HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-036-06 Cl~J!Jpn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, April 10,2006 Report #: PSD-036-06 File #: ZBA 2006-0003 By-laY( #: 6f'j(l-{ 7, ~'D to Subject: REZONING TO PERMIT A GAS STATION, CAR WASH AND CONVENIENCE STORE APPLICANT: EASTMAN HOLDINGS LTD. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-036-06 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application submitted by Thyagarajah Sivakumer on behalf of Eastman Holdings Ltd. be referred back to staff for the preparation of a subsequent report; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: c Reviewed by: ()~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer a Id (1. Crame, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services BH/CS/DJC/df 4 April 2006 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-036-06 Page 2 1.0 1.1 APPLICATION DETAILS Owner: Eastman Holding Ltd. 1.2 Rezoning: from "General Commercial Zone (C1)" to include a gas station, car wash and convenience store in addition to permitted general commercial uses. The proposal is to construct an addition to the existing building and renovate the fuel pumps and canopy. The proposed drive-thru car wash is 111.32 square metres and includes a 10 car stacking lane. The second storey of the existing building would be converted to a caretaker residence. The service station would be removed and replaced with a convenience store. The existing building would also include the automotive parts retail store, and additional retail uses. 1.3 Location: 216 King Avenue East, Newcastle Village Part Lot 27, Concession 2, former Village of Newcastle 1.4 Date: Application received February 6, 2006. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Established prior to 1960, the site has been operating as a gas bar, automotive repair shop and automotive part retail store. 2.2 Site plan approval was issued in 1988 (DEV88-068) to expand the service bays, and further amended in 1994 (DEV94-034) to permit the development of a propane tank. 2.3 The site is serviced by municipal water and sewers. 3.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 3.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject property and a public notice sign was installed on the King Avenue frontage. 3.2 As of the writing of this report, staff received only one written submission opposing the application. The writer's concerns include: . Stacking requirements are too low. For similar car washes the queue can, at peak times, be up to 16 cars, which may result in cars stacking on King Avenue causing a hazardous traffic situation. . The stacking lane is 10m from residential property lines. The emissions from idling cars may have an effect on the air quality for the residents in the rear yard. . Noise from the car wash and idling cars will in the queue have a negative impact on the surrounding residences. 3.3 These comments will be addressed under section 9 of this report. REPORT NO.: PSD-036-06 PAGE 3 4.0 URBAN DESIGN AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Located on the north side of King Avenue East, the lands are occupied by one building, and one gas bar with four pumping stations. The original building on the west side is one story with a white stucco fac;ade, a blue parapet along the top and contains two bays for automotive repair; The east side is a two storey concrete block addition with one repair bay with the remainder of the space being used for automotive parts retail and storage. There are 4 fuelling pumps in front of the building and a propane dispenser is located on the west side of the site. The structure is setback approximately 19 metres from the street. The lands are relatively level with no significant environmental features close to the site. The site is mostly paved with a minimal amount of landscaping. 4.2 Surrounding Uses: Directly to the north are single family detached residences on a cul-de-sac. A chain link fence and an established cedar hedge currently separate the uses. East of the site is a single detached residence; the zoning has recently been amended to permit a coin- operated car wash and a street orientated 2 storey retail unit. South of the site, there are old single detached residences (5 identified heritage houses) and a fire hall. To the west is a church with an attached manse, and a park which is the proposed future site of the Newcastle Library. 4.3 The car wash will be added on to the west side of the building, and a garbage enclosure and loading space provided at the east side. The scale of the additions is compatible with the existing building. However, the fac;ade should be upgraded to improve the aesthetics of the community as this site has a high profile due to its location along Highway 2. Due to the additional development of the site, additional parking is required which could result in the majority of the area being paved, leaving little area for landscaping. REPORT NO.: PSD-036-06 PAGE 4 5.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 5.1 The Provincial Policy Statement identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth and their vitality and regeneration should be promoted. Redevelopment of the site to include the convenience store, car wash and upgrades to the gas bar is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. 6.0 OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 6.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject property as Main Central Area. Living Areas are to be used predominantly for housing purposes. Convenience stores and automotive service station uses which are compatible with their surroundings are permitted. This proposal is consistent with the Regional Official Plan. 6.2 Official Plan Amendment 43, adopted by Council on March 1, 2006, renamed the designation from Newcastle Village "Main Central Area" to "Village Centre." 6.3 Development within Village Centres are planned with an integrated and diverse mix of uses. The pedestrian environment is paramount in all Village Centres and is enhanced through development which is human in scale, buildings of high architectural quality and pedestrian scale lighting. Public safety will be enhanced in the design and siting of buildings to provide visibility, easy access, multiple routes and unobstructive views from streets and buildings. These areas are to provide a diverse mix of uses and particularly redevelopment is encouraged to intensify with residential uses. 6.4 The Newcastle Village Centre Secondary Plan designates the property General Commercial Area. Objectives of this plan include emphasizing increased densities, quality urban design and to diversify retail uses. The Municipality, in cooperation with local businesses, will encourage fac;ade and signage improvements. REPORT NO.: PSD-036-06 PAGE 5 7.0 ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY 7.1 The property is zoned "General Commercial Zone (C1)" which does not permit a convenience store, gas station, or car wash, hence the subject application. 7.2 The service station is a legally non-conforming use as it existed prior to the 1984 Zoning By-law. 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In consideration of the nature of the application to allow a convenience store as an accessory use to an existing gas station, the application was circulated to a limited number of agencies. 8.2 There were no objections to rezoning the property to permit the gas bar, car wash and convenience store. Comments received primarily dealt with site plan servicing issues. Enqineerinq Services . The entrances must be modified to a standard configuration and be aligned perpendicular to the roadway. . A 2% cash-in-lieu of parkland contribution will be required from the applicant. . All necessary securities for entrance works, storm sewer connection, and landscaping must be provided. Durham Reqional Works . Municipal servicing is available through an existing 200mm watermain and an existing 300 mm sanitary sewer. . As part of the site plan approval process, the applicant is required to submit: o Water consumption rates; including anticipated peak demand o Clarification on water recycling rates during car washes, if applicable o Total discharge flows to the sanitary sewer; with clarification on how the solids disposal will be addressed . The applicant is responsible for the full cost of any servicing required to accommodate the proposal. Veridian Connections . A clear accommodation area for the corporation's transformer must be provided. . The applicant must make direct application to Veridian to obtain specific approval of the electrical service arrangements and related work for this project. REPORT NO.: PSD-036-06 PAGE 6 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The subject site is zoned C1, General Commercial under Zoning By-law 84-63 of the Former Town of Newcastle. Permitted uses within the zone include retail commercial, existing motor vehicle service stations and fuel bars and a residential dwelling unit as part of a building containing a permitted non-residential use. 9.2 King Avenue is the main east/west route through Clarington and Newcastle Village. Due to their high visibility, buildings along this road, and in particular, within the Main Central Area, should demonstrate a high quality of urban design in their fac;ades and landscaping. 9.3 The proposal should include an upgrade to the existing fac;ade to enhance architectural quality and complement the existing surrounding buildings. 9.4 The existing hedge at the rear of the site acts as a visual and noise barrier between the commercial and residential uses. The redevelopment proposal should include the preservation and maintenance of the hedge. 9.5 The stacking requirement for a drive-thru car wash is 10 cars to accommodate peak hour demands. This requirement is consistent with other car-washes such as the one located at the corner of Hwy. 2 and Darlington Boulevard. 9.6 A noise study has been prepared and submitted to determine the impact of the car wash on nearby residences. The study recommends that a 3 m sound barrier fence along the 60 m north property line and a 2.4 m sound barrier fence west of the car vacuums be constructed. The study also recommends that the hours of operation for the car wash be limited to the day and evening periods only, preferably from 7:00 to 21:00. 9.7 A lighting study must be prepared to ensure that light will not adversely impact surrounding properties or traffic operations on Highway 2. 9.8 The Zoning By-law requires two loading spaces, but the site can only accommodate one. One loading space will be sufficient to service the site; the issue can be addressed through this zoning amendment. 9.9 A landscaping plan has been provided. Landscaping will be further modified and upgraded through site plan approval. 9.10 If the rezoning is approved, Eastman Holdings Ltd. will be required to enter into a site plan agreement with the Municipality of Clarington prior to any building permit being issued. REPORT NO.: PSD-036-06 PAGE 7 10.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 10.1 Based on the comments in this report, it is respectfully recommended that the rezoning application be referred back to staff for further review and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Thyagarajah Sivakumar Joseph Miller R Attachment 1 eport PSD-036-06 To ~ en C) c :s '0 ::I: en ~ CI) CI) - U) c a:s" E,S -.- ~E w::J i.: CI) c ~ o - c CI) CWO) E 0" o c o CI) I E ~< ~ ~ <(-I m~ N C) .5 c o N - ~ c o CI) o E 0" I C U) CI) o E 0< N C <(~ c..D. U) CI) - en Q. CIS :E c o ; CIS u .3 ~ G) Q. e 11. II --- -;V~ -;1C;\ 00>1