HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1953 lZo f BY-LAWS Cr OSbD2l'1l8 asksd permission to introduce the following by-laws;- To license, regulate and govern eleotrioal oontraotors and eleotricians; To authorize the oonstnuotion of certain works as Local Improvements. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading wita all blanks f~lled in. By-Law wes then read ~':~~O:::O:~::j::::"ri '000 d_' 'iil?'~ d-z d 7'-.~. _::?::::--: C1 k. Mayor. Council Room, October 5th, 1953 Megular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting era DeGeer and Kilmer, the Meyor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting was read and on motion confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS From Counties Clerk,~lCobourg advising of :patients being admitted to Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Nestern Hospital and Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. " Ree & Filed " From Mr S Venton requesting on behalf or the BoySoouts to hold a Tag Day on October lOt Moved by Or Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that permission be granted. ". Carried ". From Dr HBrold Ferguson, Queen St, complaining of cara parking on the boulevard in front of his property and also enqUiring if the trees in front of his property are on his property. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Soott that the matter of perking on the boulevard be referred to the Police Committee with power to aot and the mattar of the trees be referred to the Public Property Committee to report baok. " Carried" From Bowmanville Kinsmen Club enquiring as to the amount of money they will receive fr0m t,~e net profits of the Memorial Arena for the past season. MoVed by Cr Osborbe seconded by Rv Little thet the lIB tter be referred to the Finance Committee and that the Clerk be instruoted to reply stating that the information would be s ant to t hem as soon as possi ble . ". Carried H From Bowmanville nanning and DevelopllBnt Board stating that they intend to include schedule of fees for plumbing and Sewer inspection in their proposed by-law. n Rec & Filed ". From Bowmanville Publio Utilities Commission in regard to the method of handling repair to roads and sidewalks resulting from Sewer and water installations. Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Hetherington that the Publio Utilities Commission be advised that the Roads and Steeets Committee will meet with than at their convenience as sollln as possible to discuss the mtter. tt Carried H From Durham County District High Sohool Board requesting permission from Council to proceed with the bUilding of a new High School at Port Hope and an eddit ion to the Bowmanville High School. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr COle that the 'Clerk be instructed to confirm the permission granted preViously. ". Carried ". REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report. from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accounts amounting tot 7 ,498 .5~. oertiried as he ing oorrect and recommending payment. {'" .,. Rec & Adopted tt , Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Rv Little thet the Roads and Streets Committee bring in r a recommendation in regard to the breaking up of sidewalks by heavy trucks. "Carried Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Hetherin~ton that the Roads and Streets Conunittee be authorized to purchase tile at a cost of fi 174.00 " Carried" l Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that the ROOds and Streets Committee be i authorized to have the Nest Base Line Bridge replaced at a cost not exceeding $ 3,000.0 i and that signs be placed on the bridge stating that the present bridge is unsafe and I that anyone using it does so at their own risk. " Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Hetheringtonrthat the Roads and streets Committee be authorized to purchase a sander at an approximate cost of t 800.00 n Carried ". Moved by Cr Cole seoonded by Cr Oeborne that Mr William T Slaght be appointed as a member of the Fire Brigade as from October 1st, 1953. " Carried" Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Rv Little that the Fire Committee be authorized to purchase a Fog Nozzle at an approximate cost of $: 72.00 " Carried" Council Room, September 8th, 1953 - --..__.__....__..._--~--_.-._.~_.'-.._~-- !to Ii',$' ?Lo IS{.,(" .~~ 1 Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott thet th;O~~~i~eRg~::'i~~;~b:, f:tr~~f~d to heve ~(l, _112'- I' " School Area. signs painted on the roads at Ontari 0 St School, Central Public School and High School. . Carried. ,Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the Folice Committee be authorized to I purchase an overcoat far Chief Venton. " Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that the Folice Committee and Mr A.M. Thompson I Principal of the Public School, be instructed to investigate in regard tothe need of traffic guard for school children at King and Brown Streets, and Jane Bnd Liberty Sts I' and give Council their recommendation as to which place the guard is needed most. " Carried tt BY-LA'NS I Rv Little asked permission to introduce the fOllowing By-L ws;- To authorize the obtaining of temporary advances to meet t~e cost of oertain works. ' '1'0 provide for ths hOlding of Municipel Elections. I Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into commlttee of the whole on second reading, the Mayer in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanke filled in. By-Lews were then read a third time, paSsed and ordered to be signed and seaJ.ed. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole thet Cr Scott be instructed to enquire as to the cost of installing a telephone In the Police Car and report back: to Council. ,. Carri ad ,. ~' On Motion Council ad ,iourned. Regular meeting Minutes of last of Counci 1 was held on above, regular meeting were read and COMMUNI'CATIONS R Kitney, 5 I,lberty St N objecting to permission being granted to the Ltd to install tanks for a bulk fil11ng "tat~on at the corner of Libert ~i1 7&,:::~ Council Room November 2nd 1953 members all PI"esent the Mayor preSiding. on motion confirmed. From Mr Bernard Canadian Oil Co Qnd King St s. From C .P. Dolan and 175 other residents of ths Town petitioning COuncil ton-efuae the application of the Canadian Oil Co Ltd to operate a Farm supply depot on their premise at t he Corner of King and r~iberty Streets. Mr B.R. Kitney addressed Council protesting against the installing of any bulk filling station Oil the prorerty of the Canadian. 011 Co Ltd Movea by Cr DeGeer seconded by Rv Little thet the }ubl1c Property Committee, Dp Rv Robs and er Scott meet with representatives of the Carnldi9Il 011 Co Ltd at 2.00 P.M. November Jrd. at the Nhlte ROfle Station to discuss the matter. " Carried" Kr R Watt and Mr ,T.C. 3amis of the Memorial ,:ro"e Management Committee addressed Counci submitting financial report from Apr 1st 1'152,to Sept,30th, 1953 Moved by Dp Rv Robson seconded by Cr DeGeer that a vote of thanks on behalf of the citizens, be extended to the J~ena Management Committee for their services during the ftl. st season. "!larr ied " Moved by C,. Osborne seconded by Cr DeGeer that in sur port of the Kinsmen Club project that 80 % of the net profite of the Arena operetion be "pp11ed against the debentures for a period of five years or less and that no allowance b. made for depreciation and that 20% of the prOfits or a minimum of $ 500.00 be ratianed a s working capita 1. " Carried " Mr E.F. Marston, District Highway Engiheer addressed Council in reference to replacemen t of west Base Line Bridge. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Scott that the Roads and ,streets COr.1lllittee be authorized to replace tm bridge on the west Base Line and Mr Wm M A411in be awarded thecontract for the installation of the bridge at a complete cost of $ 2950.00 ,. Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the 1-'ub1ic Property Committee be instructed to bri~g in a recommendation in regard to roots of treee blocking sewers. Moved and Emendment by Cr DeGeer seconded by Rc Lilt Ie that the problem of roots from treee blOCking sewers be presented to the Public Utilities Commission by the May~r. for their reCOtmnnedatlons. " Amendment Carried fI J From Public School Board requesting Council to te,ke the neceesary eteps to pass a By-Ln for theIssue of debentures for $ 138,000.00 to build and eqUip a six room school on! Ohurch ~t. " Rec & Adopted" i From Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville ' Memorial Hospital. , " Rec & Filed " :