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Council Room, October 4th, 1955
Regular meeti ng of Council m,8 held on above date, member s all present the Mayor
presiding. Llinutes of last regular ani special ineetings were read and on motion
From !.:r William Matioe and others petitioning for the construction of a watermein on
Scugog street and Mill tene from Jackmin Road to the north end 01' Mill Lane.
Moved by Rv Little saconded by Cr Preston tmt the petition be left in abeyenca until
letter 1s received from the Boord of Health. " Carried tl
Moved by Cr Preston secondad by Cr Brough that the Clerk be iMtructed to obtain
Int'ormation in regard to exemption from Local Improvemen on farm property~
" Carried "
and Professiobal
in aid of tbe
Little that the letter be re1'erred to the
II Carried "
to jUdgnant in reference to
" Rec &, Filed "
had granted approval of
" Rec & Filed "
Oct 9th to 15th.
If Rec & Filed "
From Bowmanville Planning Board requesting Council to pass a sub-division control
,by-law ~ If Reo & Filed tl
IJi1rom Bowmanvimle }'lanning Board approving of' the transfEr to 1Ir J.J~ Flett ot' one f'oot
of reserve land road allowance but before transfer is made that the gralnage problem
Ishould be investigated.
~roved by Cr Higgon seoonded by Or J..e.nder that the roads end street s committee be
I~nst.ructed to meet with the planning bOOrd to discuss with them the problem of drainage
Ion t he proposed Flatt sub-division. " Carried "
IFrom lrr F.J ~ Mitchell and !.~rs Erie Osborne, Church St and Mr J .A~ Barton, Carlisle Ave
ire que sting the removal of trees in front of their respecti va propertieB~
From Mr Larmour. St Geor~ St, requesting to have a tree trimmed in front of his
~;oved by Cr Lander seconded by Cr Rehder that the rer_juests be referred to the I-ublic
fProperty Committee with power to Be t. " Carried"
IFrom Northumberland-Durham Heal th Unit, Cobourg, enclosing monthly reports for JuJy
iand August, 1955 It Rec &: Filed"
[From Mr and ~~rs J .H. Needham, Centre St thanking Councl I for flowers sent on the
10ceaatoD of their 50th wedding anniversary. " Rec & Filed tl
!From Eell Telephone Co, Oshawa advising of the dama~ to a buried cable at the junction
'of ScugC\O: St end laddle Road by a digging machine operoted by A;r Lelend Payne on Sept
1st, 1955 and s'esting that the account f'or coat of repfLirs would be rendered in due
~Joved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lander that the Clerk be instructed to notify
jtm insuranc e company. ., Carr led"
IFrom Counties Clerk, Cobourg, advising of patients being admitted to Bomanville
iMemorial Hospital and St 1Iichaels Hospital, Toronto. " Rec & Filed If
~1oved by Cr Riggan seconded by Cr Regan that the Bell Telephone Co be requested to sen-d
IUS a plan or their burled cables wi thin the Town fer future reference ~ tI Carried
Dp Hv Carruthers presented e report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry
accounts J3.mounting to $/h5,662~73 end Local Improvement accounts amounting to ~1198.00
certified as being correct .l3.nd recommending paym~t. " hec &. Adopted If
frOVed by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough tmt the Clerk be instructed to write Mr
.A. Ryder informing him that the Town will buy the two oar s 01' orushed stone lert on '
and and t~t payment for these will be made next January. ., Carried" J
oved by Rv Littl e seconded by Cr Brough that the Roads and Street. Committee be
authorized to purohese 50 tons of rock salt at e cost 01' $ 21.00 per ton. "Carried
~ ---------~---_.-._--------- ----
From Miss Ethel McKague asking permissior: for the Bowmanville Business
I '/Iomens Club to hold e tag day on Friday Oct 28th and Saturday Oot 29th
United Rations International Children. Emergenoy Fund.
1joved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder ths.t permission be granted. It Carried"
From Air Herman Fice, Haverly Road requesting the installation of street lights on
Waverly Road South.
A';oved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the request be referred to the
Public Property Committee with power to act. " CarJried "
From 11r Ralph S Jones, Oshawa requesting that the zoning by-law be amended to allow
a residential sub-division on the lands of the Hillcrest Heights Estates Ltd on
Liberty St north.
IMoved by Dp Hv Carruthers seconded by Rv
l'lenning board.
From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa in regard
Trens C noda Pipe Lines Ltd.
From Ontrlo l'unicipaJ. Board, Toronto stating that they
restricted araa by-law No 1587.
'From Fire !larshall, Toronto advising
of Fire Prevention week
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Council Room October 4th, 1955
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Cr Brough that the roads e.nd streets committee be
aut.horized to purcrese the necessary equipment for the snow ploughs. " Carried tI
Rv Little asked permission to introduce a by-law to authorize th3 oonstruction of
certain works as Local Improvements.
Granted and read thE.. first time. On motion rule 33 was suspended and Council went into
committee of the whole on second reading the Mayor in the chair. On oommlttee rising
the l:ayor reported tffi second reading with" 11 blanks filled in. By-Law was then read
a second and third time. passed and ordered to be signed and sealed.
t:oved by Cr Preston seconded by Cr Regan that the special cOr.mJ.lttee be authorized to
spend up to $ 350.00 for regognition of tffi Brookdale Roses Intermediate" B "
champions of Ontario and to make all neoessa.ry arrangements. " Carried"
Moved by Rv Little seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that ths Rosds and Streets Committee
be instructed to have an agreerrent drawn up with 1ir Fred Ward in reference to a drain
passing through his property on Jackm9.n Road. " Carried"
MOlred by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lander that the Clerk be instructed to write to
the DepartmEllt of Highways, Toronto requesting J:eyment of $ 100.00 for services of
fire brigade ~ttending a truck on fire on Highway No 401 east of the Tow.m limits onn
Friday evening September 2nd. 1955. " Carried
On Alation Counci 1 adjourned.
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Council Room, Oct 24th, 1955
Special meeting of Council was bBld on ebove date, members all present the Mayor
preSiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of passing a
By-L w.
Movea by Cr Regan seconded by Cr }'reston t bBt the que sti on of municipal garbage
collection be submitted to the ratepayers at the munioipal election as follows;- r
!' Are you in favor of t he Town Counoil passing a by-law establiShing a munloi~l garbag
colle otton. " n Motion lost"
Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Lander that tre fire committee be authorized to
purchase 100 fset of 2: inch fire hose at a cost of * 1.73 per foot. " Carried"
Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Riggon that the matter of the purchase of
rubber boots be left in the hands of tbB Fire oommittee with power to act. "Carried "I'
Moved by Rv Little second ed by DpRv Carruthers that tffi public property committee have
powsr to act in regard to the purchase of a sign tor the police offics. "Carried" I
l<v Little asked permission to introduce a by-law for the holding of municipal elections'.
Graned and read the first time. On motion rule 33 was IUapended and Council went into I
committee of ths whols on second reading tffi mayor in the ohair. On committee rising
the Mayor reported. the second reading with all blanks filled in. By-law was then read
a second and.third time, passed and ordered to be signed and sealed. :
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Un kotion Council adjourned.
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