HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1953 i '-"~~;~~~.~I(l .\.{$f". -!/ '''" Council Haam, January 5truJ 1953 Inaugural meeting of Council was held on above date. ~he Clerk reported on the result of the :"lunicipal ~lections for'1953 as follows;- ~'~ayorJ F.!.Ii. Vanstone, Acclamation, Reeve, Sidney Little, ~~jority 226, Deputy Reeve, O.F. Robson, Acclamation, Councillors: N.E. Osborne, 1034, N.J. Scott, 987, Fred S Cole, 960, :!'alter DeGeer 847, Ronab ',i ~.: Hetherington, 743, Claude Kilmer 592. ~uestion on Town Manager Uajority No 635, fubIle Utilities Commission M.J. ~lliott, Acclamation, 9ublic SchoOl Board, J.E? Cole ,{.L. Lycett, Rolf. Jeffery, Acclamution. After taking the oatp. of office, members elect took their seats and the Eayor called upon: Rev T.A.. Morgan to open the meeting with prayer. IMoved by er DeGeer seconded by Dp Bv Robson that a vote of thanks ~organ for his services. The Mayor gave his inaugural address welcoming the new members of upon Ex Mayor Mason to address Council. Uoved by Bv Little seconded by er Jcott that the standing Committee for 1953 be as follows, first named to be chairmanj- Finance j - Osborne, ~cott, DeGeer, Robson Roads & 8treetsj- Jcott, Little, Hetherington Fire j- Cole, Osborne, Robson Poliosj Little, Scott, Cole lubllc Propertyj DeGeer, Little, Hetherington Civic & Reliefj ~obson, Kilmer, OSborne, DeGser Cemetery j- Hetherington, Cole, Kilmer J.ndustrial j Kilmer J DeGeer, Little be extended to rt8V " Carried II Council and called -----,._-~--~_._,~-_. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and on motion confirmed. COI~1JITICATIONS ll'rom Rotary Club, inviting members of Council to attend an annual oivic banquet at the Balmoral Hotel on Friday January 23rd at 6.30 P.K. ~oved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that the invitation be accepted and that the I Clerk be instructed to reply. " Carried" I From Rev ,(arran 'l'llrner, Rector of 3t .Johns Church inviting members of Counil and ,members of the School Board to attend service on the evening Of dunday January 18th at 7.00 P.I:. Moved by Cr DeGeer seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the invitation be accepted and that thel dchool Board be notified of the invitation. II Carried II From Mr H.R.S. Ryan, Chairman of the Durham County District High ;Jchool Board in reeardi to the appointment of a member to the Board. I }..~oved by Cr O.:-,10rne seconded by Rv Little that 1:r D.j~.UcGregor be appointed for a term lof two years on the Durham County DiAtrlct High Jchool Board as a representative from I the Town. "Carried" I I From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of pa~lents being admitted to Bowmanville Hospital: ! and Hospital for ,jick Chillfren. If Rec & Filed" From aorkrnens Compensation Board, Toronto in reference to cover~e for the Fire Brigade. :1-<oved by er Cole seconded by Dp Rv Robson that t he coverage be the same as lasjJ year IOf * 4,000.00 per man. " Carried IT i From kr L.C. Mason and Alr Ted Mason aCknowledging expression of sympathy on their recent berea vemen t. " Rec & Fi led " Frpm Mr L Lyle requesting that Rehder Ave be gravelled this year. Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Or DeGeer thatvthe Roads and $treets Committee be instructed to investigate and report tack to Council. II Carried It From Depqrtment of Highways, Toronto enclosing copy of By-LaW to provide for expenditures on roads and streete for 195). Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Or Cole that it be referred to By-Laws. " Carried II iFrom Co~~unity ielfate Council of Onthrio, Toronto in reference to the problem of ihousing for elderly persons and enclosing questionaire to be filled out. Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Cole that the 'luestionaire be filled out as requested and returned. " Carried" I ! From M.N. Hardy & Co Ltd, Montreal, in regard to financing industrial enterprises. I. 'Moved by Or DeGeer seconded by Cr Cole thut the letter be referred to the Industrial I Committee. It C rried " 'From Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, in reference to issuing licen~es far I Junk Yards. iMoved by Cr DeGeer seoonded by Cr Scott that the letter be acknowledged thanking them I ! for the reply. IfCarrled " l I ',-,------,-,--,-- ---'-'--,-" -.,------ ---,-----,---,-,----/ " Carried " u~~~\r;a'l~ - ,.e" ...(t~~ P.~'<T . ,.; ~o no /S'l6' n;o I i l-/j ~ Council Room January 5th, 1953-- l !l~PO~ Cr Osborne presented a report from t e anee Committee submitting sundry accounts amountine to $ 5,0)0.10 certified as bB g oorrect and recommending payment. ~/ " Rec I< Adopted " 1 Uoved by Cr Jcott seconded by Rv Little that the tender of Mr dilliam Cooper of $ 150.0 for the old G.M.C. truck be accepted. Tl Carried ~ Moved by Cr Cole seconddd by Dp Rv Robson that $ 85.00 be graoted to the Fire Brigade being 50 % of the amount received from outside fires. " Carried" Cr DeGeer reported for the committee to secure members for the Recreation department and moved seconded by Cr Osborne that the following members be appointed;- Public dehool Board, Kr A.M. Thompson, Community Centre, Mr R Uclntyre, Memorial Arena, I Mr a Samls, Town Parks, !tr Jack Ross, lrember at Large, lass Dora Purdon, Council : h':r Fred .3 Cole and Mr C Kilmer. " Carried " BY-LAWS i Rv Lit~le asked permission to introduce the following By-Laws;- To BorrON money for current;. expanses ;- To provide for the 1953 expenditures on roads and streets. Granted and read th~ first time. On motion rule 33 was sispended and aouncil weat into committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. On committee rising the Mayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. BY-Laws were then , read Ii third time, passed and ordered to be s1 gned and sealed. i The By-L8w authorizing the carrying on of a community programme of recreation was ,given its third reading with all blanks filled in, passed and ordered to be signed 'and sealed. Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Rv Little that the police committee investigate the cost of installing a manually operated stop light at the King end Brown dtseets crossing. " Carried n Moved by Cr Scott seconded by Cr Cole that the Clerk be instructed to write the Department of Highways requesting that a sign which is readable to night be pleced on Highway 2A ( 401) at the east and west approaches to the Town of Bowmanville and that the clover leaf entrances be more suitably marked for night driving. " Carried" l,':oved by Cr Cole seconded by Cr DeGeer that the .Police Committee be instructed to erect Ii If Business Section tt sign at the north west oornrar of "'t,ueen and Temperanoe Streets. " Carried It Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Cr Cole that Dp Rv Robson be appointed as a member of the Hospital Board for 1953. II Carried" Moved by ~r Osborne seconded by Rv Little that Dp Rv Robson be appointed as a member of the Planning Board for 1953 and that 1:r #illiam G James be appointed es a member of the Planning Board for 1953-4-5. " Carried" Moved by Cr Osborne seoonded by Rv Little that the following be appointed as members pf the Arena Msnegement Committee for 1953-4, l1r Robert #att, 1:e Clifford Jamis, Mr F Hooper, ~r LionelParker.Jr, Mr W.D. Carruthers, and that Crs Osborne and DeBeer be appointed as representatives from Council for 1953. " CarrJ-ed" ~oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Robson that the 1iunicipal ~forld be ordered for members of Council for 1953. II Carried" Moved by Cr Scott seconded by .I.~v Little that the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-Law governing the installation of culverts to be suppli0d by the proT ;rty owner and installed by the Town as per motion at meeting of Dec 1st, 1952. ~. Carried fI ~oved by Cr Osborne seconded by Dp Rv Robson that $ 10.00 be sent to the Assooiation of Assessing Offioers on Ontario for membership for 1953. n Carried tI Moved by Cr Osborne seconded by Gr DeGeer that the next regular meeting of Council be held on Tuesday Frebruary 3rd. 11 Carried tI -.....--------"-""=---- -...-.-- ...- On Uotion Council adjourned. 4~/t;_ ., "j ,(//' &rk. },':ayor. i#r.~/ ~ "