HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/27/1980 \., \..,. \..I Council Minutes Council Minutes Delegations: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE February 27 1980 Minutes of a Special meeting of Council, held on February 27 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in Court Roam 1 Present were: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard Councillor Keith Barr Councillor William Clarke Councillor Ann Cowman Councillor I van M. Hobbs Councillor Jasper W. Holliday J. M.McIlroy, Town Clerk Councillor M. Prout Absent: Also Present: K. DeGroot, Treasurer D. Smith, Director of Planning Resolution #C-80-225 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the Minutes of the Council meeting held on February 11 1980 be approved as read. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-226 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs 1HAT the Minutes of the Special Council meeting held on February 18 1980 be approved as read. "CARRIED" Mr. B. HEming appeared before Council with regard to a) a deduction from Wintario in the arrount of $15,000 for insurance of the building and b) proposed addition to the Tyrone Community Centre. Mr. George Pollitt appeared before Council regarding a lottery Licence on behalf of the Orono Harness Horsemens' Association who wish to hold a lottery to raise funds for track maintenance of the Orono Fair grounds. Mr. Pollitt also spoke on behalf of the proposed Annstrong' s shopping centre in Orono. \., Council Minutes Mr. J. Sanders Disposition of Communications \.., \.., Regional Assessnent Comnissioner -2- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-227 M:>ved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT Mr. J. Sanders be heard. "CARRIED" Mr. Sanders spoke with regard to his tender bid on the proposed Tyrone Hall extension. Resolution #C-80-228 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the disposition of coIImunications to be received for infonnation be approved except for Items I-4, I-8, I-II and I-15. I 'CARRIED" I-I John E. Cole re swinming pool, February 15 1980 I-2 Bowrnanville Central Business ImproVEment Area Minutes of meeting held February 6 1980 I-3 Harold S. Goldkind, Q. C. re expropriation re King and Vinson I-5 Clarke Museum and Archives minutes of meeting held February 7 1980 I-6 Regional Municipality of Durham re Study to assess the Financial Impact of the Connnmi ty of Sea ton I-6A Ontario Municipal Board Board order re Salvatore Mastrangelo Jnr. I-7 Ontario Municipal Board Board order re Marnie Processed Tbpsoil I-9 Regional Municipality of Durham re Official Plan Amendment Application - Part of lot 35, Concession 3 Tbwn of Newcastle I-IO Ministry of Transportation and Corrmunications re Go Transit Service to Bowrnanville I-12 Ontario Municipal Board re land designation I-13 Ontario Municipal Board re Andor and Jenny Schiber I-14 Ontario Municipal Board re Marnie Processed Tbpsoil Resolution #C-80-229 M:>ved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Barr 1HAT the letter dated February 13 1980 from the Regional Assessnent Commissioner regarding policy in assessing sub-division lots be received for information. "CARRIED' , \." \.., '-' Council Minutes Regional Plan Amendment Procedure Darlington Land Fill Site Darlington Generating Station Acre-for- Acre Reforestation -3- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-230 M:>ved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the letter dated February 14 1980 from the Regional Clerk regarding the Official Plan Amendment Procedure be received for information. Resolution #C-80-231 M:>ved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT the foregoing item be reconsidered. "~ION IDST" by reason of not having a t\ro-thirds vote. Councillor Cowman challenged the Mayor's ruling on this item and on her challenge being upheld the vote was re- taken and the resolution was carried by a t\ro- thirds majority. On being put to a vote again Resolution #C-80-230 was carried. Resolution #C-80-232 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the letter received February 21 1980 from the Regional Municipality of Durham Environmental Approvals Branch regarding the approval of the Darlington Land Fill Site be received for information. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-233 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the News letter from Ontario Hydro regarding the Darlington Generating Station be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-234 M:>ved by Councillor Cowmn, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the letter dated February 5 1980 from Ontario Hydro regarding Acre-for-Acre reforestation be referred to the Town Clerk to report to the Hydro Liaison Committee for further clarification where the trees nay be planted and with particular reference to private property. I 'CARRIED' I \w \., \..; Council Minutes Tyrone Corrnnmity Centre Canadian Diabetic Association lottery Tyrone Conmunity Centre Planning and Developnent Comnittee -4- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-235 M:>ved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the letter dated February 20 1980 from the Tyrone Oammunity Centre be received and that Item B be referred to the Treasurer to canply with the request regarding insurance and that a copy of the Treasurer's letter to the Centre Board be forwarded to all members of Council and that the balance of the letter be :eceived for information. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-236 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT the letter dated February 18 1980 from the Canadian Diabetic Association with regard to selling lottery tickets in this municipality be received and the request complied with. , 'CARRIED Resolution #C-80-237 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the letter dated February 20 1980 from the Tyrone Corrmuni ty Centre Board regarding the building extension be referred to Item #10 of Report #2 (Finance and Administration Committee). "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-238 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT . the Planning and Development Committee Chairman's report of meeting held February 18 1980 be approved except for Items 9 and 10. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-239 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Item 9 of the foregoing report be adopted. "CARRIED' , '-' \.., '-' Council Minutes Finance and Administration Recess -5- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-240 Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Item 10 of the foregoing report be adopted. , 'CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-241 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the Finance and Administration Cannittee Chairman's report of meeting held February 19 1980 be approved except for Items 1, 4 and 10. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-242 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT Item 1 of the foregoing report be adopted. "CARRIED' , Councillor Hobbs took the chair as Mayor Rickard reported a conflict of interest in Item 4. Resolution #C-80-243 M:>ved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT ItEm 4 of the foregoing report be adopted. "CARRIED' , Mayor Rickard assumed the chair. Resolution #C-80-244 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT there be a ten-minute recess. "CARRIED' , Council Minutes \.." Tyrone Corrmunity Centre \.., Parking Enforcement Officer S. Mastrangelo '-' -6- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-245 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs TIIAT with regard to the Tyrone Cormnmity Centre extension, Council Resolution #C-8o-J31and #C-79-6 be rescinded and that Mayor Rickard investigate the other matters with respect to awarding of the tender and report back to Council. Resolution #C-80-246 M:>ved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the question be divided into two parts. "CARRIED' , On being put to a recorded vote, the first part was carried as follows: Councillor Barr........yea Councillor Clarke......Nay Councillor Oowman......Nay Councillor Hobbs.......yea Councillor Holliday....yea Mayor Rickard..........yea On being put to a recorded vote, the second part was carried as follows: Councillor Barr........yea Councillor Clarke......yea Councillor Cowrnan. . . . . . Yea Councillor Hobbs... ....Yea Councillor Holliday....Yea Mayor Rickard..........Yea Resolution #C-80-247 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs TIIAT the Tbwn Manager's report re Parking Enforcement Officer be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-248 Moved by Councillor Cownan, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the report of the Director of Planning dated February 13 1980 regarding S. Mastrangelo be received for information. '-' '-' \....; Council Minutes Environmental Noise Seminar Travel and Convention expenses M.T.C. Subsidy Building Progress Report -7- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-249 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the foregoing resolution be tabled until after the next Planning and Developoont Coomi ttee meeting. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-250 Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the Tbwn Manager's report re Environmental Noise Seminar be approved and that the By-Law Enforcement Officer be authorized to attend the seminar in accordance with Tbwn policy. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-251 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Barr '!HAT the Treasurer's report regarding Councillors' Travel and Convention expenses be received for information. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-252 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by .Councillor Clarke THAT the Treasurer's report re 1979 M. T.C. subsidy be approved. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-253 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the Building Progress Report for January 1980 be received for information. "CARRIED' , '-' \. \..t Council Minutes Zoning By-Laws Hydro Liaison Corrmittee Striking Corrmittee Bell Canada Armstrong Stores Limi ted -8- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-254 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT the Tbwn Clerk's report with regard to applications for amendment to zoning by-laws be received for information. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-255 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs '!HAT the Hydro Liaison Corrmittee Chairman's report of meeting held February 21 1979 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-256 Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the Chairman's report of the Striking Committee meeting held on February 21 1980 be approved. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-257 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the Tbwn Clerk's report dated February 27 1980 regarding Bell Canada be approved. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-258 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the Director of Planning's report dated February 27 1980 regarding the proposed Shopping Centre, Armstrong Stores Limited, in the Village of Orono be approved and that By-Law 80-23 be considered by Council at this meeting. "CARRIED' , Council Minutes '-' Confidential report Henderson Butcher Shop \. '-' -9- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-259 M:>ved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT the confidential report sutmi tted by the Director of Planning be tabled until the end of the agenda. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-260 Moved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Hobbs THAT Items 1, 2 and 3 of Item #6 of the Planning and Developoont report dated December 20 1979 be adopted subject to the approval of the Town Solicitor. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-261 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT leave be granted to introduce the following By-Laws: By-Law 80-17 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Tbwn of Newcastle. By-Law 80-18 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Tbwn of Newcastle. By-Law 80-19 being a by-law to dedicate certain lands as a public highway in the Tbwn of Newcastle. By-Law 80-20 being a by-law to repeal by-law Number 79-72 of the CorPOration of the Tbwn of Newcastle, being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-Law Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. By-Law 80-21 being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-Law Number 79-44, as amended, of the CorPOration of the Tbwn of Newcastle. By-Law 80-22 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $3,500,000.00. By-Law 80~being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-Law 1592, as amended, of the former Tbwnship of Clarke. and that the said by-laws be now read a first time. , 'CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-262 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Barr. THAT the second reading of the following by-laws be approved: By-Law 80-17, By-Law 80-18, By-Law 80-19, By-Law 80-20 By-Law 80-21, By-Law 80-22, By-Law 80-23. "CARRIED' , " \.., \., ~ Council Minutes Darlington Site lottery licence Carmittee of the Whole In Camera -10- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-263 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT the third and final reading of the following by-laws be approved: By-Law 80-17, By-Law 80-18, By-Law 80-19 By-Law 80-20, By-Law 80-21, By-Law 80-22, By-Law 80-23. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-264 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT the Director of Public Works be directed to report to this Council on the impact of the $20 million contract for pre-mixed concrete for the Darlington Site and also the possibility of closing the Leskard Road to gravel truck traffic. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-265 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Barr THAT the application of the Orono Harness Horsemens' Association for a raffle lottery be approved. "CARRIED' , Mayor Rickard reported to Council on the negotiations with the Ministry of Governmental Services regarding Pine Ridge School. Resolution #C-80-266 Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Cownan TIIAT the meeting be in Committee of the Whole. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-267 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the meeting be "in camera" to discuss a report from the Director of Planning concerning a legal matter. "CARRIED" ... \.. \..r \." Council Minutes Confidential report Open meeting Carmittee Rise By-Law 80-24 -11- February 27 1980 Resolution #C-80-268 Moved by Councillor HObbs, sec Olded by Councillor Holliday, '!HAT the confidential report of the Director of Planning be adopted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-269 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday '!HAT the meeting be open. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-270 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday '!HAT the Committee of the Whole rise. , , 'CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-271 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the actions taken by the Comni ttee of the Whole "in camera" be approved. "CARRIED' , Resolution #C-80-272 ADved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law 80-24 being a by-law to confinn the proceedings of the Council of the Tbwn of Newcastle at this meeting held on the 27th day of February 1980 and that the said by-law be now read a first time. , 'CARRIED" Resolution #C-80-273 Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the second reading of By-Law 80-24 be approved. "CARRIED' , \., ~ ~ Council Minutes Adjournment -12- Resolution #C-80-274 ~,...., February 27 1980 Moved by Councillor Barr, seconded by Councillor Clarke THAT the third and final reading of By-Law 80-24 be approved. Resolution #C-80-275 "CARRIED' , Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:25 p.m. "CARRIED' , Garnet B. Rickard Mayor .' / ~4:L/ Joseph M. Clerk