HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1953
';?i~ G:g~~~: ~~:tJ:'~~O~f r~~~~~i;g;~~;~;S:~f u~~:~-~;~~;:~~~i~~~~:~f;:~~r~f~t:~~I;~:~~~~~=
, and on motion confirmed.
From rv:r Fred 0 Belter asking to have a tree cut down und t',yO trees trir:uned in front of
his property on 'Nelline:ton St,
1roved by er OSbOl't18 seconded by er 801e thfJt the requEst be refe-rred to the Public
lI'Operty Committee with power to act. 11 Carried"
From Ontario l,;a:,'ors and Reeves .h.sso advising of the: &nlluul conference to be held in
3carboroueh Township on r,1ay 20th, 21st cmd 22nd and requesting a renewtil of membershir.
~,:oved by er Osborne seconded by Rv Little that membership be renewed for 1953 at a
fee of $ 20.00 " Carried"
From Kilborn ~ngineering Co Ltd, Toronto offering their services as professional
engineers. '1 Rec & Filed"
From M~jor J"ohn Foote, t: .r.p acknow1edein~ receipt of letter in rAference to allmving
Hospitals a higher rate fCir indigent patients. tI Rec & FilAd "
From COTI1lnunity Programs Branch. Dept of .c:ducation, Toronto aCknowledeing receipt of
lettF'lr enclosing By-Law for their approval. " Rec &. Filed rl
From Gamtdian .r~att8ral Institute for the Blind askine permission to hold a Tae Day
on Jaturday Wuy 9th.
!i~oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr HetherincLon that mpris8ion be I?ranted. It Carried If
From Nort)Iern ~lectric Co Ltd Toronto, enclosing prices for traffic liL:hts.
koved by Cr Scott seconded by Gr Cole that in view of the decreadine trnffic on King .:itl
th8t the ~olice Co~~ittee give consideration during th~ month of ~ueust ~s to whether I
or not the [':uard be retained on King 3t at Br01NIl ;it 2.nd thf'.t consider3.tion be given I
at that time to the ir.Rtallation of a traffic lie;ht at cl1Y other necessary point.
n Carried II
in referenc e to the Dominion
" Ree & JI'iled "
Uevel~~ment, Toronto advising
l'ron otion to be held at the
" Rec & Filed II
to the appoir:tment of a weed
From Department of })lafming and DeveloI::ment, Toronto
Provincial Housinp PrOl8ct.
From Trade and In(lustry Branch, Uept of Planning and
of a conference on 1';11r.icipc1 Pl8.nning c.nd Industrial
Royaib York Hotel, l'oronto on 1:nrch 30th and 31st.
From Depo.rtment of Aericulture, TOt"onto in refere:r:ce
1:oved by Cr Scott ,seconded by _Cr Cole that ~:r C.t>. Oke be ,.ppointed weed ins.J:;9ctnr
for 1953 at a salary of $ 75.00 reI' i:1Ilnurn. II Carried II
From Bmvmar:ville Branc1j: Cani:1d il:l.n I,egion enquiring if Council are contemrleting and
observance of the Coronation and if 80 they would be willinG to co-operate.
:koved by Cr Cole seconded 'hy Cr OsboT'ne that the letter be referred to tha Civic
Committee 80 work with the Leeion. " CEU'rled 11
From Counties Clerk, CObourg, in referer:ce to payment of Fox Bourlty and idi~ent
patients accounts. II Rec & Filed "
From Bov..manville School &. Hone Asso complaining of the dirty condition of the Town
Hall Auditorium and lack of heat at u concert on January 2.3rd and aSking Council for
s reduGtion in th~ rental.
I,loved by: Cr Cole seconded by Cr 3cott that no charGe be mude for the evening.
" Carried II
From Recreation Department re~1uestine tlwt Co. fence be erected between Liberty ,:it and
the ~adine pool, that crossing lines for children be painted on Liberty and Duke I
Jtreets at 1,:emorial Perk and that for Franklin. Park .:.ind 1.:eIl1oriElI Pa.rk, the grass to be.l
cut weekly, the f::DOuncts rolled, gar\zlage collected a rSt!:ulb.r interval s, t he ball diamoc<11
to be put in playing condition, spot check by !olice 8t intervals and sUGGesting that
rJart of the work could be done by the works department. I
Moved by Or Scott seconded by Rv Little that the Clerk be instructed to '",rite to a
fence company for prices for fencing for Memoria 1 Park. II Carried"
l\~oved by Or Kilruer seconded by iJp HV. Robson that the head of the works DepbrtlT.en t I
investigate and see how much of' this work cun be done by the dorks .Jept. II Carried It
R U'O.1Td
Cr Osborne rresented a ~eport frorr the Finence Corr~f'li ttee I-resenting sundry accounts
amounting to ~ 2,685.29'2nd Publiu .Jchool Building accounts amounting to $ 1,466.08/' I
certified as being correct &nd recommendiny payrpent 11 nee & Adopted"
~:oved by Gr Osborn6 seconded by Dp Rv Rnbson that the lublic Library Board be granted
$ 2,000.00 f"or 1953, being incluaed in the estimates. fl:';arried tl
l' 1:.oved. by CrCole seconded by .DP Rv Robson that the Fire Committee be authorized to
have f.:.. new clutch installed in the International Fire Track II Carried II
~,~oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the motion 8uthorizi:[ig the hiring of a
~_~.:~_ab~~_~~.~_~_~~__~t_~he __~~~ve~~~_~~_~.~~~~__ he _~e8cind~d. " Carried II
Counoil Room, Maroh 2nd, 1953
Moved by Dp Rv Robson se.oonded by Cr Kilmer that a letter be sent ,to Miss Florenoe
Gardiner thanking her group for thr wonderful ~nquet catered by her group in honor
of Mr Ray Duelley and to the Radio Shop for their servic.s in obtaining gift for
presentetiOn, copy to be sent to Elsctrohome Company, 'lnd letter be sent to ths Lions
Club thanking th... for the use of their new Hall. " Carried "
Rv Little asked permission to introduce the following By-Lows;-
For the appointment of Town Offioials.
To raise by taxation certian sumaof moneyj
To authorize the oonstruction of oertain works &sLooal Improvements; I
Granted and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Counoil wen,t inno
oommittee of the whole on seoond reading, the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. By-Lows were then read i
a third tillle, passed and ordared to be signed and sealed. t'
Moved by RvLittleseconded by Cr Scott that the Clerk beinstruoted to prepare a By-La
oontrolling the smole nuisanoe in the Town. . W Carried "
Moved by Cr Soott seconded by Cr Cole that the Town Solicitor be instruoted to
investigate the possibility of taking over the Franklin Property for Park Purposes due I
to the faot that no direct proof of ownership has been estalished. " Carried " ,
"oved by Cr Hetherington asconded by Rv Little that the Public Proparty Committee be I
authorized to have working plans made up and to advertise for tenders for the
installation Of new heating sys.tem in the Town Hall. " Carried "
Moved by Cr Soott seoonded by Or Hetherington that since a sum of . 6,300.00 has been
set asid. in the buclget for the year 1953 for the purohase of equiJlll1ent, that the Roede
and Streets Committee be permitted to,recommend the purchase of a loader and a sander
as re,oommeneled by that oommittee at the Februarj meeting, the total purchase prioe not
to exoeed the amount as eet out in the bUdget.
" Carried with Cr Cole dis.enting "
On Motion Council adjourned.
May or .
Council Room, Maroh lOth, 1953
Speoial meeting of eounoil was held on above date, membere all present the Meyor
presiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of purchasing a
loader.....d to meet membsr. of the Publio School Board snd authorize tham to purchase
lanel for a sohool site and to hire an architect.
Moved by Cr Scott seoonded by Rv Little that the Roads and Streets Committee rscommand
the pUrchase of Model 4A loader complete with! yard bucket and ballast box at a total
cost of . 4,717.00 less * 500.00 allowanoe on present loader, net. 4,217.00 as
sU~plied by M. N.H. Brown under ODe year guarantee.
" Carried with Cr Cole opposing "
Mr Nm G James, Chairman of the Publio Sohool Board addressed Counoil in rsference to
the nead of building a new sohool, obtaining a ~ite and requesting Council to
authorize the Board to purchase thee land and hire a n architect.
Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the Fublio School Board be requestad
to present an offer to the Brookdale Kingaway Nurseries to purchase their land for
the sum of * 15,000.00 with a detail plan of how much of the Property they would take
poasession of thie fall and how muoh they will take posseesion of in ths fall of 1954,
failing the acceptence of this offer, to purchase t he property of the Downsham
Nurse~ies consisting of 4.2 aores for $ 19.000.00 and to hire an arohiteot. and
prooeed with the building of the school. " C.rrieel with Cr Scott not voting "
Moved by Dp Rv ~obson seconded by Cr Scott that the Lions Club be charged the regular
rsntal for the Town Hall for thUr Minstril Show and re-imburse them a similar
amount as a donation for the BlOOd Relief Pund. . " Carried"
On Motion Council adjourned.
fi-i Cc-