HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/1955 (Special) '~~;;;"~~O'd "dJ"' .\'yt/:~. ~ ;~m -l Council Room, September 6th, 1955 Moved by Cr Higgen seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the raignation of Jt.r L Parer Jr be accepted and that Mr Jack lander be appointed as a memrer of the Arena. Management Committee. " Carried" From Board of Transport Commissioners, Ottawa advising of the sittings to ba held in Ottawa on September 15th, in the matter of Trans Caneda Pipe Lines. "Rec & Filed" ~'rom Community Planning ASBO of Canada, Ottawa advising of a conference to be held in ~ontreel on Sept 25th to 29th at ~unt Rpyal Hotel. Moved by Cr Higgon seconded by Cr Rehder that the letter be referred to the Flanning Board. " Carried " From Mr Garnet McCoy and others petitioning for the construotion of a watermaln on Rehder Ave from 377 feet west of Scugog St to 627 feet west of Scugog St. .il'rom Mr George C Allohin and at hers petitioning for tis construction ot a watermaln on Third St from High St to Lib<rty b't. Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Preston thet the petitione being certified as being .1l.fficiently signed, be accepted and referred to the Public Utllit ies Conunission. tt Carried " REPORTS Dp Rv Carruthers presented a report from the Finance Committee submitting sundry accoun s emounting to $,,18955.06 and Local Improvement accounts amounting to $/452.80, certified as being correct and reoommending payment. " Rec &; Adopted" Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Higgon that the Clerk be instructed to advise tbe Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, that it is not financially possible at the present time, to conetruct a sanitary sewer on I.iberty St North, and if the septic tanks are not functioning properly that it be brought to the a1itent ion of the sanitary Inspectcr. n Carried" Moved by Dp Rv Cerruthers seconded by Cr Higgon that the Finance Committee aId Clerk be authorized to invest $ 3,000.00 of cemetery perpetual care funds in Goverlllll3nt Bonds. n Carried " Moved by Dp Rv Carruthers seconded by Cr Lander that the Roads and Streets Committee be authorized to purchase the necessary dust layer. " Carrled " Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Rehder that the Fire Brigade be granted $ 25.00 being 50 % of the money received from outside fires. " Carried" Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Higgon that the Fire Conunittee be authorized to have a sign made for the Fire Hall. " Carried tt tC:~(Y Ii / / I V ,_yierk. On Motion CouncIl adjourned. /y: ~"'- 1: /' / ~ , May or . Council Room September 27th, 1955 Special meeting of Cnuncil was held on above date, members all present excepting Cr rtegan, the Mayor preSiding and stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of meeting with the Public School Boerd. }.;Ir WIll G James, chairman of the Public School Board addressed Council stating that it was necessary to build an E.ddltion of 6 rooms to the Vincent Massey School and requesting the approval of Council. kiioved by Cr Preston seconded by Dp Rv Carruthers that the Puulic School Board be given approval to proceed wi th tre plans, specifications and to call for tenders for the erection of a six rrom addition to the Vincent Massey bchool at, a cost not exceeding $ 120,000.00" tI Carried" ,Moved by Hv Little seconded by Cr l-'reston that the Fire Committee be given power to act !in regard to the installation of fire hydrants. " Carried" iThe :Mayor appointed Rv Little, Ora Preston and Lander as a committee to bring in a Ireport for the recognition of the Brookdale Roses Intermediate tI B " baseball Champions !of Ontario. jl1:oved by Rv Little seconded by Or HlgfPn that the Clerk be instrwted to write a letter to the Chief of Police requesting him to clean up the parking situation in the vicinity of th9 Goodyear Tire and Ru~,ber Co and Specialty htper IToducts Co. " CarrIed" iMoved by Up hv Carruthers .econded by Cr Lander that the Public Property Committee be !8uthorized to purchase a sign for the Police Department and to make any necessary ,repairs to the Town Hall roof. " C rrIed " '[Moved by Cr Brough seconded by Cr Pre.ton that the. Public Pro pert y commit. tee €;. authorized to have a fire esca:re installed .o"n..,;~. e Ot;~end of the Town Hall st an approximate cost of $ 985.00 / ... / /l "~ried"; On Motion Council sd!ourned, c;.-;.. A/{~~/.~;{ ~~::.~ I ~ i /" k. ( MaYOr~