HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/1953 (Special) ..."'~". r.. "~'''''',:dd - ~. y i~"'~ ~, I :3peci81 ::-r.E.';8tin,S of ::;0\H,eil -.;.,;"S held or. [,bnVB l~ate, n~8rnbers 811 presfT.t ex:ce.ttinr~ Rv Li~~tle, ers Cole b.nd Eetherin;,ton, the rayor pr8s'L-dir:,:: r'Jnd stated thet he had Gelled tIle E~dctinf for tte purpose of o_8cidir.gsl1ether to give upproval for the closing of pnrt of :..>Y"art 3t Elt t,l'(') eust :",ide beclch for the pucpose of tJoDstructinp; [;. pumping ritetion for tte ':i8terv\lorks. koved by Cr Ostnrns seeonded by Jp ~-~v Hobson that Council '~r'2rOV8 of the closing of (lGl't of .3m8rt .it for trle bellF ir:r: of !:.1 -pur;lping st~'l.ti(~n und triat By-Lo',. be prer;L.red autho:izing the closir.e of part of -+:::'~e street. 11 :'::alTied n },:oved bv Gr Osbo.;:'ne secoll':\e(l bv Jp Rv l~QbsoJ'j tlv.'.t no-cicle be ir:C:ierted in t.h8 CDnudia~, ,3tates:r:E.n for four 'IiP~"ks of tl-ie proposed cl()sin,~ of p.lrt of ...:.iIf18.rt Jt on the e,'_st Si(l8 belich. TI Garried 11 Dr: Rv RClbsor, i7.Etve rntice of rLotion thnt he 'N001j ir:stroduce h By-L'1'N to elo~,e -::-e,rt of :l'ITIort ,)t for the T'UI'ro:",e of c'Jr,' tructiTlZ ,1 }lUririr.f': st2-tion :iIld settling basir thereon. ~ :Jour,ell RnOI!:, July ;::7t~, 1~?53 On :.:otion Cour:d.l ad 5ourned.. f!fr- " t'Ar.t!fl ~- :':ayo1'. :::::ounci1 Room, ~mgust Lth, 1953 ;{er~uh;r ;reettr.g of C:Jurr:il "i'/88 heLl en FiUOV8 (lCtte, menb~r'J ~ll "resont t.L," 1.'1:::'.\'01' V[,83~din€;. },iDut.es of lust Y'e'-:~lll,l.l' bI)(l ~~~'ecl~il r:le'jL'd,{~:3ilere re:"ld i;,nu on l",)tion cDnfJ,rr_e(~.. L-Jv(~\l by vI' neth~)r:i r~'t0r SeCOf(J3d by :::::1' JaG(;er Ll:Dt no one b<:: Llloved to brec,k up a surf::..ced r01-~d f01' sewer 0r"/uter connect} am, but ,--,11 COnn'2Jt-:.om., r~'iUst be tunn'3l1ed Lt 2ufficient uerth so tll[;lt t.h~ rOcd "iill not settle. II G::J.I'riec1 n }. oved by ~r .Jcott ,~:ecorrled by Gr Gale that t;I--,t l/~ttf-)r C11,~8'/\Ier ,,'I'd >;,~t':f:r ,,-::onnections bc refe.cred to tLe }ubU.c Util1tii--ls C0nr'd.,::~1i')n for -{~eflrttc3 recorr:r,8na,~tions (;I,;) ~:r:eci:'ic1:ltions for sewer &nf! .iHit:.lI' corr.toctions ':,ncl if p:]s~;i 1)1e So. wrl tten report for next r:18utine; of COl.:.nd 1. II Ce.l'ried If COIl'~JrIG,;.. TIOt:.3 Fro!!'.. 1 r '~Ol'dn"" I ci,u:-veI',73 OnL'l'io St. J,.1' Fred ')o'"ney, 5 Geor~-e st ciTll 1 .-l..lvin Cl~rEens '}l"::'d--;"~ l,,-,-r"', recul~~ting that li~rbs on trees be trirrned in 1'rort of their' ri3'3J-'ective 1--l'operti 8S. I"ov",d by Gr O,;bnrre ;~ecorn,:>cl by "]" [~v ?o',sor, tl'ct ."r." co 'U:33tS be rc-:>:HT::d to the luLlic FT0T)ertv Go""rittue 'tiitl'. D0N91' to (ict. FrorL rubltc Uti1.iLi"]~,; Gonr'i.o'sinn in refet'p!;C8 1,0 :-)tr(~et l.i;~':,l1t four lc.,n e hir;h;,ny. loved b:/ Gr DeGeer ~3acnr:(1,~(1 by Rv LiL.LLe th(Jt i,he l',"i,t.er be L,Li 'JD future L.eLion. FroIT. Dc;'crtmert of iIi.rh,'lnys, ;rol'nnt (\ enelnsin,'~ (::..u''ll t 1'(n8:'i~ or: r0ud FI5;2. L'D'.7~~:1 (;y Cr Cole seconde:l by Dp ~v "l.ol~::'30n th;;t ~~l:Jc J'I';1'o['t be rc:lferred to the roo:) s una st, ref1t s cor'Ir:l t tee to ':'erClrt r:c (> l\:. Frmn Ro',.'w,,;nvi 11'0 ~'ospit[,l o.dvisi!J:-r of. ~j Tuti8Lt belLe c:..d]',ii.tt''!d t,~) l:,l;; IT Cur ri.erJ ft ~.t th,.'; :: T_Tl'oG.ches to th"3 L11':) t~~h ~e fnI' " ChrriE::,o ,. e:c;fmditu.l'(ClS for FI'o~ "Jurh21r, ::::o'l~r'tyui8tricb HiVh ,)'J1-1001 co~.r:.ittee . li-'l'oIrJ T.JurlCly Fer.c:e Go T,td, 'ra cnrto t rr3pOl't Of II '::::6:c'r :lee; " Eo~pi tu 1. " :;<8C & F\1,.:';(1 It equG.liz.ution II it')c (" .Jilecl II .:~ourd enelC:J:ir:~ l,'::'o; 01' OI,le:.' ")1' {:.:nce. I! ~i'3C i[ :Fi.18rl II :2'1'0[:1 JI-3rt '}f' nihdQ:,'':~, Toeo:rt'J in ref3r8ne~ to t:irection SiC;r'B OD ~,L~ !'.8,~ l1ig~'w.'Uy. " nee 8. :r--'ilec1 11 Ii'ro~' Cl:lr:...:6][lY' F8C1'~:"0tior of ! uyors a!:j l.uT'icip;:;.litL~3, r..:onti't'~u,l, invjtLnc Lu~hd.r:>ccl autt,orities to vlsit nuval ~"hins. II I1eu t Filed It FraT': ielf"",;::::e :>~'\C3t':> ,\S30 "-.d\'~s-i,,rv~ "f I,.,L,') c..rr:ue,ll C0Tv,,,-rtinn tq L,,~ b"Vt~.n i-It:"dltor. nn ..u['; 2J...th un.1 25t;r. :_I,,1 rC~'iUc,otinz t.llf~t rep:l'(~:-,;O'!nti..:.L:\ves bi.; :';er.;-,. "f.;8U E,. :f<'iL,d ::'l'or; Or.t..do .cS80 ()f llul'-'birr; Ir':Jr;3G"or:3 .'l:ivIsin? of '!'.~ :::IH'!~ul c:nr'F-;:-,t,i,lT t,) be ':-;,1J in ;.:itc),ereT or J<or,t lCt~:l, ~,ft~l 11th t,<r".j "l.~ u,j ,Ie"", LL,,-,t r( nre,;j.mLL,t \';8 be :.;Hnt. l' lL;tC E, F~ led Fron: Cf:imJ15;-~n TrGilc;l' ~;Dfjch ;'.s;-;o udvj "i.nt}'" of L18 f"1IT;'Lr<: of L ;)'11' lil,:::tr:n -1o,vn:::hip Trailer Hore Ccuroi.l. TI r,ec G Fi 1,;;] 11 Gckno~l"3rlging recoipt l ,,---~ R :;10;1'3 :::';1' O'3tJC::'T8 prp-santer1, G. report fTOr': the linonce Cor'jI:'"J.t'Le8 :mbmitti.r:,'s ,suntrYGGcountG u:-tQUfi t ire: to '1~ (1-713 .ld.::':[--jn ci J,OC8.1 ITI,provp.~:el'. t lie counts !..J!r;Ourt ir,~ to ~ &~l bein,:- COi'_::'8Ct unil ip.COIrJ18T'dinp: p;:yr;ent. 2-5.50/J eel'tifietl I. ~e1 & Adoptsd II ..../