HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1953 'R;7~~~~,~OI(1 I' tBi!".~ A:~~..P''';'M< ~ ~.:m Goune 11 Roo::r:, July 27th, 1'"153 1 3D80181 I':6et rc of GO',,~Gil 'oF,S heli 0" nb(nrt:'; rate, r1eJr:beI's all predent exc81'ting Rv L1. t tIe, Grs ole [ill:l Het:lerirFton, tt18 l:ayor PI' 8 S id int~ 8 n d st QL:.ed LrlUt :'18 had called the Eii."!(-:tinG or the pUl~pOS e of d eelding 'N!letr:er to give iJpproval for the closing of Pf.ll't of ,JrlElrt 3t nt V'S east S1(;8 beech fo!' the pu:rpose of constructing a pumping station for t':,e -;vuterw:.Jrks. I,:oved by 81' Ost.orr.':: secor>led by l)n Rv ltob~on that Council urpl'ove of l.he closing of ]-lQl't of' 3rr.nrt .3t for t':J8 buili:inv of' 0 pumping station &lid t'lU.t By-T,uv, bt'.:: prelured authorizing the Closing of 7lart of tlle steeet. 11 Cerried 11 roved by Cr Oscorne S8coDr;ed by Jp Rv j~obscn th,lt notic:e be insert~-;d in the Ccnudilcln ,jtatesm5..n for four ,',eeks of the proposed closing of rClrt of L.J'rcart 3t on the esst side beech. " Carried It Dp Rv Robson gave rot ice of lTlotiCT that he wou1,1 in.'3 traduce II By-L.'::i'iI to c lose fort 01' In:o..rt :;t 1'01' the ;:Ul'!',:)c,e OfC0r!'tl'Uct:irr?; d rur,riEg st3tion :::lnd settlin{~: biiSiIJ t;:iereon. On ;,:otiOD Gmnc11 ad 50urned. ~ Layor. tAr.!/" ~ Jauneil Room, ~i.Ugust Lth, 1?53 rt8f',uhJ.I' :reetirg of CrJurcd 1 '\'88 heL'! en '~bOV8 (lute, ~er'1l)\::;r:'i 01l "DrF,sent U)\'J t~,~VOl' Vr'9.siding. },inutes ')f l~.lst recUhll' hDrl c~,';~~clc,l r!e(-.t~LT1{-~:3 "dere re;d ~~nd on ration confj_l'r-er.. l,'JV811 ty 81' Hf:thedrF"tor secor(lad by :Jr JeGGer ,;lToL EO cme be 8.11Cl'Ved to breul<: up a surflice(J 1'01td 101' 098'/\'81' ')1' Nut~r C()nn8cti.on~1 but. L,11 cor,ncction'::l r.ust be tunnelled L.t sufficient dec-:th so tl'lEtt t.Le rN'd -'ill1 not settle. !t ~-::riITied 11 },oved by li1' jcott ~Jecor('e,~l 'by Gr 801e thClt lX~ n;-jt.t8r (1 -~e'Ner ur:d >,;e.ter G::'Innections be referred to tLe Jut-lic lJtiUtj':lS COT'njssi C1T1 foT' '/!efirlite r8coT'lrwn(lstions c,-n(1 :3:;:)8CiftcatioDO" for se'Ner em( ,,'let,::;1' connections 0.n::l iT pos~)i[Jle L ".,rjtten report 1'<:)1' nex't meet ir:e of C ound 1. II Cur rie(] II CCllTi'rC.l'>.TIOt;s Fror'l I-,r (;ordon l:cl,U.l't(-':1',73 Ort:'Tl_O ,:,it, tr ll'rl~d Do',',neYJ 5 r:;'OOI"c-;'e St ,~r.rl I .;.lvin :::lerners (;~'S.Lt L..'.r'_~, re:;w:sting t,ljFlt li[l1~;s or: tree8 be trirrrlod in 1'ro[";t of tl'H-01.r' reGT-'ective p'optlrti8.'-l-. 1.0verJ by Cr O,jbcrne 8eC0!1I;,~cJ by Dr Rv KobsDll t..b~~t l.ne C;;}llGsts be I'dfe.lT"d to the lublic Frr-,!-'i:'lrt:v CO'T,lttue ,;,'it}) p0Ner to :.iC',t. lrro:r: j'ubUc VCilit::'cl:, Cor.'''li<~si or ire ref2l'f,ree to dt1":oet lj",]]t::: ,~t tLe [j ;:','l'tX;l.ctes to the four lc..ne :lirhiJEY. },oved by ::;r l)e:::;'c~r ,3'_o;:cnrl'ie(~ by :]v LiLl~le Ll\'--,t LfJ,,,) l,:'t.~f~r b,Cl Ld.rl "-m future L~(:i.ior,. Fron)i::lII.,rtment of' ITi.{,;hiicys, 'rororto p.Y:closir.,-,; G..u~1it r'~J:c,]~I~ on l'0ud l;~ 5;~. 1,:o'Jed by Cr ':;ole :c:eCO!1(ien by Dp Rv Hobson t::lr,t Lt"c) p~"oct be l',,"f81'rr'F] ~nd ;,itroflts cor~:rr:J.ttee tel fC;DO!:'t be: "1<;:. Fron RO"'I'c:w.ril",-e Eospitbl sJvl31n: T'" It :::cu'rier) It Lr:e t,-~h it; for n :]"rried " 8xrenditures for p8.ti dnL reinc_ udc'_H t.,,,d to tr,(-; rcuds II G~',r;, j 8cJ !t H0C',;:;i tu L 'to ths II l::ec r: ~'tll::H:: 11 Fror DUl'l1U cOTLittee. From T"uncly GauLt;/ distd_cb Fir:";l Jl0LTU e~cJosir:'3 report of t,1:::; e(;UGJi~C1tion 11 ::\8C & l)'iled I' 3c1':001 Fe,nG8 80 J,t:i, TOl'ortn, LCkn0,ded,;ine; I't;C8irt of' 0[" rJl for l":TiC3. tt tI'3C g File.-l " FroT'!: D~'rt 0f' ITi ~\tJ5.::"', l'nL'~ntf) ir. ref2reJlC8 to direction Sif'L'3 or th~ neLI' hifr,h','/(;i'l. "' tl f(ec ?~F:il;d It [~TOI'l ':;e.riJ('{cr l'ech~r'Ltior' of }c::.yor,s :nF] ;,uricirGilith~:~, 1,:onti'e;11, in'Jjtlrg Lurh:ir&l v.lthcrities to v::.sit nEi'JEl srj"s. t1 F,e'~ (, Filed 11 Fr'):, ,IsIfers C-{~'i~_~8r~~ /dJ30 Ct,:;visiTlr:::)" 1..h'3 u=-,r:'J~;l C0rVi?rti.~ln to') Le h""l:i :ir1 1I8.'r::lton 'Jr] ;-~UC 2hV-l UP'(l 25tt: ".1'(1 rC~:]_lcstin~:: l"~l<,t t'epr"'l:,enti...Uvec; b,cO '.,nt,. :,8e E, :ft'~16d " }'ror: Cnt'.do ,~:::;30 of IlU1,,'~_d_rf: :"Sr'3C~~ors Ud'finiJ1g of I,>; ::;::r"l~l 0,)!1V(-~rt:;~n to be; t::l'l ir. ~"'tr':::lerel' Of: ler-t lCt-~ ,:,':")_ ll.t,h L:~':- 1',2 ,u; l/rc 1'.1,(;:. !'\:''::'r8s~;Il:_>-,-t:iV(,S be ;~Rnt. - t1 l{'3C & :i'i L~\J 11 lror-: Gdn(JI:_c_n Tr:.ii':'~:o-Y G:"18ch ~'l~'SO Lr:':vi",trw of the f'lC'l':iDC of u ;)nr-lil:':~/':-l .l.O',;CiS'rti; T1'&i1f;I' Hore Counci:!.. '1 Rec ,?, FjL~d !l l:i' ,;)'0::--{T3 Cr O~~bOlT;e pl':sant~d '"' repol't fr,')1'r, t'ile- _:?in8nce Cop":r:-,itte8 subrnittino::;sundI'j'Goccounti3 I &J1,our.tiI1L: to '.j; 4713.43.:.~bncJ T,OCCil.IlnprOVA'1:ent accounts urrountln{{ t,') ~ -?'5.50p':;f;';;:tifidU \ 8.cJ beinG caL"rect end teccITl1,Gnding ?-iyre;ent. t, 1-<'8tj (, ,\dort6d II ~--_.._--_..._. / ./- ~ ''c~S'::'O" )f .. _n "."" \ \ \ \ I \ I \ I Counoil Room, August 4th, 1953 !loved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Hetherington that his worlll being satisfactory to Council that 1,'1' Stanley Green be qpointed as p3rmament '#orks foreman and ttat he be notified accordini':ly. " carried" Jioved by Cr Scott.- seconded by Cr Osborne that tt,e Clerk be instructed to write the Deprtment of Highway s, Toronto, for p3Trr. issi on to yess a suprlementury By-I,aw authorizing the expenditure 0' an andit ional $ 4,000.00 to complete the paving of Duke at. " Carried " koved by Cr Scott secondea. by Cr l!etherincton that in case the permission for passing a By-LuW is not granted for "n aoditional inch on Duke St that the Storms contracting Co be requested to rut a sealer coat on LLiberty c,lt, Duke at and 300 feet of the north east cornCI' of Concession Jtreet, at no additiODP<l cost to the Town. "carried" ~.oved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Or Osborne tMt the vacations for Town emrloyees be granted as follows;- All Derartrent heads 2 weekS annually, all other employeeS one week annually, after five years continuous service two 'Neeks annually and that one week extra holidays be granted to the police force who are required to work on 3tatuary holidays. n Carried" l"oved by Gr Scott seconded by Or Der.eer that the contract for the constructi on of sidewalks be advertisied in Bowmanville and Osbawa papers, tM contract to give the percentage mix, t.he date tbe 'Nark to be c~mplet.d, price per square foot, sidewalks t~ be a ptini"'um of 4 lineal inches in depth and supplying the information to the contractor tt,at a minimum of 8prroxiOlately 2500 lineal feet would be constructed. All tenders to be delivered to the Clerk's office by August 19th, 1953 n Oarried n "<oved by Or Cole seconlled by Op Rv Robson tbat the firemens pay be increased by .~ 20.00 per annum as froI'l July 1st, 1953 n Carried" Jioved by Or Cole seconded bv Cr Scott that 10 n Stop street" signs be purchased. ~ " Carried II koved by Cr 3cott seconded by Cr Cole tblit tbe Clerk be instructed to write to several traffic experts asking them to submit a fee to make a survey of tbe Town. 11 Carried " Cr Hetherington that 3. Blain Elliott be piid ll,OOO.O: and that the balance of ~~ lo65.00 be paid upon " Carried II Rv Robson that the Town Council sponsor the day at the Internati'Jral Ploughir.g l\;atch at Cobourg. " Carried H ----------.--- ----------.-.--.--- __ __...m....m.__.._____..._..____.___ ------.~----------------------" r l-/.oved by Cr DeGeer seconded by on account of heating contract completion of the contract. Keved by Cr DeGeer seconded by .'Jf CanadiaL Legion Pipe Band for one On 1.~()tion Council ad,journed. tIc.- ('p,j,~~ 'Mayor. r , C\luncil Room, AUgust 21St, 1953 special meeting of Council was held on above date to hear any complaints against the ;artial closing of _rt st for the construction of a pumping station for the waterworks, members all present excepting the ),\ayor, Dp Rv Rolison, Crs Scott and DeGeer, the Reeve presiding. BY-LAW 11 _ Thers being no complaints against the partial closing of the road Cr Osborne asked I W / ~ &, .21 permission to introduce a By-Law to c lose part of _rt st for th~ purpose of , constructing a pumping station and settling basin thereon. I Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went iDl ~~~ttee of the whole on second resding, the Heeve in the chair. On committee rUinl I a ~hie~v~ireported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then rea. II r me,;assed and ordered to he signed and sealed s~~::a~ksC~eKilmerd sedcondided by Cr Cols that ths tenders'for ths construction ot opne an Boussed. " C . The following tsndsrs wsrs received.; arried I ~~r~;~sKeatley, Oshawa, at a price of 56# par square foot. I4r wm II Allin ~:::~~ii~:~ : price of 50# per square foot. I' lIoved by Or Osborne sec~nded by Or Cole that th ~iceko~.,5~# per square foot. II Allin and l4r Roy Anger of Anger Br d i s er nstructed to contact I4rIi the construction of cement sidewallal o~f ~ mi~~gree~b~50~0 them that the contraot fo: and an extra approximate 950 fest to constructe:f' u~der L lin~al fest, '" fset in wid side of Orchardview Blvd, be awarded to them at a oca mprovemsnt on the east if the contract is accepted by them tmt the Clerk~;c:u~f 50 # per square foot, and \ to proceed witll the work as soon as possibls hltized to instruct them \.-. .' Carried .