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Council Room October 4th, 1955
1Ioved by Rv Little seoonded by Or Brough that the roads end streets committee be
authorized to purchsse the necessary equipnEnt for the snow ploughs. " Carried"
Rv Little asked permission to introduce a by-law to authorize tIE construction of
oertain works as Local Improvements.
Granted end read thE.. first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chalr. On committee rising
the ~:ayor reported tm second reading with ell blanks filled in. By-Low was then read
a sacond and thi I'd time, passed and ordered to be a1 gned and sea! ad.
!.:oved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Regan that the special coomittee be authorized to
spend up to V 350.00 for regognltlon of too Brookdale Roses Intermediate " B "
champions of Ontario and to mBke all neoessary arrangements. " Carried"
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Roads and Streets Committee
be instructed to have an a~reerent drawn up with ta.:r Fred 'Nard in reference to a drain
passing through his property on Jackn<m Road. " Carried"
l':oged by Cr Brough seconded by Cr lander that the Clerk be instructed to write to
the Depe.rtm€llt of Highways, Toronto requesting Viyment of :I) 100.00 for services of
fire brigade ~ttending a truck on fire on Highway No 401 east of the TOM:m limits on
Friday evening SeptEll1ber 2nd, 1955. " Carried "
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On t.lotion Counci 1 aC1 journed.
Counoil Room, Oct 24th, 1955
Special meeting of Council was held on above date, members all present the Mayor
presiding and etated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a
By-L w.
Moveg by Cr Regan seconded by Cr ITeston t hat the que stion of munioipal garbage
colleotion be submitted to the ratepayers at the municipal eleotion as follows;-
" Are you in favor of the Town Council passing a by-law establishing a municipal garbage
collection. " " Motion lost"
~oved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lander that tm fire committee be authorized to
purchase 100 feet of 2~ inch fire hose at a cost or $ 1.73 per foot. " Carried.
~oved by Dp Rv Carruthers eeconded by Cr Riggon that the matter of the purohase of
rubber boots be left in the hands of the Fire committee with power to act. . Carried"
Moved by Rv Little second ed by DpRv Carruthers that tm pUblic property oommittee have I
power to act in regard to the purohase of a sign for the police offioe. "Carried.
I<V Little asked permission to introduoe a by-law for the holding of munioipal elections.
Graned and read the first time. On mction rule 33 was luspended and Counoil went into
oO!lllllittee Of the whole on second reading tm mayor in the chair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported, the seoond reading with all blanks filled in. By-law was than read
a second ~Dd ,third time, passed and ordered to be Signed and sealed.
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Un Juotion Council adjourned.
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