HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/1953 (Special) '~'::;~':'l,\ Vc: ON' ./ ~~;f: CnuEcil ROOT'J July 6th, 1953 '"L, recoi'Jrends.tion to the }-'utlic 1 rO"forty COFil~it.tee ''lith pO''!iel' to boeept their racorr.wende.tions. II :::::81' ried !l TeDders NeTe received frap' the following for the rurchaS6 of ,~ 31,500.0C Local Improverr,ent dec8r,tur8S;- Bell Gouinlock ~, Co LtJ. 99.2S ,Lt. Srahan 2, Co Ltd '12.61 Gairdner & ::::0 Ltd 91:L 56 :\1118 Spence & Co l,td 9S.J2 Anderson & Co Ltd 98.12) :a..::l.' 0alv &80 Ltd 92.08 JOl.:inion~ :3ecurities Corr. Ltd 9'7.85 Burns Bras & LJe!1ton Ltd 'j? 63 mnkers Bond Corp. Ltd 96.692 l,~oved by 81' Osborne secondel) by D1' iiv Robson thtit t'rle tender of Bell Gouinlock & Co Ltd for t; he purchase of the (] e bel'tures be a c certed !::it a pric e of 99.25 It eel' rie oj " R~':PO:lT3 Cr Osborne rresented a report frorr the Finarce Committee ~-jub:mittine; Gundry accounts' mr.ounting to ,~ 5396.09~end Local Irrrrovement uccounts aTaounting to ,~ 77 .Ov~ertified as being correct un~1 .tecoT!1wendinp; pb~'rr.ent. 11 Hec & .i-i.uopted " 1:oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole thtl.t ::;1' Osborne be in:>tructed to attend the BOard of .:'1.rbitration meetine: &t Oror_G in regard to Hic:h ,1chool i--l.re8 assessment, with 0.11 expenses paid. It Gorried II I.~oved by Cr DeUeer seconded by Cr r-Iett,erinL~ton thut I,.I' Howes be authorized to erect u sien in front of hi 2, store at 65 King .Jt ~H8t. n :::w'ried II BY-LAi'1 Dp Rv Rob8on moved the thir'] reading of the By-LiTN to provide for the exemption from l,.unicipal Taxation except for Local Jrr rovsrnents and Jchool purToses of the p['operty of the Canadian Le~ion. Granted and r-ead the thLrrl, time '.v1th all blanks HIled. B"j'-laWiws ther,ordered to be siened and sea] ed. Loved by Cr Osborne seconded by DP.RV Robson that l,:onday il.UgU~,t )rd be declarf3d Civic Holiday and thb.t the l.:ayor issue his proclarnCitio:r accordiDgly. II Carried II ll.oved by Dp I~v Hobf'on secon:~8d by Gr Cole thut 5. letter be ~,ent to the Jepartment of Recreation congn.,tuluting them Of; the success of the ri.cnic held on Julj; 13t. " C8.1'1'ie6 " i,_DVec. by Cr .lGott secon(~ed by Cr Iletberingtrtl thut t.hE; I'OUCS aDO streets iJommittee be authoriL;ed .to purchase another car of n.s-phalt dust layer. " Carried n On loti,m Council s.d,~oui'ned. f!!!J:- t:'7tt [/~2:::~ r..:uyor. COUDcil ROOIL, ,Tuly 20th, 1953 3reci:l1 meeting of COUDeil "flas held on above cJate, TYlio:mbers all present excepting Cr Cole, the l,~c.yor pre.cdding. and st.ated that he h3rl called the IE6eting for the purpose of me8ting .,vith members of the rubl ~c ijti liti f?S Corm,issior. in rcf'erence to closing ;ert of SrrJ'Jrt St on the east 8i :'!€', beach for the purpose of constructing a pun:ping- sta tiore. l;oved by Cr DeGeer secor.ded by Cr r:ilrr.er the.t the decision be deferred on the request of the rubIie utilities COT"missi on to close part of' Sm2,rt St until Counoil have had an opporturity toLot~ over the s1 te of the proposed pUm~ lng station. !I 8arried 11 toved ty 81' DeGeer secont'od by Cr Oscorne tr-i3- t a speciAl' l'leeting of Council be held on l,:onday July 27th at 5.15 T'.I,:. for their decision &3 t.o closing rart of Smart.::it for a purr.ping station. II =:arried II ~.,oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Osborne tb':it the nex:t re&;:ular Deeting of Council be held O!1 Tuesday .~ugust 4th. " Carried" l~oved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that tr.e RoacJs o.nd ,streets Comrnittee recommend that 1Ulin & Co be Ci ven the oontr2.ct for the construction of si,lw.valks at a price of 50rt per square foot and t hat r,~r .T Belko be informed toot if he '.vas under the ilrpression that he had received the c()ntract from Reeve LiLtle it.vas never passed by Coureil. , ~n ;"8r1'i8d Ununimously II On t,:otion Gouncll ad jow'ned. V ' _ ? l {/ ~ / "" ":~":; .~ .~