HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/1953 (Special) 5'~~;:::",~!(( ~ "". ,V()~~ P..,n Council Room November 2nd 1953 into corrmittee of thr whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. On committee ris:t!"p' the Kovar rerorted the seconn reading. By-Law was then laid on the table. The" builrling by-law 'Nes given th3 third reRding, passed with Cr Scott dissenting, ard 0r~p.red t 0 be signed a~d sealed. On Woti~n Council ad~ourned. tlfrf' / . "'-(. (le/. ~ .ti r,Tayor. .- Council Room, November 19th, 1953 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Rv Little and Dp Rv Robson, tbe lI.ayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a resolution requesting the Counties Council to give their assent for tho issuing of debentures for the con&truction of High Schools in ~ort Hope and Bowmanville. Moved by Cr Osborne eeconded by Cr Scott that the Counties Council be requested to give their assent to the issuing of debentures in the amount of $ 610,000.00 for the building of a new High School in Port Hope and in the amount of $ 430,000.00 for en addition to the High School in Bowmenville. " Carried" On Motion Council adjourned. - 7 /} /c ~tc ;/'';t. I b ._~~ .... ark. Meyor. Council Room, December 8th, 1953 ltegular meeting 01' Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr Osborne, the Mayor pres~dfig~ minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS From Buslnese and Professional Women. Club of Bowmanville requesting permiesion to I obtain estimates for furniShing drapes for the stage in the auditorium of the Town HalL Mo~ed by Cr DoGeer seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be acknowledged glving permission to obtain es~imates for drapes. " Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg edvieing of petients being admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hoepital. " Rec & Filed" ,'rom Bowmanville Planning and Development Board enclosing draft By-Law to provide for the peyment of feee for the inspection of plumbing and eewere. Moved by DpRv Robson eeconded by Cr Scott that tbe by-law be laid on the table until representative from the health unit explaine the operation of the proposed By-Law to council. ft Carried n From Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis Asso, Cobourg asking Council for a grant. n Rec & Filed n forr arlicense to operate a oanteen truck From Mr Roy Conners, Southway Drive applying service in t he Town. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott tbet does not solicit business on the streets. From DrW.H. Birks, Wellington St requesting the removal of dead front of hie property. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington that the request be Public Property Committee with power to act. From Deplrtment of labour, Annuities Branch, Ottawa in referenoe employees terminating service. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington that the matter finance committee to report back. From V,r L.S. Mannell, Oekville stating thet he would be able survey of the Town in the neaD future. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole thet the letter be lei d on the table. "Carried ~ From Chartrans submitting prices for new uniforms for the police force. I Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that the Police Committee be authorized to l:ur;:Chase new uniforms for the pOlice force. " Carried" j From Canadian Trailer Coach Asso I Toronto encloaing brief presented to the Provincial Government. " Rec & Filed " - ~--- - --~ ------------------ -----. ---~-~------------- a license be granted providing that he " Carried " limbs from trees in referred to the " Carried" to refunds upon be referred to the " Car ried " to make the traffic