HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/1953 (Special)
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Council Room, August 4th, 1953
lioved by Or Scott seconded by Or Hetlterington that his Wal'lo being satisfactory to
Council that I,r Stanley Green be CIPointed as plrmament works foreman snd tbat he be
notified accordingly. " Carried >>
~:oved by Cr Scott. seconded 01' Cr Osborne that the Clerk be instructed to write the
Department of Highways, 'roronto, for pll'rr.ission to pass a supplementary By-I,aw
authorizing the expenditure of an oddit ional ;~ 4,000.00 to complete the paving of
Duke st. " CW' ri ed >>
~,oved bv Cr Scott seco",de" bv Cr Eetherin;,',ton that in case the plrmiSsion for passing
a By-La;. is not granted for En additional'inch on Duke St that the Storms Contracting
Co be requested to put a sealer coat on LLibel'ty st, Duke St and 300 feet of the
north east corner of Concassion Street, at no additional cost to tr"e Town. "CbTried"
J"oved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Osborne that the vacations for Town emrloyees be
granted a s follows;- All 'Jepartrnent headS 2 weeks annually, all at her employeeS one
week annuallY, utter five years continuous service two weeks annuallY and that one week
extra holideys be ~ranted to the police force who ere required to work on 3tatllary
holidays. .. Carried"
l'oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr DeGeer that the contract ~or ti'e construct; on of
sidewalks be advertlsien in !Jo',,,,'ar.ville and Oshawa ra~ers, the eontTact to give the
percenta~e mix, t.ne date the 'Nark to be c~mpleted, price pel' square foot, sidewalkS
M be a Flinirourn of 4 lineal inches in depth and supplying the information to the
contrlictor that a minimum of snroximately 2500 lineal feet would be constructed.
All tenders to be delivered to the Clerk's office by August 19th, 1953 .. Carried"
li.oved by Cr Cole seconded by Jp Rv Robson that the f;rerr,ens pay be increased by
,~ 20.00 plr annum as froro July 1st, 1953 .. Garried ..
koved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Scott that 10 .. Stop Street" signs be purchased.
t! Carried tI
Koved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that the Clerk be instructed to write to
several traffic experts asking thero to submit a fee to make a survey of the Tm,n.
11 Carried II
Ii.oved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr lletherin[;ton that S. Blain nliott be plid ;~ 1,000.0,
on account of heating contract and that the balance of ,~ 1065.00 be paid upon
completion of the contract. " Carried"
!.'.oved by Cr DeGeer seconoed by Jp Rv RobSon that the Town Council sponsor tlte
Canadiar, I"egion Hpe Band for one day at the Internati,)nal Ploughir"g I,:atch at Cobourg.
" Carried "
Cpuncil Room, AUgust 21at, 1953
Special meeting of COllncil was held on above date to hear any complaints against the
>8rtial closing of Smart st for the construction of a pumping station for the
waterworks. members all present excepting the 14ayor, Dp Rv Rolison, Crs Scott and
DeGeer, the Reeve preeiding.
There being no cODlplaints against the >8r101al closing of the road, Cr Osborne asked
penni.sion to introduce a By-Law to c lose part of Smart st for the purpose of
constructing a pumping station and settling baain thereon,
Granted and read t he first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and COllnoll want im
~~ittee of tha whole on second reading, the lIeeve in the chair. On co...ittae riSiIl/
a ~1I~e~v~ireported the second reading witll all blanks fillad in. By-Law was then rea'
r metp8.ssed and ordered to be signed and sealed
~~~:~~~ crb Kilmerd seconded by Cr Cole that the tandars'for the construction of
s 8 opne and disoussed. " .
The following tenders were received.; Carried
~~r~~~sKeatley. ~hawa, at a price of 56t >8r square foot.
I4r '/fm 14 Allin Bo=:;U~ a~ a price of 50t plr square toot.
Moved by Cr Osborne sec~nded by Cr COlee the: 10: p~iceko~50t per square foot.
14 Allin and I4r Roy Anger of Anger Bro die er instructed to contact I4r '/I
\' the oonstruotion of cement sidawallal ~r":. / iagreeable to them that the oont:re.ct fo;
and an extra approximate 950 feet to const~~t:~ o~ 25~0 linial feet. ~ feet in wid
side of Orchardview Blvd be awarded to th t un er ooa mprO'18lll8nt on the east
if ths contract is accepted by thel! tbat t:: gl':kP~;c:U~r 50 t per square foot, and
\ to proceed witll the work as aoon as possibl hili'ized to instruct them
\-.. e . . Carried >>
.tG t~(L_~
On l,:otion Cour:cil ad~ourned.
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'0 ":~.,, On Motion Council adjourned.
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Council Room, August 21st,
Uc k.
Council Room, September 8th, 1953
meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Rv
Crs Hetherington and Scott, the Mayor presiding. Minute. of last regular and
~ etings were read and on motion c onflrmed.
From Mrs C.E. Devitt and 56 other residents in the vicinity of
petitioning Council for the installation of a caution light at
Liberty streets or to station a policeman there during certain
going or comln~ from school.
Moved by Dp Rv Robson seocnded by Cr Kilmer that the petition be referred to the
1-olice COllllllittea to report back. " Carried"
From Mr Howard Davey making application to become a member of the Fire Brigade.
Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that the application be referred to the Fire
Committee to report back. " Carried"
From Bell 'l"elephone Co advising of the Change in telephone numbers for the Town.
" Reo & Filed tt
E requesting the installation of a street light
Jane and Liberty Street
the oorner cd Jane and
hours when children are
From Mr Roy S Hooper, 33 Concession St
in front of his residence.
Moved by Cr DaGeer seconded by Cr COle that the request
Property Committee to report back.
From Counties Clerk, CObourg, advising of the
From Idr E.F. Marston, District Engineer, Dept
forms for interim road subsidy.
Moved by Gr Osborne seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the Clerk be instructed to apply for
the interim subsidy on road expendituree for 1953. " Carried"
From Mrs Stella Crossey, 35 Carlisle Ave, Mr Elton Brock, 102 Queen St and Mrs NarmD
Brooking 63 Church St rcquesting the removal of trees in front of their reepective
Moved by Cr DaGeer
Property Committee
From the Orrice of
Oct 4th to lOth.
From Department of
be referred to the Public
" Carried tt
admittance of a patient to BowmanviUe
" lIec &0 Filed "
ot Highways, Port Hope, enclosing
Or Osborne presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting surdry accounts
amounting to . 20,926.760and Local Improvement accounte amounting to . 29,0)4.~
certified as being oorFSot and recommending payment. tt Rec &; Adopted
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeer that the Fire Brigade he granted' 50.00,
being 50 jl; of the amount received for outeide fire. " Carried"
Moved by Cr COle seconded by Cr DeGeer that the Fire Committee be authorized to
purchase 100 feet of 2~ inch fire hose with one set of couplinge. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Cole seMnded by Dp Rv Robson thet as a general policy that the Fire
Brigade be instructed llot to attend any fire in trucks or cars outside the Town limits.
tt Carried ..
Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Osborne thet the Public Property Committee be
authorized to oonstruct a fence between the property of Mrs Annie Bounsall and the
Fire Hall property formerly Occupied by an old shed. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole thet $ 1,500.00 of cemetery funde be invested
in Province of Ontario bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4i jl; at a price of 99t
and aocrued interest. " Carried "
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DaGeer that the Clerk be instructed t,) obtain .
information from the "I"OWn solicitor in regard to bUlboards and eignsLon private
property. " Car rled "
Moved by Cr COle eeconded by Cr Kilmer that permission be granted to the Womens
!-rofeesional and Business Club to hold a Tag Day on October 24th in aid of the United
Netions" Save the Children Fund " " Csrried "
the requests be referred to the I-uhlic
" Carried"
in reference to Fire Prevention Neat,
" Reo &0 Filed "
Labour, Ottawa enclosing group annuity oontract on Town employees.
. Rec &0 Filed "
seconded by Cr Kilmer thet
with power to sc t.
the Fire Mar sheU, Tor onto