HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1953
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Council Room, February 3r~, 1953
H.egular meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor
presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed.
Ur J O'Neil President of the Memorial Hoslntal addressed Council reque sting that one ,
half mill be included in the 1953 budget as .8 maintenance grant to the Hospital for 195,.
Koved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Rv Little tbatone half mill be set up in the 1953
budget as a maintenance grunt to ~emorial Hospital, Bowmanville. " Carried"
From Bowroanville Public Library requesting a grant of $ 2,000.00 for 1953. '
l1r Rathbun and t:r Dippell addressed Counoi 1 in referenoe to the grant.
1:oved by Cr Cole seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the request be referred to the Finance
Committee to be considered with other grants. If Carried"
From Mr C.J ~ Elston, Civil Defence Co-Ordinator, requesting members of Council to
attend a Civil Defence meeting in Trinity Sunday School on Wednesday February 4th at
8.15 P.M.
Moved by CJ'r DeGeer seoonded by Cr Cole that the .t'olic e Committee be represented at the
meeting and also any other member of Council that can attend. " Carried"
From Salvation Army, Toronto asking Council for a grant for their social service work.
" Rec & Filed"
From Miss Nina E Neads enolosing renewal premium on Public Liabiltty pOlicy.
J..~oved by er Osborn seconded by Cr Hetherington that the l.ublie Liability Insurance for
1953 be renewed at a yearly premium of $ 600.00 " Carried II
From Durham County Distriot High Sohool Board in regard to the building of High dchools
at Port Hope and Bowmanville.
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr DeGeer that the Communication be referred to the
Finance Committee for study end report backe " Carried II
From Railway Asso of Canada, Montrea4 in reg~d to Day,tligllt Javing Time and
enquiring if this would be adopted in the Town for 1953.
Moved by Cr Osborne seoonded by Dp Rv Robson that Day-Light Saving Time be adopted
in the Town for 1953 from 12.01 A.M. dunday April 26th until 12.01 A.M. Sunday
deptembe., 27th, and that the Railway ASBO be notified accordingly. " Carried >>
From Mr C.Le Hooper, E'ire Chief, submitting his annual report of fires and fire losses
for 1952. " Rec & Filed tt
From untario Good Roads Asso advising of the annual \'onvention to be held in Toronto
on Feb 9thm lOth and 11th and requesting membership in the Association.
},ioved by Cr Scott seoonded by Or Hetherington that $; 10.00 be sent to the Onterio
Good Roads ASBO for membership for 1953. 11 Carried"
P~'0'"- ?owmanvi11e Lions Club, requesting that the taxes for 1953 be remitted on
tPe Lions Centre ~
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr DeGeer
Lions Community Centre , Beech lve.
From Bowmanvi11e llanning and Deve1opeml!'nt Board in regard
and Auto 'NTeoking yards.
From Bowmanville Planning and Development Board requesting
in the 1953 budget for their re~luirements.
Moved by Or DeGeer seconded by Cr Cole that the request be referred to the Civic
Connnittee to be included in their budget. " Carried"
From Bowmanville }.',emorial Arena thanking Council for their co-oper"ation with members
of the Committee and enclosing copy of letter received from the Canadian Ine Machine
" Rec &, Filed 11
Line reque sting that e frontage tax of $ 18.81 on his
St, be remitted for 1952 as a Town drain runs through
remitted on the
" Carried "
to zoning areas for Junk
11 Ree&. Filed"
that $ 500.00 be included
that the taxes for 1953 be
From Mr W~L. Lycett, 46 Base
property fronting on Liberty
this property.
Moved by Cr Osborne seconded
by Rv Little that the request be not entertained.
II Carried "
From t:r G Baptist-.., Local Agent of Camdian National Railway requesting Council to pass
a resolution rescinding order No 55998 of the Board of Transport Commissioners and
authorizing the cloaine of the crossing over the C.N.R. tracks at the atation and
leading to the west side beache
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the Board of ~ransport Commissibners
be requested to oancel Order No 55998 authorizing the Canadian National Rai lway to
close the oDcBsing at the station to the west side beach. " Carried
From Mrs Rosalind dakelin and others asking that better lighting be installed on
Brown St.
! From Mrs FeR~ Cook, King St E requesting the installation of a street light at 292
\ I€ing St Jla at.
'~l.~ r~:=e:CCbY C;UeGeer SeCOnd~d b~~~~-~~~-t~~~~~-:-~~f~~~~;r~o~~'-~~~~~r:ft1~i: :~~5Jc :
,~,' _':'0 I street lighting in the Town is being re-urrange d and the. t thei r reque ats will be
I looked after in due course. "(larried "
From Mr Frank Piper Jr and other residents on the Wharf Rd requesting that 8 street
light be installed on the corner of Simpson Ave and "Ivharf Rd.
I Moved by Or Scott seconded by Or DeGeer that the request be referred to the l-ublic
l-r0perty Committee to report back. " Carried"
From Canadian Federation of Mayors and ~unicipalities requesting membership for 1953.
1I Reo & Filed II
" Rec & Filed"
nO Ii ,,{ I
reo I .(.> ~:<_
From Health League of Canada asking Council for 6 erant.
Or Osborhe presented a report from the Finance Committee
amounting to $ lO.663.92,..:!certified as being correct and
submitting sundry accounts
recommendmng payment.
II Rec &. Adopted "
~oved by Cr Scott seconded by Dp Rv Robson that Council accept Or DeGeer's offer to
supply the material for a sign and that the Police Committee have it lettered
" To Business Section 11. 11 Carried 11
Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little thet no action be takan in regard to taking
over the road at the West side beach until further information is obtained and that
the Beach ASBO ne notified accordingly. "flarried If
Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Cr Scott tha.t a Department of Works be set up with the
Town Clerk as Manager who together with a qualified and competent works foreman shall
hire what help is deemed necessary by Council from time tm time to administer to the
maintenance and needs of ell committees of Council. This Department shall take its
direction from the Town Councilor committees of Council in accordance with powers
vested in such committees by Council as a whole. All requisitions directives and
complaints from any member of Council to go through the Town Clerk rather than direct
to any employee of this Department, A complete breakdown in the payrmll and other
administrative costs of the work done to be kept and charged against the various
committees of Council. It 1s recommended that the Roads and 3treets Department as it
now exists be discontimued and the present personel of ttat Department form the
nucleus of the new works department. II Carried"
).;;.oved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Osborne that in ViBW of the higher hospital
oper9tional costs the Council of the Town of Bowmanville respectfully request the
Minister of Health to give consideration to a higher rate for indieent patients.
" Carried "
Rv Little asked permission to introduce the following By-Laws;-
To provide for the licensing, regulating and contrOlling places where food stuffs
intended far human consumption are made for sale.
~o provide for permitting and regUlating the size and mode of construction of culverts
on the public highways.
'1'0 provide for licenSing, regulating and controlling of Junk Yards and Auto ,",reeking
Granted and read the first time. On motion ruls;, lJ was suspended and Councl 1 went into
committee of the whole on second readine, the 1~ayor in the chair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Laws were then
read a third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
~oved by'Or Scott seconded by Rv Little that in respect to the By-Law licensing,
regUlating and controlling places where food stuffs ere made for 3ale that no license
be issued this year with the exception of local charitable organizations. "~arried"
Moved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr Kilmer that a vote of thanks be sent to members of
the Recreation Commission for their services in 1952. " Carried II
On Motion Council adjourned.
i ,'" erk.
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