HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1953 ":2~<! ~;'Em ~o ~ <12," ~ ISC.,{ 7LoIS(,,~ Counoil Room, Ootober 5th. 1953 Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Soott that the Polioe Committee be instruoted to have n Sohool Area n signs painted on the roads at Ontario St School, Central Public School and High Sohool. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Cole that the Polioe Committea be authorized to . purchase an overcoat for Chief Venton. " Carried" I Moved by Cr Scott seoonded by Rv Little that the Polioe Committee and Mr A.M. Thompson Prinoipal of the Fublio Sohool, be instruoted to investigate in regard tothe need of traffic guard for school children at King and Brown Streets, and Jane and Liberty Sts I' and give Council their recommendation as to which place the guard is needed most. h Carried n BY-LAWS I'RV Little asked ]>9rmission to introduoe the following By-L ws;- To authorize the obtaining of temporary advances to meet t~e cost ot certain works. 'L'O provide for tm holding of Munioi]>91 Eleotions. I Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into OOMmlttee of the whole on second readlng~ the Mayer in the chair. On committee riSing the Mayor reported the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then reed ; a third time. passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. 1 Moved by Rv Little seoonded by Cr Cole that Cr Soott be instruoted to enquire as to the cost of installing a telephone in the Police Car and report back to Council. ' " Carried" j On Motion Counoil ad ,journed. I ~ ~ I Regular meeting Minutes of last I I 1 I I From :Mr Bernar d Canadian 011 Co nnd King Sts. From C.P. Dolan and 175 other residents of tm Town petitioning Counoil tOlrefuee the applioation of the Canadian Oil Co Ltd to operate a ram supply depot on their premise at t he corner of Xing and T,iberty Streets. Mr B.R. Kitney addressed Counoil protesting against the installing of any bulk filling station on the prorerty of the Canadian Oil Co Ltd Movea by Cr DeGeer seconded by Rv Little that the Fublic pro:rerty Committee, Dp Rv Robs end Or Soott meet with reprasentative. of the Carn!dian Oil Co Ltd at 2.00 P.M. November Jrd, at the Nhlte Rose Station to discuss the matter. " Carried" !{r R ',Vatt and Mr ,T.C. Samis or the Msrnorial .....:rAl'1E'. Management Committee addressed Counci submitting finanoial rerort from Apr 1st 1952eto $~Pb,30th, 1953 Moved by Dp Rv Robson seconded by Cr DeGeer that a vote of thanks on behalf of the citizens, be extended to the Arena Manaf:;ement Committee for their services during the rest season. "farried "' Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr DeGeer that in support of the Kinsmen Club project that 80 % of the net profits of the Arena operation be ,pp1ied against the debentures for a period of five YBars or less and that no allO'ivance be made for depreciation and that 20% of the profits or a minimum of $ 500.00 be ratianed a s working oapita 1. " Carried " Mr E.F. Marston, District Highway Engibeer addressed Council in reference to replacement of west Base Line Bridge. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that the Roads and Streets Committee be authorized to replace tlE bridge on the west Base I,ine and Mr Wm M JuHlin be awarded theoontraot for the installation of the bridge at a complete cost of $ 2950.00 t> Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the rubllc Property Committee be instructed to bri~g in a recommendation in regard to roots of trees blocking sewers. Moved and Emendment by Cr DeGeer seconded by Rc I,itt1e that the problem of roots from trees blocking S8"NerS be presented to the Public Utilities Commission by the MaYlpr.- for their recommnedations. " Amendment Carried lr From Public School Board requesting Council to take the neoessary steps to pass a By-La for the issue of debentures for $ 138,000.00 to build and equip a six room schaal on Church 3t. " Rec & Adopted" From Counties Clerk, Cobourgt advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. " Ree & Filed It of Council was held on above, regular meeting were read and COMMIDTlrCATIONS R Kitney, 5 LIberty St N objecting to permiSsion being granted to the Ltd to install tanks for a bulk filling "tat~on at the oorner of Libert ~k Mayor. Counoil Room November 2nd 1953 members all present the Mayor y.residing. on motion confirmed. -/'4-, ~ , "~~;,~~.~,!(L <,f'/!'L p- ~~.~ Council Room -NOVernbe---;--2~d-, 1953 ! Frott Specialty Parer Prr)ducts T~til. Tenpere.r:ce Jt reque,sting proper lie;hting on the street 'opposite their factory. ~:oved by Cr DeGeeI' seconded by Rv Little th<:'lt the Clerk be instrllcted to reply stating thf'~t a. new lig~ting survey of tne Try-1m is being made end their request will be looked ufter ir. due c curse. 'I Carried " From l,"rs Kathleen 3terhen apd others relue::lting the installution of street lights on Si:P1pson Ave. },.'oved by Cr ~eGeer seconded by Rv Little that the reque at be Utilities COT:lIlJJ.ssi::m to be lookf'd after as soon as possible. Frorr: 1::1' Ira rearceJ Concess!or St E, and I\'J1'5 l.~abel Thickson, KiI'lg;Jt --removal of trees in front of their res['ective properties. From krs Hugh KcDo~ald, 27 Brown 3t requesting to have limbs trimmed from a tree in front of her peoperty. IvToved by Cr Jcott seconded b;j.' Rv Little thut tte re'-jUHsts be referred to the Jut,lic lrorert~' Corm-;ittee ,yjth po'.ver to Clot. From r.~r R.::. EidderYJ T~lCi!1 ::;t requesting the remC"val of t.W0 trees in front of his prorert;y. ~/oved by Cr 3cott seconded by Cr DeGeer that r:;r Niddery be advised on his property and are his responsibility. From l/r L. 3 .~~annell, Oakvi lIe offerine t n make a tr.offi c au !"'ley of ' sum of $ 100.00 r..:oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that l</r L.S. ;Y:anr~ll be eng.:lr,:~d to freake a tr~ffic survey of the Tovm for tlle sum of $ 100.00 ann subrri~ to us a cO:r.lplete rerort upon COl3pl!3tion of the job. " Carried" FroM rubIie Uttlities Comm13s10n requesting::::ouncil to make a study of h~'drant locations on the r:ew water main fror.1 the lake. " Ree & FlIed" From Office of the Fire 1,'arahsll, Toronto advising of 8- training course for fire chiefs in Tormto on Kov 4th to 6th. " Rec & Filed" Frorr Office of the Fire ltarshEi,llI Toronto in reference to fire prevention week. ~ tI Ree &-. Filed IT From Canadian Federation 0f t~yors and Vunicipblitles, Uontreu, in reference to Hospita I &CCounts for 80verr.tTient non taxable employees. rI Ree &: FlIed" From l</r George !N James, Editor of the Ganadian .Jtatesman offering to turn over the editorial page of the 3tatssmnn to members of CQuncil 101' the is sUP ')f t~o'lember 19th. ~/OV€ d by Cr Osborne s scond ad by Cr DeGeer that hi s offer be not accepted. "Carried" R,:P01TS Cr Osborne rresented a report from the f1nRnce committee sub~itting sundry accoubts amountir.g to $ 13,528.54 certified es heln€: correct end recommending payment. II Rec & Adopted fl Moved by Cr Osnorns seconjed by Cr DeGeer that the cheque rec~ived from the Arena 1':unBp;ement Committee frofl1 profits for t.he past seas on 8.l'1ounting to :t'; 2,000.00 be &lotted es followsj- ~, 1,000.00 to be unpIled on salary of ~:"r Don ,Shay recreational dL'ector, and ~. 1,000.00 be epr-lied tONul'ds artificial ice debentures payment on account of the Kinsmen Club. II Carried, koved bv Gr Scott seconded bv Rv Little that the Cler~ be authori~ed to proceed ~ith i the construction of' a curb a;oUrid a portion of the centre of the r09.d on .:-Jouth-Nay drlve i 11 Carried fl !J.lOV8<1 by Cr Scott seconded b~' Cr Osboj"'~ that the road f1r.d streets c0mrnittee hoJ~d a meetine; in regerd to charges for rar-airing roads af'ter the installatior. of sewer, c1 (~rk to take notes and that t he corrn~1i t teA brine in a full recorr.rr.enda ti,on to Coune il. n Carried fl t:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Osborne that the Public qtilitles Con:.mlssion be instructen to Install ('Ine hyclrElnt on the new NatermElin et corner of First Ave and : Smart :3t rI Carried II !1.~ov8d by Rv Little seconded h~r Cr :lcotl that the school crossing guard be instructed to [move from King E:..nd Brown 3treets to Libertyand Jar.e Jtrests. " Carried If 1:ovea by Cr Der.eer seconded b~' Cr Osborne that the Public Utilities COmMission be I instructed to install three atree liehts at the rerking aree south of th3 ,Arena. I 11 Carried " Cr DeGeer reported for the special co:mnittee .'ind moved sec'Jnded by ;)p Rv Robson th"it I ! the committee rec0mmend that the hiring of a building inspector be referred to next ,years Council. ., Carried" . ~~ I .,. / I Hv Little asked permission to introjuce a Bv-T...uw for the borrowing of the sum of 'Lo P~j Iv. t 138,000.00 upon debentures to def"uy the c~st of the building ond eQUiPin.g a 8.i X.._J --.. room }uclic .Jchool on Church :.it. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 WQS Suspended end Councll ~ent ~--- ._-~._----_._------_. .---.-.-..-..- referred to the Public II Garried rI E requesting the " C"irri eo II that the trees are " Carri ed " the Tawn for the ~.~~~:::;"'~~{([ l'/iC'. \C'~~ V.~... , Council Room November ir:to committee of thl' 'Nhole on second reading the 'filayor ir. the ch9.ir. 1'i8i1"'" the ~:&~'or rerorted the sAcond reading. By-Law 'iiaS then la~,d on Thp. building by-law was given th3 third ree.ding, passed '/dth Cr .:Jcott or~ered t 0 be slgned 9nd sealed. 2nd 1953 On committee the table. ,Ussenting, ald On t:oticn Courcil ad~ourned. tlffk le;;;. Mayor. Council Room, November 19th, 1953 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members aU present excepting Rv Little and Dp Rv Robson, tlJa I/.ayor presiding and steted thet he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a resolution requesting the Counties Council to give their assent for tlJa issuing of debentures for the construction of High Schools in Port Hope an d Bowmenville. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Scott that the Counties Council be requested to give their assent to the issuing of debentures in the amount of . 610,000.00 for the building of a new High School in Port Hope and in the amount of . 430,000.00 for an addition to the High School in Bown:enville. . Carried. On Motion Council adjourned. ~k- G erk. r';t I /a w2:'~ Mayor. Council Room, December 8th, 1953 .ltegular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Or Osborne, the Mayor presidtig~ minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and on motion confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS From Buslness and Professional Wamens Club or Bowmanvllle requesting permiSSion to obtain estimates for furnishing drapes for the stage in the auditorium of the Town Hall Mo~ed by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be acknowledged giving permission to obtain es~imates for drapes. " Carried " From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising Of pa.ients being admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. . Rec & Filed" ,'rom BowmanviUe Planning and Development Board enClosing draft By-Law to provide for the payment of fees for the inspection of plumbing and sewers. Moved by DpRv Robson seconded by Or Scott that the by-law be laid on the table until , representative from t he health unit explains the operation of the propoaed By-Law to council. " Carried" From Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis Asso, Cobourg asking Council for a grant. " Rec &. Filed " for a~'license to operate a canteen truck From Mr Roy Conners, Southway Drive applying service in t he Town. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that does not solicit business on the streets. From Dr,W.H. Birks, Wellington St requesting the removal of dead front of his property. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Or Hetherington that the request be Public Property Committee with power to act. From DeJ:Elrtment ot Labour, Annuities Branch, Ottawa in reference employees terminating service. Moved by Or Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington that the matter finance committee to report back. From Mr L.S. Mennell, Oakville stating that he would be able survey of the Town in the nea:b future. r Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that the letter be laid on the table. "Cerried From Chartrans submitting prices for new uniforms for the police force. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Or Scott that the POlice Committee be authorized to purchase new uniforms for the police force. " Carried " I From Canadian Trailer Coach ASBO, Toronto enol aaing brief presented. ta the Cincial Government. ____~_R~~File~ a license be granted prOViding that he " Carried " limbs from trees in referred to the " Car ried " to refund a upon be referred to the " Carried " to make the traffic