYOLl have any queiltions or require any clarifica1lion, please contact our office without hC!=Iitation or delay. Thank you for your assistance and continued co-operation. cc: Tony Cannella, Clarington E.ngineering Services, (905-623-9~82)_____ cc: David Crome, Clarington Planning Services, (905-623-0830) ~ cc: rsabel1e Little, Clarington Planning Services, (90S-623~0830) cc: Bob Annl3lcrt, D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited, (905-576-9730) cc: Michael Foley, Devon Downs Developments Limited C!&;:-!!lglon ,~ . , ~. MAYOR'S CORNER , 2006 REGIONAL BUDGET AS .'" IT PERTAINS TO PROVINCIAL - DOWNLOADED SERVICES -, . MAYOR JOHN MUTTON CAREERS 1~~~n~~~~:~~:;%.iO~;,'~~r;;~fe~eijotU~:;~:YoD;~~g ;f:il~: :~~I \'iwW_claringron,ne(/htdocs rlHeershtml Manager of Administrative Services Submission Deadline: Clarington Public library May 3 Administrative Assistant Submission Deadline: Non-affiliated May 3 Clanngton Public Library Lighl Equipment Operator Submiasion Deadline: Operations Department M3Y 8, 5 00 PM ;~~r~~;o~:(J;~~dcr~:If/~~a~;;~~;;~;~:r~::~tt~~,f~r~h,~ ~~rr;~'~;' result In an ilppllCatlcm nol bemg received Irlllme lor conSldBrallOfl QUOTATION ~e~~I~~~e~~~~~T~~ ~~ c~~a~t ~~a~ ~~~h~~ ~~ r~p~~~:~:~ ~f ;::'~'~~~f~~~ 11y' ()' Clannyl(Jf1 PUldla~I"Y O'tl(.;" 40 1<<IlIVHdllC€ Srle..t. B.wman- vllle OntarlC', LIe 3A6, w;!1 be reserved on 1M torms ar,d In the erwelcpe ~ru\!:d!ldllf)tl! Ihe sp€'CllleJdooir,ytlllll: i;\llc.ldale OU2,TA"';"ION NC, 02006-3 SUPPLY AND APPLICATION OF DECALS LOGOS AND GRAPHICS REQUIRED FOR VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS. Ch~sH'lg Time 8. Dil\!' 4:00:00 P,M (LOCAL TIME) TUESDAY. MAY 16.2006 TI18 kJwe"t WI any prop':;Sa! nul nece5sa:11y d~cef!ted Ms, Lo" Ann Bilke:t, CPP A~lCT P..rchaslng Manager Tel: 905623-3379 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SEALED REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS IRFPj c1earty marked as to Wl1tents, f[lr :he 'ollowlng reqlJ,remflnts I,stod below S'j[W',i!'Dd tn !hr. Corporation of the Munlci;;al-ly of Clarlngton Purchasln:J Office, 4{l Tem- pHance Str;;rt, 8owmar.\!11If>, Onlan,- l_'C 3Ni Will be IPCPIVO?d 1I11~1 th[, specified closing lime and date Reque~t for P~opssal documents ma-,' be0blalneod alter l../ay 3 2806 from the Pwdiaslr,g Offl:f! ilt 40 TamperanCll Street. Rowman'Jllle, ON RFP n0&-7 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ONE (1) ONLY TANKER ClOSing Time & Date 4:00:00 P.M (LOCAL TIME) FRIDAV, MAY 19, 2006 T!"1l? I0wEst or any prop,;sal not necessr-l'ily a:;.~('pted. A!l.1CT TENDOR ;~I~';!~f't~ \~t~~r~~Ic~c~~~~il~~~(~ ~~at~~~~~~~;I~~o;! ~~~ r~~:~~~~i~Y vI Clarinyl01i Ofliu; 01 thc CII.:'o.. 40 '~mpt'lancc St'H'~. ELwrmmville Ontano L 1C 3A6. ara Ir,vlted and Will be received on the lorr< sand IC' the E:NVE.:..UPE: pl~vided unU th6 ~lJacltleu d0SlfH:I 11m\:! ar,U jElt.. Tender :1ocumenls mill' Ile ot,tainoo 'Tim rht> Purchasing CJ!1ice fit 4D Temperance Slr!lllt Bow'''3f1l'llle, ON TENDER Ci,,2006-20 SUPPL'I & DELIVERY OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COLD MIX ASPHALT Closing Time & Dale i~~~g;A~,~~~~i,~I~~) [I,.. IoWl:'51 U! any plOp~'sal n0t necessa'ily aca.:epted Ms, 10'_, Ann BirkBt1, cpr A!l.1CT P~rchasing Manager lei 905 ti23-JJlu ATTENTION RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS OUR 2006 DOG AND CAT LICENCE DOOR TO DOOR CAMPAIGN BEGINS MARCH 22ND! t::rtecllli& March 22 2006 Clal'"gtcn jog and cat licences will be Thr, Clarlnfllf,ol\nimal Servicos By-Ia.... Ih,,! ",II rj:.~s al1d '~als be licensed ea:~ yea', Responsicls ownership is encour- 3ged Wllh redu,:tior:s 10 the I cence lee for neutera(J.lspayed rabieS lliiCLirKdI1JlllICIQ:.;hVIJI',g. and cats to their owners i! the "nlmal mschw;ls.jrrJwthn and safe keeping of impounded or . Our pet adopt'on prog"am Be sure Ie, protect your pet b'y' purchasll1;) your 2006 licence I tlFttH'.)1 inkrn"ltIUr\. pled~E: GjJ\tilL1 eli-HI' ~tUIl (-j23-7651 Ann!; Gll:'l:'fI:lee, B.A A,Me, [ Deputy CIBr~ PUBLIC NOTICE Jplan40R.23813 / Part 23 ",\PI~~~40R-191151 .., L PIlrt3 J L1C 3A6 CONCEssrON STREET EAST ~ Cour/ice Road III ;~;~'~~~;~:; WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBUC NOTICE Attachment 5 To Report PSD-057-06 Community Corner UPCOMING BOAT OPERATOR ACCREDITED TRAINING (B.O.A.T.) All Canadian recrealional boaters wi. requ're the Pleasure Craft Operator card (PCQ) to drive a boat with a motor. The Canadan CO~I Guard PCO card is eamed by scoring 750,,"- on a lest 01 basiC boating safety knowledge, To view more Information on upcomirl\,'! COU/5es. plei16e go oo~ne 10 WW:W~lQll.J}t..lil:l1gQi;&"~uti.2nlJo view the Clallog- ton Community Guide, page 28 or call 623-3379 ext. 272 MOVIE, MARTINI, MASSAGE Nor Just Another Girls Night OUI."MAY 3, 600- 930 PM Rala" With _a ,10 minule5 hand & arm. or shoulder mati6age. sip your martini 0' Wine. bit mto a deliCIOUS chocolate dipped straw- berry and enjoy some delicious apP.8tizers before losing your- self In the romance movie. "A WaJk In tne Clouds", Tlcl<ets are only 550 and proceeds support your local lalleridgll Health Bowmarwil\e 101 purChase of medical equipment. Available al Foundation Office. 47 lJberty St S (main lobby) in person 01 over phone 623-3331 elCi:,1880 CALLING ALL CLARINGTON TOURISM PARTNERS! 3rd ~nnt.al ~rochure ~xchange. Wednesday, MAY 3 7:00 PM al TOUrism OffICe 181 Liberty Street South. Bring lots 01 brochures 0\ bU.!.ln8li5 cards lor an evening ot I,-,Iormabon netwtJrlr.lng. FIr.d out about our Tourism Packages & morel RSVP by May 1 klOOS- 62.3-3379. ATTENTION ARTISTS a ARTISANS! You arl'" invited to attend a 2nd meeting ot crealivl! minds at 7:00 PM, Wednesday. MAY 4,2006 at the Visual Art" Centre of Clarington (143 Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville;. We Will be lurther investigaling Ihe formalion and development of Ihe "~larington ~ouocil of Artists & Artisans.. to promote our artlstlccommumty For more inlormation contact Becky Bilcox at 905.987-7226. ROAST BEEF SUPPER Sponsored by Scouts Canada - West Durham District Gil. wellians, Salvation Army Church 75 Uberty 51 5, Bowman- villa, MAY 6 at 5:00 PM, Tickets S12/adutl, $S/child - 12 and unaer lree. For ticket intormalion call 905-623-2689 or 905.263-8359. REUNION - CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF FRENCH IMMERSION at Ontario Street Public School Saturday. MAY 6. 11 AM - 3 PM. For more information contact Joe Dalrymple at (416) 973-2621. ENNISKILLEN UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUPPER Saturday, MAY 6 from 4 - 7 PM. Adults 512. Chik::lren 56 (5 and under frM) A lull meal and a delicioUlS selection 01 home-baked piesl MAPLE FESTIVAL AND ALL THAT JAZZ celebrations in Downtown Bowm8lnville, Saturday, MAY 6 BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL PLANT SALE Maple FestiVal NEWCASTLE LIONS 11TH ANNUAL CHICKEN BHQ Newcastle Community Hall. Sunday, MAY 7. Two ~ittlng.s - 5 PM and 6:30 PM, Adults $'2, Children under 10 yrs 55, and children ~Inder 5. free, Call 905-987-5255 for tickets. ART AT THE BISTRO Group E"hibition with featured artilot5 - Madelaine Allel. Re- becca Bileo". Ann Garret. and Marriw SWeet. Meet thtl arl- is151 Bistro ChantereHe, 72 King St W, Bowmanville, Sunday MAY 7. 11:00 AM -4:00 PM NAVIGAl"ING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Presenled by Ihe Haydon Communily Ctr and Club 21, spt'- cial speaker, Gail Hawley-Knowles. the Directol of the A.S. Mclaughlin Durham Regional Cancer Clr. will be lalking on how to access the health care system, ca"lcer preven- tion and screenIng at the Haydon Community elr. Tuesday MAY 9 at 7 PM, JOB OPPORTUNITY - BASELINE COMMUNITY CENTRE requires a highly responsible and seb-motlvaterl person to coordinate rentals. and clean ancf maintain the facility. Fle-x- ible hours, Must be re~able, honest and hard working with ability to work independently. Address rasumes and enquir- Ies to baselinecc@sympatico,ca or tall. 10 905-623-5843, Cloaing Date: MAY 12.2006 2ND ANNUAL SPRtNG CONCERT 'A Litlle Something For Everyone' featuring music Irom the movies, Broadway. spirituals, folk songs. sacrl:'d music and melt.'. Saturday, MAY 13 at 7:30 PM, 51. Paul's United Church, 178 Church S1 Bowmanville. TlCksls SiD, available at the door Of from any member of Jerusalem Lod!1e #31 or 905--987-5448. An proceeds to The Terry Fox Foundation CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION EVENTS Wednesday. MAY 17 I:I.t 1 :30 PM. Smile Theatre "How to get Rid of a MOl"I5ter" Purchase in advance tickets $10.00 MAY 4, 18, 9:00 AM Outdoor Tra~ Walking Group. 1sV3rd Thursday every monlh. Friday, MAY 19, Social Dance 1-4 PM Enjoy an afternoon 01 darIClng to live country music Friday. MAY 18. SIo-Pilch Baseban Mill' League 1-2:30 PM Contact Jo-Anne at Clarington Beech Centre 905-697-2856 for more Information. BUSINESS BY THE LAKE TH.E COMFORT SHOPPE ~~.;niQ;"<'-"7r;;~~" ~~~n~:'~~ltSh']IJP~ ~C ~,: \ 1liJBa:3tlhneRoad tao;t '", ~ ~8~~:;~~; May 3. 2006 "'~:~~I~!,>j 530 PMto730 PM Join us as we m.1kp. Comfoft Shop:'Je to ('I.ivy all the 1.J):wy All bUSiness people a'il inVited to anend, Network-ng is free for CBOT membels and $5,00 lor perspective mem- bars. which will be collected a! the dOD'. F~"I fLJIIIIl::,1 Inlurrnaliu'l (II b r..gl:;ter lor thiS 1:>Vtmt dll:'ck 0,,1 o...r webs'te at WW"-'V,1;t;cl.ca.::r contact the Claflngton Board ot r'ade ollice 905--623-3106 DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE . Bicycle helmet safety ~ A(.~ordln\llo a l€l(;!:flt Health Depallmenl.~u'vey ,':..._.~ ,. 1n200174percentofyoutigpeoplelll1e-to17' ~.V".' ~i~~~I~~;nO~ji'~~~~i~it~:~.r~e~~ ::r~l~~r~~I~I~r:e~:r~d -~ safety_ Ir 20(14, this -,umber (Jp-crl'asc-d to 6S pp.r cer!. ~ead Injulles account 'or eOO'e ot all q'c1ing deaths are ;:Ieventable but ale the hlrd leading conlntl,..- cost of health cwe m C;m"da t~ Onlaric mere than ale f,(j~~ltalib?d ,'!:ally unO"1 Ihe you must weal a bike helme!.I"!; Conslable Keith Rlchard~ Durhllm Regional Police Beginning Monday, May 8, 2006, Courtice Road (Regional Road 34) will be closed to traffic at the Canadian Pacific Railway overpass located immediately north of Baseline Road. tor a period of approximately eighteen (18) weeks, to facilitate major rehabilitation of the bridge structure A posted detour route wi" be In place using Bloor Street. Trulls Road and Baseline Road. Heavy truck traffic destined fOf points north of Highway 401 is advised to exit at either Harmony Road or Waverley Road (Regional Road 57). The Region regrets any inconvenience caused by this necessary work. For further information. please call Anrf.,J Drzewiecki, P.Eng. Project Manage' 905-666-7711 Extension 3427 Durham Region Works Department 'J I, I 111 h' , r ,j Ir, ~ I "'\ , I 1, ; AUCTIONEER LICENCING BY.LAW The COlmcil :::1 the ~.;bnicipalily 01 Clarlngton is considering amendments to By.law #74-54, a by-law to regulate and licence allf,lIcJlleer~ w'lhm p-I) MUn,CIj.ldliry 0t Cl<lrill\jlon. Anyc,ne wish- ing to addless the General and Adminslration Commlllse 01 Council on lhisssue may so by altec,dlng a public mee!lng scheduled tor Munday. May 8. ~(JIl{i 930 AM Cou!"1cll Cr,ambars Mun'clpal Adminlstralive Centre 40 Temperance Street. Bowman'/lIle. Ontaric. De!ail:; 01 nil; pf0p~se:1 ,tfn<2r,Jrn<2nls call U8 uLlained by <..:'Jnt;;Ll- ing the Mur'lcipal Clerks Department at the a:cove address or by calling 9CS -623.3379 a"I,239 "i .'i'.'ftoi r.171'iT=1 (.J I"II~ Attachment 6 To Report PSD-057-06 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2006- being a by.law to authorize the sale and transfer to Devon Downs Development Limited the adjacent property owner of Part 3 on Plan 40R-19115 and Part 23 Plan 40R-23873, Bradshaw Street, Part Lot 9, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville, as shown on Schedule 1 WHEREAS at its meeting on June 27, 2005, Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington passed By-law 2005-131 declaring, Part 3 on Plan 40R-19115, and WHEREAS at its meeting on January 20, 2006, By-Law 2006-017 declaring Part 23 Plan 40R- 23873, Bradshaw Street, Part Lot 9, Concession 2. former Town of Bowmanville to be surplus; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. The Mayor and the Municipal Clerk are authorized to execute. on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, with the Corporate Seal, purchase and sale agreements between Devon Downs Development Limited and the Corporation for the lands identified on Schedule 1 BY-LAW read a first time this 15th day of May 2006 BY-LAW read a second time this 15th day of May 2006 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 15th day of May 2006 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L Barrie, Municipal Clerk SCHEDULE 1 80 Plan 40R-23873 Part 23 ~ w w 0:: ~ (/) 3: < ~ (/) c ~ a:I CONCESSION STREET EAST ~ w W 0:: ~ (/) ~ ~ (/) 0:: W ~