HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/1953 '~~~~~~&<;OM ,vO" <:~ ./ ...... ~(, , .:L~O On Motion Council adjourned. Council Room, August /~&:tC Cc k. 21st, 1953 ~~.~. Mayor . Council Room, September 8th, 1953 Megular meeting of Council was held on above date. members all present excepting Rv Little, Crs Hetherington and Scott, the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular and special De etings were read and on motion a onfirmed. COMMUNICATIONS llrom Mrs C .E. Devitt and 56 other residants in tha vicinity of petitioning Council for tha installation of a caution light at Liberty streets or to station a policeman there during certain going or comln~ from school. Moved by Dp Rv Robson seconded by Cr Kilmer that the petition be referred to the POlioe Committee to report back. . Carried. IIrom Mr Howard Davey making ap plication to beoome a member of the lIire Brigade. Moved by Cr Osborne seoonded by Cr Cole that the application be referred to the lIire Committee to report baok. . Carried. IIrom Bell 'l'elephone Co advising of the change in telephone numbers for the Town. . Rec &0 lIilsd . E requesting the installation of a street light Jane and Liberty Street the corner aI Jane and hours when children are r- From Mr Roy S Hooper, 33 Concession St in front of his residence. Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Cole that the request Property Committee to report back. IIrom Countiea Clerk, Cobourg, advising of the Hospital. IIrom Mr E.F. Mareton, Oistrict Engineer, Oept forms for interim road SUbsidy. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Dp Rv Robson the interim subsidy on road expenditures for From Mrs Stella Crossey, 35 Carlisle Ave, Mr Brooking 63 Church St requesting the removal properties. Moved by Or DeGeer a econded by Or Kilmer that the requests Froperty Committee with power to ao t. From the Office of the Fire Marshall, Taronto in reference Oct 4th to 10th. From Department of be referred to the Public " Carried " admittance of a patient to Bowmanville . Ilec &0 lIiled . of Highways, Port Hope, enclosing that the Clerk ba instructed to apply for 1953. . Carried. Elton Brock, 102 Q.ueen St and Mrs Nornan of trees in front of their respective REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting suniry accounts amounting to * 20,926.76o!and Local Improvament accoun.ts amounting to * 29,0)4.~ oertified as being oorveot and reoo1JDl'lendlng payment. It Ree & Adopted Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeer that the lIira Brigade be granted' 50.00, being 50 % of the amount received for outside fire. . Carried. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeer that the Fire Committee be authorized to purchase 100 feet of 21. inch fire hoae with one set of couplings. . Carried. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Dp Rv Robson that as a general pOlicy that the Fire Brigade be instructed not to attend any fira in trucks or cars outside the Town limits. It Carried It Moved by Cr DeGaer aeconded by Cr Osborne that the Public Property Committee be authorized to construot a fence between the property of Mrs Annie Bounsall and the lIire Hall property formerly occupied by an old shad. . Carried. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that * 1,500.00 of cemetery funds be invested in Province of Ontario bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4i :' at a price of 99t and aoorued interest. It Carried It Moved by Cr Cole seoonded by Cr DeGeer that the Clerk be instructed to obtain " information from the "'own solicitor in regard to billboards and aignenon private ' property. It Carried It I Moved by Cr Cole saconded by Cr Kilmer that permission be granted to tha Womens Professional and Business Club to hold a Tag Day on October 24th in aid of the United ( tions. Save the Children l'und. BY-LA'I(S . Carried . be referred to the fubllc " Carried It to Fire Prevention Weet, . Rec &0 lIiled . Labour, Ottawa enolosing group annuity oontraot on Town employees. It Reo &. .Filed " lZo '~"::'~'M , e ,vC' <:~ .I .~.~. / fc."3" / (. ----..-.---.----- .--.--..-..,.-------. -- --._~---_._-_."---- ~-- ---- -----,._- ------.,-- BY-LAWS Cr OsbD'll'Be asked permission to introduce the fOllowing by-laws;_ To license, regulate and govern eleotrical oontraotors and eleotricians; To authorize the oonstnuctlon otcertain works as Local Improvements. Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Counoil went into oommittee of the whole on seoond reading the Mayor in the ohair. On oommittee rising the )myor reported the seoond reading wit! all blanks f~lled in. By-Law was then read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. ~/ .',{~ / ' C1 k. Council Room, September Sth, 1953 r On Motion Council adjourned. ;/'&d__~ Mayor. r Counoil Room, Ootober 5th, 1953 !1:egular meeting of' Council was held on above date, members all present excepting era DeGeer and Kilmer, the Mayor presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting was read and on motion confirmed. COMMUNICATIONS From Countles Clerk,vCobourg advising of patients being admitted to Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Nestern Hospital and Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. " Rec & Filed " From Mr S Venton requesting on behalf of the BoySoouts to hold a Tag Day on October lOt Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that permission be granted. " Carried" From Dr Harold Ferguson, Queen St, oomplaining of oars parking on the boulevard in front of his property and also enquiring if the trees in t"ront of his property are on his property. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Soott thet the matter of parking on the boulevard be referred to the POlioe COllllllittee with power to act and the matter of the trees be referred to the Publio Property Committee to report 1:aok. " Carried" From Bowmanville Kinsmen Club enf1uiring as to the amount of money they will receive from t,1e net profits of the Memorial Arena for the past season. MoVed by Cr Osborbe seoonded by Rv Little thet the me tter be referred to the Finaroe Committee end that the Clerk be instructed to reply stating that the information would be sent to them as soon as possi bIe. " Carried " From Bowmanville r.lanning and 'Developnent Board stating that they intend to include schedule at fees for plumbing and sewer inspection in their proposed by-law. n Rec & Filed " From Bowmenville Fublio Utilities Commission in regard to the method of handling repair to roads and sidewalks resulting from sewer and water installations. Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Hether ington thet the Public Utilit ies Commission be advised that the Roeds and St..eets Committee will meet with them at their oonvenienoe as sollln as possible to discuss the matter. " Carried" From Durhem County Dietriot High Sohool Board requesting permission from Counoil to prooeed with the building of a new High Sohool at Port Hope and an eddit ion to the Bowmanville High Sohool. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that the 'clerk be instructed to confirm the permission granted previously. " Carried" REPORTS Cr Osborne presented a report~,from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accounts amounting tot 7.498.571'.". certified as b:ling correct and recommending payment. f " Rec & Adopted " Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that the Hoeds and Streets Committee bring in a recommendation in regard to the breaking up of sidewalks by heavy trucks. "Carried Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr lIetherinjiton that the Roeds and Streets Committee be authorized to purchase tile at a cost of fi 174.00 " Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that the Roads and Streets Co:r:nmlttee be authorized to have the Nest Base Line Bridge replaced at a cost not exoeeding $ J,OOO.Op and thet signs be plaoed on the bridge stating that the present bridge is unsafe and I that anyone using it does so at their own risk. tt Carried tt I Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Cr Hetherington, that the Roads and streets Committee be authorized to purchase a sander at an approximate cost of $ 800.00 " Carried" Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Oeborne that Mr William T Sleght be appointed es a J member of the Fire Brigade as from Ootober 1st, 1953. " Carried" Moved by Cr Cole seoonded by Rv Little that the Fire Committee be authorized to purchase a Fog Nozzle at an approximate cost of $ 72.00 " Carried"