HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/1953 (Special) '~"'~~~~M t" e~~ JJ. .~.. ~o ~ "2" ~ - - ~---- -- -- --~ ------- - - - - ~-=-=:=,=:'-----:::;-=--=---=-_-:--::-_._._--_._-,.__.--_.__._._---- Council Room, June 1st, 1953 Moved by Cr Cole seoonded 'by Cr OsborIl' that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 200.00 being 50 % of the amount received from outside f:lJres. " Carried" Moved by Cr DeGeer seoonded by Rv Little that the works department be instructed to remove a dead tree on Argyle St near the corner of Duke 3t " Carried" Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr. Scott that the Clerk be authorized to contract for the cuttinl1 cf the grass in Ifemorial and Franklin Farks for theseason at a cost not exceeding :$ 125.00 ant Recr6ation Director be advised of the person securing the contract. " Carried" },{toved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Hetherington that the request of the Lions Club for the use of Town eQuipment be !~ranted providing that that they pay all labor and operating expense~.' , fl Carried" ilY-U.vS Rv Little asked permission to introduce the following By-Laws; To provide for the conveyance of certain streets and parts of streets. To provide for the exemption from 11unicipal Taxation except School and Local Improvemen Taxes of the property of the Canadian Legion. Granted and read the first time. On motiOI'. rule 33 was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading. By-LawS were then laid on the table. In reference to t,':1,;, ""r.1 i.e::tions received for a building inspector, the Mayor appointed Cra DeGeer and Bether~ngtonDp Rv Robson as a committee to interview the applicants and report back to Council. On Motion Council ad journed. @!~ u <0 rk. MaYor. ~~/ Council Room, June 5th, 1953 Special meeting of Council was held on above dat e, members all present excepting Dp Rv Robson, ers Scott and Cole, the l!:ayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a By-Law. The By-LaW to providefor the conveyance of certain streets and pirts of streets was given its third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. ~ /1 < / /7 tck{rpt( _ ~) @erk. On Motion Council adjourned. ~ titPr a 'rt; Jnayor. Council Room, June 18th, 1953 Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Rv L1 t t Ie and Cr Deneer, the 1!ayor pre sid ing and st at ad t hat he had called the meeting for the purpose of awarding tender for p3..ving roads and passing a By-Law. Cm{MUrrCATIONS Tenders were received from the following for street paving;- W.B. Bennett Paving Ltd, Miller Paving Ltd, K.J. Beamish Construction Co Ltd, Storms Contracting Co Ltd, and H.J. MoFs~land Construction Co Ltd. Koved by Or Scott seconded by Cr Hetherington that the tender of the storms Contractint Co Ltd for paving be accepted at a price of $ 8.25 per ton nnd that the follm'ling roads be paved, Liberty St from Ontario st to King St, Concession st from Liberty St to Wellington St, Duke at from Base Line to Argyle St and Argyle St from Duke st to Ontario st, as recommended by the Municipal Road ii:ngineer. " Carried" Mo~ed by Cr uole seconded by Cr Osborne that the Roads and streets Com be authorized to spend up to $: 1,000.00 for extra width paving on Liberty at if found necessary. " ::::arried " Moved by Or Hetherin?ton seconded by Cr Kilmer that one car of asphalt dust layer be purchased at a price not exoeeding 21.50~ per gallon. !1 Carried" From Secretary, Durham County Distr1ct High 3chool Board, Fort Hope, requesting that a representative from Council be sent to a meeting of the Board to be held in Port I Hope on Friday June 19th at E.OO P.U. to discuss the matter of procedure for a Board of Arbitration. .l .",. "' " ,." ......., " " ",.".. "., ,. 0...... .. "",.". " .,...,. " Carried" .....""0.... r "M~'L:l ,Af.~:, {...-- ;~...~~ "co, '0 I I I --~._'-'-"------'-~-'--'------.,'--"--------'-'---~_. . ._ _...... __u.._.. ._m _m. . _0'_"___ ...__ ___ ., I I I Council R00lli, June 18th, 1953 BY-LA.N Cr Osborne moved the third reaning of 8 By-Law to uuthorize the borro~ing of ;~ Jlt500~OO UIOT' debentures f'or Local InprovE:TIlcnt purposes. By-La"N was read a third tiTre ','lith all b18n~-{s filled in, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. On Lotion Courcil 8.d,~ourned. ~#1) 0(: ;." l~ayor. L' / ~lerk. Council Room, July 6th, 1953 Rer:ul::;,r me,':-:.in,. 01" 8o'J.rcil ';,Il.S heL: on above c](tts, men-bers 811 present excepting the l-a~or, Reeve Little rresi~iin~. l'irutes of last refuler and ~reci81 ~6etinG8 ~ere re8.d &r.d or: not ion c: oof irr ed. :-::O~J U;T~...~T'IO}l ,c) ~ Frarr l.r i.J-'... ~:iger Te-'ucst.ing the removal of lints fran' '" tree o:r-:wsite iis resichmce Gt 131 i\el1in(tcn St. 1:oved by Or 03torne 3econ~ert by Cr Cole t~~t l1':),p81'ty CorlY,lttee ,'dth rmler to act. FrC1Dl l,r r'. G. Hannan, Duke St, o::'fe d Die: to purchu ~le a roed i..rgyle St. ll.oved by C:, .J8::'.-.291' seconded by :::1' .Jcott th8 t I.:r HbnY'(lI1 be riven 11 one yeG.r lease on t.he road eJ_10i"ianca f1''-:'['; Du:....:e St tf') C.l;..~. t;:-acks on ~l..Tgyle St, at B rental of ~ 1.00 per year Gnd that 1r ThOITnS Turner oe Slven ~ ODe Y3&r leuse, renewGcle yeerly on the road s.l1mvunce on Centre St frorr: :iellin,'\t.on to George st at l.i rentul of ill 1.00 v,r Y62r. It ::::arried " From lrs Eelen }'ark, Secretary '.If the l:er'oriel PSlrk As:"o tl,urGcinr~ Council for ;ernissi0r Of hOl'iirg :l tag rJny. ~ IIHec 8' Filed n Fr'1fi1 1;1'9 Eslen rark, Secretary of the 1.8;>o1'i21 rArk iI,SSO .:1skinn: Council to re-consijer tr.G re-)llest or p.recti,ng 'J f'eDGe borrlHri:r:e on the ,vadir,g :p801 ,st the y:tlrk. LOV8d t~l CrJcott secor:ded ty Cr Gsborr-e thut u 3ix foot fence be erected at ]\,emorial Park on Liberty o.Jtreet :fOL' a ';ister~.:~e of 0prroximiitely 270 feet OlPosite "he 'Nading pool tit a:::ost of .) 761.40 ft Carried II Fl'olT; 111' Clel'Y King rWiue.3ting n r;.ane ~'Ftce for Ct taxi stand ctt, 22 Div~_sion St. I.ov(;~d bv Or ~eneer seconded. bv Cr Cole thl'.t kr King be uuvLsed t:r.at tte By-Lu-J,j allo.v3 )C feet" for & ts.x:i st.~lrd. ~ l' ::::o1'ried " From l.'rs T~illhm S 0illin~, Secretary of :jt ;;-ohn's f.1dvisorJ' council in l'efer'_'JDCe to parkiq:r ir. front of St ,Tohnt s Church. l\overi bv Cr DeC;',;er seconded bv ~-=:r krYL,t tlnt the r:Kitter be referred to Corr;r;itt~",e '.'l'ith pONeI' to aet. . Fro;Tl IiI' F. TJ. :-;olver, ;"3ecretsry or tt0 Fire Brigade l:er anrUl'l f'H lTer~berEJ of rhe fire (;ri,.,.ude. I~:oved by '::::r Cole secow'0:1 by Gr DeG8er th::j t the re';uest bt:l referTed to Lhe :2'ire -:'::or,!!(ittee to rerort IBck to :Jou:r;cil 8t. next rAf~lllnr m'.;<:)tin:_~. II Cal'rir.,d " Fr"1n~ electrical contractor's of the; To.1n [js:'<:ir;:~, Cr)Urci 1 to p'-"ss b. B;..-'-tEiw licensing eli3[~trjciGr:s 0n~; el<c>ctricul cortr::.:.ctors -,dthin tLe rrmvn. Loverl ty Or Osl~o..::'ne Elecon:18d hy Cr !lethedw"ton t':wt Ct By-Lu'..v be prepe.r8d licensir:g electricj[:ns sIHl electri.cal cor,tructors "ithin the Tmm. " Carried IT Fray, l~orthurr"berlund-')urh:if1 :-Iec.lt..h Unit, Cobourc, 8nclosirv:; cl'uft by-in:" to I,rovL;,~ for pa;:w,eI"!t of 8 fee 'for the irlerectlon of J'lumbing end 3e-,I,'81'8. I,.ove.d by C1' De:J-eer seconJed by Cr Cflle t.."hut thf; Ey-T,a'tl be refer-red to the Tmvn lil.Ltnning! Bm:,rcl witt t.he recm",:'cn.Jution thst -::.nev he.lve E. corrr:l8tG pluJ"'ibin[J' inspf:';ction ir.corpOl'iJterl ir. t,heir by-ltLV. . . -' n :::::urrip.cl " }:r .iei~,a, proprietor of t..rJ~ Bslni0c1.a Hotel, [.(]c1rec;sed Cf)u~lcil re-;u'-.stine: therr. to ,write the r:e[&rtn-,ent of Higt,Jeys <l,:;klrr" then: to erect bdtter :-,i[:n8 dirbctinz r,otori'3ts t,') the TO'NIl. l..:ov(,d by Cr De:i;'-;6r sacon(;.ad ty Crrle:Uleriw,ton that t.ll€ Gh:r'.;: bi:: irl:-3tl'Ucted to write to },r D(~.t'1'ie, ;Jerurt.rr,ent of EiE-::r:.wy s rejuc.sting hir:~ to irr;:rovd the ClpTrouch siens to BO,\fV,8r:V' 'Ie by-pus;:; ur::1 stating thc.t t.he by-pass is nnt 8.3 !:;usily accessable liS by-pass" S ::-lPJ.I'00chinf>; oth~-:lr to','m~.. II CRrried II I lLov3d by Cr Df:l':-;eer seconded by C t' Cole tha t 8 sign be ie'rected clt the north Bust corner of l.ibcrty and :Cir:[" ..ltreets iirecting r,otorists to the Business section of the To.\TI. n Garried 11 I I },'.oved by Cr DeGaeI' seconried by Cr Cole th&t Lhe Clerk be inr,tl'u(;t,,~d to &dvise the ) rubIie Utilities COFIF,ls3::"'Jn that Council cio rot think that thlc; street liSl:ts at the ~ver J.'Cif _o~ to 0 re~Jch'vay cre_~:lua~:',nd reiucstirJg tr,SIC. to:ake ~_ _._~ the rSluest be referred to the Fublic 'I Carried 11 1:.I.110'..611ce at the i-::nd of the l:'olice II Carried II re1u6sting an increase of ~ 50.00