HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1955 '~;',~::,~:\/ iVg!~: ?-- ;.~~~ lLo l{p 03 Council ROOH, December 6th, 1955 He;-~11'_'r meeting of eoure:il "{lEiS held on above date, members all present the Mayor preM:.ding. t;inutes of Ie st regulHI' meeting were read and on motion confirmed. COnUITICATIOITS :From BOWIlE. nvi lIe Planning and Development Boar d in ref arenee to transfer of part of unopened 3cugag ::it rOEl.Cl fillowance to l.:r .Alan G -'Nilliams. Moved by Dp riv Carruthers secor;c1ed by Rv Little that the transfer be approved and that the Clerk contRct l.~r L.C. 1:ason, solicitor for Mr liillisrn.s and if it is necessary to advertise the closing of part of the rood flllowance that it be done. n Carried" From Bowl'!lumri 11e Planning ana Deveopmmt . Board in reference to the building per14its for garBges 01" Prince St end .'3outhway Drive, stating that permits should be issued. :r.:oved t,y Gr Brough seconded t.~, Cr Rehder th5.t building permits be issued to Mr Arthur Collison andhIr Io'rank Hooper for the erection of garages. It Carried" From Davet Tree Expert Co, Toronto in reference to removal of dead limbs and trees from TO/m streets and offerin~ their services. Moved by Dp Rv Carrutrers seconded by Gr Preston that the letter be referred to the Fublic lroperty Committee to study. rt CaITted tI From Canadian Pacific Haih.'ay, Toronto, steting trflt, a farm crossing at the north em of Chapel Jt ;tlas being used as a public crossing i!lilrlt hat the Town v{Quld have to o!:1pply to the Board of Transport Corrrnissloners to have this crossing declared public and that maintenance and construction costs would have to be born by the TO'lm. ))oved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the letter be referred tot rn TO'"#n solicitor and if he considers it fl. private crossing that the C.P.R. be notified accordingly~ " Carried" From Counties Clerk, Cobourg advising of patients being admitted to Bowmanville J...8J'1orial Hospital. PI Rec &. Filed" }l~r('\m r;orthumberland-Durham Heal th Unit, Cobourg, enclosing monthly report for October. It !tee & Filed " FrOM DeyertneJ'.t of Education, GOMnunity rrograms Branch, Toror.to enclosing cheque for $ 139.90 being balance of frElnt. II Rac & Filed" From 1;r Charles Hankine, Kinf~ .'It I{ aSking pennission to erect an electric sign. h:oved by Dp B.v CarruttE 1'8 seconded bJ.' Cr l'reston tr.at th e request be referred to the Fublic f;rof€.,rty Committee, wi th power tl) act. " Carried IT From Bmrr,anville Chamber of Cor1:r1erce in reference to minutes pb.ssed at their meeting in regard to Signing officers for their bank: account. 1:oved b3' Cr Hehder seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that Cr L.G. Ireston be autllorized to sign all cheques on behel f of the Town for the Industrial and Publicity B'1nk acco unt. " Ctlrriad tI From Trans Canada lipe Lines Ltd Culcary enclosing statement of costs of the pipe line. " Rec & Filed " Ri;POaTS ~p Rv Carruthers pre~ented a report fron the fin~ce committee submitting sundry account amounting to ~~~6,446.28, &nd Public School Building accounts for "$2540.16 certified as baing correct 'and recoI::Xlending payment. " Rec & Adopted" ],:oved b~' Rv I,ittle seconced by Dp Hv Cf1rruther3 that &11 agreem3nt be signed by the Ma~'or and Clerk with the Chrlfitian Heform Church to keep open a drainage ditchon the former ,:urd l-'roperty on Jackrrnn Road. rI C rried " Moved by Cr Biegon seconded bt' Cr Lander thE:l.t the Clerk he instructed to wr~te the four local dealers for prices~ on i ton and ~ ton piCk up delivery trucks, 1955 and 1956 models, to be received by December 15th and the t the finanCE:: cOP.lITlittee &nd roaes aLd streets committee meet and decide if it is possible to purchase the truck this year, with power to ect. If Carried" 1':oved hr Cr Hehn.er seconded t,y Dp .t:v iJE.rrUi..her?; that tte Police Committee 00 authorized to spend up to ~ 100.00 for repairs to police cells. II Carried If lI:oved by Cr Hi~gon seconded t-y Cr Preston that the €'ccount of Anger Bras for $ 500.CO for steps be pni.d as soon as they are completed. " Carried n 1:oved by Gr Hi,r:f,on seconDed by Cr Brough that the plv.ns for the fire escape be upproved and copy be sent 'hack. " Carried" BY-T,A'i! By Ljttle 8.::>ked permir;sion to introduce u By-Law to provide f'ar the qutilifications of }~aster glectrjciar;.s ar;r9. ,Tourneymen electricians engaged in electrical i.nstallation and service work in tre Tow!l of BoV;'manville. Gr&nted 6.r.d reart the first tiMe. On I'lOtion rule 33 v..-aB suspended and Council went ir;to committee of the whole on second reading, the :r.Tayor in the chair. On cotrJTlittee rising the l:a~lor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-Law was then read a second arrl ,third tiI'le, passed and ordered to be signed end sealed. :\~:~:dt;~n~_~t~;e~~~:_U.~::;:l~~~:n~:~a:~ ~~ .~~~~~~1~~~~~~~ ~~:V~:~::~~~v~t~e~:: _~:::J '"~~~!~~ v--- .~.., ~ ___,_.~c,oc-=------- - .....----.- ...-.. - ..-.. --..----- __...oc___. -.---.--......------- Council Room December6th, 1955 enscribed of all forMer mayors of the Town. " Carried 1! }.;oved by Rv J~it tIe seconded by Cr T~ancter t rn t ~-; 10.00 be pal d to }.:r Arthur Bellman for repairs marte to drive!f/8Y curb on Centre St. " Carried" Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Higgon that the lIejo'or issue a proclamation declaring Tuesday DeC8IlJ.ber 27th, Boxing Day, a public holiday. n Carried " 1:1' C.S. Oke, building inspector presented a report of buildine permits issued during the year 1955. 1Ioved by Dp Rv Carrutre 1'3 seconded by Or Rehder thtit the report of the building inspector be accepted. " Carried" On ~:otion Council ud,i}Jurne<l. ';~f ;(,,, ~ / j~. Clerk. Mayor. t~l/P~, Speci&l Lander, for the Council Roo~, December 22nd, 1955 nembers all present excepting Cr called the meeti ng to open tenders meeting of Coupeil was helcl on above dElte, tl-E ~'ayor rresidirg and stated tl:at he had rUI"chase ("If a truck and r:e1'sral huslness. GnmmrICA'l'IOES Frof!'. Bown:onville Planl"ing end Development Board recommedning that an amendment te reade to tre zoning by-law in reference to the established building line for new buildings in corrrrlerciB.l zonAS and that bulldir.e: permit be issued to Bradford Hoshel A.ssociates for the new post offlce-. t:oved by Dp Rv Carru-LherR seconded by Rv Lit.tle Bradford Hoshv.l j~f)sociates rOT the construction that buildine permits be issued to of t re new post office. n ;;ar ried If From Bowmanville Public :Jchool Board stating that contract hB s been warded to Speckert rorris Engineerint:, ~::Elrtham, for the construction of a six rDom addition to tre 'tincent l:assey school and reqUesting that approval be obtained from the Ontario, h"unicipal Board for t he is sue of debenture s amount ing to 4l 110,000.00 ! 1foved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Rehder t,hat permission be obtained frop! the Ontario 1:unicipal Board for their e..I'proval to issue debentures Elmounti,ng to U 110,000.00 for the construction of & six rooT'l addition to too Vincent Mass,ey School. If Carried II 'l'enders were received fron t }le follrndng for the purchase of R i ton and ~, ton piclrup delivery truck; Pe.lrner lintor ;3&18s, Cowan Equipment Co ann. Roy 'N Nichols. },:oved by Rv Little s-econded by Dp Rv Carruthers thEt no truck te purchased' at tile present time, and thBt tenders be hel d over and broucht before next year' 5 Coune! 1. II Carried 11 Moved by Cr Preston seconded by C1' Rehder that tbe tl&tter of purchase and delivery of cold :pe.tch be left in t.he hunds of the Roads and [3treets COMP!itt.ee with power to act. i tI Cnrried " the sale of old or Carried 11 to $ 2408.23 II Carried " ~,:oved by Gr Rehder seconded by Or lreston that $ 35.00 rEH.:eived frOIT" rubber boots be .spent on e hot 'lIater beater lor tho fire hall. 1:oved by IJp Rv CE:.rruthers seconded by Cr Brough th&t taxes arlOunting being write off's and adjustMents be written off. On 1,Totion Council Etd,iourned. /)~;:~ /J:h_____ ' . ! I /. c; '~7 '-L. .j / Cler t. l,:ayor. ) ,~