HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/1953 (Special) '~":~~~'.~d itf ~~. ,.' ~~ Council Room, AI~il 6th, 1953 ~ R1EPORTS ~n"n~ Or Osborne presented a report from the Yinance Committee submitting sundry accounts I amounting to :$ 7,660.67.J'j. certified as being correct and recormnending payment. ,r": It Ree & Ado pted " Moved by Or dcott sec6nded by Or Hetherington that the accessories of the old tractor ' be delivered to Mr N.H. Brown in exchange for a new snow bucket for the new tractor. 1 I' Carl"ied It 1Ioved by Or Scott seconcl.ed by Or Osborne that the Clerk be instructed to 'write the I ' Deputy ]dnister 01 Hif':hways and 1:r John Fonte 11..P.P. J making a re:;.uest :for the 1 further continuance of Liberty Jt and rel\Estincthat consideration be given for the improvement of 'Naverlev Road. " :::arried It " 1.- 1.~ oved by Cr Osborne 8eco~dRo by Cr Kilmer that. the planting of trees on the Town street be referred to the lublic lrorerty COl1ll!littee with power t.o oct. " Carried " 1:oved by Cr Cole seconoed by Cr Osborne th~t $ 50.00 be crunted to the Fire Brigade, I " being 50 -% of t he amount rece i ved from an out side fire. " Carried " I t:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Scott that the 6.asessor be instructed to investigate in regard to assessing the Franklin property. " Carried" I ' A':oved by Cr Scot. t seconded by Rv Little that the By-Law to provide for the borrowing I of $ 350,000.00 u}::on debentures be laid on the table until ~fter a meeting with Public Utilities Commission. fI Carried" . BY-LAWS h / ~ //1' Rv Little asked Dermission to introduce the following By-Laws; 1L{7 ~eJv To authorize the'borrowing of $ 31,500.00 upon debentures for Local Improvement purpose Yl , ('" (~? TOl restrict the emission of smoke from flues, stack or chimneys within the limits of /12. _ .2d,' the Coruortttion. Granted' and read the first time, On motion rule 33 'Has suspended and Council went into committee of the whole on Second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising I the Wayor reported the second reading with ull blanks filled in. The By-Law authorizing the borrowing of $ 31,500.00 upon debentures was laid on the table. By-Law to restrict the emission of smoke was read a third time, passed and ordered to : be signed and sealed. 1 Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hetherineton that the Public Utilities Commission be instructed to instul1 street lights at the corner of Simpson Ave and Lake Road and I' at the corner of' High $t and Odell St., providing that there is no extra expense inVOlved. It Curried II Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that 3. large pictdre of the ',~ueen be purchased at a cost of $. 19.95 It Curr ed It On Motion Council adjourned. -7":ht.IL~ - ~ 1'Tayor C .erk. Council Room, April 21st, 1953 Special meetine: of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Dp Rv Robson, the Mayor preslding and stated that he hed called the meeting Cor the purpose of passing a By-Law andropening tend~rs for the installation of a new heating system for 1. he Town Hall. I COll'UNICATIONS 'l'endeTs for the installation of Q new hestine system were received from the following j J. Braue;h, Hearl & BothwAll, L.A. Parker &. Sons, 'N.A. KilpatriCk, D 'Jelby Grant, and S Blain~lliott. j Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Hetherip~tnn that ~he tender of J.B1uin Elliott for the installation of a hot water he8.tine; system for the Town He 11, including Cl. Llvinesto Stoker, be acce,ted for the SUfl of $ 7,365.00, beire: the lowest tender received for hot water heating. " Cal'ried 'f ) I BY-LAN . 1.- 1,( <J Rv Little asked permis"ton to introduce a By-Law to provide for borroNing the sum of l,{) dol , $ 350,000.00 upon debentures to oefray the cost of installing an intake in Lake Ontario r Pumping E;uipment, 3ettling besin tind vvater mc.ins for the '.'Il1terworks system of the f..1uni cipali ty. I Grf<.nted and read the first t.ime. On motion ruJ e JJ ..as Suspended and Council flBnt ibn Lo committee of the whole on seoond rending the 1~uy()r in chair. On Committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading Nith Cr Jcott voting against. By-14w was then laid on the t.able. ...,P ~;::; -T- J;r-/th.~- -0 CL On Motion Council adjourned. ,.. y r 1V1a 0 Cl;n . /