HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnual Housing Review Item 5. of Report #1 TOW N OF NEW CAS T L E . Policy in respect of Development Charges and the provision of Private Non-Profit Senior Citizen Housing 1. The Town of Newcastle will endeavour to assist its senior citizens in securing adequate and affordable accommodation suited to their budgeting and physical needs.v 2. Upon request, the Town of Newcastle will consider the provision of a grant equal to, or for the portion of, the development charges received by the Town for each below market and rent- geared-to-income senior citizen unit produced by a Private Non-Profit Corporation funded by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and/or the Province of Ontario. . 3. The Town of Newcastle shall have regard for the following in considering a request for a grant described in (2) above: (a) the availability of existing municipal services; (b) the location of the project in relation to Commercial, recreational, and institutional services; (c) the location of the project in relation to public trans- portation; (d) the need for the project, as reflected through the demand study produced by the non-profit group to warrant financing by C.M.H.C. or O.H.C. for the project; (e) a guarantee from the non-profit group that the project will be accommodating people from Newcastle; (f) a guarantee from the non-profit group that all eligible resi- dents in Newcastle will be given equal access to the unit. . cw OntarIo Ministry of Housing Questionnaire Annual Housing Review '81 WL') Code L I . Region/Municipality of _ ___-Io_Wllc_of~-"wca~J:Je.________ Date _.Jul,y__ 24,_:L98~__ This questionnaire is comprised of seven tables. Where the municipality has identified programs the appropriate table should be completed. For those who have not selected <.l specific program, but who have identified a need, Table 5 should be completed. Ministry of Housing staft is available to work with the municipality to determine which program is the most suitable. Table 1 - Non.Profit Housing Program . Program Highlights (see Ministry outlines for details.) Provides integrated housing with up to 50% of senior citizen or up to 25% of family housing projects at rents geared to income. The remaining units are made available at market rents. A. Senior Citizen Housing ~ _--1~981~ul=~-=5l82 =r~83 ) 'New JRehab:!uNew _rehab. New Rehab.: 1 -j-_~~_-!I ; - ___L _ --.J 1. G--M~.~-~~~P~I NOn~-;~!'t 2 :: ~;~_~o~:;~~~e:rOfit 4. [4~~roVinCial Non-Profit 7. 3. Co-operatives .~-I--_j jl-~ J___-L-__ ____..__._n_.~_ 1982 1983 n__-r , New I New Rehab. Rehab. -- i ~-t - ! I i B. Family Housing ~1=New1 98~e=h~:~ n _~___--+ l"--Mu~nicipal Non.Pro!it 2 _______ _I _____ 2. Private Non.Profit ! 5. 6. 8. 4. Provincial Non-Profit ~ 1. "New" means neVII construction. "Rehab." means existing buildings for conversion or rehabilitation. 2. Only those municipalities with or expecting to establish a municipal non-profit corporation should indicate their projections. Annual Housing Review '81 cont'd. \V{I) , . Table 2 - Assisted Rental Housing Programs . Program Highlights (s(!(! Ministry outlines tot drHlJih,) Up to 100% of the units in d senior citizen or family housing project may be made available with rents geared to income. A. Senior Citizen Housing r-_198J=~_l_~-c=r-- 1983-' l' No,,_ r Rehab.I.. Ne'^'. jRehab. ! _ New _~".hab. I : , T I I --j -t--t---t Ii: --~ ----t----i.--~ _J j._ __ L__.l__J.-----.J 10. 9. r~~:~iciPal Assi';wd Rellt<ll Housing J r;--~,-:~te ;s:sted Rental Housing IPAR} 4 G:_ Provincial ASSISted HOUSing 5 11. B. Family Housing f, ---.llB 1 I Ne""jR".halJ: I I J, I I I I -T -':-T~'" ,.w'~."~~ . ------t-.111 . -j - -.j_~--iIJ 12. i'-'- I 1 Municipal ASSisted Rental Housing 3 ~ _ .w;;:':.,," -""", 'O".;~ '"'' . 3. Provincial ASSisted Housing 5 ---- 13. 14. . 3. Units the municipality wishes to develop and manage itself, 4. Units the municipality wishes to be built and managed by the private sector. 5. Units the municipillity wIshes to be built by the Ministry of Housing and operated by a Housing Authority. Table 3 - Rent Supplement Housing Program Program Highlights (see Ministr y outlines for details.) The Ministry enters into an agle~~rnent with a Private Landlord to supplement the rents for up to 25% of his units. IUnder N.HA Section 4411l lall. ,. 1981 .~~ _~82~ ~_~8~ I .mu__J_____---.J I-'~ - --. 15. tA Senior Citizen HOlJsil1~J 16. _~__~arT~~Jy How>lllq Nole: This fli!lHf:' S!lflUI,! not rf!pp..'lT any r!!nt":I";ln!l"l-to-income units included in a NOll-Profit target, thus there should not be duplicotion with lfw preceding t<tbl~5. Rent-geared-to-income unit~ must be targHted for t~w specific program UfH.h'f which they will be developed, e.g., Non-Profit Assisted Rental . Table 4 - Rural Senior Citizen R2ntal Housing Progr.lm Program Highlights (see MinistlY outline, Public Housing Assistance, for details.) Provides Senior Citizen rental housing in municipalities with populations under 2500; 100% of the units rent.geared-to-income. r , Projected Units 1981---;-:-:-.-:"1982=' r-=- 1983 i--'- IvD) Table 5 - Housing Need For Which A Program Has Not Been Identified . 18. r;;,-~Se~l~r Citizen t ~e~t~9~~Med To Income B. F,lmily Rent-Geared-1o Income ---- . - - ---- .. f-~:8J. I .J . [..---- I j 1982 1983 19. The Ministry of Housing has identified an immediate need for 24 new senior citizen rent-geared-to-income units in Newcastle. Newcastle will soon be reviewing housing needs through a Municipal Housing Statement. Table 6 - Municipal Housing Statement Program Highlights (see Ministry outlines for details.) Under section 16 of the Housing Development Act, an approved Municipal Housing Statement is a pre- requisite for land acquisition and development assistance. If you have highlighted anything in Tables 1 _ 5, you must have a Municipal Housing Statement. If you do not already have a Municipal Housing Statement, please indicate in the boxes below, your intentions: 20. GJ Study Proposed O Request for Ministry Funding Enclosed O Request for Ministry Staff Assistance Enclosed . Table 7 --- Council Approval A resolution endorsing these targets: 21. [iJ is enclosed o will be forwarded by _~~.______ .1980 o is not included because _________ Comments: . Annual Housing Review 1981 FormA . . 0... . Town of Ne~tle R..,JonlMunfGlpellty Googrophic Code In an effort to continuously upgrade and encourage provincial government assistance to and cooperation with municipalities, the Annual Housing Review 1981 (AHA '81) now includes the following questions associated with the program administration: {Please (/) the appropriate box.) 1. Do you have sufficient information on assisted housing programs? Ves 22. GJ 2. If 'NO', on which programs do you require additional information? Municipal Private Co-op. R ural Senior Rent Non-Profit Non-Profit Citizen Housing Supplement D D D D D 23. Private MuniCipal Provincial Municipal Assisted Rental Public Housing Public Housing Housing Statements . 0 0 0 0 3, Has the information you have received on various programs been satisfactory? Yes 24. GJ 4. If 'NO', ple.se indicate how you think it could be improved. COMMENTS: 5. Have Ministry personnel been helpful in meeting your information and assistance needs? Ves 25. GJ 6. Please specify any improvements that you think could be made. COMMENTS: ~. Please return this form to: Ministry of Housing Market Surveys Section 101 Bloor StW., 13th Fl. Toronto, Ontario M5S 1PB Thank you for your cooperation. lV(i) No o No o No D