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From Northumber land-Durham Health Unit, Cobourp" in reference to munici pal water supply
for residents of M111 Lane and ScugCl? St north.
Moved by Cr Reheer seconded by Cr Brough that the letter he laid on the table until
cost of construction is determined by pro perty owners involved. If Carried"
From 1'r Arthur Jl'l1eler and otlEr residentB in t he vicinity of Lamher and Queen streets
complaining of the property at the comer of Lar.1bert and Queen Streets bel ng used as a
dumping ground by 1'r C laren ce G rton.
lioved by Or Higgon seconded by Bp Rv Carrut re rs that e letter be s ant to l:r Garton
requesting him to clean up tl'B lot. IT Carried"
From 1cr Nor""n J "cott tlEnking Council for tbe reoognition and benquet given to
members and executive of the Broakdale Roses Intermediate If B " champions of Ontario.
" Ree & Filed IT
to deed over e part of road allowance of SOugcg
From h:r L.C. },:ason requesting Counci 1
st to ~r Alan G Williams.
1:oved by IIp Rv Carrut IE rs seconded by Rv Lit tl e tIE t sub ject to the approval of the
Pl!l.nning Board that Counc! 1 deed over to Mr Alan G jjilliarns part of' the rood allowance
of unopened Scugog St and if it be necessary to adverrise tlllt it be done.
. n Carried
From Mra Vii)ctoria Frank. Scugcg St requesting to purchase one yard of pre-mix
Moved by H.v Little seconded by Dp Rv CarrutMrs that no action be takel1 and that llrs
Frank be advised. tt Carried It
The Clerk presented a report of the result of the Liquor License Act vote held on
Oa.t ober 26th as follows;-
Government stores for the S1;l.le of' beer;-
Sale of Liquor under a dining
Yes 1891, No 1164, 1lajority Yes 727
bei ng 56 votes over the re1uired 60 %
room Hcenoe; Yes 1588 No 1408 1;ajority Yes 160
being 210 votes short of the required 60 ';&
Yes 1799, No 1246 Majority Yes
being 28 votes short of the required
,., Rec &. Filed
From 1:r Harold L Cornall. 18 Durham at requesting tm t the ditch and storm sewer be
cleaned out opposite his property as water is flOOding his land after rains.
Moved by "v Little seconded by Dp Rv Carrutbers that the complaint be left in the hands
of' the Roads and streets committee with power to act. " Carried ,.,
From Public School Board enclosing copy of letter received from }f:r G.A. Pearson
superintendant of elementary education grRnting approval of a six room addit ion to
Vincent Massey School. " Reo & Filed"
Frol!l. Northuroberlend-Th.1.rham Heal th Unit. Cobourg. enclosing report for the month of
September, 1955 " Rec & Filed tI
From Mr Wm W 'He tt. 1;ear ns Ave. complaining of the bad condit ion of Mearns Ave and
requesting tlEt it be repaired.
h~oved by Cr Rehder seconded by Cr Higgon that the complaint be referred to the roads
and streets committee with power to act. " Carried"
From Fire rarshe.ll, Toronto a.dvising of a training course fer Fire Chiefs to be held
at Univereity of Toronto on Nov 16th to 18th, 1955
Moved by Or Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that the letter be referred to the Fire
Committee with power to act. ,., C~.rrled "
From ~:r Arthur Bellman, 17 Centre St requesting I8yment of $ 10.00 for repairs to curb
in front of hie pro perty.
h:oved by up Rv Carrutrers seconded by Or Brough that the request be referred to the
Reeds and 3treets Committee to investi~te with power to act. "Carried"
From Arena l!anagElr.ElJt Committee enclOSing cheque for # 1.000.00 on account of }:fiyIJent
on Artificial Ice debentures.
~oved by Dp Rv Car rut be rs 5 econded by Rv Lit tl e
the Arena 11anagement committee.
IFrom BownanvilJ.e Planning and DevelojlllBnt Board
been rezoned.
From Hydro Elextric Power Connnission. Toronto requ8atint; easement. for
lines passing over town property north of C.N. Railway.
Government stores far the sale of liquor;
60 %
that a letter of tlEnks be
sent to
tI I:arried ,.,.
in referene to two' properties that has
" Ree & .b111ed
" Rec &. Filed tt
};i;jJ::. r~;~e~~:;~i~~;~~~n~~r. ~~~~:~~fo~~~~rs~~~~~~~~~;~ ~~mbe:~~RE't:~;t:~i~~ir
E'rom Clerk 'l'C1Nnship of Cramahe. Colborne stating that relief had been granted to Mrs
Lloyd Barnes a former resident of the Town. It Rec &. Filed"
Frorn Chief Accountan t. Del1artm8l1t of Highways, Toronto ststaing that the TCMn. has no
Rlaim against the a,apartment of high\Jays for services of the fire brigade at a fire on
~ Highway 401 and that aocount b9 sent to the owners of the vehicles. "Rec & Filed"
From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa in reference to application of the
Trans Cereda Pipe Lines Ltd n Reo & Filed n
Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the finance committee SUbmitting sundry
eccounts emounting to $,'21,240.44 and Public Sohool Building eccounts emounting to
$'764.91 certified es being correct end recommen:ling peY'l"'nt. n hec & Adopted"
Moved by Dp Rv Cerruthers seconded by Cr Riggon tbat the Clerk be instructed to contact
Doneven & Richards to survey the Clarke property in order to furnish a deed to Mr Clark1
" Carried "
~:oved by Rv Little seconde1 by Cr Brou~ tmt the roads and Streets committee be givw>
power to act in reEfi rd to purchase of blades and lights for the grader. n Carried
l:oved by itv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carrutb9rs that the roads and streets committee
be authorized to purchase a heatS' for./t, J:ril ~. at.,,"" . n approximate oost of $ 40.00
~ i'e'" {(:fd1lAJ t-#(/ " Carried II
lioved by Rv Little seconded by Or Broul~' that the roads and streets cOI:lD1ittee be
authorized to purchase the necessary snow fence and posts. " Carried"
Moved by liv Little seconded by Cr Brou~ that the roads and streets committee meet in
tbs near future to draw up specl'flcRtlons for roads in new sub-divisions.
Q, Car ried n
1:oved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr ReId er tha. t the roads and streets committee be
auhhorlzed to install a culvert at the corner" of ':l.'hird and Liberty Sts~ "Carried"
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the Fire Brigade be granted $422.50
for outsj de fires. " Carried"
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Higgon that the cemetery committee be authorized to
purchase a rubter coat, rubber patns and gloves for the cemetery caretaker. "Carried"
1:oved by Cr Lander seconded by Or Brough that turkeys be purchased for Christmes,for
Town e:c1ployees ans fire chief. II Carried"
l.oved by !..ir Higgon seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that all cheques or nr:te~ of the
Corpora.tion drawn on any account with the Bank of lIontreal be signed on its behalf
by Nelson E Osborne, l~ayar or Sidney Little, Reeve and by A.J.Lyle 'l'reasurer or
Clarence S Oka, Assistant Treasurer. It Carried"
fLo. /fp 0 I
ho l~o.2
Hv Little asked permission to introduce the following by-laws;
'1'0 authorize th3 Obtaining of temporary advances to meet the cost of certaLn works
undertaken as a local improvement pending the co~pletion thereof.
to ,close part of Coleman dtreet.
Graned and read th e first time. On mot ion rule 3 J was suspended and Counci 1 'Nent i nta
cOI:lnittee af the whole on second reading the }.:a~'or in tIE chm r. On conmittee ris ing
the :r.~ayor reported the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-laws wwre then
read s second and third time, passed and orderea to be signed and sealed.
On 1:otion Council adjourned.