HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-040-06 C!gpn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, April 10,2006 Report #: PSD-040-06 File #: PLN 2.5.3 By-law #: (~ Pa . { 6 l{. () to ~ Subject: DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS (PART 1) RECOMMENDA TIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. T~AT Report PSD-040-06 be received; 2. THAT Report PSD-040-06 be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Proposed Amendments to the Region of Durham's Official Plan (Part 1); and 3. THAT a copy of PSD-040-06 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham and any delegation. Submitted by: Davi ~. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services //' \ .c:2 -== C___R - Reviewed by:U ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer BH/CS/FLlDJC/df 4 April 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The current Durham Regional Official Plan (DROP) was approved by the Province in 1993. On April 5, 2000, Regional Council endorsed a two-phased approach to the review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Phase 1 commenced in May 2000 with the release of a background paper entitled "Regional Official Plan Review, First Step - Issues". The second phase of the Official Plan Review commenced in July 2003 with the Region's release of the following Discussion Papers: . Population, Employment and Urban Land; . Commercial Policy Review; . Protecting Our Rural Resources; . Towards a Sustainable and Healthy Environment; and . Issues and Directions (summary report) 1.2 During the review process, the Region undertook a comprehensive Transportation Master Plan Study. In December 2003 the Municipality provided comments on the Durham Transportation Master Plan PSD-146-03. Recommendations from the Transportation Master Plan Study which affect land use policy have been included in the proposed amendment. 1.3 The Municipality has provided comments to the Region on two previous occasions via reports PSD-045-04 on the discussion papers, and PSD-161-04 on the recommended directions. Many of the previous comments have been addressed; however, there are some comments that have not been addressed as suggested, they are repeated in this review. We have added comments on new regional policies that are now included in the proposed amendment. In addition, now that the actual wording of the policies has been released, Staff have provided additional comments as noted in the attachment. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the amendments to the consolidated Durham Regional Official Plan. This report outlines staffs major concerns for Council. Attachment 1 contains recommendations for specific policies for Council endorsement as the Municipality's comments. 2.2 The proposed DROP Amendment relates only to the Transportation, Commercial, Rural and Environmental components. A number of policy changes are "housekeeping" to bring the Regional Official Plan into conformity with legislation changes including the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, the Greenbelt Plan and the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). 2.3 The Amendment does not address the Population, Employment and Land Needs component of the DROP Review. This component is to be released in April and comments on these policies will be made at that time. REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 3 3.0 RURAL RESOURCES 3.1 The rural policy revisions in the proposed amendment have the following significant implications for Clarington, Staff have made a number of specific suggestions on the policies in order to provide a more workable policy for rural areas and residents (see Attachment 1): . The OP Review recommends merging the "General Agricultural Areas" and "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" designations to create a single agricultural land use designation, "Prime Agricultural Areas". In addition, the "Major Open Space" designation is replaced by "Natural Heritage System" some of the previously designated General Agriculture Areas have become this land use category; . Additional policies are included to permit a full range of agriculture, agriculture- related and secondary uses within the Prime Agricultural Areas and the Natural Heritage System, consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, Greenbelt Plan and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan; . New policies prohibit the establishment of new golf courses and cemeteries in the Prime Agriculture Areas; . Deletion of policies that allowed the creation of retirement lots and severances for non-abutting surplus farm dwelling lots; . Additional policies that establish firm limits to Hamlet development, and clarification of policies regarding the form, type and limited scale of development intended for Hamlets; . Additional policies to restrict the growth and establishment of new rural settlements, such as country residential subdivisions, rural residential clusters, 4 hectares (10 acre) lots and rural employment areas; . Policies and designations for the establishment of new Regional Nodes in the rural area have been deleted. The existing rural Regional nodes within Clarington (Kirby Ski Hill and Mosport) have been retained to allow for their continued recognition and planning status; and . Clarification and updating of policies related to the development of Aggregate Resource Extraction Areas and their rehabilitation, including replacing the High Potential Aggregate Resource Areas Map to illustrate the most current geological information. 3.2 Kev Issues for Clarinqton . Agriculture-related industrial uses will be permitted within the Prime Agricultural Areas designation. This policy will allow the most productive soils in Clarington to be developed as agriculture-related industries. . Agriculture-related commercial uses may be established and severed in the prime agricultural area with an amendment to the Regional Official Plan. . The severance of a surplus dwelling due to consolidation of a non-abutting farm parcel will be prohibited. This policy is more restrictive than the greenbelt legislation. . Merging the "General Agricultural Areas" and "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" designations into one "Prime Agricultural Designation" has two potential impacts, the REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 4 loss of prime agricultural land for non-agricultural uses, and being too restrictive on lands not considered by soil type as prime agricultural lands by farmers. . Encouraging comprehensive rehabilitation plans for adjacent aggregate operations in an area such that they will provide for an overall rehabilitation scheme that may include regional trails and continuous forest cover. 3.3 Staff Comments . "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" and "General Agricultural Areas" should remain as presently designated. General Agricultural Areas, by soil type, are generally not considered prime/good agricultural land. Merging the two designations reduces the flexibility of permitting additional uses in the general agricultural areas. A separate designation would be useful to encourage kennels, farm related industrial/commercial, sod farms, and riding and boarding stables to locate on non- prime soils. The rural area policies should be amended to encourage the conservation of prime soils for uses that require them (ie. food production). . Section 9A.2.11 should be amended to permit the severance of a surplus dwelling due to the consolidation of a non-abutting farm parcel. As a condition of severance, a zoning by-law amendment or an agricultural easement or some other method could be implemented for the remaining farm parcel to prohibit a residential dwelling. The proposed policy is more restrictive than the greenbelt plan. It discourages farm consolidation, forces farmers to become landlords and potentially threatens heritage resources. . Clarington should be considered for limited new rural employment areas, specifically for uses that do not require urban services. Uses which require large areas of open storage are better situated in the rural area and in an effort to meet the proposed 1 job per 2 population target, employment lands should be reserved for more intensive uses. 4.0 SUSTAINABLE AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT 4.1 The environmental policy revisions in the proposed amendment are for the most part supported by Staff and improve the environmental protection policies of the DROP by: . Strengthening policies protecting water resources addressing watershed planning, review of water taking permits, infiltration and aquifer vulnerability areas, and wellhead protection areas; . Introducing mapping of aquifer vulnerability areas and wellhead protection areas; . Adding policies to deal with the emerging environmental concerns including minimizing light pollution, increasing woodland coverage, improving air quality and support of land securement for conservation purposes; and, . Strengthening the Natural Heritage System by introducing enhanced mapping recognizing significant wetlands, areas of natural and scientific interest, fish habitat, wildlife habitat, valleylands and woodlands. REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 5 4.2 Kev Issues for Clarinqton · A noise and vibration study is required where residential and noise sensitive land uses are proposed within 750 m or a railway corridor. · Existing and potential future municipal wellhead protection areas have been identified and land uses within these areas are to be prohibited or restricted. Area municipal official plans and zoning by-laws are required to illustrate municipal wellhead protection areas. · High risk uses in areas of high aquifer vulnerability are prohibited. · The plan provides focus for the Region's involvement in land securement for conservation purposes. 4.3 Staff Comments . There needs to be a justification provided for increasing distance for noise and vibration studies from 300 to 750 metres and some guidance for how it will be addressed on adjacent properties outside the ownership of the application. The application of a blanket policy for this increased distance on each side of a rail corridor may have significant impacts on the orderly development of urban communities and should be fully justified. . The Region's involvement in land securement for conservation purposes should supplement the work by municipalities and other public agencies. . Policy 5.3.6 should be amended to permit the creation of new cemeteries in the rural area in poor quality soils and/or in the natural heritage system. Given the intensity of development in serviced urban areas, cemeteries may be more appropriate in certain rural locations. 5.0 TRANSPORTATION 5.1 The transportation policy reVISions in the proposed amendment follow the Transportation Master Plan and Clarington's recommendations contained in PSD-146- 03. As a whole the transportation section: . Promotes travel choices by emphasizing transit and the development and implementation of Transportation Demand Management measures across the Region; . Establishes a 'Transit Priority Network' comprised of Transit Spines, Commuter Rail and Freeway Transit that connect key Transportation Hubs; . Designates a 'Strategic Goods Movement Network' to accommodate commercial vehicles on a year round basis, and connect major generators of goods movement traffic; . Adds policies to address future by-passes of historic downtowns and hamlets; . Introduces new performance and design criteria for the Type A, B, and C arterial road classifications developed through the Arterial Corridor Guidelines; REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 6 . Introduces policies supporting development patterns promoting pedestrian connectivity to arterial roads reflecting the Arterial Corridor Guidelines; and, . Adds policies recommended by the Arterial Corridor Guidelines addressing the preparation of corridor plans that will provide a vision of the development of Regional Road corridors over time. 5.2 Key Issues for Clarinqton . There are revised design criteria for Type A, Band C arterial roads. . Introduction of by-pass studies prior to designating new by-passes of arterial roads. . St. Marys' dock is identified as a "Future Harbour". . Retention of the future GO station in Courtice and Bowmanville. . Concession Street between Liberty Street and Scugog Road has been deleted as an arterial'C' road. . Adelaide Street has been deleted between Trulls Road and Courtice Road. 5.3 Staff Comments . There is a need for an arterial road network south of the 401 connecting Courtice Road and Regional Highway 57. This proposed arterial type "C" (currently South Service Road and proposed to be renamed Energy Drive) would connect major regional employment centres like the Clarington Energy Business Park, the Darlington Generation Station, and St. Marys Cement and its harbour. . Clarington is identified as one of the four major transportation hubs in the Region. As such, the Region should in co-operation with Clarington create a gateway as an entrance to the region at the eastern end of Clarington. . The legend on map C3 does not identify the difference due to the width of line identifying the roads. . Green Road should be shown with a partial interchange at the 401. 6.0 COMMERCIAL 6.1 The commercial policy revIsions in the proposed amendment represent the largest deviation from the current DROP policies. While there are some policies that Staff support there are others that provide the development community with great latitude and do not address local municipal goals and objectives. The recommended policies of the DROP are: . Strengthen Regional Centres as the focal point of urban development in the Region, connected with supportive Corridors of intensive mixed use development focused on transit routes; . Define the Regional interest in commercial planning as any commercial proposal of 56,000 square metres or larger, or any proposal that would negatively impact a Regional Centre; REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 7 . Enable Local Centres consisting of Urban, Community and Neighbourhood Centres to be planned and designated in the area municipal Official Plans; . Enable planned function to govern the scale of Central Area development by removing Central Area floor space allocations; and, . Only requires retail impact studies where there is a Regional interest. 6.2 Key Issues for Clarinqton . The Regional interest in commercial planning is for developments exceeding 56,000 sq.m. . Local Council will be responsible to determine if there is a Regional interest for any proposed retail expansion. . The proposed plan promotes the preservation of high exposure sites for employment-intensive uses, and prevents employment Areas from being used for commercial uses. 6.3 Staff Comments . The Region should retain its approval role in major commercial planning matters (exceeding 25,000 sq. metres) to ensure that floor space is allocated equitably throughout the Region and in relation to growth. Otherwise municipalities will be competing to designate new commercial areas, potentially overbuilding to attract investment and negatively impacting weaker centres including historic downtowns. . The Region itself should be determining whether an expansion to a Regional or Local Centre is of regional interest rather than relying on the decision of the local Council to declare there is a regional interest. . The policies in section 8C should be further refined to limit retail warehouse uses in industrial areas. . Without floor space guidelines, the proposed commercial hierarchy becomes too subjective (eg. Newcastle Village, Bowmanville and Downtown Oshawa are Regional Centres, yet clearly have different roles). The policies should provide direction on the relative sizes of Local Centres that can be designated in local official plans. 7.0 ADDITIONAL POLICY ISSUES 7.1 Community Improvement Plans Bill 51 (An Act to amend the Planning Act and the Conservation Land Act and to make related amendments to other Acts) would allow the regional government to participate in the development and implementation of community improvement plans. The Region was instrumental in requesting and lobbying the Province for this change and yet the DROP amendment does not contain the necessary policies. The Official Plan needs to include policies to allow the Region and the municipalities to work together with the private sector in implementing community improvement plans for areas of regional REPORT NO.: PSD-040-06 PAGE 8 significance such us historic downtowns, employment lands (e.g. Energy Park), brownfield redevelopment and significant natural areas. 7.2 Places to Grow - Growth Plan The final Draft will also need to reflect the proposed Places to Grow Plan recommendations. Of particular interest for Clarington is how the Region plans to implement through the Official Plan policies the following provincial recommendations: · 40% intensification target · People and jobs per hectare combined targets for urban growth centres not identified in the provincial proposal (e.g. Bowmanville) 7.3 Economic Development and the Enerqy Sector The DROP should include specific policies to support the two economic clusters identified by Regional Council in their submission to the provincial Government as part of the Places to Grow consultation process: the energy and automotive industries. Industrial/Business parks that focus on these economic clusters should receive priority for servicing and incentives for brownfield redevelopment. The inclusion of Community Improvement Policies in the DROP would allow the Region to participate in these initiatives prompted at the local level and vice versa. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 The consolidated Draft does not include the final recommendations for population, employment, and urban land. These recommendations will be subject a future report from the Region of Durham. As a result, Staff comments should be considered as preliminary until after we have the opportunity to review the final draft with all its components. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Clarington Comments on the Proposed Amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan 0 - ...- !,-O LO ...- ('I') . ...- N ('I') ('I') . N . ('I') N N N N . N .c. .S2 .c. ~ c o ~ ::J o 0.. ....... .c. .2'> o ....... a> u c a> ..... ~ ~ a> c ~ .Q '+-1:5 o a> C III .Q III --+-' .- :.c~ -g.9 a> a> .c. 0> ....... C .c. rn :!::.c. ~ u a> >. Q) C 5,0 ~ .!Q o ....... C a> ..:ll:: rn ....... rn .c. en C .Q c> :E & .2'> a> "0 .c. .. 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