HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/1953
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Council Room !''Jovember 2nd 1953
into committee of thr vI/hola on second reading the !I':ayor ir: the ch~ir_ an committee
ris:i.rp' the ~:ayor reported the sBcond reading. By-Law was then n la~,d on the table.
The building by-law was given th3 third re<=-.ding, passed 'I!ith vr.:Jcott dissenting, 8.l.d
orfferBd t 0 be signed and sealed.
On Koti8r Cou~cil ad.ourved.
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Council Room, November 19th, 1953
Speoial meeting of Council was hold on above date, members all present excepting Rv
Little and Dp Rv Robson, the Mayor presiding and stated that ho had called the
meeting for the purpose of passing a resolution requesting the Counties Council to
give their assent for the issuing of debentures for the oon.truction of High Schools
in Port Hope and Bowmanville.
Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Scott that the
give their assent to the issuing of debentures in
building of a new High Sohool in Port Hope and in
eddition to the High School in BOWIIBnville.
Counties Council be requested to
the amount of . 610,000.00 for the
the amount of . 430,000.00 for an
" Carried"
On Motion Council adjourned.
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Council Room, December 8th, 1953
.ttegular meeting of Caunoil was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr
Osborne, the Mayor pr.s~d!ig~ minutes of last regular and special meetings were read
and on motion confirmed.
From Business and Professional Wamens Club of Bowmanvil1e requesting permission to
obtain estimates for furniShing drapes for the stage in the auditorium of the Town Hall
Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be acknowledged giving
permission to obtain es~imates for drapes. " Carried "
From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of pa.ients being admitted to Bowmanville
Memorial Hospital. " Rec & Filed"
1'ran Bowmanville Planning snd Development Board enclosing dreft By-Law to provide for
the payment of fees for the inspection of plumbing and sewers.
~oved by DpRv Robson seoonded by Cr Scott that the by-law be laid on the table until
representative from the health unit explsins the operation of the proposed By-Law
to council. tt Carried tt
From Northumberland-Durham Tuberoulosis A$so, Cobourg asking Council for a grant.
n Rec &. Filed n
for B:-:license to operate a canteen truck
From llr Roy Conners, Southway Drive applying
service in t he Town.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that
does not solicit business on the streets.
From Dr.W.R. Birks. Wellington St reque sting the removal of dead
front of his property.
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington that the request be
Public Property Connnittee with power to ac t.
Fran Department of Labour, Annuities Branch, Ottawa in reference
employees terminating service.
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington that the matter
finance committee to report back.
From Mr L.S. Mannell. Oakville stating thet he would be able
survey of the Town in the neail' future.
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be 1&1 d on the table. "Carried
From Chartrans submitting prices for new uniforms for the police force.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that the POlice Committee be authorized to
purchase new uniforms for the police force. " Carried "
From Canadian Trailer Coach ASBO, Toronto enclosing brief presented to the
\::cial Gove:ment.~~__~______ ' Rec & F1le~~)
a license be granted prOViding that he
" Carried It
limbs from trees in
referred to the
" Carried"
to refunds upon
be referred to the
" Carried "
to make the traffic
"::;~,1 F.' ....... Council Room, December 8th, 1953
j!7 ~~~; . ,From City of Fort Arthur enclosing copy of resolution in regard to the construction
"," ... of all Canadian pipe line for natural gas from Alberta.
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Hetherington that the resolution be endorsed as
outlined in the letter. " Carried"
From Mr R.A.R.Sleep and others petitioning for the construction of a cement sidswalk
on the west side of High Street from Second to Third St.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the petition be referred to the next year's
Council. " Carried "
Or Scott presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting: sundry accounts
amounting to $ 6860.J~1and local improvement aooounts amounting to . l492.0J>~ertified
as being correot and reconmendlng payment. n Reo & Ad'opted "
Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Rv Little that a charge be made for breaking up the
surface of surfaced roads far water and sewer installations and that the Clerk be
instructed to prepare a by-law accordingly_ " Carried"
Moved by Cr Soott saconded by Cr Hetherington that the Clerk be instructed to oontact
Mr W.L. Lyoett in ragard to water draining from Orohardfiew Blvd onto his land and to
remedy the situation if possible. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Cole seoonded by Rv Little that the Fire brigade be granted $ 117.50 being
50 % of money rec80ved for outside fires. " Carried"
Moved by Cr DeGeer seoonded by Rv Little that the Public Property Committee reoommend
to the Publio Property Committee of the inoom\ ng Counoil that they continue the
renovation of the Town Hall and try and organ1ze a more amiable working oondition
where problems of sewers and public property conflict. " Carried "
Moved by Dp Rv Robson seoonded by Cr Cole that the Bowmanville Planning Board be
! granted $ 500.00 which has been included in the 1953 budget. .. Carried"
Moved by Dp Rv Robson seoonded by Rv Little that saturday December 26th, Boxing Day
be deolared a Public Holiday snd that the Mayor issue his proolamation aooordingly.
" Carri ed "
Moved by Dp Rv Robson seconded by Cr Soott that the Clerk be authorized to purohase
turkeys for Town employees for Christmas. " Carried "
Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Dp Rv Robson that taxes amounting to $ 1149.66 be
written off, being adjustments and write offs on the 1953 tax roll. " Csrried "
'-. . erk.
On Motion Counoil adjourned.
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