HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1953 '\:::,~;,:1.' I'lfiP"~ \'t'~< P ~~~t; I , I I I I BY-I..i...,' Cr Osborne moved the third reading of 8. By-Law to authorize the borrmdng of :k Jl,5CO.OO li:t:on debentu:tes f'()r Local ITrprovef'lcnt purpose3. By-Law was read u third tiITe ,,"ith Elll blanks filled in, J:,assed and ordered to be signed and seuled. Council Room, June 18th, 1953 . , ,/ f;JJ;rk. ~~Yor. V On t..otian Council ad ;'iourned. ~ :JanDeil Roorl, July 6th, 195.3 Re,:':uh'r mec:ti:1,a- of Caureil 'Nns held on above :J3te, members nIl present excepting the 1'6yor, Reeve Lr~tle presidir:n:. }.'irutes of It-:st repuler uDil sf"2ciul meet1n[':s ,,'ere reG~ un,; or r,otion C onfinnen. ':;mJ' UrI::':1~ T:LO'f'C,'j ~ Fr()!Y 1,1' ,;..~. .:i;dger re~uc8ting tbe rem'Jval of lir~,bs frov i1 tree orT-Daite his I'esi;:t,nce &t 131 ,~ellin~tG~ ~t. l.;oved by ':"::1' O'storne seconclerl by C1' Cole th~lt the I's,:uest be referred to t.he Fuclio lrc:p8rt;y COJ:irr.ittee "/lith I'mler to Det. " " Carried 1I Fran: 1,,1' l:.G. Hannan, Juke St, olferirJ'; to ;-mrctt<-se 8 r08d~~llo':,GIlce lit Lhf; end of ;U',sJ'le St. II.ovec by Cr DeGeer seconded by er ,;(~oLt that Lr E8::lr.:::.n be i iven 8 one "j'eur lease or: the 1'0&0 ellow,'!nce fr~'r: Du}:e St to G.l:.H. tracks on J;~rgyle St, lit h rent3.l of ~ I.OO per yenr end that ]>,-,1' Thorn:"s Turr.er he e;iven bOne yeEi.r 18&3e, rene',,'uble yearly on the road c.lloAD.nce on :Jentre St frOTl'! :;el1ip..{~LoTr. to Gearge ~t f;t <:~ rental of ~ 1.00 !-'8r ye8r. I' 8arried II From 1',1'8 He18n rar\.:::, Secret,nJ.' of' the t"er'oI'iul Parl{ ,'\..8S0 thtmkirll" Courcil for :r€xTlissior, of' h01(iirg a tag (Jay. ' tl Bee g }I~iled 11 l?.r'1Tn }"-1'8 Helen rar'><" , Secretary of the :-ep',ori81 lArk ,I.S,JO c.~~kir:F' COllrcil to re-consi.-:::_er the re'-:'.lest. of' ereet'Lnc ~.: fence bordering on the NUdine; pool at IJhe pJrk. l._ovcd L;l 01' Jcott seconl]erl. by Cr Csborne tllflt c.;, ~1ix foot fence be erected at I',:ernorial Park on Liberty Jtreet for 8 d ist.8.n{~e o~' s pproximLttely 270 feet 01 posite LIe wading pocl et u cost of ;,) 761.40 '1 Carried 11 From r,:r Clc:ry Kine re,-uesting p:,rking ""ra08 for u taxi stand at 22 Divi3iorl Jt. 1,0V8d Ly Cr De''i-88T JeconJed by Cr Gole t;-u-Jt ;-'.:1' King be iOldvised th'-it tr,e By-LUi'V al10'>"I3 JC :feet 1':)1' f:. t::ix:i stolnd. 11 0ul'ried II S'l'orr rrs T~illhm S Jillir.€:, ,Secretfiry of' ;Jt Johr.'s advisory Gouncil in 1'erer;)n:~e to parking ire front of St Johre' s Church. rIOv~~d by Cr De:;'"cr seconded by Gr :lcr.tt that t.he mutt.er be referred to the }'o11c3 Cor~J',i t tee 'Ni tIl pmver to a et. n '::;al' 1'i ed It F'rom },:r ?\TJ. ::;a1ver, ~3ecretury of t}H~ Fire Eri.'::;0.dcce,u""sting~n increase of :i3 50.00 reI' lin]lUFi fOl' rrer;bers of t\18 firp. bri,:,;u.de. Loved by Or Cole seC0I'c:ec: t:y Cr DeGeer th'lt tht i'3Hlest be r8ferre1 to L~e Fire Cor.:rdttee to report oock to Cauncil at next regular m~.J,tinc. II .Jarl'ied n Fr0n" electrical controct()1's of th"r:)iiTI 83kine~ Courcll to :puss b. Dy_T_8w licenSing eleetricicns :-::'J1J: el,,'Gtricul cODtl'.o;ctr)l's ','Iflthin tLe 'fovm. !-.oved 1:y:=:1' 031;01'oe 3e~JI)!1::ed hy Cr Hethedw"ton thi;~t a By-La',', be electricians Gr~ electrical co~trector3 ithin the To~n. .Fron Forthurr,berlQf;d-l)urhs.m Heclth Unit, Cobourt.:;, erH~lDsi::1~': (Jruft I.'8.yr,ent of D fee 1'01' the iIl'T'Bction ')f :;-~lun:bir.e und Dewers. I,.avec by 81' De:ieel' 8ecor,<tec'\ by Cr Cnle that t..~le Ly-L':)"", be referred to the Tm,'J; TJ...s.nning! Boc.rc1 ':dth the rec()I-~:!";Di!&tinn t~1St they ~lHV'-:! e cO'TcplBte plur-:binr:,; inspection ' ir:corpor<.:terl in t~8ir by-lo::J. t! Curried II ]>,:r ,lei':'8, proprietor of the Balrcocla Hotel, [,cldI'e:::sed CO"J.)cil re'-~lF_,r;tir,f': ther; to ,'Nrite the c;eT&rtnent of Ei[';h,m;ys 2.,"3kitJ{': therr, to erect b,ttel' siGns directing rnotorists t,-.. the '1'o;,-n. koved by Cr Je<:-eer sacon'!dri by C1' ,\IetLe1'in~.ton tt-Elt t.he Clt,r"-;: be instructed to write to 1\1' Ec;:r'I'ie, ;Jej.:cl'trrent of Ei~::ll",.ays re~;uc.'itiYlg ~'1iITI to Lrprovi:l the c:..t)JTOilCh signs to 3Qi,W,cH,V-. 'Ie by-pelS"" UT'cJ .stating that t.he by-pass is Lot as easily accessable uS by-pussJs 8~proochin~ otl:er towns. II Carried ., 1.ov3d by Cr DeGse1' SE!c::1T,,;iec] by Gr Cole that a sign be 'erected at t.he north eust I corn(T o~ Liberty ,mt] Kin{~ ..3treets '1irecting rr~otorists to the Business section of the ' I To,m. It :::F;rried It 1. oV,Al by Cr 8~Geer secolli'ied by C1'801e thr.:.t. l,h e ClE-:rk be i:1.<:; tl'uct<ld to &dvL1 e the I l'uolic Utilities, Gorr,rris::,~")n thc-Jt 80uncil do rot thirk L~lut thl; street lishts 5t the \'.lovur l(~~r. toe rei~"hV6Y nr-"_arle;uute ":rJ re;(o~~t~ngt)kim t~_m"kee_~__../ prf,pr.:;.1'ed licer,sing 11 Curried II by-law to ITovic>"'l for '"~~~~~~O((l f- Gt/f!?~: i 7 ~~i~ 8(mncil RamI' July 6th, 1953 Con;rdttee .vith po,'ver to B.ceept their II Csr ried ':'! for tte purchase of :~ 31, 500.GO T,oeal l ! racor:r,end8.tion to the :r.:'ublic lro"p-:J..~ty re ~OTnmenda ti ons,. Tenders ',iBre received fI'orr[ the follmdng Improvement debentures;- ::1e11 G::lUinlock & Co Ltd 99.25 J.L. Grv.ham & Co Ltd '/f.61 Gairdner g Co Ltd 98.56 ~il18 Spence & Co Ltd 92.32 AnJerson 8: CQ Ltd)8 .12) R.i-~. Dulv & Co Ltd 92.C8 Dorr:inio~' 3ecurities Corr. Ltd 97.85 Burr:s Bros & ;)er.tor, LtrJ 97.63 Ean'.{el'S Bond ''::~)rr. Ltd 96.692 l,~oved by Cr OsborJ1e seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the tender of Dell Gouinlock & Co Ltd for the ~urchase of the debentures be accepted ut a rrice of 99.25 Rj~FO:tTS Cr Osborne ['resented a re'Dort fro!'l' tt,e l"inance GODindt.tae 3ubITJittine 3uuJry accounts' &!'1ounting to ~ 5396.09,,6nd Local IrrproverlBnt tlccounts &.rr,ounting to .~ 77 .O.~artif'ied us being correct tinct tecarremending pb}"It1ent. ., Hee &. i~dopted n 1_oved by Cr _]cott secon:1ed by C1' Cole th5t Cr Osborne be instructed to attend the BOhrd of rlrbitration ~'[eetine at Orono in regarc1 to Hi~h':;chool .cI.rea asseSSTrent, '1lith all expenses paid. >> Carried " t.oved by Cr DeC}eer seconded by Cr Hetherincton that l.~l' Hmves be authorized to erect a sign in front of his store at 65 King c:it ~ast. f1 Carried II BY-TJ'~i'I Dp Rv Robf'on moved the t hire: reading of th e By-La'N to r-rovlde for the exemption fl'Or.1 !\unicipal Taxation excG'Pt for 1..oc<11 Irr; roverrents ar,d .3cho01 purposes of the ;'l'operty of the 8aradian le~ion. Gnmted and read the thirl time 'Nith all 'h lun!.;:s aIled. By-L'T"Nas thenordered to be signed E1fl d s 86.1 ed. ~..oved by Cr Osborr,e seconded by DP.RV Robson that l.:onday itu/:';Ll.st )rd be declur8d Civic Holida~1 ur.d thb.t the l.ayor issue his proclarnb.tior accordillgly. ., :::Ilrried " l\:oved b;y Dp Hv Hobron secont;ed by ::::1' Cole th[;.t a letter be ser,t to the Jepo.rtrrlent of Recreation congrE..tulciting them on the suecess 0'; the picnic held on July 1st. H Car ried " 1.0\'ed l:y Cr icott secoDoecl by Cr IIetr,eringt(''1 thut ttt r,')l:ids and streets conmittee be 8.uthorized to purchase anot}Jer car of asphalt dust layer. II Carried n " 8ar ried 11 On 1.:otioIl Council ad,ioui'ned,. (!ft!- l.-:uyor. ,-1 ' :t: /II. (/~,z;:" Council Roorr, I July 20th, 1953 31.'bci,'-).1 meetLr::g of Coupcll "NUS held. on above date, m:,mbers all present excepting Cr Cole, the l.~~::.yor presiding' ar..(] st.ated that he r.aQ called the rE6f,ting for the purpose of meetinB "Nith members of the rubl~c ijtilitips Gorr.ndssiore in l'eference to closing ;ert of Srrert St on t.he east eide 108ach for the purpose of constructing e. purcping- sta tior.. I,'oved by Cr DeGesr secor:ded by Cr Y.:il:-r.er thet thra decision be deferred on the request of the Tublic Utilities COl"':misston to close purt 0:' Sm2.rt St until Council have had an opporturity toLo'ti\ over the 81 te of ths proposed punn lng station,. "Garried 11 roved ty 8r DeGeer seconr'ed by C1' Ostorne tho. t n speciel- Beeting of Council be held on l,:onday July 27th at 5.15 r.T,:. for their decision ,:s to closing Iart of Smart ;:it for &. purrping stati.on. 11 :::arried II ;,.oved by Rv Little seconi1ed by Cr Osborne th,it the ne:<t resular neeting of Council be held 0:1 Tuesday i.~ugust 4th. " Curried" l'.:oved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv l,ittle that the Rouds D.nd Streets Committee recomnend that "Ulin &- Co be {';i ven the contrect for tLe construction of si:iewalks at a price of 50rt per square foot and that !,:r J Belko be infol'med th:;:t if he -:-II'1S under the impression that he had received the contract frorr, :Reeve Li:..,tle iti,-as never passed by Counci 1. 1! arried Unanimously n On l\:otion CouLei1 ad jaw'ned. l ~---~~-~ l{ayor. / #;. 02_,.,7, ~