HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/1953 (Special) .~.._... ,""-' - := "0"412<1 Council Room, March 2nd, 1953 1oI0v.d by Dp Rv Robson s.cond.d by Cr Kiw.r that a l.tter b. s.nt to Miss Flor..nc.. Gardin.r thanking her group for thr wond.rful ~nqu.t cat.r..d by h..r group in honor of IoIr Ray Dudl.y and to the Radio Shop for th..ir s.rvic.s in obtaining gift for presentation, copy to b. s.nt to El.ctrohom. Company, l4nd lett.r be sent to tho Lions Club tlll'nking th... for the u.a of th.ir n.w Hall. " C"rried " . BY-LAWS RvLittle ask.d parmi.sion to introduc. the following By-Lews;- For the appOintm.nt of Town Officials. To raise by taxation certian sums of money; To ~utnorlz. the oonstruction of oertain works as Local Improvements; Grant.d and read the first tim.. On motion rule 3Jwas susp.nd.d and Council w.nt inno oommitt.... of the whole on s.oond r.ading, th.. Mayor in th.. ohair. On 0 ommittee rising the Mayor report.d the seoond r.ading with all blanks fill.d in. By-Lows were then read a third tim., pa..ed and ord.red to be sign.d and s.aled. ] Mov.d by Rv Little seoond.d by Cr Soott that the Clerk be in.tructed to pr.par.. a By-La~ oontrolling th.. smole nui.ano. in the Town. " Carri..d" I Movad b;r Cr Scott .eoonded by Cr Col. that the Town SOlioitor b.. instruot.d to inv&stigat.. .the possibility Of taking ov..r the Franklin Prop.rty for Park Purpose. due I t.o the faot that no dirsct proof of ownership has b..n .staUsh.d. " Carried " I Iiloved by Cr H.thorington ...conded by Rv Little that the Publio Property Committee be I authorized to have working plans mad. up and to adv..rtis. for t.ndars for th.. installation of new h..ating sy.tem in the Town Hall. . " Carri.d " Moved by Cr Soott ..cond.d by Cr H.th..rington that .inc. a .um of . 6,300.00 has b...n .et aside in the bUdget for the y.ar 1953 for the purohase of .quipnl""t, that th.. Road. and Streets Committee be permittedto,reoommend the purohase of a loader and a sander as reoommend..d by that c01lll1ittoe at th.. F.bruarj me.ting, the total purohas.. prio.. not to ..xo....d the amount as s..t out in th.. budget. " Carried with Cr Cole di.senting " On Motion Council adjourn.d. fiX- 7'M-. th- _~ Mayor. r Counoi1 Room, Maroh 10th, 1953 Speoial m.eting of ~ouncil was h.1d on abov.. dat., m.mb.r. all pr..ent the Mayor pr..iding and .tated that h. had cal1.d the m..ting for tho purpos.. of purohaoing a losd.r"and to mo.t m.mbers of the Publio SchOOl Board and authorize th.m to puroha.& land for a sohoo1 .i to and to hiI'. an archit.ot. Mov.d by Cr Soott ..oond.d by Rv Litt1.. that the Road. and Str..ts Committ.. r.oomm.nd the pu~ohas. of Model 4A loader oomp1.te with ~ yard buok.t and balla.t box .t a tot.1 oo.t Of . 4,717.00 1..s . 500.00 a110wano. on pre..nt 10ad.r, net. 4,217.00 as supplied by MBW.H. Brown under one year guarantee. " C.rri.d with Cr Cole oppo.ing " Mr Nm G James, Chairman of the PubUc Scboo1 Board .ddr....d Counoil in r.f.r.no. to the n.ad of building a n.w school, obtaining a .it. and r.q~..ting Council to .uthoriz. the Board to purchase the" land and hire a n arohit.ct. Mov.d by Cr DeGe.r ...cond.d by Dp Rv Rob.on that the Publio School Board b. r&qu..t.d to pr...nt an off. I' to tho Brookdal. King.way Nur..ri.s to puroha.. their land for the sum of . 15,000.00 with a d.tai1 plan of how muoh of the prop.rty they would take po.....ion of this fall and how muoh th.y will take po.....ion of in the fall of 1954, failing the aco.ptanc. of this off.r,to puroha... the prop.rty of the Downsham Nurseries oonsisting of 4.2 aores for $ 19,000.00 and to hire an architect, and proo..d with the building of the .choo1. " Carri.d with Cr Soott not voting " Moved by DpRv ~obson seconded by Cr Soott that the Lions Club be charged the regular r.ntal for t he Town Hall for thitir MinstrU Show and re-imburse tham a .imilar amount as a donation for the Rlood Relief Fund. . " Carried" ~ On Motion Council adjourned. tfi LC- ;(~.Ik.. ~. MaYor . .'<~,