HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1953
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Council ROOM, iipril 6th, 1953
Refular meeting of CouLoil. wes held on ub0ve datFl, mer(ibers E1l} present exc8iltin~
;:)p Rv Robson and Cr JeGeer, th~ l:'ayor Tresh'! i:r.e. I,anute s of ID8 t j'efoul Dr 1) nd sper,iu 1
meetinfs were rend and on motion confir~ed.
1:oved by Hv Little secoTldecl by Cr Scott th'3.t
Chief Sidney Venton on conpletion of t.'.'...-~nty
L presentation of $ 25.00 be mode to
five YALrs service es Chief of Police
!l Gerrled "
:':;tsnding II signs
From Public 38hool P-::'1"1 requestine the erection of " Po .3top:r:ine; or
OT; the side of the streets adjoining the sch001 pro:r;erties.
I,:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr .3cott thc.t the re<~uest be referred to the poJice
CODunittee to work ',',lith the Public ,3chool BOu.rd. '1 Carried tl
From Kr C. J. Telfer, Depa rtmer t of Health, Hos,i tc Is Di vis ion, ToroI1to, in reference
to maintenance grants to hospitals.
I Ji:ovAd by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that t.he letter be referred to the IIospite.l
Board requesting them to outline their views to present to 1:1' Telfer. 11 Carried If
From l,.:rs F.A. Dilling, Secretary of St John's Advisory BOurd in ref~r(--mce to parking
in front of St John's Church durinp: services.
1:ovf!d by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Hetherington thut the letter be
Committee with power to act.
From Counties U}"Jrk udv1.sine
referred to the Police
Tr Carried tr
tn EOWI11o.nvi lIe HOST'll t<:"l.
II Hec & Filed"
From Board of Trnnsport Commissioners, Ottawa cance11ing orner r~o 55998 for the
crossing &t C.N.R. station. It Ree & IPiled It
From Lundy Fence Co Ltd Toronto enulosinc prices for a fence at KA.lliorial lark.
l\:ovect b~,r R'r Li ttJ_8 seconded by Cr HetherinEton that the letter bR refe:r!'ed to tnR
DeI'i..':"tn8Dt of lip-creation to cring in c further recoITnnendatinn. II Carried lr
From I,;r Ru:' Dudley und l:r ond l:rs Cecil Dudley thanking Council for the reception and
banq,llet in honor of l,:r Ray Dudley. " Rec &. :filed IF
Ii'rom Durham Cour1ty Di~trict High 30h'101 Baurd in reference to new basi s of !',ssessment
for school purposes for 1953 emoum,inc: to .~ 6,J!)()0.OOO.OO in lieu of old a-ssessment
of ~ 3,022,900.00
l.:oved by Gr OSbOl'flf3 seconded by Cr Hetrlsri:rgton till:t
E:.ccertanoe be given to the Board on the nR'N basis of
Fran Dsrartment of' J'lanninc 8rd :)ev'310pment, Toronto '3tatit1g that a
buildinG By-.T__.a:.v 'NllS available.
t:oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that tbe letter be referrAd to the PluTlning
Donrd. tl Carried"
From C0unty of Sirr.coe Urb&n ~,~Qyors ann Reeves A.sso, :'._iril3nd requesting Cauncil to
endorse resoluti'lns re~ue8tinG the Provinci~l GovernMent to cha~ge the luws to allow
fines to be p.'3.id on the installment. plan, th'lt school t[;XBS be levied and collectert
serarateJ_y, and that all school bOQr~s be elective.
I\:oved by Cr .:)(~ott Sf'lconded by Cr Hetheriflfton th<:.'.t the rf"'!solution in reg':.crd to the
in 2tallmen t r::~7men t of fine s he endorsed. II Cr.r 1'1 ed II
I\.oved by Hv Litt18 seconded by Cr Kilmer that no [;, ctiop be taken on the schnol
resolutions. II Carried"
From nosco r\:etal and R')ofine IJroducts Ltd, Toronto enclosing ElCC0unt for $ l5.5C
resulting from b mislaid invoice.
},:ov<:"'!J by Cr Osb:Hne seconded by Cr Cole that the C;;.0count for $ 15.50, if found to be
correct, be paid. '1 Carried II
Fl'oI'1 1Ylte1' Club CorrJnittee asking for E erant of.) 40.00 tONards tt.e cost of
EmmaIlvj lle signs at the entrnrcces to the Town.
1:oved by er 3cott seconded by Crc Hetherincton that a ~:rant of $ 40.0C be muds to-.v(jrds
the cost of the BmvIr:l:lnville ,'1i[';ns. II CQrried II
Jl"rom Chief S Venton in refere:c(; to y:urkine; in thti vtcinity of the l~'ost Office.
~.:oV"ed by Rv Little sBconded by Cr Cole thut the watter be rererred to the Police
Committee with power to uct. to Carried"
FroN l;;emoriul HNH)ital Bourds in reference to the condition of u bui ldinZ ucross from
the Hospitsl and enquiring if :;nything can be done to remedy the situation.
l\:oved by Rv Little seconded l>y C1' Jcott th,it the fir'3 chief be rec;uested to bring in
the Fire l.'&rslw.ll to inspect p1'fuperties thc:t ~re considered to be a fj.re hc.ze1'd.
II Carried "
From 1:r "".R. .]trike, Tmm solicitor, i.n reference to the smoke emission By-Lew.
11 Ree &, Fi led II
of [.. [2.tient being admittfld
the ncceasarv letter of
LlSSeSSI'1ent for Hieh Jchnol
II Carried "
copy of a dreft
I' tt3f::.C~
p- ~~;~
~", " .,'
Council Rocm, April 5th, 1955
From members of the Fire Brigade in reference to recent raise in pay ani stating trot
in their opinion it was unfair.
Moved by Cr Riggon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the C oMplalnt be referred to tlB
Fire Committee to investigate and report teck to Council. " Carried" :
From Counties Clerk advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hospitai.
n Ree & Filed " '
From Mr H.W. Mitchell, Sec-Treas-, Durham County District High School Board enclosing
budgst for 1955 with Town levy of $ 43,7.00.00 " Rec &0 Filed. ,
From Mr S.R. James, Secretary Public School B06rd enclosing copy of letter received fro,
li:r N.J. Scot't of the Brookdale Nurseries in reference to water flooding their property i
at Church and St George Sts. " Reo & Filed"
From Miss Isebelle Davis, secretary Canadian National Institute for the Blind, aSking
permission to hold a tag day on May 7th and 8th.
Moved by Or Preston seconded by Crx ttehder that permission be granted. " Carried"
From Dept of Flanning and Development, Toronto in reference to National Building Code
and Municipal Building By-Laws.
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Preston that the letter be referred to the
COIlll1.ittee with power to act. "
From Department of ~unlclpel Affairs, Toronto advising of special assistance
as follows, Municipal $ 4,404.75 and Elementary Schools t 3,380.00
Carried n
for 1955
" Rec &. Filed tt
From 1:1S8 Ada lJadson, secretary Memorial Park ABBO making application for eight shade
trees for t he part:
Moved b~' Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lander that tiE reque at be granted. It Carried "
From Mr W.B. Reynolds, Chairman of Durham County Districtjiigh SChool Board rwquesting
Council to endorse a resolution re~uesting the united Counties to issue debentures
for the construction of additions to Bowmanvi1le and Port Hope high schools.
Moved by Dp ~v Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the resolution be endorsed.
" Carried "
From Miss lrene Shew, Supt Bowmanville Y.emorial Hospital in reference to indigent
patients now in hospital who have been discharged by their doctors.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Preston that the CIe rk be instructed to dl"aft a
resolution to be sent to the Counties Council for the April session requesting thsn
to pay the indigent rate for patients at a rest home who are ready for discharge from
hospital but have no horne to return to. ,., Carried ,.,
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Rv Little that the Clerk be instructed to advise
the superintendant of Bowmanville Memorial Hospital that the matter of indigent
patients ready far dl scherge will be settled. tt Carried If
,,' Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report froM tre Finanoo Committee submitting sundry accoun s
p..Inounting to:$ 6,087.11 certified as being oorrect end recommending paymant.
It Rec & Adopted"
,"oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgcn that an cffice be built in the TOlIn shed at
an approximate cost of ~ 105.00 " Carried"
1:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers tlli t a telephone be installed in the
Town shed. " C rrie d ,.,
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon that the Roads and Streets Committee be
authorized to purchase a fire extinguisher for the Town shed at an approximate COBt
of $ 52.00 " Carried "
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carrutrers tl'Bt the Clerk be instructed to obtain
prices for asphalt dust layer and that the Roands and streets Committee be given
authority to purohase. " C rried "
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Broup,h that the sale of the sander be I'eft in the
hands of the Roads and Streets COI!ll!'littee with power to act. ,., Carried"
Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Lander that the }ublic Property Committee be
authorized to call for tenders for eave troughing and painting the exterior of the
Town Hall. n Carried "
tI:oved by Cr Higgon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Clerk be instructed to write
the Chloral Society tanking than for the gift of a piano for the Town Hall.
tt Carried "
I'reston that the old piano be left in the
" Carried "
that a proper painted Sign.. be Brected ~at thje i
" Carried tI
that the Publio Froperty Committee be
fire escape for the Town Hall and report
" Carried "
J\.'C <~~
Cau-ilCil'RO'Om", Apr i16th;1953
'~~'''2" Cr Osborne presented a report from the 1"1nance Connnittee sUbmittinG sundry accounts
omounting to $ 7,660'Z67 certified as being COrrect and recommending payment.
, II Ree &, Adopted If
Moved by Cr 0COtt see nded by Cr HetherinGton that the accessories of the old tractor
be delivered to 1rr W.R. Brown in exchange for a new snow bucket for the new tractor.
11 Carried If
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Osborne that the Clerk be instructed to i\Tite the
Deputy l:inister of Hif:hways and_l:r John F00te !\f.P.P., making a re(luest for the I.
further continuance of Liberty .:it and re~lURstinEr that consideration be given for the
improvement of Naverley Road. tI Carried"
1!oved by Cr Osborne ~ecof'.derl by Cr Kilmer that the planting of trees on the Town street
' be referred to the I'ublic I-ro!,erty Conrrrlittee with power to net. It Carried It
11:0V8d by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Osborne that ~~ 50.00 be erupted to the Fire Brigade,
being 50 % of the amount received from an outside fire. II Carried"
~oved by Cr Cole seconded by Or Scott that the assessor be in~tructed to investigate
I. in regard to assessing the Franklin property. ., Carried It
1:oved by Or Scott seconded by Rv Little that the By-Law to provide for the borrowing
of $ 350,000.00 upon debentures be laid on the table until after a meeting with
Public Utilities Commission. " Carried II
'Ll/ ~ /1 Rv Little asked permission to introduce the following By-Laws;
/.,).;" To authorize the borrowing of $ 31,500.00 upon debentures for Local Improvement purpose
}7 I ' (4-1. To, restrict ~he emission of smoke from flues, stack or chimneys within the limits af
IJQ. _~.si. . the CorporatIon.
Granted and read the first time, On motion rule JJ was suspended and Council went into
commlttee of the whale on second reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising
1 the Mayor reported the second reading wi th all blanks filled in. The By-Law authorizing
the borrowing of $ 31,500.00 upon debentures was laid on the table.
By-Law to restrict the emission of smoke was read a third tiffie, passed and ordered to
be signed und sealed.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Hetherineton that the Public Utilities Commission
be instructed to install street lights at the corner or Simpson Ave and Lake Road and
at the corner of High St and Odell St., providing that there is no extra expense
invol ved. " Curried t!
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that a large pictftre of the ~ueen be purchased
at a cost of $ 19.95 " Cc:.rr ed "
On Motion Council adjourned.
ho /558
k:ayor ~/ &erk.
Council Room, April 21st, 1953
Special meetinc of Council was held on above date, members all present excepting Dp Rv
Robson, the lI~ayor presl(1 ing and stated t ha t he had called the Pleeting Tor the purpose
of passing a By-Law and.r,o.rening tend'3rs for the installlition of a new heating system
I for t he Town Hall.
I 'l'enl'io:JrS for t. he installation of Q new heating system were received. from the fOlloWing;
J. Broue;h, Hearl & Bothwell, L.A. Parker &. Sons, 'N.A. Kilp5.trick, D :Jelby Grant, I
and S Blain d:lliott.
1:oved by Cr _DeGeer seconded b~' Cr Hetherint~-ton that the tender of J.Blain Elliott for ,
I the installation of a hot water he8.tine system :for the Town Hall, incJUdine: a LiVingsto1
' Stoker, be acce,ted :for the sun of $ 7,365.00, being the lowest tender received for
hot water heating. "Carried" !
Rv Little asked permisston to introduce a By-Law to provide for borrowing the sum of I
r' $; 350,000.00 uro n debentures to defray the cost of' installing an intake in Lake Ontario,
Pumping E::;uipment, settling besin and 'Hater rP_G.ins for the waterworks system of the I
I' Grc.nted and read the first time. On motion rIlle 33 ','..as susr'ended and Council wl'I:nt Ibn La
committee of the whole on second reading the Muynr in chair. On Committee rising the
Mayor reported the second reading with Cr Jcott voting against. By-law was then laid
. on tho table. ~ ~~
h. / - //"
- r;7.i/th.~ t.
On Motion Council adjourned. Mayor c:/ Cl .n. .