HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1953
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p~:;.~ Regular meetH1G of Council
"~ ~ co pre siding. Minute s of la st
: confirmed.
Council nooro, !~~uy 4th, 1953
'Nas held on above date) members ell ,preser,t the Mayor
recul~r meeting bnd special mestinc were read and on motion
From lIr :Janald :Hlcox Bnd others ~etltlonlng for the construction of & sanitary sewer
on Lambs Lane north of Third 3t.
I.Ir ',V"ilcox addressed Council in reference to the sewer.
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeer that the retitloD be rRturned .as beine not
sufficient 1_y signee. llliarried "
From l\:r Thomas Gowan and other residents of J0l1thwa~1 Drive re'1uesting J:ermission to
build l3. boulevard '-'/here the street is separa.ted and offerine to do the work and keep it
in good condition if the TO',vn 'Nould supply the cement and fTavel.
},;oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the request be refer'red to the Roads and
Streets Committee cui th power to ect. " Carried II
From Counties Clerk advisiLg of u patient being admitted to Hospital for Sick Children
" Ree & Filed "
limbs froIn trees facing his
Fron ~~r N."G. Hannan, Duke St
property on Arzyle St.
Moved by Or Osborne seconded by up Rv ~obson that the request be referred to the
lublic l-roperty Committee with power to act. tl Carried"
From Miss l"!uriel Delencier J lresident of the Bowmanville l';urses ~'..sso re~Ju8sting that
Council proclaiw May 12th as National Hospital Day.
koved by Dp Rv Robson seconned by Rv Little that the
National Hospital Day.
From Mrs Helen Park, Secretary of Memorinl Park ASBo
Thoy in aid of the Park on MaY 23rd or K~y 30th.
1:oved by Rv LittJe secondp.d by Cr Scott that .rermission be given on either elate which
ever is more suitable. " Carried"
I' From Mr G0rdon Major and other residents of the Bst side beach complaining of the
be.d condition of the roads at the beach an(~ re':1uesting Council to have them repairen.
Ivloved by Cr Cole secanded by Dp Rv Robson thut the rec;uest be referred to the Road9
and Streets Committee and that the letter be .'lcknowledged. " Carried"
I From ~':e50r .Tohn Foote, M.P.P. acknowleding letter in reference to compJetion of the
paving of' Liberty Street. " Rec & Filed If
From Lander Hardware askin permission to chanee e.n overhan~ine sign in front of their
I store on King St.
Iv:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the rSluest be referred to the rublie
}roperty Committee "/'iith power to act. tI Carried"
From 1Tr AM rk, Town Clerk Fort Hope enclosing resolution in reference to the
I"assessment ~or High School purposes and re'iuestine that Council endorse it.
l:oved by Cr Osborne seconded hy Cr Scott that the re801ution be laid on the table until
after County Council meeting.
Waved an l~endment by Rv Little seconde1 by Dp Rv hobson that the resolution be endorsed
lin its entirety. " Amendment Carried tf
From De,:artment of Hi;::hways, Toronto, a:crraving of an eX;Jenditure of $ 30,000.00 upon
nhich they will pay 3. 50 % subsi(l~r on roaos for 1953 and enclosing copy of approved
!Moved by Cr DeGeer sAconded by Cr Soott that the letter be Inid on the table and that
the roads end streets committee be instructed to report back. " Carried It
;From Office of the Fire Harshal} J Toronto advisine of a reGional fire school to be
Iheld in Peterboroueh during the week of Uay 25th.
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeer that th9 letter be referred to the Fire
Cornu.!! t tee '.'/1 th ];:ower to CiC t. It Carried II
: From Bowmanvi lIe Plarnine ann Develorrr:ent Board enclosinl! copy of 6 drt'tft building
!BY-LeW for the consideration of Council and requesting that they adopt it.
Moved by Dp Rv Robson sBconded by Cr HetheriTIi:ton that a special meeting be held on
".ruesday May 19th for the pu.q::ose 01' passing the By-LaW 'tnd that the Chuirme.n and
!secret:iry of the Planning Board be invited to attend. tl Carried It
.Cr Osborr:e ?resented a report frow the Finance Committee submit,ting sundry accounts
I,amounting to $ 4479.4~c"rtified as beine correct end recomrnending payment.
, II Rec & udopted "
The Clerk presented ;fhe auditors report for 1952.
1':oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the auditors report be referred to the
car,ce Committee, to report back. .. Carried ..
j.,layor proclaim ~:'d.y 12th '1S
" C rried It
asking permissi0D to hgld a TflY
re1U8sting the removal of dead
-1/ ;~~
Counci.l RGom, Ita? l,th, 1953
1:oved b~,r Cr Osborne secofldect by Cr DeGeer that the assessor be '3.uthorized to attend
the <.issessors convention at Hur'lilton on Lay 27th to 29th, vlith all expenses paid.
II Carried !I
l'.:oved by Rv Little s8cond'C!d by Cr 3cott the.t the Clerk be authorized to order
necessr~_ry stor Si[';DS end :G5 p:allors of TrSffic j"Jaint. II Carried"
l.:oved by Hv Little seconded b;v Cr OslJorne thtit an cdvertisemf:n~t be inserted in the
,:3tatesyr,an ::n,atinc that 011 citL:;ens 'Nbo 'NQuld like sh[;.de trees plr,nterl on the
boulevard in front of their rrorerties be re::uested to m8.ke aJI'llcation to the Town
Clerk as ~n~n as possible ~s the supply is ]i~ited to 100 trees. II ~arI'ied I'
},:oved bv Cr DeGeeI' seconded bv Rv Litt1.e that the l'ublic F'ro-::-srt'l COPlmittee be
authorized to proceed with th~ rRceRso;.r~7 eleetric::,l r'3pairs in the 1'own Hall et :J
cost not ~xceedi!!g ~) 250.00 If Carried II
Koved bv rtV Little SeCClYlihd bv Cr DeGefCr that the fIae; (Ho: flown or, the TCl\vJl :1211 e.t
811 ti~~s.' II CArried 11
~oved bv Cr Jcott Aeco~dRd bv Hv Little that 270 feet of 6 frln~ fe~ce be ~['~3tnC ~
~ '('~'C'ri :'.1 1 rJ~ 0:'=-To 8i t (-J the w;dl ng pool 3t '-~ 00st of .$ 761. hO n 1..oU or! Lost 11
l,~cved un .t~rr,enrJrL8nt. C1' De:}Af:r 8BeOnc.ed by Dr n" RobO'on that if the recreation
c0rcILission desire (in rfCC01mrtencl trwt ,_~uttcbl_e Sn0'!i fence be eT'~eted 0;:'o8lte the
~adjnc V001 iurtpc the ti~e that the ,ool is in 0per~tion.
II ~L"':endment lost.vith the }.1~:lyor vntine: ::.["u1r3t n
t~oved 'by 8r DeneeI' second,ed b~' Cr Ki.l1ner th8.t Council huve revie'Ned the editorial
under the he'J.di!1,z 'f F:Jt Ir,ter8sted in Jecuring Fe'.'! Industry tt und feel thut this
criticism hus :een unf6.ir und non constructive und "-' 1)Urt of it untrue and it is
hored that ~rourpa'per 'liou11 see fit to correct any fc..lse imrressio!1 thut yOLl may heve
cres. ted in t he minds of the c it i zeDS of Bm'l'mnnvi 1J_'~. II C'<::1'1't ed unumimously "
On I\:otion Gourlcil e.djollrned.
(/ e
(' .. /
J {) ler<.
;(~. d, _ j::~::
Councll Rr)Om, }.:ay 19th, 1953
Ttlerr,bers 811 preseJ1t excertin-s
c:::.lled. tr.8 meetir:.!!, 1'01' the
::3peci<:d mettin[~ of CO-dnci 1 wus he Id on ubovp. date,
DeGeer, th(~ Foynr pres:i'iinc: and stutcd tl-:at he hud
pu1':::os8 of' ;'Qssin,'3 il Building Ey-~,u.w.
l,:overi by Cr Osborne s"'cor.oed ~, Cr .scott thE:t t118 first und seeo""l
Buildinc: By-LfiW be given o.rc1 thut Council c.dv8rtise for c-;;rlicfJ! ts
of' building iOsJ:8ctor, aprlieants to state ["_!_~e, Axrerieoce ~lJ1d fee
readings of the
for tl'.e positi8n
II C:urriAd "
Rv Li LtJ e ~'--skeo ::y":l'"rr:.i8sion to 1"Jtr0duG8 f.i :Oy-L8'N t:J re(':lllut.e th,~ p:c-ectioE Clnd
I;rovi de for t hA ,-::;[,ff't~' nf hu t lea nCn e.nd 3t rllctur~ s.
Grsnt8c. ilnd read the first tjJn'3. 01' notion rule .3) was Sl).~;rel1.jerl and 8QIH'.cil 'N8Et
int'J eor:-rr:1ittee of the ',,,1101e on secone] re8dinc, the !,::uyor in the chair. Or" comr!llttee
risine; the l':;:..yor repr):~teQ the :::econi reucHnG. By-Lu'N '/1:1.'3 thenl~.id on tt,e t<..:.ble.
Loved by lh' Iittl"'l SBCrW..-[fld ly Cr Cole thut the I.':ayor lSf1Je '-' proolumation deClarinG
Co1'o!'1b.tion Du.y us [j, l)ubIic Holido.y awl rt~'~'.w3t5ng ::11 citizens to observe it 3.nrj to
decor~te their premises. II tlotioD Lost II
On l/otion :::ouncil & 04jollrrced .