HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1953 '.R.HaT'CO ~"~""-'."!' t.. 'C.' .I,VO ~~~ , Council Room, June 1st, 1953 Regul.s.r rr.Betlng of eoureil 'tlas held on above dlite, members all pre.sent the !.~ayor presicing. lI':inutes of last regulor and special meetings -.vere read and on motion confirmed. 8mTU!-'ICATION3 From lIT.perial Tobacco Sales, Ottawa, requesting permission to erect a sign in front of Howes Smoke Shop, 65 King St ~ast. Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeeI' that the r"quest be referred to the Public rroperty Comrr.ittee with power t,") act. II Carried It From 1:1' A.:'. 3criver <ind other rssinerts of the east side of Orchardview BlVla petitio:r::ing frr the construKtion of a cement sict-e".'J&lk. 1:oved by Cr 081-01'118 seconded by Cr Cole that the petitinll , being certified as being SUfficiently signed be !~rarted and the "Nark proceeded Nith as soon as pORsi b1e. n GAr ried It From Counties Clerk, Coboure, advising; of the Courty Rate for 1953 umount iLg to $ 28,469.08 ., Rec & Filed Ir From 1~r Hugh l{cDonuld, Brmm dt, r..:r Hm A: Ashbury, Odell St, 1:rs Dixon, Church St dnd }/rs Kate Bugnell, King St east, re.'lufOstin~ to have trees removed in front of their respective proterties. }..'_oved ty Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Rether inp:ton that thE: re(~uest be referred to the Public Fropert: Comuittee with pO'l'Isr to act. If CArried 11 From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advisin~ of the admittance of a patient to BOl~~nville Haspi tal. rl Rec &. Filed II From Chief J Ventor: re'?uesting holida~ls for the police force and aSking for an additional NeeK for extra work on Jtatuary holidays. 1!oved t~r Rv Li tle f'econded by Cr Cole that the rerjuest for three wee~..;:s holidays for the lolice force be f,ranted, one week in lieu of the .3tatuary holidays. II 8arried II From l,~r .J Vent:1n, lresident of the Boy .3couts Committee thankir.g Council. for the use of the Town shed for st1ring paper. n Rec & Filed Ir From l:emorial Eosrital Board BowTr.snville enclosinl3 resolution in l'egard to rlttes cherged for indL'ent patients. l/ovcd by Cr Ostorhe secon:'led by Cr Cole that the resolution be endorsed and t:tIht the Hospitol Board be advfused accord~nC"ly. 1f Carried 11 From 1.: ConI1aghan, '..ICU~op; St oomplainiI1i~ of T!1tlchinery beinr:~ stored on the road on Jcugog 3t, south of J{iJ~ St ant re'lue,sting thJt Jction be taken to have it removed. 1',Dved by Cr DsGe;;-:r sec0r.(led by '!tv Little thl:it the Clerk be instructed to '.vrite ~'r /LH. Brmvn that complaints have been recE:ived in ree:ard to leuving machinery on the 1'05..d allowance anol reclj':-;sting hiTre to have it removed, hnd that 1.-'1' Conraghan be advised accordingly. n Carried " From Bo~manville Br8I1ch Canadian Legion in reference to the observunce of Coronation Day. l,oved by Cr DeCeeI' seconded by Rv Little thttt the letter be received and ackroNledged. " Curried II From Bowrronville Branch 8anadian 'Legion reluestinr- COlncil to puss a By-I,aw exempting their property on ',),ueen Jt frolT tt;.xatjon for 1953, excepting JChool and Local Improverrent taxes. koved by Cr Ost-orne sec0nded by Cr Cole t hut By-LaN be prepared be advised accordingly. From BO'.\rLanville Branch .:J&m.l.dian Legion in reference to holdine; the cemetery. l:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr HetherinGton that the Illi:itter be referred to the Civic Committee to co-or-erate and make the necessary arrali.gen:8nts with the Idnisterial Asso ar:d the Legion. II Carried 1f From Onturio Truffic -,\.3S0 advising of the annual conference to be held in Kingston on June 10th to 12th ClDd reque sting thut representtltive be sent. " Rec &i'iled IF From ;,'elfDre Offictlrs j~sso advis ing of the annual convention to be held in Ottawa on June 8th to lath and re,uesting that representative be sent. 1f nec & Filed " From Horttlumberland &- Our-hum Health Unit, Cobourg in referer.ce to rlumbing and Heatir:g Regulution. 1:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington that the comrr:ucication be laid on the table until after t~'3 Puildi~S By-La"IV is passed. II Carrif-Od " From Fire },'arshall, Toronto in reference to the Hose 'rhreud standardization t:oved by Cr Osb0rne seconded by Rv Little that the circulur bE referred to the Fire Commit tee. I' Carried " R:,rO flTS Cn Osborne rresented a report from the Jt'inance Cormnlttee SUbmitting sundry accounts amounting to .w e,247.9~ certified as beinG correct and recomn,ending payment. " Reo & AdoptBd II .~. .-.---- ---. ------------ and that the Legion II Cf:1rrled n u Decoration Jay at .~.,:::;:.1'( < e, Iv ~~ ~ .....T 'Ie " ~\20 Ilo IS {PO fin -;7; {" I Council Room, June 1st, 1953 Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Oshor", that the Fire Brigade be graLted $ 200.00 being 50 % of the amount received from outside fires. " Carried" Moved by Or DeGeer seconded by Rv Little that the works department be instructed to remove a dead tree on Argyle St near the corner of Duke Jt " Carried n Moved by Or DeGeer seconded by Or Scott that the Clerk be authorized to contract for the cutUn\> of the grass in Ifemorial and Franklin rarks for theseason at a cost not exceeding $ 125.00 and Recreation Director be advised of the person securing the contract. " Carried" 1ioved by Or DeGeer seconded by Or Hetherington that the request of the Lions Club for the use of Town equipmen t be Q'ranted providing that that they pay all la bor and operating expenses. ._, ' " Carried " BY-LAJY3 Rv Little asked permissi on to introduce the following By-Laws; To provide for the conveyance of certain streets and parts of streets. To provide for the exemption from t~un.ici.pal Taxation except School and Local Improvemenl Taxes of the property of the Canadian Legion. Granted and read the first time. On IT'ot~on rule JJ was suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on second readingt the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Uayor reported the second reading. By-Laws 'Nere then laid on the table. , In reference to ~,""'" [,n,:-11(~tltions received for a building inspector, the Mayor appointed [ Gra DeGeer and Hethering.;tCinDp Rv Robson as a committee to interview the applicants \ a.nd report back to Council. On Motion Council ad journed. @0i[ Uark. MaYor. ~~/ Council Room, June 5th, 1953 Special meeting of Council was held on above dat e, members all present excepting Dp Rv Robson, Cra Scott and Cole, the Mayor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a By-Law. The By-LaW to providefor the conveyance of certain streets and p:irts of street s was given its third reading, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. On Motion Council adjourned. {<~~i!;:.... o cJerk. htlf#A- a ',"1 May or . Council Room, June 18th, 1953 3pecial meeting of Council was held on above datet members all present excepting Rv Little and Cr DeGeer, the },::syor presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of awarding tender for piving roads and passing a By-Law. C ffi.'lvtH-TI CATION S Tenders were received from the following for street paving;- W.B. Bennett Paving Ltd, Miller Paving Ltd, K.J. Beamish Construction Co Ltd, Storms Contracting Co Ltd, and H.J. McFa~lnnd Construction Co Ltd. 1:oved by Cr acott seconded by Cr Hetherington that the tender of the storms Contractinf Co Ltd for paving be accepted at a price of $, 8.25 rer ton and that the following roads be paved, Liberty St from Ontario St to King Jt, Concession St from Liberty st to Wellington St, Duke at from Base Line to Argyle St and Argyle St from Duke st to Ontario St, as recommended by the Municipal Roed J:ne;ineer~ " Carried IT Mo~ed by Cr vole seconded by Cr Osborne that the Roads and Streets Com be authorized to spend up to $ 1,000400 for extra width paving on Liberty at if found necessary. IT Carried It Moved by Cr Hetherin~ton secon0ed by Cr Kilmer that one car of asphalt dust layer be purchased at a price not exoeeding 21.50i per gallon. IT Carried IT From Secretary, Durham County Distr10t High 3ohool Board, rort Hope, requesting that a representative from Council be sent to a meeting of the Board to be held in Port Hope on Friday June 19th at 8.00 P.tv~. to discuss the matter of procedure for a \ Board of Arbitration. C'''' '" "' "" .""", '" '" ~ """ h" " o.,,~ " ...""~ ~ ~::;::, '